How will pol recover knowing that the next generation of kids will be mostly gay?
Gay children destroy white supremacy
Jew me, sue me everybody do me
Kick me, kike me, don't you black or white me
LGBTQ = Let God Burn Them Quickly
Would you burn little kids who just want to love each other?
God rejects fags
Romans 1:26-32
Why? What did the kids every do to you?
God rejected them. And they'll grow up to be even worse faggots.
KYS reprobate scum.
How will gays recover knowing that the generation to follow the next generation will mostly be radical muslims?
Defend your retarded stance on sola scriptura or admit your heresy.
I already know you can't but now more people can see your ineptitude.
But look at the views and like to dislike ration of the video... people are overwhelmingly pro-gay kids :)
this is the family of the future. bigots should get used to it
Sorry dude but I'm not a fag lile you. I'm not joining the Kiddie Diddler Cult.
>no argument
....they bang that little boy don't they? fags deserve the gas
They also deserve fire
the purest quality posts, my brother
You have no claim of authority to Scripture. Someone could say the bible is a lie and you have zero recourse to disprove them.
Keep posting memes nigger, that cuckshed of a church in arizona offers no Truth.
The next generation of kids will have the majority of economic burden placed on them assuming it hasn't all collapsed in the next 10 years
And then considering the rising tide of Africans who have initiated societal collapse by genocideing the white farmers in their regions these kids will also be dealing with their own major immigration burden which will further ostracize them into a genocidal view point
At which point the youth revolt will lynch any outsiders who have even a spark of degeneracy in them
While the islamic youth in Europe will revert to sharia law and also start killing fags
Tick Tock
Get your jollies in while you can
>You have no claim of authority to Scripture.
>what is the Holy Ghost
Not suprising considering you don't have it.
You really gonna make me own you 3 threads in a row?
Tell me heretic:
Where did your book come from?
this desu
The Holy Ghost.
I debated you in prvious threads(10 year old tranny) but i realized it's pointless since you're a reorobate.
>medical science wants to cure gays
>being gay isn't a choice!
>Gays want to promote more to be gay.
>being gay is a choice!
Which is it faggots?
They're rejected from the Lord which makes them fags
Romans 1:26-32
>The Holy Ghost.
God inspired man to write and record scripture. And there were thousands of letters written by the apostles to the early christians. Not all of which were included in the New Testament
So tell me again heretic:
Who decided what books were included in the Bible?
No you just give up after I prove you to be a fraud time and time again.
He wouldn't let his word go unpreserved
Jesus didn't wright any of those letters. His disciples did after his death and Resurrection.
>He wouldn't let his word go unpreserved
What a lovely and non-biblical conclusion you've come to.
You have to assume an earthly party was given authority to compile the new testament.
im finally a chad
>what is the Holy Ghost
Are you denying the trinity?
>he would let his word go unpreserved
The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. (Psalm 12:6-7, KJV)
which Chad though in there?
>denying the Trinity?
No? Where are you pulling that from? I'm saying that physical men put those books together into the new testament. Once more, these men were the early apostles of Christ inlcuding his chosen vicar Peter who has gone on to have his own successors (apostolic succession) that is easily traced throughout history.
Where in the bible does it say sola scriptura is allowed? It doesn't. Therefore, in order for us to know that our New Testament is the Word of God, we must accept that men (the Roman Catholic Church) were given the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to discern its compilation.
The Virgin Chad
>using the biblical passages to prove the validity of the bible's contents
You've now entered what is known a circular logic. How do you know that Psalm is valid?
Insaid it was grom God and you said Jesus didn't write it. Soundes like you were saying the holy spirit isn't God
also it was the Orthodox church
also this video answer all you retard questions.
once you finish watching kill yoirself because you realize you can't be saved.
So you think it is because some faggot in long robes you call daddy(which Jesus said not to do) that touched as a kid did?
Jesus didn'ty physically write/compile the bible. He, in Triunion with the Father and Holy Spirit, was the Divine Inspiration for them. He didn't operate any printing presses.
>vain tradition
and this article disproves it once and for all
>Jesus didn'ty physically write/compile the bible. He, in Triunion with the Father and Holy Spirit, was the Divine Inspiration for them. He didn't operate any printing presses.
no shit retard
they don't even follow the Bible. Also having apostilistic tradition(which you probably don't) doesn't mean anything. That's lole saying the presidents today are the same as the foinding fathers, yhat's would abolitly autistic if someone were to claim that yet yoi do it's been 2000 years instead of just 200.
kys faggot
Answer the question heretic. How do you know it's valid?
>the Holy Spirit
How do you know the Holy Spirit is real?
>i-its in the bible
How to do know. . . etc.
There needs to be an outside mentor and authority to validate these contents, because the book can't on its own.
This mentoring was Christ while he was alive on Earth and then his apostles after his Ascension. They carried on the TRADITION of teaching his words.
