Italians trapped gypsies and they are screaming like animals
Other urls found in this thread:
Are Italians honorary slavs?
Are slavs hororary gypsies?
well done, Luigi
Very entertaining.
aaaaah si si, bella italia
this is really old... go away
that's amore
Is news really this slow you gotta post old shit? I hate this place when there's no happenings
When the Islamisation begins Italy will be the first country to convert. Truly the greatest turncloaks in history-
d i s i s k i n d a r a c i s t
top kek
how did they got trapped?
Islam isn't even recognized as a proper religion in our country, but nice try.
By the way Scientology is.
>Scientology is.
Lel, davvero?
L'islam è una ciafara senza una struttura centralizzata che piglia soldi da mille fonti non documentate, non soddisfa per nulla i requisiti di legge.
Scientology per quanto ridicola soddisfa tutti i requisiti, ovviamente se ne assicurano visto che vogliono l'esenzione dalle tasse.
All'Islam invece non sbatte un cazzo delle regole occidentali, e tanto evadono il fisco comunque.
apparently italians still eat the garbage they throw away, hence "they stealin our meatballs belisima!" in english
Che cazzo ti ha detto cazzo su di me, piccola cagna? Ti farò sapere che ho laureato alla guida della mia classe nelle guarnizioni della Marina, e sono stato coinvolto in numerosi incursioni segrete su Al-Quaeda e ho oltre 300 vittime confermate. Sono addestrato alla guerra dei gorilla e sono il cecchino superiore in tutte le forze armate statunitensi. Tu non sei niente per me, ma solo un altro bersaglio. Ti toglierò il cazzo con precisione i cui cari non sono mai stati visti prima su questa Terra, segnano le mie cazzo parole. Pensi di poter scappare dicendo che la merda per me su Internet? Pensa di nuovo, cazzo. Mentre parliamo sto contattando la mia rete segreta di spie in tutta l'Usa e il tuo IP è in fase di tracciamento in questo momento in modo da preparare meglio per la tempesta, maggot. La tempesta che spazza la piccola cosa patetica che chiami la tua vita. Tu sei cazzo, ragazzo. Posso essere ovunque, in qualsiasi momento, e posso ucciderti in più di settecento modi e questo è solo con le mie mani nude. Non solo mi sono ampiamente addestrato a combattere in modo disarmato, ma ho accesso all'intero arsenale dei corpi marini degli Stati Uniti e lo userò in tutta la sua misura per cancellare il tuo misero culo dalla faccia del continente, piccola cagna. Se solo tu avessi saputo quale maledetta retribuzione il tuo piccolo "intelligente" commento stava per scendere su di te, forse avresti tenuto la tua lingua fottuta. Ma non potevi, non l'hai fatto, e ora stai pagando il prezzo, vero idiota. Sarò la furia di merda su di te e tu annegherai in esso. Tu sei cazzo, capretto.
There definitely are some people acting like animals in this video, but I don't think its the gypsies.
If you will be monsters like that, why bother chasing away the gypsies or niggers? Whats next, waging jihad on arabs and cutting their heads off on the street?
The guy on the right is an immigrant himself, from south america i think
hanno riconosciuto ufficialmente l'islam a febbraio, mi chiedo (((chi))) possa mai essere stato
t. gypsy
the store keeps those bins in a sort of cage, gyppos got in to steal shit (or to cause a mess anyway) and the employees closed them in with a forklift or something
wtf i thought gypsies were just a meme lol
No, just civilized.
lol? gypsies are very fucking real.
They are the worst of people. They deceive and steal as if they needed it to be able to breath.
NEVER let a gypsy get close to you.
If a group should approach you to sign a petition (their favorite way to get close to you to steal from you) you should immideately use force to keep them away from you.
It took me too long to recognize this copy pasta. Well played.
Before Sup Forums
>oh g-d those screams are horrible! I can't actually see anything that bad happening but there MUST be something really horrible going on/being threatened/occurred before video starts
After Sup Forums
>subhuman shamelessly emitting exaggerated cries completely out-of-step with severity of situation to arouse sympathy from actual humans who will give it the benefit of the doubt
Thanks cunt
Based, love my Catholic bros.
>they work for lidl
I'm pretty sure they are going to get fired and lidl is doing something to apologize to the gypsie community.
lol, gypsies are animals
>I told them this means peace among worlds
Were so mongrelized & BROWNED that you probably don't notice the gypsies around you. The bad ones like this, the parasites, are kept geographically separated from us & thus contained in Europe. But I assure you there are many people with gypsy blood in America.
this, remember Sup Forums IQ is below 90 they all act edgy kids.
