Why hasn't Sup Forums converted to Amish yet?

Why hasn't Sup Forums converted to Amish yet?
>They've recognized that technology does more harm than good
>They live separately from society like the Jews (except non-parasitically) and are effectively homogenous
>They build character by doing things the hard way, such as farming without a tractor
>Keep normies and the weak-willed out by speaking their own dialect, which you have to learn if you convert.
>Modest fair maidens that won't leave you for Chad because his horse is bigger than yours
>Elitist rather than Evangelical. Religion is determined primarily by blood.
>The only positive form of Christianity left.
>The only white group in America with any sense of community
>Basically took the Varg pill without the paganism

Other urls found in this thread:


>Elitist rather than Evangelical. Religion is determined primarily by blood.
That is kind of missing the point of the bible

Blessed be the fruit

I don't live in America and they all live in America and your immigration laws are really strict. :(

The first half is Jewish ethnocentrism and the second half tells you how to treat your neighbours (who are going to be similar to you) and raise your kids

t. kike
I love The Handmaid's Tale. It's a lovely escapist fantasy world where all the degenerate coalburning cunts get thoroughly put in their place.

May the Lord open

>They've recognized that technology does more harm than good
Technology is harmful in the hands of idiots. You should have to have a certain intelligence level in order to access certain levels of technology.
Everybody has a powerful computer with access to infinite knowledge sitting in their pocket yet all these retards use it to surf Facebook.

I'm from Pennsylvania but am working in a candy story in New Jersey for the summer.

Mostly dealing with niggers, poos, and French Canadians all fucking summer but every now and then a happy Amish family comes in (there's an Amish market in town so that's why they're here) and I feel both a) elated that way of life still exists SOMEWHERE and b) so sad that I can never be a part of it.

>tfw you will never have an Amish qt gf
>tfw you will never join the one part of western civilization that probably won't collapse horribly

>second half tells you how to treat your neighbours (who are going to be similar to you) and raise your kids
It also tell you to preach the word to all corners of the earth

I'm not a big fan of the bible. It doesn't adapt at all to how the same kind of morality works in the modern age, this time in regards to transportation. The people writing it wanted you to "redpill people about Jesus" but they never knew there would be missions to starving Africans to give them food and then hang Christ over their head like "Look how nice we are. Join our cult, my based African kinsman". I believe than paganism is superior to Christianity in every way but the Amish are doing better than pagans at resisting degeneracy by far. I could critique them for not being apparently warlike enough, but I don't know what they would really do if they were threatened. They're essentially a loose tribal confederacy living in an empire.
I agree. My idea for the technology question is to leave it in the hands of priest-scholars, occupying a caste similar to what the Druids did in the ancient Anglo lands. I still admit that the Amish attitude is far superior to any other that actually exists in a sense large enough to have communities and distinction. If I was Christian, I would be considering learning Pennsylvania Dutch, but I'm not, so I won't. I'm probably honestly too corrupted by modernity as well though.
Why can't you be a part of it?
>tfw you will never have an Amish qt gf
I didn't want to feel this feel
>tfw you will never join the one part of western civilization that probably won't collapse horribly
This is another important aspect to why I'm coming to value the Amish. My only question to them is will they fight, and will they have the arms to fight with?
That's fucking degenerate though.

We are blessed to have Amish in Ohio. They mind their own business and produce superior wooden furniture, fruit, veggies and what have you. I love the Amish.

>It doesn't adapt at all to how the same kind of morality works in the modern ag
How does CURRENT YEAR change morality?

No internet

Small sacrifice for a happy life.

>>They've recognized that technology does more harm than good

They still use technology, they're just not connected to the grid because they believe some part of the bible told them not to be connected to everyone or something like that. Anyways, they use generators, answering machines, cars sometimes, laundry machines, even light bulbs off batteries some of em. Just the other day I saw a whole family of Amish at the laundromat

In my case, it's because I'm Buddhist. I have balanced the attachment so as to not let the technology run my life.
That being said, I live in Ohios western Amish country. So I see and talk to the Amish quite often.

>Pure waifu vs shitpost on Sup Forums
The choice is clear

They're very insular so even if I were to live with them for years and even be officially accepted into their church, I'd never BE Amish. My children wouldn't even be, or my children's children. THEIR children might be, but that's three generations of assimilation.

Anyway, their entire belief system is based on nonviolence, which means that even if a barbaric horde were bearing down on one of their villages, they would not take up arms to defend themselves, but would turn the other cheek to the bitter end. They do have guns, though, but just for hunting.

