What does Sup Forums do for living and do you like it?

What does Sup Forums do for living and do you like it?

NEET hikki here who leeches from government and parents.

yes I like it

Longshoreman here. AMA

Currently studying and working in a cafe. It gets me by but I have bigger plans.

I'm a Hospital Security Supervisor. I fucking love it. If you can get a Government job don't hesitate rofl.

I help maintain a website for a small local electronics store. Pretty comfy, I just sit here and browse Sup Forums until there's something for me to do, which isn't often. I work about 8 hours a day, and of those 8 hours, probably only 2 or 3 of them are actually spent working.


Its alright. Its nice now but when i finish i wanna do something els maybe more risk. But its good to have some solid knowledge to easy find work.

Guess my job.

>30 years old
>No friends
>No car
>No licence
>No degree
>High-school drop out
>Coming up on 15 year shut in status
>Never left the city I was born in
>Never smoked
>Never drank
>Never done drugs
>Only buy clothes online
>Only walk to places near my house (gym, supermarket, doctor, dentist, psychologist)

Leaving for Marine Corps boot camp in San Diego on Sunday.


Have fun fighting for Israel.

>What does Sup Forums do for living
>and do you like it?

I'm a qualified carpenter but I service fire equipment 3 days a week and install awnings and roller shutters 2-3 days a week

Servicing fire equipment is rather monotonous but I get to work somewhere new every day and my company charges near extortionate rates but has the monopoly on the market so I make good cash

Installing awnings is good because I work as a contractor and only get paid per installation. Some days I can make $125 per hour for work I can do with my eyes closed

Thanks faggot I will

I'm taking History classes right now to get credits so I can go to med school and become a Pharmacist

Yeah my parents paid for it, but I'm looking for a job to help pay them back.

another NEET checking in. how does that make you feel?

Retail worker. If some people weren't total entitled fuckers it would be nice. I like my job decent pay, great benefits, low responsibilities.

>fights for kikes
>calls other people faggots

Oh yea, I'll look super gay when you die for a bunch of Jews in Abongastan or wherever you get deployed.

Military service. Sometimes I want to vomit from the amount of paperwork, but it pays off.

Nothing, currently studying nursing at.

I plan on going straight for a master's and PhD after I graduate. Fuck doing actual nurse work it's fucking horrible.

I'm gonna become a researcher.

>Medical research


>Being this asshurt over that post

I'm jumping the wall and there's nothing you can do about it. I don't plan on staying in this shithole.

>engineering degree
>department of defense
>I go around military bases and look for ways to do things more efficiently
>usually ends with recommending people lose their jobs or get pay cuts

>What does Sup Forums do for living

I shitpost 19 hours a day for 14 years.

>and do you like it?

loving every laugh, senpai

I data mine data miners who data mine idiots retarded enough to provide info to data miners.

Real question is, how often do you laugh?

nice, same but just with driver license

Quite a bit.

Though I can find humor in pretty much any situation.

Paradoxically, keeps me sane.

Remove kebab or Norks my friend. My cousin just left for 49 Palms a few weeks ago.

t.kebab that needs removal.

I datamine users of various Ugandan wood carving discussion boards.

Similar to what you are doing, except I do it for free

Good Luck my friend.

IT director. Yeah I like it. The money is good and I have a lot of autonomy.

I research organic nano-technology. I won't tell exactly what I'm doing, since the field is tiny.

Millionaire entrepreneur making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month at home from your computer

/r9k/ mod?

>I research organic nano-technology.

sounds pretty fascinating, senpai

I wish I could do something for a living.

I'm an engineer and yes i like it

Chef at Wendy's

Your country needs to die a permanent death

Physical therapist. Love it.

I make custom stone countertops and sometimes walls.

Has the gov already deployed the mind control nano bots?

How much NEET bucks does Germany handout ?

