Alright Sup Forums, there's an imminent revolution in Venezuela coming up. I think as Sup Forums we should give information about Maduro's Loyalists if Venezuelans rise up against the Socialist Government. Does anyone here agree that we should help the Venezuelan People overthrow Venezuela's Socialist Government?
The Venezuela Crisis
yeah ok
If we can, sure. It'd be nice to get some poverty relief in Venezuela with new economic policies.
Socialism just chains the underclass to their perches. Capitalism is what actually sets them free.
Reason's take on recent events
Reason has sucked for a while, admittedly
I've come up with an Intelligence Operation called Operation: Bolívar to help out Venezuela by giving out intelligence on the defenses of forts, the number of Maduro Loyalists, etc.
Sounds good.
Come to the Operation Bolívar discord to discuss more about it.
Code: .gg/pyMesj
Invite link plz
Why would I help the CIA fuckoff
Because the other choice is way worse. The opposition is so redpilled that some go to ironmarch and have nazi inspired flags
more people are just gunna starve under anarchy. Think off all the THICC milfs dying of starvation
We're helping the people directly, not the CIA.
If we're going to pull a Syria General we need lines of information
That's what let them do what they can do, they know which accounts are legit and have news sources that are a step ahead of Reuters et al.
If you can supply with those, I'm more than happy to lend my autism.
Here's one website we can use. We don't really have the resources like the Syria General peps. We could use them to help us.
Sorry fa,m, Venezuelan people just got BTFO.
All the military guys who tried to revolt just got arrested.
Looks like this dumb communist is going to get away with it again.
Venezuela will have another 5 years of """"democratic"""" socialism.
If any Venezuelan flags see this thread, they should drop in info if they have any, even if it's just recommendations for news sources or a description of the political climate from a local.
from what I understand, it's not the people against the socialist government, it's the globalists against the socialist government
I'm not saying the governement is good but it looks too much like the other made up revolutions to be a real one and strange enough venezuela was trying to fight get out of the globalists stranglehold
>Neoliberals trying to suck venezuela oil
>Good guys
I won't back up any CIA plan to help the speculators to take latin american resources from our continent, and put the riches in the speculators pockets. You are as bad as the communists.
Libertarianism + Nationalism is what I want in Venezuela, it's freedom that I want.
I'm doing everything I can to help the Venezuelan government overcome the threat of domestic terrorists.
weak bait
Really gotta wonder why every thread proposing that Sup Forums use their weaponized autism against Maduro gets immediately spammed with "hurrrr i'm not helping the CIA", and similar replies
Really makes ya think
He's the same guy who's posting in another Venezuelan thread. Butthurt tankie, probably.
Maybe because we aren't retarded, if you can't see the handwriting of the CIA that's because you are retarded.
You stupid faggots just use them as an eternal scapegoat for all of your ideology's failures throughout history.
>promote geopolitical instability in a shitskin country with an average IQ of 83 so the US has to take in refugees
I don't think so.
I'd rather Maduro stay in power with an iron fist and slaughter every single person there than take even a family of them into the US.
The smart ones got out while they could.
>What is Iran
>What is Iraq
>What is Syria
>What is Libya
>What is Chechnya
CIA dindu nuthing they be gud boys
then why are you helping the globalists ? they're further from nationalism and libertarianism than socialism
It's not that they dindu nuffin. Venezeula was just already enough of a failure on its own. The CIA is not needed to explain what is happening there. It is a classic case of a Socialist state meeting its inevitable demise.
Isn't Venezuela the South American country that still doesn't have a private central bank? I could be wrong but that makes me immediately very suspicious. These are simple people subsisting happily in a country rich in food resources, whether they are more socialist or otherwise should depend on their culture.
If they are banking cartel puppets then by all means fuel up the helicopters, but I find it likely this country is about to be fucked, right up the arse.
they're paid podters.
Canada has em too, they crawl forums/comment sections and blame Trump and USA for their failed sociliast bullshit.
>These are simple people subsisting happily in a country rich in food
they are literally starving. literally in 3D space, starving across a function of time.
Sure thing it's not like the guy leading the terrorist uprising against his government fled to the US in 2014 and now magically reappears in Venezuela.
Probably a coincidence, CIA dindu nuthing
muh cia
>not muh policies
>Venezeula was just already enough of a failure on its own.
then let's continue this way, why do you always feel the need to deal with others business
Well, shit. I thought they export loads of fruit and the like? They couldn't just support themselves if need be?
you're ignorant in a bad way. they are literally starving. you can determine how badly on your own you mong.
post under a meme flag if you're going to be a moron.
just because their government is shit doens't allow people to make it even shittier
>When has the CIA ever tried to overthrow a sovereign government?