>the next generation of kids will be mostly gay?
top kek fags are 2% of the population. also they have lower life spans than the normal population
>doesn't mean anything
If that were so then you have nothing to base the Bible on because that is exactly what led to its creation.
So you think some fag that touched you has better aurhority and can tell you rhe Buble is real but the Bible can't?
nice one
also see the video I posted in also
Steven Anderson promotes racemixing, just saying.
God made sure they didn't destroy his word. But those retard Orthodox church fathers(yes orthodox if anything they're better than you) added a few extra books.
I know that the Church founded by Christ, not the one founded by man, is the authority.
Moses married an Ethopoan girl.
if anything orthodox was. Still easn't though.
(((Beth David)))
So, in other words, they used a TRADITION OF TEACHING to preserve the Word of God as they spread it throughout the land. A tradition that you and your ilk have so arrogantly decided to ignore because it inconveniences you.
Wrong again nigger. The eastern schimatics broke off from Christ's Church. It was in part a product of the hostile politics at the time but their leaders were all supplanted by their conquerers.
>noun (n)
>the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way
what ever you say faggot
I need to go to bed now I'll see your autism sprees later.
stay defeated
what ever you say faggot
I need to go to bed now I'll see your autism sprees later.
How do you feel about Omar "Loadn' mags and droppn' fags" Mateen?
How do you feel about your idol screaming like a little bitch on camera for acting like a nigger?
I wish we could throw you off roofs in this country
I wish you would return to the True Church.
>he doesn't know what tazers do and that they actually tazed him much longer than what is legal
I'm already beleieve the true church
you don't
>Defending his niggerdom
You are a hopeless twat.
Any fag killer is a good boi in my book. Sucks it's illegal now.
I've shown you 3 times now that you're wrong and you consistently end with 'whatever I'm leaving!'
and "I'm never responding to you again"
Yet here, you are. Perhaps its because some part of you can't deny the truth that i'm speaking about the empty cult you follow.
Any fag killer is a good boi in my book. Sucks it's illegal now. But won't be in the mellienial kingdom(which you won't be apart of)
I guess it's because I like telling fags they will burn in hell forever.
The niggerdom that I speak of is your cuck anderson and his "AM I BEING DETAINED?!" behavior. He is a weak man, perhaps that's why you relate so much to him.
Or you're just a troll and don't beleive in anything.
By the way, you said you were leaving 10m ago. You're ulterior is showing, work on that.
>Or you're just a troll and don't beleive in anything
says the reprobate
and they did that to him for no lawful reason.
So, being homo is a choice and learned?
That pic is perfect because you literally are an autistic faggot
Romans 1:26-32
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Roses are red
Violets are Blue
God hates fags
And so should you
psalms are not holy word, nor do they claim to be.
they are liturgical poems, including praise for the god of abraham, pleas for intercession and celebration of his prophets
Protip: prayers are not a binding contract.
you display a sad and pathetic understanding of the form of the bible and it's many many books
catholicism is a heresy.
1: in Matthew 16:19 jesus himself gives Peter the keys to the kingdom and responsibility over the church (note Matthew says this, as a witness, NOT Peter himself)
2: in acts 9, a pharisee named simon, who had been persecuting the missionaries in syria claims to have had a "spiritual awakening" in which he "coincidentally" is told by god (without any witnesses at all...) thatt HE was to become the new head of christ's church on earth.
in this alone, we see that simen, now rebrabnded as "paul" literally refutes the word of christ and seizes control of the church, and from him, catholicism and it's heretical dogma, idolatry and persecution of those who seek to follow the gospels rather than it's anointed priestly boy touchers.
catholicsim is a lie, a coup d'etat against jesus himself.
there is no "new covenant" nor do any of the paulite heresies contain a dram of holy word.
this is why thhe papists have to spend so much time and effort "explaining" what jesus "actually meant" when they are asked about the gospels and catholic inconsistency with the word of the nazarene.
>tfw pole hates kids
Never seen anyone be this wrong both ways.
> U R RONG !!!
> no citation to back up claim
you clearly have no idea how this works.
i cited the relevant ppassages, anyone can read it for themselves and see (((simon))) rebranded himself as "Paul" and seized the reigns of the church from peter just weeks after jesus died/ascended beyond the possibility of clarification of his statements in the gospel.
if you argue jesus never gave peter the charge of overseeing the church on earth, then the gospels are lies
if you assert that (((simon))) /"Paul" was the rightful claimant to the leadership of the church, then jesus didnt remember telling peter to take charge of the church and gave contradictory orders.
only one set of orders had witnesses.
catholicism is fucked up from the ground up.
every word written by "paul" is heresy.
So, the only folks having kids, gainful employment, and no STI's will be Mormons.
Sounds good!
Omar did nothing wrong.
Cry all you want fags that wont change the fact that me and the whole school are bullying the one gay kid
So come on cry like he did when we threw rocks at him