26, don't like my career, have no idea what else I could do or how to change careers

>he's going to fight for Schlomo Bergstein's private army
NORKS or our Aryan cousins in Iran will get you

I'm an administrative assistant at a big bank. I have lots of down time and the pay is pretty good. I long for more excitement and more pay, but the hours are flexible.

Database admin. I love it. I get paid well, casually wander into work at 8.30, leave at 4.30 or whenever, and never work a weekend.

God speed! I was in the army for 6 years and it was great! I saved half of every paycheck and got out and used the GI bill.

Health Inspector.

My job is pointless bureaucracy, id rather be on the wells and groundwater side of work than restaurants

Corporate IT for 30 years. Then I had a mental breakdown from being on Sup Forums too long and noticing that everything around me involved Jews. Quit my job, moved to Florida to spend a few months with family, and am currently living off my tapped retirement account, which will run out next year if I don't start generating a substantial side income.

I'm leaning between making a few bucks a month through cybercrimes, or just ending it in a massive murder-suicide spree.

studying a BA, working casually as a hospital orderly

job is good, get to see fucked up people

degree is shit, classes dominated by peppy, uppity, blue-haired bitches

Looks like "Sup Forums is NEET" is a meme. Most Anons are in enviable jobs.

Most NEETs are not responding since they're not doing anything for a living.

maybe my new best friend?

>nano-technology - field is tiny.

Its not like the NEETs are ashmed of their status. Some of them are really proud of not being a wage cuck.

Paid Russian troll. Its fun. I getta go on Liberal websites and promote Donald Trump. The pay isn't that bad.

Commercial buyer in scrap metal.

6'4 chef working at Wendy's with a 9 inch cock and making 300000$ a year. I like it but the girls like it more ;)

>so I can go to med school and become a Pharmacist

med school is MD
pharm school is PharmD

MD has awful work life balance unless youre a genius and get into the good specialties
PharmD has awful job prospects

You can't measure how many NEETs are here. What you can measure is how many people there are here with "enviable jobs" since they are most likely to respond or almost certinaly will.

If OP would have said "Are you a NEET" instead of "What do you do for a living". You would get a lot more NEETs and less people with jobs responding.

I work on a trawler
I don't like it but it pays the most out of any job you can get as a high school drop out

It was confirmed that the dox of Anon5 was a false flag. Most people don't know that the shills created the story.

Male secretary

Plumber, and some days are great others are a shitshow.

Job Market here is pretty fucked
Went to Gymnasium, went from building cars to washing cars, to army, to construction, to IT Salesman
Next Month i start my Job as a technical drawer, drawing shit on the pc, like plans for buildins and concrete objects etc
Meh will see how it goes
>21 and dont know where my life will get me

Its also funny, how i went from earning 3k a month to 800, and now ill be back to 2 k
Fucks me up pretty bad, because i lived pretty good with 3k and then worked as a construction worker, also got 3k and then down to 800
That was pretty depressing
I hope the new job will atleast bring some joy into my life

I live of the inheritance of my dad. Plan to get a job when I ran out of moneys.

Matthew 6:26-34
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

I do not bother myself with the earthy living for the Word of Lord is sustaining me.


I work online doing transcribing while training to be a professional illustrator. It's boring now but still easy money, and in a couple of years i should be making much more from the art side, and the earnings just steadily grow.
In this for the long haul but at least it's doing something I love.

I am an artist as well. I do oil portraits, but haven't tried to sell any yet. I dream that I can make some side money from it one day and maybe even quit my day job.






Sales engineer. Barely in the office. Better than software dev.

I grow and sell weed to put myself through medical school, I'm also an officer in the reserve forces.

I was originally planning on being a biomedical researcher but I'm not SJW or politically correct enough to make a career in (((academia))) so now I'm planning on eventually owning my own private clinic(and being my own boss) and/or being a paediatric surgeon if I get accepted into the residency program.

how much of it goes on?

