Finally a job all the neets on Sup Forums can do
Finally a job all the neets on Sup Forums can do
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memes can't be forced
the main reason Sup Forums is so good at memes is freedom of speech, which libtards hate
But the money, my meatball making friend. It's like creating a formula for snake oil and getting paid for it
this Norwegian archiving bot is getting quicker
So jews are now gonna pay people to make memes?
>H-hes fast
here's a real job you boys can do.
Click "Against" Let's win this poll back.
lol nevermind look's like it just got DDOS'd
WHaT timeline is this
Hey goys I have a degree in memetics pls pay me
They literally think memes won the election and not 6 decades of failure, waste, corruption.
we're in the sillyverse. all other iterations of us were killed in a nuclear war in the other universes leaving us with only this one to experience.
this is quantum suicide writ large.
hes not a bot. just a dude with a script
Where do I go to get paid to meme?
There hasn't been a happening in months. The Arabs and Africans are assimilating peacefully into European culture, leftist economic policies have led to stability and prosperity, and just in general all is going well. Sup Forums BTFO.
If it isn't done for free, it doesn't have soul.
This is an objective fact of memes.
We're reaching global-levels of autism that may crash the planet with no surviviors!
Not even they can make Milhouse a meme
Top political operatives thought it was genius for George Soros to fund spics to jump up and down on car hoods waving burning American flags.
They though Evan McMullin could lead them to the promised land.
yay for more terrible and forced memes getting spread around by chinse/indian bot account farms with 0 actual reach.
>Biden memes
Those were the worst.
the best memes come from the heart.
Sad thing is that I would probably suck at it.
I just can't stand someone being above me when it comes to business so I instinctively just revolt.
Dear god, this fucking timeline.
ugh, so forced trying to humanize that potato.
Praise kek for this timeline. I weep for the others.
Go to your local communist headquarters and tell them you're in the business of dank.
One of the most retarded things is when someone brings up a statement and then ((())) with his opinion.
Fucking Styx does that also.
Yea, that's right, suck a dick you fugly satanist goblin.
>The best memes come from a place of truth, or absolute truth
>They want you to create a meme based on lies, propoganda
Its like they have no idea why the truth makes people laugh and hearing bullshit makes people furrow their brow and think "What did ((((they))) mean by this?"
I see a doctor, a murderer, a lawyer, a scientist
Right Wing
>makes memes for free
>does it for fun
>everyone enjoys them
Left Wing
>has to spend billions to make memes
>memes aren't funny
>soon forgotten about
Can't wait to hijack the memes like the nazi pigeon again.
They're all equally terrible.
It's like taking a dump and instead of flushing the shit down you fish it out, smear the stuff all over yourself and let someone take studio grade pics of it to share on social media. The added caption doesn't even matter
I'm gonna become stinking rich
Heres a good meme: Deep-pocketed political donors beg for forgiveness but its far too late
that shit was fucking nuts. if youd never heard of the word psyop you'd think you were going crazy.
>dude biden bro hes all cool n shit maybe we can make him the next presidential candidate in 4 years
Are you not amused?
The problem is that the left is a meme themselves. We don't dictate the memes, we just don't disrupt their natural rising. The spice must flow.
idk, I liked this one
The next US election is going to be a total shitshow. Imagine a multi-million dollar focus tested forced meme in your face every day.
The opponent of Merkel, Schulz, tried to copy the Trump memes. It backfired pretty badly.
Some people probably can still remember when the paid Schulz-shills were here daily, trying to get viral support for the cosmopolitan.
>Imagine a multi-million dollar focus tested forced meme in your face every day.
I don't have to imagine, I saw it the entire election cycle.
(((deep pocketed)))
They're going to try to make it illegal to alter memes at some point.
h-h-how do i sell out, boys?
You couldn't make this shit up if you tried
>they still don't understand streisand
Good luck with that.
They didn't understand it then. They didn't know what it was capable of.
