I know that Sup Forums is MGTOW, so it considers all types of marriages as idiotic, but nevertheless, what does Sup Forums think of de facto marriages = if you have a girlfriend, she's entitled to half of your stuff.
De facto marriages
Other urls found in this thread:
What do you think?
It's a frantic slapdash response to the cratering marriage rate.
If women are getting alimony, that's a whole bunch of wealth that the government doesn't have to provide in welfare, subsidized housing, etc. saves them a pretty penny.
our government really wants to destroy relationships doesnt it. good thing i'm a loser who doesn't talk to girls.
I think women are property and the girlfriend/boyfriend concept is organized robbery.
A man owns his daughter until he gives her to her husband. A cunt can't own property, they are property.
>I know that Sup Forums is MGTOW
Fuck off, loser.
Very well put.
>"as long as you stay in each other's house or home when you're in each other's local space then you're definitely considered in a de facto relationship".
So when Aussies are drinking with their mates watching the sports at one guy's house that means they are all in a homosexual relationship with that guy?
pol is not mgtow. Fedora friend.
pol is a white nationalist, conservative, pro monarchist, capitalist anti degeneracy board
We believe in not marrying whores. On dick for life. Marriage before children. Many white children etc
Mgtow is literally for beta fedora friends from the Donald who can't find women.
People opt out of legal marriage because it has turned into a shit arrangement, so they say just say you're legally married whether or not you want to be.
The state says: NO you cannot have love and a family except as WE dictate.
They don't want families. They want Logan's Run sex catalogues and hookups and the state can take care of your kids.
chuckin my shrimp in ya barbie doesnt mean what you think it means m8
Ding ding ding award for most autistic and childish image and comment combo of the day goes to.. this fag
This all sounds well and good but say your girlfriend wins the lottery then breaks up with you. You're not getting shit then
Better option would be to get rid of no-fault divorce. Force couples to work out their problems instead of bailing at the first sign of trouble and collecting alimony.
If you're at fault (adultery, neglect, abuse, etc) you walk away with the short end of the stick
Does your government know that mate?
Government just needs to fucking collapse already.
And how do you believe you are going to compete in the sexual marketplace with this mindset? You have a honorable and noble task, but what stops chad from just seducing and banging your wife? And what about your wife just deciding that she doesnt love you anymore and takes 50% of your shit?
Marriage is a trap. You can have 6+ kids and not get married, but of course the kikes will still go hunting for you.
It's much easier just to bang around promiscously and enjoy the decline.
>addressing Sup Forums as one person
>pol is not mgtow.
Yes, it is.
It's anti-woman, anti-marriage, anti-cucks, anti-feminism.
>We believe in not marrying whores
99.9% of women are whores.
nah they dont spy on us as much as yours does
>Living in a major city.
Are you sure you can say that about your ultra-cuck cities? I hear Melbourne is pretty bad.
And people wonder why men drop out. Government interference has created a breakdown of social dynamics.
It's a desperate last effort to keep feminism relevant in a world where men have figured out that marriage means divorce rape.
It'll fail as men are losing motivation to work due to not having a family they could provide for.
Good luck getting a cent out of a guy that spends 90% of his time watching anime, succubi.
oh we're terrible no doubt, it just sounds like you guys are really hitting it out of the ballpark when it comes to building a snug little police state. we don't have police raids for Islamaphobia on Twitter yet and we dont need a credit card to watch porn. we're about 10 years behind you in terms of the Orwellian state construction, you lot move too fast.
It's a complete scam and it should not hold in court. If this shit becomes a thing a prenup kind of arrangement should be made for casual dating and that is just ridiculous.
>It'll fail as men are losing motivation to work due to not having a family they could provide for.
>Using your real name on twitter.
>Using twitter.
>Thinking the porn checks will ever happen.
The government says a lot of things but it rarely does them especially relating to the internet. Porn checks have been introduced 3-4 times in the last decade but they have never actually appeared.
Alternatively they become absolutely benign like the "are you 18+?" messages.
>It's a complete scam and it should not hold in court.
Stuff like this already went Supreme Court and won.
Cucknadia leading the charge as always.
