why have nords always been underdeveloped barbarians?
Why have nords always been underdeveloped barbarians?
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To not attract immigration and collapse
If we would have lived in stone buildings, we would have literally frozen to death.
*but* raiding and raping is pretty niggerish, so you have a point.
Vikings were conscripts just like you have the Försvarsmakten today and go to Afghanistan and Africa to shoot sandmonkeys and niggers.
Farming techniques werent on such a level to support a huge amount of people living in the same area with very harsh winters and only a fraction had access to sustainable fishing waters.
wtf is a nord?
word barbarian means non-greek, or later non-roman
The first Romans, Greeks and Egyptians were Nordic racially. Current Meds are amalgamations of several races (French, Arab, African, Iberian etc)
It's funny how many shitskin meds compare themselves to Romans, really activated my almonds.
How does it feel to be the 2nd most mixed European race, medbois?
Similar to Anglo-Saxon work
>The first Romans, Greeks and Egyptians were Nordic racially
Until Germanic peoples took Latin, Slav and Celtic farmland from 5th century onwards
They really weren't nordic in the slightest.
Bottom looks humble and comfy as fuck
See also rape of the sabines etc.
>The first Romans, Greeks and Egyptians were Nordic racially
thats why the statues had alpinid /dinaric phenotypes...
id choose the bottom life desu desu
Scandinavia simply doesn't have the capability to support large populations.
>*but* raiding and raping
Europeans raided and raped all the way up until present times. It's what happens in war.
they weren't Nordic
Sure they might have had a higher blonde hair ratio than today but they still weren't nordic
more like Dinaro-Meds or Alpine-Meds
Just like in modern Greece and Italy
Don't take Sup Forums too seriously, lad
Nordic race moved from Indo-European area, mixed with the natives there all the way to Greece, Rome and finally Scandinavia. Many Romans were reported having curly light/red hair
>I was merely pretending to be advanced
The Nordic life looks comfy af. You'd be stupid not to choose the bottom one.
Wanna elaborate?
small population due to harsh climate. most of our efforts were put into simply surviving.
you make slow jets too
btw danes and norewgians were vikings who raided west into Britain and the mediterranean.
swedes were the original Rus for which Russia is named who sailed down the volga raping slavs but ultimately got crushed by the Mongol hordes.
>you make slow jets too
fuck off SAAB makes great jets
Also, if you ever watched the vikings tv series they are Swedish
Ragnar is half Swede half Dane if I'm not mistaken
pic related is Björn Ironsides grave here in Sweden
but what is the Island called?
Why is Nordic armor always so a e s t h e t i c?
Reliable soure?
You can't faggot
That clarifies everything. Looks like Swedes were kangz. Explains the crowns in their coat of arms.
that indo-Euro steppe people invaded and mixed with people pretty much everywhere does seem to be the case, but they weren't necessarily nordic, in fact the latter are themselves a product of steppe people mixing with native scandinavians, who were already fair
moreover, the proportions are totally different
if Swedes are like 55% steppe, 45% aboriginal, Myceneans were found to be something like 13% steppe, 87% minoan, even less than modern Greeks
Romans specifically picked out young, blonde Anglo-Saxon slaves, because they liked how they looked like angels. It was unusual to them.
that was painted much nearer to our current day than it was to the days of aristotle
If you're going to claim the history of others, do it as a Danish person, not a Nordic person. You do not speak for the rest us of from your little sand dune.
sorry for correcting your shit argument
Not the same person retard.
Consider the thermal insulation.
Vikings where people with fishing boats, fleeing from their lands to colder climates in 5 b.C. - 10 a.C., because there was major land grabbing from Rome in European continent.
Some has gone east in frozen forests to become Russians.
Some chose the easier way and became pillagers for their fellow fishermen and pirates of the Northen sea.
11 months of winter, that's why when we rolled down to the Mediterranean your woman wanted to have sex with us.
is = ice
land = land
>australian shitposting at it's finest
>thinking the natural resources and environments of two very distinct ecosystems would lead to the same outcome
You're a very special kind of stupid, in case no one has reminded you of that in a while.
Very cool map
Any more like it?