So which ordnung are you choosing?

So you've never heard of the Old Order German Baptists? They're in IN and MO and live even more off the grid than the Amish do. No language requirements to join, either.

They are parasites that would be easily conquered without our armies and technological dominance.

There are some good things about them, but otherwise they are a unnecessary dead end.

Parasite is a kike who subverts a nation to fight for their wars. People that work the land and mind their own business are not parasites.

Might have been metaknights they are Amish that accepted tech

Fuck, are they really that non-violent? I thought that Harrison Ford movie was over the top for the sake of a movie.

I might have to make it a goal to red pill some Amish and convince them to get some guns.

Hi, Schlomo

Exactly, plus they contribute to society by doing business with non-Amish folks. Amish businesses are actually more likely to succeed.

Why is she drinking from a plastic bottle if they're so against modern technology.
Also what's stopping people from just doing this themselves?

Nah they weren't Mennonites, AFAIK only super strict or orthodox Amish, forget what they call themselves though, actually deny all forms of modern tech.

>Why hasn't Sup Forums converted to Amish yet?
How about I ask you the same thing.
Why haven't you?
Why are you sitting here and shitposting??

Digits are outlawed in a Mennonite society.

Fun fact: the US has the most lax immigration laws of any country in the entire world.

They really are. They don't even use abstract forms of force like legal force (so no lawsuits) and political force (hence no Amish presidents or governors)

Trying to redpill them sounds like a good idea, but in reality they probably wouldn't go for it and would just shun you. What would probably be better would be to join/form militia groups to DEFEND the Amish volk since they won't do it themselves.

“The gentle Goddess of Peace can only walk beside the God of War, and that every great deed of peace requires the protection and assistance of strength.”

>Mostly dealing with niggers, poos, and French Canadians

is this Wildwood? Maybe the Fudge Kitchen on the boardwalk?

I have amish clients that i meet with on a daily basis...

would be the most boring life ever. all they do is work. traveling to/from somewhere takes 10x longer than it needs to. they do hire drivers to take them to/from work but thats only because a group of them can go together.

why the fuck did he warn him?

I'm not retarded.

Something like that...

OK, I'll take the bait and say say:
No it doesn't

You can probably just pull up on the shores of Somalia and live there until you meet your grizzly end where as in USA you need visas just to visit Disneyworld

I don't get why people don't just promote traditional lifestyle with Pennsylvania Dutch culture and language. You can still live similarly to them while having a separate cultural identity that isn't affixed to Anabaptism; join a Lutheran or Reformed church instead and try to make them less weak

how close am I? Right county at least? Not Stone Harbor/OC or actual Cape May there's not many niggers. I'm pretty sure the French Canadians specifically like the Cape May/Wildwood area and tend not to go to beaches further north, but I could be wrong

They are a dead end, just like the conquered and defeated red indians who have been ground into the dust.

We can have healthy families and a stable society without regressing to a vulnerable pre-industrial state.

I wish more than anything I could live the Amish life. I'm a Catholic though, maybe I could help start the first Catholic-Amish communities or something..

Cause when Americucked diversity fascism finally drops its mask, they'll be purged harder than pagans on ISIS lands for opting out of progress.

You need to develop economically and technologically and stockpile weapons to arm your militia. Muzzies do it in US, I bet Mormons do it as well in secret.

That's what we SHOULD do really; take inspiration from Amish society and apply it to our own. Pennsylvania in particular is in a really good position to capitalize on this because we really do have our own language and culture that we should cherish; personally I'd absolutely love it if Pennsylvania Dutch were resurrected the same way Hebrew was in Israel or the way they want to do with Gaelic in Ireland. Basically Pennsylvania Uber Alles.

It's Wildwood alright, it's just that I have like a week left on the job and don't wanna give too much away... just in case...

How are they a dead end? The Amish population is exploding because of exponential growth - in 1920 there were 8,000, in 2017 they rose to 310,000. In a few decades they'll be millions of them

>Pennsylvania in particular is in a really good position to capitalize on this because we really do have our own language and culture that we should cherish; personally I'd absolutely love it if Pennsylvania Dutch were resurrected the same way Hebrew was in Israel or the way they want to do with Gaelic in Ireland.

I larp about it a bit on here but it really boils down to money and interest and I've not really seen much of either in the way of pushing for more Pennsylvania German. I would like to look into organizing a Yiddish Farm-type setup (yiddishfarm.org/)
>inb4 jews

Your second point is valid, but I contend the first one.