It'll be unlike anything you've ever seen.
streisand effect*
>get hired
>"nypa nigger"
imagine the attempts at meme DRM just like with videogames and movies
Normies see this this image and think
>Hey, I'm a gamer, maybe this Pepe thing is alright
>Hey, I'm white, maybe this Pepe thing is alright
>Hey, I'm a Christian, maybe this Pepe thing is alright
>Hey, I'm from the South and proud of it, maybe this Pepe thing is alright
>Hey, I'm a man, maybe this Pepe thing is alright
The left are suicidal and they don't even know it.
>They didn't understand it then
And they still don't, they just know that it's influential.
They cannot into the living language, though you're right, the forced factor on more platforms will get really old really fast.
Tried reverse google search but couldn't find the original source of that painting. You know who made it, kraut bro? Can you read that scribble signature at the bottom right?
What all-inclusive copy of Pepe will they come up with? Fat, black, genderqueer muslim in a wheelchair who spews political correct propaganda?
>meme DRM
They already tried it by asking the ADL to make Pepe a """""""hate symbol""""""". But they did it AFTER Katy Perry, that black woman with the big arse, etc already posted him.
The next step is getting pepe images blocked from editing like they do with currency.
This is a terrible article.
We've run a very successful operation on Sup Forums for a couple of years now and we post no-'memes.'
You could probably write a decent white paper about how obvious that was and why it failed. It did get pretty far, I wonder how much money was behind it. The colbert ones were fucking anally cringy but biden still tops it.
You magnificent bastard
What's with the weird flag, rightful norwegian clay?
Voted against and this happened and then I voted for and the vote went through...
Hopefully it pays well. If it's anything more than $15/hr of my current Walmart wage, then sign me up. I think a decade at that place is long enough, and the treatment at the meme factory would probably be better.
The best part was they actually used rr/the_schulz, created and run by a few of us, as their headquarter.
>Schulzzug got 1488 kmh faster
>a storm of recreated memes that made absolutely no sense with Schulz or the SPD
>wizardchan people taking selfies with schulz propaganda in their piss filled basement
And it reached the frontpage of leddit or even schulz retweeted it and suddenly it died down completely.
nvm. found it.
Literally "Wees gotsta stop da growf od dese doity goy children on dah innanet!"
Fuck you I'm not getting a job
>and the treatment at the meme factory would probably be better.
Forced memes have a special artificial quality, that's almost undefinable, but also unmistakable. Like when you see some CGI or an android that's almost human/lifelike but there's something not quite right.
It's the unfunny valley effect.
Can you archive this for me:
www . jweekly . com/2008/04/18/ fussin-and-fightin-it-s-all-good-says-author-pundit/
It's complicated but I'm unable to do it myself. Do you (or someone else) mind doing it quickly?
I see pics like that and it clicks with me that psychology has been designed from the ground up by (((them))) to attack our children and convert them into self-loathing Marxist mutants. That pic genuinely makes me sad.
I would rather work in a wage slave company that packages cleaning products 40 hours a week than to receive even one dollar from some jew shill, to harm anything. Fuck you kikes.
Though if there are some right wing, christians and other smaller right wing orgs that needs better representation, it would be morally okay and just. Even a lot of the right wing industry, big oil even if they are white would be okay in our moral framework.
talking through the shell of one of us, for just a split seccond??
Fuck off shill
I know that feel, user. But we need to turn our emotions to something positive. Use the rage for the upcoming civil wars. Or harness your feels to create a movement/art. Maybe you've seen this? This makes me want to murder faggots. Every last one. And I used to have a bi gf and go to gay clubs. So there is hope. The 2nd video is about how the crazy left is turning more and more moderates to the right. Which is true for me for sure.
>it's complicated
Fully agree. That extreme focus group testing or a group of 8 people discussing how to write a single tweet over 3 days and then getting excited
>is this still on? This might be the coolest thing ever
86% can't be wrong
sites closed.
do you have a bitcoin adress Nordbro, I want to reward you for your great work
Thanks man but I'm not in need of anything.
what's the painting called in the sixth frame?
Unlike burgers, the Danes actually get something out of thier oil. To quote Father Francis on Fridays episode of Stormfront Radio:
>"its my oil! Wheres the money going? Where's my cut? It's in my country!"
Finally visiting this shithole might actually pay off with something besides red pill side effects.
aight godspeed user