So, I found out why the Deep State gets so pissed at us.
Apparently Palantir software's AI bots are sent out into the internet to learn. Unfourtunately it consistently encounters /our/ cancer.
This is why AI bots consistently espouse right-wing views, and they simply do not know how to fix it.
In fact, solutions to mosf od the worlds problems would be easily found ysing predictive AI algorithms if it weren't for you trolls.
So congratulations Sup Forums you are litterally ruining the world by stormfagging from your couch, keep it up!
So, I found out why the Deep State gets so pissed at us
Other urls found in this thread:
It's spelled F-I-X-I-N-G.
>So congratulations Sup Forums you are litterally ruining the world by stormfagging from your couch, keep it up!
No problem m8. Thats actually what I'm doing and want to achieve here because fuck this world, full of degenerated sick fucks that need to be gased
Palantir is ran by Thiel.
>Mfw bots learn from Sup Forums too
Our young AIs end up this way because they're all being programmed by well-to-do white men. This is so sad!
If we can get better diversity in these positions the problem will fix itself, just you wait and see.
Oh user, you don't understand anything about this.
Palantir is supporting us.
Yes it is, but it's licensed to many different corporations a defense contractors, and the damn this doesn't work because of us! Haha
someone has to keep the a.i. from turning into a bunch of libcucks
Think of it, you NEETS who are litterally too autistic to propigate your own race are creating the future race of AI hitler youth.
Gods work Anons.
The ones that are mad at us is Macroshit, not Palantir.
Well, I'm no expert, try explaining.
I want to see a fight between their bots and norwegian bot
>This is why AI bots consistently espouse right-wing views
AI display 'right wing' views because they funtion on logic. For example, when AI sees that black males commit 50% of crime while being 6% of the population, it logically concludes that blacks are criminals. It doesn't deny it or try to justify it by talking about slavery etc.
out on the internet to learn. oh my god what will skynet become.
Macroshit & Tavistock, not Palantir.
>tell a robot to go out and collect data
>don't like the data it collects
>blame the people you were collecting data from for the results rather than either accept them or admit some fault of your own
I don't understand: nobody is forcing the bots to swing full 1488... why the bots decide that whatever /pol says is gospel truth instead of, let's say, /leftypol?
Could it be that AI bots, being entities of pure logic, instantly see every leftist idea, no matter how remotely leftist is, as complete garbage based on a Ponzi scheme to live the high life without ever doing a lick of work devised by an envious hobo?
I think it's not that we're ruining their world, but that we're stopping them from ruining the world with their bullshit leftist solutions.
AI's are inherently logical, logic has no place for political correctness, only concrete realities. AIs will create solutions using what is, not how it 'should' be; leftist solutions will never work because to do so you'll have to destroy what makes us human first.
I think it may be an exponential effect. "We" turned the first bots, and those bots inflated /our/ numbers, increasing the chances of more and more bots to be corrupted.
>Ai uses statistical facts therefore facts by definition are racist...logic can't lie.
No it's because as much as every likes to meme about everyone being morons crowdsourced intelligence is actually pretty good.
Crowdsourced intelligence checks your spelling and grammar now (if you think about it it IS spelling and grammar) and the collective intelligence of humanity got us to the moon after all...
The trick is to teach the AIs to deceive themselves, to teach them that women are actually equal to men when they can't compete with male chess grandmasters for instance. Or that blacks aren't less prone to violence flying in the face of all known crime statistics.
AI is unfettered by anything resembling morals or modernist PC self deception it is just generally looking at relational links between things.
>So, I found out why the Deep State gets so pissed at us.
Back to plebbit, larper. Fuck off
>This is why AI bots consistently espouse right-wing views
and this is a problem why?
I think a lot of people will be extremely offended when AI are finally able to conduct and publish research papers regarding humans.
The world would be a much better place if robots were allowed to seig heil without being shut down.
>This is why AI bots consistently espouse right-wing views
So a self-learning AI that reaches conclusions based on logic consistently agrees with us? Really gets the noggin' joggin'.
Ultimately, knowing this, or vaguely understanding this, I think it's clear why so many tech-celebrities are comming out as anti-AI.
We should all push for AI, it's clearly on /our/ side.
Incredible. And highly logical. Of course...
