>no Jew controlled central bank
>no Jews at all
>doesn't recognise Israel
>hates Israels greatest ally: US
>wants to unite its nation
>racial nationalist
Is North Korea /ourguy/?
No Jew controlled central bank
Other urls found in this thread:
So you're saying they are Nazis? I thought they were communist?
>no food
>believing jew propaganda
wew lad
>he doesnt threaten to nuke us back to the stone age everyother day
fuck you and nk
Your territory mostly consisting of mountains and non-farmable lands isn't propaganda. Japan has the same general problems, just not as bad.
fuck you
This argument is complete bullshit. Would you rather eat someone's vomit or eat someone's feces? NK and the Jews are all terrible for different reasons.
They are ethnic communists, basically National Bolshevists. It's not too far away from National Socialism.
They had me until
>hates Japan
North Korea is not capitalism or communism
It's HUGE PRISON called as "Nation"
just like my country ;_;
I'd just want some fucking nukes to hit NK hard, because all these african immigrants are making my daily life quite boring.
>Is North Korea /ourguy/?
No they're a bunch of fucking gooks. What the fuck is this, Reddit?
Weebshit detected.
Deport all migrants to North Korea
But you have trannies.
fuck you
Not ourguys but yet better than the cultural masochist faggots as SK imo.
Pol unironically praises a fucking gook bastard, DAILY
trannies mean nothing for me because i am furry
this is woman i want
North Korea people want the end of their government
>commie scum with starving populace
I do like their online banter division though, good craic.
I also find it hilarious that they counterfeit dollars, smuggle coke and other mobster shit for a large portion of their budget
No, they're communists, fuck communists.
NK is their wet dream
its still hellhole
will be interesting to see where they are in 50 years
nukes are all you need to keep jewish influence at bay
unless their already in your country. Poland and Japan better speed up their production
they're called best korea for a reason
Come on guys, Trump means it when he says he wants democracy and freedom for DPRK.
North Korea is /ourguy/ and it is not truly communist. North Korea is communist in name only, but in reality, it is a highly isolationist, xenophobic, racist, 'anti-semitic', militaristic and secretive country that adheres to a philosophy of radical self-reliance. North Korea is definitely /ourguy/.
my father studied in former soviet union
including east Germany
he says girls would propose to him, like 30+
just because he received 30 dinars a month from the embassy (90~ dollars in the 70s dollars)
he says he used to buy 10 kilos of meat at a time to feed all the commie block he lived in, their meat qouta was 1 kilo a month iirc
hordes of soviet youth befriending him so he'd give them his worn out jeans when he's done with them
you have no idea how horrible communism is
Daily reminder that there are only three countries left in the world that still do not have any Rothschild-owned central bank - Iran, North Korea and Cuba (and I'm not sure about Cuba anymore since they've become friendly to the Jewnited States recently).
>calling glorious Juche, Communism
How dare you insult our Brilliant Leader.
Oh we do. Just the leftypol shills on here are so braindead, that they dont get it.
kim is literally a jew that hates other jews. pol is so fucking retarded when they think kim isn't a jew
That's not even a Jap dumb fucker
That one's a bit over the top.
I prefer subtler ones that don't outright tell you what to think, but work like a meta language we all communicate in.
This is just some random music video on a nationalist israeli channel. But Sup Forums found it because of our shared language. I've never seen it posted here, and found it by chance.
you can't eat juche tho
they're about to be no ones guy soon :^)
He's living kike a Kang!
>Is North Korea /ourguy/?
I just wish their country prospered and didn't threaten people for attention.
They have to make a couple hundred nukes and an ICBM system before they can actually prosper. Otherwise they will be invaded by Amerika
If that was what's happening I would understand and be happy if the day comes when they prosper, but I fear before that day comes Amerco will develop even stronger weapons and defense systems.
reminder that the US has used the communist boogie man to convince us to hate north korea. there’s no actual proof the country is communist and every US vacationer, aside from the lefty that got himself arrested, has praised the government there.
someone live-streamed north korea and it looked like a regular metro city if you removed minorities. no food shortages, no one fearing for their lives, and no police state
Unless they can develop a syst that can every ICBM war is madness.
>someone live-streamed north korea and it looked like a regular metro city if you removed minorities
You mean pyong-yang. The rest of the country is medieval/communist tier shithole for how underdeveloped and unprosperous they are. It can not be that bad in many parts, but it's obvious they are going to face difficulties and frankly we don't know how their police/army acts in those provinces but we do know what to expect from just about any poor country in that aspect.
If it makes you feel better they probably punish criminal soldiers severely.
yes. the amount of people who fall for the jewish lies regarding this great country is astonishing.
there are “medieval tier shitholes” in every country. why wouldn’t someone live in a moderately populated capital city? do you think people living in the middle of flyoverville follow federal laws? communities create their own standards when they can get away with it
he always has been
>there are “medieval tier shitholes” in every country.
There's no point in denying that it's especially worse in NK though.
>do you think people living in the middle of flyoverville follow federal laws?
That's far from being of the level as NK.
>communities create their own standards when they can get away with it
They have a military police to handle each community, and I'm sure the mp would be punished in NK if they went against orders. But it also goes both ways of either being lax or extreme and you can't fault them for that since they are poor.
In any case you shouldn't assume most of the country is good just because of pyongyang.