Isn't this illegal?
Isn't this illegal?
Yes but since no man alive wants to go in there no one complains.
Pay what a woman would pay, leave, and let them take you to court later.
I know some feminists that would be offended by that
Who gives a fuck about vegan cupcakes anyway
Refuse to pay more and then accuse them of assuming your gender
they'll probably blame males when their business fails
NSW and VIC need to secede desu
>respect goes both ways
The irony.
>Take Girl out on date to there
>Hey look women pay less for the meal, tell the waiter you will pay for everything, we will save money
>Leave her with the whole bill
>this is a space for women, by women
>sign literally sitting on a few old bricks
i believe them
shame men built the venue though
>I know some feminists that would be offended by that
I know some feminists that would be offended by this comment.
just do this and they will shortcircuit and cease functioning
>excuse me, did you just assume my gender?
>while i may be male presenting, i assure you i identify in heart and soul as true and honest woman
Just tell them you're a chick and troll the shit out of them.
Yes it is discrimination based on gender.
I don't know any feminist.
Just say you (((identify))) as a woman when in the establishment and they're transphobic shitlords if they challenge you.
Sure is nice being a male presenting, female-identifying lesbian.
>Respect goes both ways
Okay I keked this is some top tier trolling
Illegal doesn't matter until someone takes you to court. They're counting on men to be too nice or uninterested to do that.
They will be out of business within the year.
Melbourne needs to be razed to the ground I swear
I know some feminists who would be offended by that
i fucked at least 4
with each one, before i fucked, i argued about feminism.
how does it hold a pencil, dude that is very cool. sloth in school
From their FB page
Notes from the real world - yesterday and today we were jam-packed with customers showing their support. I had a woman bring her daughters in today and when she came up to the till and saw our gorgeous vulva stones and our period sticker packs she beamed, thanked us for what we were doing and said "what a beautiful place to take my daughters"
Just fucking nuke us please
This is stupid as fuck
>vulva stones
... Is that..... Yoni eggs?
Fuck. You don't take your kids to pornhub ffs.
>tfw you will never violently cave their skulls in with a vulva stone
>gorgeous vulva stones and our period sticker packs
What is the Sex Discrimination Act?
The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (the SDA) makes it against the law to treat you unfairly because of your: sex; marital status; family responsibilities; because you are pregnant or might become pregnant or because you are breastfeeding. The SDA also makes sexual harassment against the law.
Do your bit goyim
>Step 1
Be a real man.
>Step 2
Show up to this place looking and acting like a real man.
>Step 3
Order food and eat.
>Step 4
When the bill comes and you see the 18-percent bullshit fee, immediately raise holy hell, claim that you're a trans woman, and start talking as liberally as possible about discrimination and shitlording.
>Step 5
When the women who run the place inevitably take the 18-percent bullshit fee off your bill and agree that you are just like them, pay your bill, but leave no tip.
>Step 6
Wait for a snarky blog post to circulate about your antics on all the major cuntrag websites.
Well... they'd be KINDA right, wouldn't they?
>alienate 50% of potential customers
>blame said customers after business fails
>Getting or using services – such as services provided by restaurants, shops or entertainment venues, banking and insurance services, services provided by government departments, transport services, professional services like those provided by lawyers, doctors or tradespeople.
>vulva stones
Which country is this in
Wait no let me guess
I know some feminists who'd be offended by this 3
What is I identify as a woman?
kill yourself.
email sent
Of course its illegal. But cucks who go there literally have no balls to do anything about it.
What city are they in?
Where else would they commission a Parliamentary enquiry into discrimination against women but praise women for doing the same thing?
Melbourne, of course
This is what a lie looks like.
It's this kind of shit that makes me glad I'm gay.
>don't tip
>when questioned say you already gave 18%
>when called shitlord remind that respect goes both ways
I know some femenists that would be offended by this
This is shitpost right?
It's this kind of shit that made me gay, tbqh
We don't tip in Australia.
I have never once tipped someone in my life.
This kind of shit helped me realise women are just idolated children
Good man.
If only
Imagine my shock
Go and shoot up the place to reflect that men are 90% more likely to die on the job.
n e w f a g
>sit wherever I like
>pay whatever I like
>nobody can do anything besides mutter empty threats because they're women
wow that was hard
This picture is astounding. I am very interested and baffled at the same time. Is there any more information on this picture? I googled "sloth in school", but not much came up.
Call the police to report illegal discrimination.
Tokenistic support is a flash in the pan.
>completely empty
It is a shitpost, user.
Help is on the way!
what we need is a good sexually frustrated neet firebombing rampage to really get things moving
you wish, faggot
only thing similar we had recently was some dumb white bitch who wanted into a barber's run by muzzies who refused her service
she made a human rights complain which went nowhere
Technically yes. But nobody gives a shit because nobody will go there and they'll go out of business.
Free market will fix it - you're basically cutting off half your potential patrons
This cat gets it
Those bricks are "vintage"!
I don't know where you people live, but I've never seen something like this before. If I did, I'd simply walk out of the store and never go back in, and I'd tell everyone I know to do the same.
What's so hard?
>act like a real man
>by whining about 18% on a $3 order
lmfao @ your brain
No, please post this on Sup Forums
>shame men built the venue though
>What's so hard?
you can't get (You)'s for that
But someone will.. See ya
They can't and won't do shit if you refuse the to pay the extra 18%
>last line
>respect goes both ways
Apparently not.
You're forgetting about all the females who are married or have boyfriends that aren't going to want to go to some smelly feminist cheese factory, or just flat out disagree with their message.
In reality they've cut off about 80% of their potential patrons.
They literally will not make their first months rent, and it will only get worse from there.
Claim to be a transgendered woman. If they still overcharge you, claim transphobia and report them on social media. Watch the SJW's tear themselves apart.
How can they know my gender though?
>morgan and morgan
I saw this guy outside a bar in Orlando, fl back in the mid-late 90s. He was yelling at a bouncer because the bar confiscated his keys. He was falling-down drunk.
OTOH, he's lobbied hard and spent millions for medicinal pot.
>gender pay gap
These people have been well and truly programed by the jews!
they forgot to pack the jam in
>act like a real woman
>can't do math, but still claim that there's a "gender pay gap"
lmfao @ your sugar tits
I know some feminists who would be offended by everything.
>I googled "sloth in school", but not much came up.
I guess diversity programs really have failed in America.
This is pure insanity and proof of a Jewish conspiracy. How can every "white" country have the same issues?
All white countries need replacing by immigrants?
All white countries have a gender pay gap problem?
All white countries have a black lives matter group?
I know some feminists who would be offended by that
I gave them a 1 star review, just to help their current 2 stars
Don't worry this is already backfiring.
>says it's an attempt to put a discriminating price on her products
>willingly admits to a crime
This may be the shortest court case in history.
They'll never learn. You never acknowledge, respond, or reach out to them. They'll take a mile courtesy of virtue signalling and you'll gain nothing.
>It is a shitpost, user.
How the hell can you tell? The angle of the sun indicates the person is there doing store opening, so of course it's empty. The SJW shit is so pervasive and paradoxical in downtown areas, I wouldn't rule this one out.