Sup Forums humor ylyl
Sup Forums humor ylyl
I'll play.
max par
Nothing on Sup Forums is humorous anymore, just sad or infuriating.
I am in agreement
steve is the mauin
sam hyde says no!
Aren't you supposed to put the good option on top and the bad one on bottom?
I do not have the balls for that last one lol
but the two flags were different, one base smooth the other ridged... i dont get this one
Depends. I've seen both variations. Some put the worst option at the bottom for the sake of ironic humor, but some don't.
What is it, like a 2mm difference?
Literally everyone I know hates this notion
Too bad that Picasso one isn't legit.
Shatner is redpilled IRL, BTW.
>when bureaucrats won't even accept your duel challenge
>ancaps believe this
They're breddy gud.
gif related is brutal
Slovakian politician got in trouble because he gave away checks bearing the amount 1488€