These in videos are literally primitive apes playing with other apes and these apes screaming because they don't like how they are trapped in a cage.
Most humans are just animals. It's only 1% of the population that is evolved into higher intelligent beings.
Only on designated streets.
Is Lidl really taking over?
True words.
no Aldi is.
I might have compassion if I saw people genuinely scared and crying for help. All I saw was a bunch of gypsy witches screaming like a bunch of wild animals. I would actually be scared to open any container with noises like those inside.
>IQ is below 90
this was the only part of your post that I read. must suck to be so dumb
that's the noise they make whenever they're found out doing something
I wonder why, both have always been low quality supermarkets for poor people.
I think non-Germans are repulsed by a name that has an L follow up on a D. Shit like that makes a much bigger difference than most people would know.
hurt your meaningless feelings user. Cry me a river.
Daily reminder that Gypsies are the literal niggers of Europe.
My friends this is what we call the gypsy screech when a wild gypsy is caught his only defense mechanism is the gypsy screech.
Beware, this screech sometimes attracts other gypsies in their vicinity to help the stranded ones in their herd, sometimes it doesn't, the gypsy knows if the only weapon which is "intimidation by numbers" doesn't work they will retreat whilst screeching.
The gypsy pack always send their females to try to retrieve food and supplies for the nest whilst the males protect the brood-mother and her gyplings, also the elder will teach the ways of the haules baules to them when they're older.
holy fuck set that shit on fire
Gass them!
>old video
besides, behaving like untermensch shitskins makes you no better than them.
same, how do they think autistic screeching will make anybody more likely to open and help them?
How can you be so fucking disconnected from reality?
Based xd le based plebbit poster
They were fired.
Any pastabro's who can translate what they are saying?
Fucking idiots, they deserve it for recording their faces.
Yeah, I really don't understand people like that.
Facebook culture.
>look at me doing this
>so edgy
questa è una pessima notizia. fonte pls?
the guy holding the camera couldn't even pass for honorary white
t. gypsy
Gypsies are Europe's niggers. Arabs and Pakis are our spics.
It's not about help, it makes them appear unhinged and as such people want nothing to do with them so they can make their escape easier. You still think they have a sense of shame, but they don't.
he is just tanned
They should've killed them when they had the change, they were already in the thrash, half the work was done.
Drop a match in there that will shut her up
ya this is a few months old i think
that thing in the cage looks like a hairy female troll
>t. jew larping as a nazi
the italy threads always bring out all the little gook (((weevs)))
But they DID trap some animals inside. Gipsyes are disgusting vermin creatures.
Well done Italy, Xenu is pleased.
I don't even speak italian and I recognized the first sentence.
Stealing is against the law here in Italy, so a citizen that see someone steal have the duty to try to stop him and block him until police arrives (thats basically what the two dudes have done)
You are an animal yourself, nigger.
That's funny, I kekd.
Whiter than you, Mouhammad-Salim (but muh German passport!).
Reminder that jews are just clever gypsies.
I don't get it.
We Italians are possibly one of the most racist Western European countries yet we're doing nothing for our people.
I would've been expecting riots and hung Slavs, gipsies and niggers but we only get cucked by these scums while government doesn't give a shit about us.
I live in Milan and in the last 5 years we've experienced a massive explosion of criminal activities led by the usual people: Romanians, Albanians and niggers. It's always them, always.
We live in fear of constantly being robbed inside and outside our houses, bacause they rob 365 days per year, last year a group of 3 Albanians raided every garage in my area with welding tools to steal bikes and shit...they fucking cut metal doors and shit at night.
Not a single Italian is bombing or killing these's time to start.
Personally I don't have anything to lose, I'm fully depressed because of this situation and I'm desperate at almost 28 years because I have no future.
Actually some bomb at refugees camps happened.
so is Lidl our supermarket now?
"hung Slavs" lol gtfo, they are the least of your problems
good job Dottore
>Sono addestrato alla guerra dei gorilla
>I would've been expecting
Then you must be a tourist and not an Italian.
Everybody knows Italians are good at complaining and minding their own business.
gypsies are such disgusting animals i wish hitler killed them all
THIS. Stop reposting old shit.
That's a grande cazzata, see
I mean, I hate gypsies and all, but in all seriousness
>taking something someone else's trash is stealing
Doesn't make any sense at all
Angolo Rotture is private (lidl) property and the access is prohibited to anyone who is not an lidl employee: so there are two law infringment:
1) enter private property without permission
2) steal (yes even if discarded material its still stealing)
Shadilay my Italian kek bruvvers