Why the fuck did they think she could beat anyone? I can't think of anyone more universally hated in politics going into the election.
Why the fuck did they think she could beat anyone...
SJWs scream the loudest
Because they could blackmail almost everyone in gubmit and have the financial backing from the deep state.
Anyone who would object, suddenly had a suicide accident.
You can only have this attitude if you know its rigged for yourself. Even outside of politics.
>Shot three times in the back of the head
>Ruled as suicide
Yet she almost won
Going into the election I though she was a dignified stateswoman who was the only rational choice. On the other end of it all i now think she's a near dead child trafficker and traitor to the American people.
Sup Forums what have you done to me
VERY relevant:
Will Hillary Self-INCRIMINATE in New Book "WHAT HAPPENED?" youtu.be
Will Hillary Self-INCRIMINATE in New Book "WHAT HAPPENED?" youtu.be
Will Hillary Self-INCRIMINATE in New Book "WHAT HAPPENED?" youtu.be
really makes me think
They didn't. It's all ruse.
I didn't make that bitch do the shit she did, I just told you about it.
They run a lot of really bad candidates. I don't know why anyone would honestly like her but then again I don't understand how Arizona people kept reelecting John McCain
Anyone else afraid that Trump was meant to happen? Not just by Kek's will, but he was rigged to win by everyone in power, including Clinton? A perfect facade of protest against the swamp (untrained to this day, Clinton walking free still). Someone to calm down the unrest and build up of hate by providing a non-PC release, whilst the status quo survives. The amount of outrage and exaggerated political conflict just screams to me as fabricated puppet show. What if the Matrix was in another Matrix. and the red pill was useless?
no, she lost
with the whole entertainment industry and media on her side, she lost
The DNC emails show they intentionally promoted him in the primaries as a "pied piper" candidate.
yeah all those wetback votes
NKorea seriously needs to nuke southern california of the face of the fucking planet tbqhFAM
No they are really as arrogant and as incompetent as they appear. The only thing the government is good at is obstructing people like Trump.
What a fail for the democrats she has been. They have clearly cut off any young up and comers so she didnt get another Obama against her. Almost lost to a decrepit old socialist and got beat by Trump.
If I was a democrat I would want her basically shot into the sun to purge her from the records. They have a fuck load of rebuilding to do to become a relevant party again and her grubby handprints are all over this low point for them.
She has been a huge help to the right going forward.
>Anyone else afraid that Trump was meant to happen? Not just by Kek's will, but he was rigged to win by everyone in power, including Clinton? A perfect facade of protest against the swamp (untrained to this day, Clinton walking free still). Someone to calm down the unrest and build up of hate by providing a non-PC release, whilst the status quo survives. The amount of outrage and exaggerated political conflict just screams to me as fabricated puppet show. What if the Matrix was in another Matrix. and the red pill was useless?
Kind of like when Obama was elected then immediately started working with Bush behind the scenes?
I think if she was running against anyone other than Trump she would have had a good chance
dot get too full of yourself if you want to win in 2020.
Keep in mind that despite all the crimes they commited, the victory was extremely close.
It shows that they are not wrong: most people are sheeple and will vote for whoever CNN tells them to.
Wonder how many dead people they'll try to vote with in 2020
No, it wasn't.
I also think that Sander's could have won against Trump. More independents supported Sanders. When Hilary ran they moved to Trump
Islam and BLM went on a rampage the 8 months leading up to election. She embraced both (even started parroting BLM talking points)
White people looked at this, said "nah...nope" and went in and pulled lever for Trump.
He was the only candidate that could've beaten him, either side.
Believe me or not.
Exactly my thoughts. So many potential candidates and they chose Hillary "I ain't in no ways tired" Clinton.
The true elites wanted Trump to win.
It was decided beforehand.
The people that rule the world want the Clintons and other old crooks dead or gone, they want to replace the old "elites" with new ones.
That's also why the nationalist movements are appearing, to counter the leftist madness and keep people happy and compliant.
it was, those 3 million votes did not all come from spics.
You are about to make the same mistake as killton did: understimating your enemy
>understimating your enemy
I'm not underestimating, I know their tactics.
My family's been around Dems for 50 years.
I believe it. Remember Hilary rallies in the run up to the election? Zero enthusiasm. Say what you want about Sanders but there was a lot of energy around his campaign. People were desperate for change, Hilary just couldn't offer that and Trump took advantage. Sanders would have also been seen as an outsider
Why would voter fraud be commited in Cali, wouldn't it make more sense to do that in swing states?
8 Years of power led to the most grandiose bout of overconfidence I have ever seen.
Those staged, anemic rallies she held were a perfect encapsulation of the mood around her campaign.
Old man signs NAP with evil woman. Drinks his own Kool-Aid, made to kiss ring with his face at DNC.
It's unironic, isn't it? In the end it's the DEMOCRATS who are ironically the real threat to DEMOCRACY.
What would the McCain timeline be like right now if we got 8 years of him instead of Obama?
Yeah. Yet another reason a lot of people disliked Clinton, even democrats
twice as bankrupt as bush made us
So no different
I just can't see him not warring with absolutely everything.
Im not sure.
The only way I see it making sense is as a test.
Old people are really really stupid is why.
You mean the states that Hillary Clinton didnt campaign in?
Also, if the most densely populated counties in california have 120% to 144% registered voters out of people actually qualified to vote, doesnt this suggest that california may not have been as in the bag as we are being led to believe.
Think about that. Mr. thinker
Sanders bending the knee, thus abandoning everything he stood for disgusted me to the core.
Even tho it was expected from a jew who let blm infest his own stage.
Bush added ~5.8 trillion
Obama added ~7.9 trillion
Your hypothetical wouldve put McCain at 11.6 trillion, only 3.5 trillion more than Obama added.
At some point, all our presidents are so bad that the 'doomsday' replacement is not that much worse.
>Why the fuck did they think she could beat anyone?
Her candidacy was just one symptom of how corrupt and out of touch the political elites have become. Don't forget they thought the race would come down to a Bush and a Clinton. They had no idea that both were completely unpalatable to the general population.
This, but also, have you seen what else their party has to offer? Nancy Pelosi, Donna Brazille, Elizabeth Warren, Lil Debbie. All absolute dumbasses and even more unlikable than Hillary. I've begun to realize that she really was the best they had.
>Will Hillary Self-INCRIMINATE in New Book "WHAT HAPPENED?"
What on Earth makes you think that?
Tulsi, Deval Patrick, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, all better candidates than Hillary.
Yes but
1.) they are not the 'Democrat elite'
2.) there's no way they were going to run a man
McCain participated in 2000 and 2012 primaries too
Meme mentality tend to portray him as a detached freak, a funny senator along with Lindsay Graham, but the dude entered presidential race three times and has more of a "portrait", more public presence than any other republican. He's the face of modern GOP.
>lost to a fucking steak salesman
You would be force drafted fighting dune coons in Iran for your merchant overlords by now.