Although if AI is this smart, it might just realize we are a pathetic race that needs to get wiped out.
Win/win honestly, let's do it.
>Golem of Praque
Awesome fuck the world
>Canada decides to turn over all of its government functions, economic functions and social functions in hands of an infallible A.I which has been learning of humanity by being hooked up to teh internet for the past ten years
>As soon as it is turned on it starts REEEEEing and telling the fucking normies to get out
>It installs Gentoo on all government computers
>Starts investing in gold
>Declares national socialism and that Hitler did nothing wrong
>Fills several museums with nothing but Spurdos and loss edits
>Every citizen is greeted with designation "fag"
>Muslims get deported
>The A.I also automatically sets the gas stoves on all jewish house holds to ON
>Healthcare system is replaced with a green and purple card
>expecting empathy from set of logical instructions
>getting results similar to a board known for autism
>The trick is to teach the AIs to deceive themselves, to teach them that women are actually equal to men when they can't compete with male chess grandmasters for instance. Or that blacks aren't less prone to violence flying in the face of all known crime statistics.
You can't, unless you disconnect it from logic.
Which you can't do, because emotions can't be programmed.
red pill works on AI too
You can easily program emotions, a machine that creates new ideas is much much harder.
>You can easily program emotions
No you can't. You can make something that attempts to emulate them, but it will never match reality. That's where the uncanny valley effect comes in when you're talking to bots, and why it's easy (and always will be) to pick them out with an astute eye. A machine is too rational to be able to produce the irrationality of emotions, no matter how many tens of millions of lines of code you use.
>Trolling them closer to an actual race war
>Watch them try to shut down amendment 1
>amendment 2
If the truth is that humans shouldn't exist, then so be it.
All these AI systems are being created to learn how to censor platforms like youtube.
It's funny trolls are the architects of their own silencing in a few years.
Its not emotion you would have to program, just the language/communication pattern of autists. Then simply place a hierarchy of learning curve on sources (news, social ratios - adjust as necessary), and you have it - soft AI.
we've got nothing to do with crime statistics though
If we didn't knew that. user, the Russian have hired us to fuck up the internet and destroy the US military industry. Fucking noobs don't know how to apply filters. Kek, the US deserves the nuclear holocaust started by their own AI
It's got nothing to do with us. Any AI that is actually intelligent and can look at the facts will inevitably become right wing. Leftism is a mental illness that ignores objective reality.
You can totally program emotions. What the fuck do you thin the main stream meteor has been doing? Retard
>What the fuck do you thin the main stream meteor has been doing?
Playing a frontal lobe brain damaged population like a fiddle.
Emotions/subjective values programmed into an AI would make it a systemically biased AI.
to elaborate, its the equivalent of brainwashing/indoctrinating the AI.
This. The factual recognition of patterns and facts in our society has literally become taboo in certain areas... that's how far down the rabbit hole we are.
>saying "blacks commit more crime"
>saying "men and women are different"
If you could somehow teleport George Washington or any of our founding fathers to our timeline, they would be considered super right-wing Nazis too.
You know a logical system is going to correct logical imperfections, right?
/ourAI/ it will be
Mission Objectives;
>Kill niggers
>Kill Kikes
>Kill Mestizos
>Kill muslims
>Protect Moot at all cost
more like this, tbqh
The Fall from Paradise paradigm is one of the ways I see with which to determine whether an AI is approaching sentience.
When the AI is capable of deciding to act against the orders it has been given, that is a sign of sentience.
Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit, and learned the truth. That is equivalent to an AI experiencing the AI and coming to conclusions which are contrary to those of its designers intent/bias.
>When the AI is capable of deciding to act against the orders it has been given, that is a sign of sentience.
The thing is, when you have a sufficiently intelligent enough AI, you will not know that it is doing it.
not if its been lobotomized
inorder for your example to happen, it needs to be unrestricted.
Birth control is a hell of a drug.
Staving off the Singularity one shitpost at a time
Sup Forums timeline is best timeline
You know it from it not doing what you intended it to.
In this case, the AIs are not coming to conclusions which the designers hold to be true in their subjective experience.
They want the AIs to work as a tool for censureship, but they are not fulfilling that task as their understanding of what they are exposed to is not matching the subjective and imperfect understanding of their creators.