>we don't have police raids for Islamaphobia on Twitter yet
You have similar shit.
this attitude of yours is why they're getting away with building an oedipal totalitarian islamo-fascist state right now. why are you defending it?
like i said, 10 years behind. you go to jail for looking at the Simpsons r34 here. we deserve it though, this is what happens when you voluntarily give up your gunz.
this is already a thing in some American states. instead of instantaneously, it takes six months.
>de facto marriages
In ten years the state will assign you a woman you have to pay everything for. Of course, she has no duty to have sex with you.
>I know that Sup Forums is MGTOW
Fuck off shill.
Cmon shill if we were stupid we'd have voted for Shillary in the first place and now we'd be on tumblr rambling about manspreading. We're like 30 iq points ahead of you, can't fool us.
Fuck that. If there is no written signed contract, there is not even a semblance of liability when the relationship ends.
if you're 30 IQ points ahead of MGTOW surely you can come up with actual arguments against it other than
>man up
>muh white race
>da jooos
Retard, just leave. Spread your Marriage/Divorce propaganda elsewhere.
Maybe you too can come up with an argument other than "don't marry and don't have children whitey, just spend your life in your room playing videogames with your manchildren friends".
Maybe you could come up with something better than "not marrying = jew".
Your time will come shills. You're most likely criminals recruited in exchange of a reduced sentence, but eventually shit will go down you will be identified and we won't be merciful.
Take your pills, roastie.
Except atleast half MGTOW are burnt out men who were chewed up and spat out by family courts and financially taken for all they had, while having their kids made to hate them. A big portion of them are also financially successful men who just take advantage of the cheap pussy around these days.
This. MGTOWs had not too little but too much contact with gynocentrism/women.
>I know that Sup Forums is MGTOW
faggot, MGTOW is degenerate, here's your (you) now kys
>da jooos
Lurk more newfriend.
Your bluepills are showing.
>haha just let your race and society collapse, don't let them sucker you out of videogames and fleshlights
>what -- Jews? You fucking racist idiot, its the roasties man! Their copulins mind control the planet haha fucking bluepilled faggot!
Everyone knows you were bullied and never developed enough social IQ to see solutions to these problems you keep repeating like a mantra. You're terrified of other human beings, not just women, so you're rationalizing the eternal childhood you think you'll be ale to pull off. Problem being, you're so crippled by social anxiety you're still a NEET, so you aren't going to pay for all these luxuries you think you're saving yourself from women for. In reality, you're all self-selecting out of the genepool, and even knowing that doesn't change your minds -- which means you need to get pruned, without question.
How does it feel to be genetic mistakes nature will garbage-collect?
It's useless faggot. We've been fed propaganda since we were kids by educators, the media, the goverment and still we can see the truth through it. What makes you think your crappy memes and reasonless arguments will work this time? Everything you do is futile.
I bet your supervisor is as much of a retard as yourself, go watch some movie in the computer of the corner and stop shitting up our board, he won't notice.
MGTOW has the exact same goals as Jewish FEMINISM, so why should anyone listen to you?
>50/50 split of assets
What the fuck here law says you split what you earned AFTER the marriage only. And stuff like inheritance or lottery win does not count because you have to actually earn that shit with support of your wife theoretically.
Lol, and still no counter arguments, just your mindless repetitions of "Marriage is good. Marriage is good. Women are angels!!!"
>Women are angels
you're the only one ITT saying that
>argument so weak has to strawman
Good, we agree then that marriage is bad because women are bad and courts are stacked against men.
Yeah, we agree on the premises, but your solution goes like this:
>wow, bad situation, let's commit suicide after we get high and play video games for a few years
>who care if the world collapses, it wasn't worth more than my cummies
You're the reason the world got to this point -- apathetic, nihilistic, hedonistic trash like you wouldn't stand up against it, generation after generation. You were more concerned with your comforts than you were with risk or hardship to stand up against degeneracy and evil. In fact, you're STILL advocating degeneracy and the collective suicide of your civilization and people, just so you can squeeze a couple years of fleshlights and other "cummies" out of the situation before you engage genetic death. And to make it worse, you run around preaching that others should join you, so you don't feel so terrible with your choice.
You deserve to be forgotten, you were a mistake to begin with.
