WTF google

Anybody else notice that everything you google, the first dozen results are incredibly left leaning websites?

>implying a majority of the internet has ever been anything besides left leaning trash including the infamous 4cgan website
Is this the first time you have surfed the web?

Anybody know a conservative search engine that won't hurt my feelings?



>not using DuckDuckGo
>Current year

didn't you know? google apply affirmative action to search results.
apart from edison and the suspiciously tanned-looking (and non-american) bell, can anyone name an invention by any of the people on this list?

Try "American scientist". It's equally retarded.

Gee whiz
now why ever would these friendly internet companies want to affect our society?

Google -> CIA front -> Shadow Gov -> Globalist elites.

Yes I noticed this, especially when I was researching for a paper disproving white privilege and reverse racism. Salon and Vox and other extreme left websites take precedence over centrist or right wing websites.

For extra rage, search 'can you be racist to whites'

>Founded by Gabriel Weinberg

Remember when Hola wasn't an Israeli botnet too? When will you realise they have Jews on one side and Jews on the other? Why do you think, as things stand, there's only a straight choice between (((capitalism))) and (((communism)))? It's not a coincidence believe me.

your point?

I'd say the google Easter eggs are proof of screwing with things... nothing wrong with Easter eggs...

I type "th" into my address bar and it autofills to

>search on google
>same shit
>Obongo on third row down
Fucking day of the rope when?

hahahahhahhha why is it giving so many stock photo results? Wish you could see what this would return in 2007.

Shows you Google is trying to be "PC" and appeal to the masses, or so they think

that might be the real point. why is every stock photo firm owned by jews and why do they tag all their photos wrong and only sell shitty diversity photos

lost at the synthetic watermelon guy

It's almost like google is employing people that have incredibly left leaning political agendas.