QandA:sorry qt, couldnt wait any longer

Get in here, Ausfags! It's time for b-b-b-bingo!

Watch with us:
>also on FB @ ABCQandA and ABC Radio for the desperate

Tonight's panel:
>Steve Ciobo - Minister for Trade and Investment
>Jim Chalmers - Shadow Minister for Finance
>Mei Fong - Journalist and writer
>Greg Sheridan - Foreign Affairs Editor, The Australian
>Jessica Irvine - Economics Journalist

Don't forget you can tweet along using the hashtag #qanda for comments and add #factcheck if you think anything from the panellists sound suss.

Other urls found in this thread:

they're not the panelists, i was in a rush and had to go through 4plebs

hello boys


Thanks OP
>All Aboriginal panel
They should have filmed it here!
Am I rite guys!?!?

fuck i forgot this weeks ep isnt live.

Another fucking abo episode?

also no need to bingo this week, already won.

The official Aus/pol/ inspirational theme and commercial:

is that you qt?
i'm sorry, you normally start them like 15 mins ago

Hey Western AustrAnon, and, to a lesser extent, Dan SavAnon.
Sorry I wasn't here last week, I had to stay back late at work.
I checked the archives the next day and saw that nobody won, so I believe pic related is correct.
How have your fortnights been?
Let's all have a good night, lads.

Evening bingoqt, lads.

>minister of indigenous affairs

Fuck the ABC


>every thread

Wacky abos wanting gibs but not able to agree what gibs they want and end up with no gibs so they can continuing complaning about the gibs and the viscous circle continues.

Noel is the only guy i know, i think he's ok

Why is 'Canberra' listed as separate to 'Canberra Capital Hill'
This map is stupid

I subsist on Australian (You)s

We are full, and we aren't.
We can fit in more whites and Asians, but no more Africans or Arabs.
It's like your dessert stomach. When you are full from dinner, you say
>I'm full
but in reality, you are still able to have a little bit of pie.

This shit was on on saturday night already, i swear they were all drunk.
The panel had to try and interpret questions from the crowd.

anyone else think the media watch guy looks like bruce?

Oh shit, sorry user! I lost track of the time. Thought it was still 8.30

>more Asians
Please think about the poor souls who have to live in Sydney and Melbourne

If you can get me a new one that meets your approval I'll use that one from now on

>No Tony Jones

>We can fit in more whites and Asians



easy love, hope i didnt step on you toes

Chink detected

No, no. Thank you very much for stepping up!

Luckily this week's episode is just a replay.

So aboriginal they're not even using a building.

This is going to be great.


Kek'd hard

Hello SutherAnon, had a nice dinner but i got a maths test coming up tomorrow plus the captcha bullshit makes me think i won't stay for the little contest at the end.

>fully sick
t. Thorpie


Fuck off. The empty parts are desert. The habitable parts are not only full but overflowing.

>audience has to stand
>abos want to be in the government
>can't organise fucking chairs



"65,000 years of culture, white culture is less than 1% of that"

AHAHAHAHAHA fucking aboriginal """culture"""

Why do these abos CLING on to their language so much, is it because that is ALL they have in their "culture"

Yeah, no worries, it's not even live so I may leave early myself.

>tfw Aretha isn't on the panel
>ywn colonise her and give her mostly white yet part abo children

why live?

You know whats really funny if they put a bunch of abos in charge of the country theyd kick everyone out but the whites, ban gays and lower the prize of booze.


oh, didnt know that. cheers

hahaha nice one m8

And in that 1% we built the entire fucking world and conquered it at some point.

truly masterrace tier.

they'd lower the price of petrol you fucking abo

those fucking eyebrows

Its all good m8

>lower the prize of booze
absolutely un-australian

I bet she's got a nice bush

>not breeding with her so as to thin those eyebrows out.

abo's have weak genes, easily bleached,

Fucking learn the language Stan

I wish they would go into more detail when they bring up how rich Aboriginal culture is. I don't think I've actually ever heard someone describe what Aboriginal culture actually is.

Oonga boongo doonga bandooga monga. It's very important they speak oongaboga.

Lol just switched it on. Just lol. Everyone is all solemn and shit.

>PM panders to abos
>they sniff it down faster than 98 premium

Thanks again. I'll try to remember for next week.

qanda looks different tonight, where the fuck are they?

The natural aboriginal habitat. Absolutely fuck off bush with no signs of civilization.



just a reminder of the great tweet last week.

I want to see stuff like this tonight
Skip to halfway through for the good part.

Buttfuck Nowhere: Northern Territory

"We must spend money and time to preserve a language because it has absolutely no use other than jerking off to how cultural it is."

That looks extremely fun

>this week's episode is just a replay.

why do they always lump aboriginal and torres straight islanders together? I'm 99% sure they would have tried to kill each other if they had ever met in the scrub

Dot paintings are pretty neat. They require a lot of skill. Theoretically abos could be good at technical tasks.

So has the host bloke got a fake tan to look more aboriginal

>We are all one people
>Give us special recognition tho

abo's everyone

As if anyone is actually scared of nnnnggas lmao


Dot paintings are a post-colonial invention

Yeah never understood that just from observation they are two different cultures.

Got horrible marks in a law uni exam cause I said constitutional recognition of Aborigines would do absolutely nothing for them except some lame token gesture

I was meant to say it would change the world by doing nothing

dot painting isnt a traditional aboriginal art form

how have you been lately bingoanon? i hope you are feeling better

Gibmedat white man housing

wow this is shit, It already happened too, I'm going to watch GoT.

Also I can't stan Stan.

How do you know it was because of that?
Did they say something?
Maybe it was just a bad assignment, user?

>chinese abo

Fuck this country reversing terra nullus is factually and logically a mistake.

cause i get great marks in my other units

and cause people have bias and they kept teaching us that recognition was good for them cause it was 'just'

'just' doesnt get you gibs though, which was my point, which was not enjoyed

what do you think is going to happen with constitutional recognition? what practical change occurs?

Let me know if you find a good link.
I spend some time trying to pirate each episode as they come out.
It's hard work, you know?

Isn't their "culture" pic related?

>i could be doing something productive like washing my dishes and having a shower yet here i am.

Aboriginal nations, they're not all the same user. stop being so ignorant

use a private tracker buddy.

Shouldn't be hard to get into.

You're a fucking sad cunt, I'm two clicks away from 720p version right now.

Its just increases discrimination against white australians.

>live stream on youTube.
Couldn't they save literally millions by using google's bandwidth whenever possible while also saving us from their 240p iView bullshit?

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WOnderful source user.