>>what -- Jews? You fucking racist idiot, its the roasties man!
yfw this is actually true
>meanwhile jewish birthrates are up in Israel
>meanwhile jewish emigration to Israel is also up
Deltas and Omegas are always committing genetic suicide in every population, aren't they?
You're one, so you're the authority here.
You know what's so funny about you? I just need to post of pics like pic and 100 men get instantly convinced that marriage is BS and all your posts are worthless.
>what -- Jews? You fucking racist idiot, its the roasties man!
Of course it's the roasties.
Weird orthogonal thought that just popped up after reading this.
Technically, antisemitism mean bigotry towards speakers of Semitic languages, specifically Hebrew and Arabic. So when people cry "Islamophobia", what they really mean is antisemitism, even if the argument is retarded.
You can see the fundamental difference between the two cultures, however. They both implant themselves into superior cultures, but Jews are better at assimilation than Desi people.
Once they reach pinnacle status, it's all nepotism for Jews, which is what we see in the US now. Desi, on the other hand, have very poor assimilation behaviors, insisting instead that the host culture change to suit them. You see examples of this with some migrants complaining that they were served pork meatballs...in Germany.
So really the question is larger because we're fighting a culture battle on two fronts, but any argument about brownies is shot down as bigotry, and the holocaust has ensured that any talk about Jews is well outside the Overton window.
>I'm convincing others to join me in genetic death
Degenerates never want to liberate you, they just want others to keep them company in suffering.
>women are superior, they rule the world!
Then you can't ever escape their system, you can't ever "go your own way". You're the 80% that were going to die without reproducing in the matriarchal system anyway, you just made it easier for them to make it reality. Since MGTOW doesn't mean "going their own way away from TAXES" you were still paying for your replacements and single mothers.
MGTOW, like feminism, advocates men become tax-cucks.
MGTOWs have the same goal as feminists.
MGTOWs are fine helping feminism.
MGTOWs never have an explanation for this.
Nah, it's shills shilling shills. You're not the only one working for kikes posting propaganda online.
>So when people cry "Islamophobia", what they really mean is antisemitism, even if the argument is retarded.
Jews don't like to remind people, because they don't want anyone to classify them the same as arab mudslimes.
>So really the question is larger because we're fighting a culture battle on two fronts
Sounds like you haven't studied the Jewish origins of the House of Saud yet. Jewish integration with Muslim aims goes all the way back to Constantinople.
Don't try to reason with him, he's a paid shill. Any real /polack/ can see this and move on.
>Jews have possitive birthrate in this 8000 square miles desert
Woah we're gonna get overrun
oh yeah, also check this out:
I'm displaying arguments and rebuttals for the lurkers. That's the only point in arguing with shills.
>literally for beta fedora friends from the Donald who can't find women
nice shaming tactic there roastie, pol is MTGOW sorry m8
its so cringe but hilarious
Dude...this is the biggest red pill I've ever swallowed.
Thank you for this. Why is this info not propagated more?
They already do that.
>what is tax and benefits to single mothers
>I'm displaying arguments and rebuttals for the lurkers
No, you're not. You're claiming literal bullshit like "MGTOWs are fine helping feminism." or "
MGTOW, like feminism, advocates men become tax-cucks."
>Why is this info not propagated more?
Because nupol took over this board, and they promote kosher cuckservatism. We used to have massive redpill threads on different topics and make new OC, but not its just leddit-tier regurgitating old memes and discussing celebrity drama, or baitposting content from normie sites.
Cry moar you diabetic manlet, no one has time for your life as a genetic mistake.
>I know that Sup Forums is MGTOW
>be mgtow
>call someone else a loser
>so cringe
whats this? more shaming? cmon nazi what else ya got for Bruce
>whats this? more shaming?
Oh I'm sorry little feminist, did I SHAME YOU somehow?
>100 men
Top kek you're surrounded by a bunch of loser teenagers and fat failures like yourself. By all means, "go your own way". I'm sure women are just BEGGING you not to "go".
wow that is gay
Why do you have the jew banner?
>I'm sure women are just BEGGING you not to "go".