Yeah right
>they are literally starving.
yeah and saddam had nukes right?
Can the socialist in this thread explain why Chile is a better place to live than Venezuela?
okay, i accept CIA infetterance as a reality..
BUT is the cia setting Venezualan policy. No. That would be your guys.
CIA isn't holding their hand and making them write SHITE laws.
>Assad is worse than Hitler because Hitler never gassed his own people
>Saddam had gas trucks
>I saw it on CNN
Wonder when they start accusing Maduro of gassing his own people.
let them write shit laws, it's none of your business
Maybe Maduro is a CIA agent...
...According to the shills all bad things in Venezuela are from the CIA, ergoMaduro must be their guy. They sent him into write shitty laws and ruin their chance at a socialist utopia...
Maduro is based and right, but he's not my comrade.
He's too much of a liberal for me, I'd be cleaning out all the CIA shills by now if I was the president of Venezuela if anything Maduro has shown incredible restraint so far.
The shite you can blame Maduro for: he is too nice to domestic terrorists
>Maduro of gassing his own people.
they always use some variant in it like the nukes, the stolen babies, falling tower or starving the people but in the end that's our duty to help the poor people against the bad tyrants who refuse to live in the rothshild paradise
I'm not socialist not promaduro
the country might be shit but that's none of our business
stop using people compassion to make your wars
>I'd be cleaning out all the CIA shills by now if I was the president of Venezuela
Not writing law or policies to improve the lives of the people? Typical. You'd go after enemies without ever lifting a pen to write good laws and restore a functioning economy... And you'd blame the CIA for your incompetence.
>The CIA is why I'm not a winner
yeah because the country is shit only because of socialists and nothing form outside the country
>we should help the Venezuelan People overthrow Venezuela's Socialist Government?
>tfw they hacked Maduro's brain and made him into a colossal fuckup with regards to policy, the economy and everything else he gazes upon.
Venezuela's people hate the Maduro Government, and 70% of Venezuela opposes the Constitutional Referendum.
More like
>Venezuela is economically dependent on oil sales
>Venezuelan crude needs special refining
>When the price of oil was 140$ the government uses the oil money to provide social welfare
>US decides to frack itself
>Venezuelan crude can't compete
>Maduro tries to make the social policies work despite lacking the foreign reserves to do it
>CIA sees the Venezuelan weakness and tries to overthrow the government
>CIA fails for three years
>CIA now sends former soldiers back to Venezuela trying to cause a full blown civil war
same in my country, I don't anyone asking for a new normandy landing
You're underpaid.
Maduro doesn't have the brains to run the country. None of your post adresses his economic failures to the common folk - which would be resolved simply by taking the boot off the people' necks and allowing them to participate in a freer market.
So, you've literally just admitted that Maduro fucked the Venezuelan economy by making it entirely dependent upon a single resource, and then made a completely unfounded claim that the rebels are backed by the CIA.
ok let's do this
if the cia helps us aoverthrow macron and create a real democracy in france, we'll destroy venezuelian socialist, deal?
>>Venezuela is economically dependent on oil sales
>>Venezuelan crude needs special refining
>>When the price of oil was 140$ the government uses the oil money to provide social welfare
Maybe they should have used that money to diversify their economy so that the price of oil dropping didn't fuck them over?
Also you have yet to prove that the CIA is involved.
>spend no money on critical infrastructure and development
>cry when hostile outside elements take advantage of your weaknesses
Why isn't Russia having the same problems? Could it be that Maduro is just an incompetent commie jackass?
you type like a women
>ad hominem
you're out of arguments?
I'll be here all day m'lady.
>if the cia helps us aoverthrow macron
why would the US overthrow it's own puppet
Venezuela has been dependent on oil since the 70s, read up on the dutch disease if you want to know why they are fucked.
I never said Maduro was my comrade, but he's fighting for the dignity of his people against western Imperialism and Globalism. Maduro is too much of a liberal for me, doesn't mean I'm going to become a CIA stooge because of that.
I hate the right wingers burning their city as much as I hate Antifa who burn their cities.
If the US tried to overthrow Macron they'd be giving weapons to Jihadists from the banlieu's like they did in Syria.
without arguments? no need, you can't go
thanks, that's exactly what I was waiting for, the whole venezuelian crisis is summed up in this post
>against western Imperialism
venezuela is part of the west, what are you even saying
The Venezuelan people need guns. The Socialist parties aren't going to go down without blood being spilled.
part of your problem is you're both sub100 iq. there are concepts you need to understand but can't.