The idea of simple, linear development of society from the culture of the paleolithic through the successive stages of the neolithic, Bronze, and Iron Ages up to today must be given up. We find today primitive cultures coexisting with advanced modern society on all the continents; the Aboriginals of Australia, the Bushmen of South Africa, truly primitive peoples in South America and in New Guinea, tribal peoples and the Amish in the United States.

Societal stability is not contingent on advanced technology; it is quite possible for one to have low technology and high societal stability. They're not a dead end if their society has existed in the same exact form for over two-hundred years (going back further than that even).

Seems like everyone except degen methhead truck drivers would
Because it no longer works in the same way. A dogma that leaves no room for reconsidering itself (respectfully) will not work across contexts.
Different sects use different amounts of technology.
That's all great on the individual level, but it doesn't address the lower class who are more predisposed to become addicts of all kinds.
Fair enough. If that's true about the nonviolence it's their fatal flaw, but I don't believe they would actually act like that under direct genocidal pressure.
Never heard of em.
I'm pagan.
This is a good idea.They're too pure for this world.
Stop being autistic

>as farming without a tractor
if they farm without tracktors, their crops will be too expensive, isn't it ?

>Because it no longer works in the same way. A dogma that leaves no room for reconsidering itself (respectfully) will not work across contexts.
Works to do what?

they're a backup in case of system failure

Amish people have been inbreeding for so long, they almost all seem retarded now. Is that what you want for your kids? Retardedism?

There's nothing wrong with using the tactics our enemies have utilized so effectively against us. Just because kikes do something doesn't mean that something is automatically horrible- it's just in the wrong hands is all.

There'd be quite a few hurdles to cross of course trying to get Pennsylvania German spoken more widely- mostly money and interest like you said, but also the indignant cries of RACISM and NATIONALISM and SUPREMACISM that we know so well.

Look em up....simple religion, simple life, and very accepting of outsiders....they have both old order and new order....new order uses technology, old order doesn't even have a phone in the barn they are so far removed from modern life....

But people on pictures are looking 10/10


Good, Humans aren't meant to be 'free' and have 'fun', we're meant to be god fearing, 24/7 work drones with any sense of individuality stricken out of us. Also no technology, technology makes our work more efficient and gives us leisure time, efficiency is the enemy. If you start getting so strong you can plow the fields in half the time, start plowing with your hands so it takes three times as long.

Oh and most importantly make sure you pay your taxes to Israel or otherwise Jesus won't come back to destroy the world.

>>Basically took the Varg pill without the paganism

Anything varg does is degenerate as fuck.

this has to be the best aussie shitpost i've ever seen in my life


Oh look, another assblasted Aussie

>There'd be quite a few hurdles to cross of course trying to get Pennsylvania German spoken more widely- mostly money and interest like you said, but also the indignant cries of RACISM and NATIONALISM and SUPREMACISM that we know so well.

I don't think this is a massive hurdle, or at least not quite. I do think the public schooling system is potentially a hurdle. More availability for education in Standard German is, in my opinion, a better way to go about helping the spread/revival/whatever of Pennsylvania German rather than water-downed lessons in church basements on Wednesday evenings. This itself is a better of interest, both of children and their parents, but also a matter of how the school boards want to deal with it and what they want to promote. I suspect the decline in resources and availability of German language classes in American high and middle schools is not solely from declining public interest but also desires of the public schooling system.

The best way to deal with this is probably for the Germans themselves to get involved and offer some sort of or appear to offer some sort of economic incentive for American school children learning German. Scholarships, partnering with German schools, internships, etc.

$$$Money$$$ will make people decide and form public sentiment

>would be the most boring life ever
Their reward systems in their brains are so sensitively tuned from lack of novelty that likely just waking up each day is joyful. The simple life is a happy life. Plus they all live in symbiotically with one another, which would give the feeling of working toward a common goal, which would give one purpose and meaning beyond just being vessels to process pleasure. When was the last time you felt joyous?

Not really, maybe a dollar or two dollars more? But it's organic no pesticides to turn you into a faggot in them

The book has 311 pages

Amish are heretics.

There are simple living lay catholic communities.

>want to join Christian community
>said community takes the bible and the word of Jesus seriously
>this means that they believe that their time on Earth is a incredibly brief period compared to the eternal afterlife, and their actions here will determine how they spend that eternity
>as such, they follow Jesus' very clear and unambiguous teachings against violence

>user's response is, "wow these guys are great just gotta redpill them into buying guns and killing commies then they'll be the perfect Christians XD"

You guys have a lot more in common with conservatives than you think.