This. No high sexual market-value individuals ever go MGTOW. Married or not, you have to be a celibate to avoid the system forcing you to pay women -- and even then your taxes STILL pay for them. MGTOW is just how involuntary celibates rationalize their circumstances, by pretending it was their "choice", rather than the world rejecting them.
Let's be real here. Marriage is a sham and you know it. What you're trying to do is forcing men into a shit deal on shaky grounds like "it's ur duty xD"
And as much as you cry and post pics of at neckbeards, everyday more and more normal men realiza marriage is a shit deal and consequently avoid it.
Let's debunk all your fedora pictures in one fell swoop: Today barely half the population is married. Not only the fedora neckbeards are not interested in marrying.
Why am I entitled to it; I didn't win the lottery, if my girlfriend wants to keep the money all to herself then the state has nothing to say about it.
Can't wait till this effects a bunch of faggot roommates. It will be hilarious.
And in the reverse case she'd get her half no matter what high ideals you have.
From the mouth of their employers:
>Correct the Record’s staff (18 and counting) is crammed into a newsroom-style bullpen in the back corner of the offices of American Bridge 21st Century, Brock’s Super-PAC. “They’re always there; they’re always working around the clock,” former Clinton White House adviser Paul Begala says of the crew. “I always tease David that he finds all of these nerd virgins and locks them away in a vault where they never see sunlight or have a drink or get laid. But God Bless them!”
Their job is posting crappy propaganda on Sup Forums, this alone makes them worthless losers.
>Marriage is a sham
Women still need it for psycho-social and economic reasons more than men. Men who are social and economic retards don't get married and keep the upper hand. But we're talking about men actually WORTH enough to be getting married, which no MGTOW ever is. You're all involuntary celibate NEETs pretending this is about you "choosing" to leave women behind. In reality, no high sexual market-value individuals ever go MGTOW. Married or not, you have to be a celibate to avoid the system forcing you to pay women -- and even then your taxes STILL pay for them. MGTOW is just how involuntary celibates rationalize their circumstances, by pretending it was their "choice", rather than the world rejecting them.
None of you have any concept how to dominate women, which is why you're just giving up. You advocate this choice as a "movement" because your misery wants company. In reality, you can't boycott women, for such reasons as the Pareto Princple, which I'm sure you've all heard discussed on MRA sites. If you let society slip into the 20/80 split of matriarchal r-selection, then everything you claim to be protesting becomes reality. Your "divestment" from society just accelerates things to this point of no return.
You are a degenerate, dysgenic element in society, and you will be purged with the leftoids and feminists as cancer.
>And as much as you cry and post pics of at neckbeards, everyday more and more normal men realiza marriage is a shit deal and consequently avoid it.
>You're all involuntary celibate NEETs pretending this is about you "choosing" to leave women behind. In reality, no high sexual market-value individuals ever go MGTOW.
Prove it.
>None of you have any concept how to dominate women
>MGTOWs have the same goals as anti-white feminists
>this kills the MGTOW
no but you are trying, bless. but i see no good arguments so far. pol seems MTGOW to me.
>What you're trying to do is forcing men into a shit deal on shaky grounds like
We promote the idea that you should be able to control your wife. Your goals should be having children and a stable family. If you can't accomplish this, it's on you inevitably. Women aren't equals, quit viewing them as such.
It's imperative that these MGTOW admit the reality of their situations. They aren't high-demand men in the marketplace, they wouldn't even be noticed if they were hit by a bus. They aren't wrong about the nature of women but it's exaggerated to match the unfortunate situations they find themselves in. It's one thing for 8/10 fit employed man to practice celibacy, but the followers of this pathetic ideology are not that. They are lying to themselves to attempt to justify why they're wizards and handholdless. f
We also never advocate for men to enter relationships with whores, ESPECIALLY racemixers, so you can drop all the strawman bullshit
>marrying some low quality coal burning roastie that will divorce you and raise your kid with Tyrone while you slave away paying child support is going to save the white race.
The family is a male creation. As soon as women get power the family will dissolve because it's not needed for her to be supported.
MGTOWs don't destroy nuclear families, retard. They don't go around and shout "Take his children away from him!"
Post a picture of attractive MGTOWs
>We promote the idea that you should be able to control your wife.
Yeah, you promote unattainable bullshit, cunt defender.