Fuck Maduro
Killed his own people with communism
Help topple socialists?
Its what I live for senpai.
First step is to teach them that communists are atheist, totalitarian assholes who see no value in life and believe that no sacrifice is too great to achieve their impossible utopia that goes against nature itself and that capitalism is the system where they can take their destiny into their own hands
Pic related - poll made in venezuela
Second step is getting the military leadership to stop supporting this madman and perform a coup
>what are you even saying
I'm saying banks and weapon manufacturers are rubbing their hands looking forward to the money they can make off of Venezuela.
>muh IQ
Assume that any IQ argument you make doesn't matter if the person you are calling low IQ actually knows his/her IQ
>high IQ
>supports maduro to the point of defending hom on a mongolian basket weaving forum, for free
You can only have one senpai.
I dont niw France, why are you in Africa?
Man, your arguments are all over the place, and you're just avoiding giving any direct answers/refutations to anything that I say. It's fucking pitiful. You unintentionally admitted in your post that Maduro destroyed Venezeula's economy, so how is he any better than supposed Imperialists and Globalists? What principle are you basing any of your viewpoints on this matter on?
You missed:
>ruined farming/food production industry because of Chavez.
>fix food prices to a set (super low) amount so farmers can't make money.
>hence no more food
>""fix"" currency rate and cause more inflation.
>spend money on drugs, and other frivolous shit because Chavez and Maduro are both corrupt fucks with drug dealing ties.
>government has been shutting off electricity since 2010 because they can't stop doing stupid long enough to build new damns for our hydroelectric plants.
Blaming it all on muh oil is retarded and gives those idiots that call/ed themselves president too much credit. The problem is much more complex and goes much deeper than "Oil prices"
The burgers are only after Venezuela's oil as Russia is expelling them from the Orient.
>Implying I said I was high IQ
I just said update your arguments to take into account that IQ arguments don't work if the person you are calling low IQ knows their IQ.
Leave Maduro to ME.
>all this word salad
>You unintentionally admitted in your post that Maduro destroyed Venezuela's economy
More like it was fucked from the beginning and most of the social policies were implemented by Chavez. Also they didn't destroy the Venezuelan economy.
I told you to read up on the dutch disease, but you can't do that, you can just make Ad hominem and take what I wrote out of context.
Which according to is pretty high IQ behavior.
>English language too complicated if you are from England
IQ arguments don't work if the other person knows their IQ
>I'm saying banks and weapon manufacturers are rubbing their hands looking forward to the money they can make off of Venezuela
Imagine the mental gymnastics someone has to perform in order to not understand that gun manufacturers can only make money if there as a demand for them. By claiming that gun manufacturers are rubbing their hands is to admit that socialist policies are so shitty the demand for guns are going to be high.
Ill summarize it simply for you, stupid commie fuck. Responsibility is on the buyer, not the producer. You can't have a consistent producer without a potential buyer, but you can have a potential buyer without the producer. Guns only exist because we want them too. And to restrict that is only impermanent. Goverment making these manufacturers rich are just as evil as governments seeking to eliminate them.
Go back to high school and learn some basic history
Nope, ni one gives a shit about its oil, the US has its own supply now.
You can't live on fruit alone son, you need carb
Most of the food they eat is imported...
For example, I don't think they even have the necessary climate to plant wheat, so bread must be out of stock or expensive as fuck right now
I assume they produce a lot of cassava, but most of it probably comes from the hues
>being this triggered
Most Anarcho-Capitalists are atheists, you realize.
Screencapping this commie getting BTFO. My sides are in orbit over this.
>Englishman understands simple English after I make it comprehendible for a retard
>calls me triggered
I was trying to explain to you why your argument is crap and you should look for a better one.
Ok enjoy
Give me proofs the CIA is involved commie.
T. Commie shithead
They're already starving
>supporting "moderate" rebels
>posting the kike/burger puppet Pinochet
Maybe Maduro wrote good laws but the CIA swapped them out for economically crippling versions!
I'm all for sitting back and letting other people in other countries sort their own shit out, while I sit here and watch it on the news not influencing it in any way and leaving their nation, as a whole, to their own self-determination.
Look at Surely it's a coincidence that soldiers betray their oath flee to the US and return when things are worst.
CIA never did anything like that before.