>tfw engineering student
>tfw summer is almost over and all hell breaks loose in september and exams and shieeet

lmao just end me xD

Absolutely hate it, but worthless degree and too scared/stupid to do anything else.

where the fuck did this come from? This has nothing to do with that.

Don't let any /ic/ memes get to you, it's totally possible to make good money from art, but you should be business/self promotion savvy as well as pretty good.
For oil portraits you'll make more than anything digital I make, providing you find regular buyers. I know some trad guys who got really popular through carefully planned reddit sharing, and others who are good enough to have a medium following of regular buyers, like John Larriva.

Good luck family.

Worked in a warehouse till August (stopped due to health reasons) while getting engineering degree. The boss was really cool guy overall and I listened to a shit ton of audiobooks during repetive tasks, doing school work later in home. I'd recommend this to anyone who is autisitc enough to sit through 8 hours of audio and easy work.
>inb4 automation
thats why I'm getting a degree though I have doubts it will help. Also planning to get into programming to get masters or something cause I had c++ on a pretty advanced level in high school and I hear about alot of people earning much that way.

I also have a story, which only shows my stupidity
When i was 12 i had one of the biggest WoW Servers in Europe, i was the head admin, and worked on the root, webpage, ingame etc
I implemented a system in which you could buy custom Items and shit that i made myself, and you had access to custom made bosses and areas
An Item was like 5-10 Euros or something, a mount 10-25 or so
The average user spent around 30 Euros, and we had an active playerbase of 30 k people
I gave all the money to the guy that lend me his bank account and personal information (credit cards, signatures, adresses, etc) and he had everything running on his name, because i was 12
Did not even care about the money back then
This shit haunts me till today, how fucking idiotic i was back then

probably designing the next wonderful scientific advancement that will destroy our colons

Marine Corps boot camp is at Parris Island, SC you lying piece of shit.

Bouncer in bars and nightclubs.

Could be worse and co-workers are awesome so i dont complain.

I have a friend who's a professional artist, trained in Italy. It's taken him a number of years struggling but he's finally got his name out enough that paintings are moving and he's able to sustain himself.

It's a constant struggle between maintaining the appearance of a "professional artist..." and just taking the fast and easy money painting memes and selling $25 prints to Plebbitors.

It's a tough business. It's 100% about networking and sucking the dicks of rich jews that own the galleries, and nothing to do with actual talent.

Not if you live on the west coast. They go to San Diego.

computer animation R&D. make over 150k for working about 35 hrs/week in super nice environment. I like except working for jews of course

Qualifications for your job? Sounds comfy. I've been looking into night security jobs and other jobs like it. I'm on the course for a bachelors in crim jus but can't find any good jobs when I graduate.

BIM Tech in maritime engineering... Very comfy job

>Reserve officers
Normal officers are retards
Reserve officers are fuckin insanely stupid.
Please keep that as a bragging right, never actually go into the military, you don't know jack fuckin shit what a grunt must go through just to do what that clueless fuck told him to do. You're not even going to ever understand how wrong you are.

I stack fruits andveggies

>What does Sup Forums do for living

Warehouse storeman/forklift operator
Sometimes I do weekend work for a mate who runs a painting business

>do you like it
Yes! The Warehouse is cruisy and the blokes I'm with are alright. Painting can get a bit full on but my mate pays me well for it and it's great to catch up with him.

What are you doing right now?

You dummy...

Oh yeah, I'm neet but I'm gonna see how I go producing music professionally. Gonna try to drop some red pills if I get big.

"1 post by this ID"

It's a stupid waste of time. Officers are stupid, squad leaders stupid, squad mates stupid too. Only real fun is when you get a week long training exercise and everyone in your squad just died during the attack, then I get to attack enemies the sneeky breeky way, usually get much closer to the objective than the whole squad could, but die.

I even got mad when people used to tell me that military is for welfare queen, but i'm with them now. Military is for lazy bums.