The public schooling system is the only real way we could conceivably get Pennsylvania German revived too, since so many Pennsylvanians use it.

The state government could replace some of the school system's secondary language courses with Pennsylvania German- maybe replace our current German courses with Pennsylvania German, and prioritize it over Spanish- offer scholarships or financial aid to students who do take Pennsylvania German courses.

I really like your proposal to have the state government partner up with the Germans themselves to teach the language, but we'd have to be careful that we don't wind up getting regular German taught, instead of our own dialect of it. Maybe we could also offer state grants to our own version of (((Yiddish Farm))) to teach the language even further.

Dang, maybe this is attainable after all. Like you said, the cost is the most important thing though; it can't be prohibitively expensive or else the public won't go with it.


I'm not Christian, so I have nothing against violence. I believe violence is the second most important function of men after reproduction.

Just gonna dump some Amish pics to bump the bread

>I'm not Christian

Then you have no part in this conversation, do you? I'm responding to people who are praising the Amish for their lifestyles and their faith while simultaneously discussing how to convince them to abandon one of the core tenets of that faith. Aka being literally Satan.







I'm the one who made this thread. This conversation is my will.


They will be the last white people.


WTF ??? There are only beautiful girls. How such could be ?

All of those groups, every last one, is dead meat if a modern army get serious.

The Japanese, when confronted with the black ships, adapted to modern technology; years later their culture is thriving. The red indians did not and are defeated, in decline, and waiting for extinction.

Also a nice article pretty much summing up my thoughts on the Amish

>I really like your proposal to have the state government partner up with the Germans themselves to teach the language, but we'd have to be careful that we don't wind up getting regular German taught, instead of our own dialect of it.

I don't think that is too big of an issue as long as there is some sort of way to introduce the actual dialect, either as their own classes or within the same classes; when someone learns standard German grammar learning the dialect becomes much easier. Other issues are the lack of standardization and a consistent authority to regulate the language in education and allow for the proper introduction of new vocabulary where required. This further coupled with a pretty small and largely primitive collection of written dialect material to read from would require extensive writings and translations to appeal to people

Firstly that would have to be organized. I've spoken a little bit to the Hiwwe wie Driwwe publisher about setting up a language regulator group and he offered that I could write a segment on it. I don't feel as though I'm quite at the level to write a proposal on it, though I've attempted a bit, and further don't think I could contribute much outside of an amateur interest in linguistics and passing knowledge in German. Plus I've been busy with other things at the moment and probably will be for the next couple years or so to try and get a better sense of the people I'd be writing and proposing this to

This couples with the Deitsch Farm idea, which I feel more comfortable getting involved with as a younger person than trying to write proposals directed at Linguists, but which also requires the pre-existence of the first as a means to regulate the variant of the dialect learned at this location and creation of language learning resources

And what modern army is going to penetrate into the heartland of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania?

Believe me, I understand where you're coming from, but your criticism of them is a bit silly when they're protected by default by the Pennsylvania National Guard and United States Military

They aren't degenerate

They HAVE. The Sup Forumsskis who did convert to amish threw away their computers.

>Modest fair maidens

I hope you don't think you're getting a virgin wife.

Because if you are not born into being amish its not possible to become part of one amish sect.

If they wouldn't shun violence, they would be pretty much sure future for the whites.

Shame I won't be able to ever live with those blessed people.

It's not hard finding a virgin. My fiancée is a virgin

Yes it is. Look it up.

We'd definitely need support from the state to really get this going, or some organization with a bit of weight to throw around to at least get a foothold. It's definitely going to be difficult to find a backer with enough dough to bankroll us.

Our best bet is to go to already established organizations, rather than working from the ground up. Hiwwe wie Driwwe is definitely a good one- maybe even the best one. There's also the Pennsylvania German Society, and the German-Pennsylvania Association in Germany (if we want stronger ties between Germany and Pennsylvania, that's definitely the place to start).

>that nose
>that complexion

This is how I make my fiancée dress

Probably just the lighting bongfam

because Sup Forums is full of memeing faggots that talk big about saving the white race tho all they wanna do is sit in front of the pc and play video games.
an amish life would literally kill them.

I think that's staged or Mexican or South American Mennonites that adopted Amish bonnets. That one guy is a mestizo, and the rest of them don't look like any Amish I've ever seen