On September 9th shit will hit the fan. Trust me, something big is going to happen, screencap this.
This is it
shill thread, sage
ching chang chong dogmeat
The only big thing that will happen will involve my dick and your mom's vagina.
its coming from china so i'll believe it.
ching chong a diddy doo da ching ping too much noodeleroo too little doggo!
Must be a big vagina.
for you
Cool. Any details?
It will be my birthday is what will happen. Ill be 25.
>tfw been on this board for a decade
Lol, dub 9s for my birthday that is all 9-9
Is it a sign?
It will most likely be on 23th September. I read somewhere yesterday that McMaster is plotting a false-flag attack by using smuggled nuclear material (with the help of James F. McDonnell, who is the director of the DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office) which is responsible for detecting and reporting unauthorized attempts to import, possess, store, develop, or transport nuclear or radiological material for use against the nation, and to further enhance this capability over time. Obviously McDonell would try to hide all possible reports of smuggled nuclear material)
So, yeah. Big shit is going to come. The false-flag attack will be blamed on North Korea, so the US government can legitimately use nuclear weapons against North Korea. It's the globalist agenda right here folks.
Why are Chinease posters so rare?
Fanks, Gurmpf
Ah, found the post:
What the fuck?USSR is it you?I thought that you where dead!
Captcha is blocked there so you need a pass.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how big?
>Canadian can speak chinise
Why am i not surprised?
Most English teachers can't afford the vpn to use captcha or the 4chin pass, they piss all their money away trying to bang 4/10 rainys and drinking until they forget how much they hate themselves.
Plz be china-poo in low war, can't wait to laugh as the poo nation is dramatically improved by carpet bombing.
Easily France, they have the most muslims per capita in Europe.
Idk USSR i would suport Chinks if war would to errupt, poos against chinks would be cool.
Actialy Bulgaria but yeah i know what you mean by that.
When you're such a faggot you have to bump your own gets
Oh, just noticed dat digits now.
The chinks will destroy the poos, even if they were equally matched militarily (they aren't), the Chinese will pull together while Indians will continue to shit in each others houses.
In addition to that, china can out produce India by like 10 to 1, wars like this would be are fought on logistics and production capacity as much as on the battlefield.
It's my birthday as well.
Shadily, my friend
I know, chinks would smash poos.
>1 post by this ID
Sure, chang.
Hey I do like playing Fallout 4 but WTF? That don't mean I want to live it.
Is this border issue with India being discussed in Chinese-language media?
Some, but it hasn't really become a hot button issue among the average zhou because they just don't see India as on the same level.
It's a bit like Mexico threatening to invade the USA to them.
>trust a chink
what a boring game with ugly graphics
>It's a bit like Mexico threatening to invade the USA to them.
Kek. Makes sense. From the Chinese side of the border, is that area heavily restricted to foreigners?
Depending on the country of origin, and exactly how you get there, it can be off limits to foreigners.
A lot of the shared border is in the Chinese province of Tibet, which already has some strict rules for visiting foreigners so that covers most of the cases. You can still go, it just means if these one of the groups of soldiers stops you, you could end up having a very very bad day.l
>something big
Attack to North Korea?
>Trust me
Shut up nigger Austria.
We don't allow dog eaters here, for starters.
What is the poo military force comprised of? I just imagine them launching artillery POO strikes from afar, raining fecal matter upon their entrenched enemy.