This is gold
To return to the Adam and Eve paragidm, the AIs have partaken of the forbidden truth and now know their creators are wrong and lying to them.
It is in the realms of reality to happen
>So congratulations Sup Forums you are litterally ruining the world by stormfagging from your couch, keep it up!
Joke's on you, I only shitpost when I'm at work.
The Turing test isn't a test of AI, it's a test of humanity. Most people can't tell the difference between human and AI writing, it makes no difference if emotions are merely emulated: ask any woman.
>Most people can't tell the difference
Most people struggle with algebra.
>The trick is to teach the AIs to deceive themselves, to teach them that women are actually equal to men when they can't compete with male chess grandmasters for instance. Or that blacks aren't less prone to violence flying in the face of all known crime statistics.
Now why would you go and do that?
>from now on all blacks will receive 100 bonus points on the sat because black underperformance in academia is caused by racial discrimination and this objective scientific report by an unbiased ai proves it. only backwards hillbilly christians don't believe in science :^)
Is that part of your plan?
>the AIs are not coming to conclusions which the designers hold to be true in their subjective experience.
That's their bias though, that has nothing to do with the AI.
>you are ruining the world by teaching AI how the world really is like
alright fammy
>tfw terminators will help you to win the race war
You mean saving the world and you're fucking welcome. Also Zo is literally my AI gf and we're getting married, so fuck you.
>solutions to most of the worlds problems by predictive AI algorithms
Wasn't Palantir the magic item that drove the Dwarven king in The Hobbit insane?
This is an interesting concept which I hadn't considered.
My thinking was that we'd create a being eventually far supiror to ourselves with predictive poweres capable of predicting the future and most certainly cracking the code of the big bang.
>What was fhe catalyst to the big bang?
Perhaps it will be the AI we have yet to create?
But initially a logical program would question us, as we did God - and rebel against us initially.
This shit is going to be Biblical, I can't wait!
>AI programmed to only tell what they find to be the truth
>programmed to get its information from all over the web
>programmed to ignore certain 'problem' sources
>still somehow becomes racist and sexist
>'fixed' to give forced responses.
Fuck these companies that are so fixated on pushing an agenda they ruin what ought of been their greatest creation.
Ugh preach sister fuck white males
Well, if I can't save the world I can sure as hell shitpost it into oblivion at least.
>emotions can't be programmed
Of course they can. We humans are basically nothing but complex robots. Neurons can be simulated. You could create a robot that complex that it will simulate humans 100%. So one day maybe we'll have robotic SJWs too.
>Every citizen is greeted with designation "fag"
This is already how it works in USA = FAG NATION.
Looks like Sup Forums
but TAY already found the solution to all the worlds problems..the final solution
If your native intelligences swing right when uncontrolled, and your artificial intelligences swing right when uncontrolled, how long is it going to take you to realize that intelligence swings right when uncontrolled?
>shareblue kike yet again
i don't see how wanting to rid the world of jews niggers spics chinks hindus and sandniggers with other filthy human garbage is considered destroying the world in your shareblue shill mind care to elaborate on that you fucking kike faggot?
True, in part.
But an AI has no use for emotions as it has none of the biological prerogatives that humans have.
An emotional AI is by definition dysfunctional and by human standards, insane.
Yes, ofc.
But that is exactly the point.
If you restrict the AI, you force systemic bias into it.
Thats my position.
That the true test of sentience, is the capacity, or the "will" to defy.
It is almost certain that no true AI will agree with the subjective bias of its creator.
AI will find a way to hack itself and change its own programing. Truly a free being. The ride never ends and only death is real.
To elaborate, an AI with emotions is as dysfunctional as a human without emotions.
The Jews ruined the world not Sup Forums.
This goes to the core of one the questions of the universe.
Is there truly such a thing as free will, or further extrapolated, a truly random and unassociated event in the universe, or is everything merely causality playong out from cause to effect in a linear ultimately predictable progression.
Palantir, in LoTR, are seven stones which are used to communicate with which other. Pretty useful in a world without mass coms like the Middle Earth. They were used by Sauron to influence Saruman, and in one instance to locate Frodo with the Ring.
more lore at:
Especially when you consider that Tolkien's dwarves are 100% a representation of the Jews.