Why so Brits become autistic over the Falklands?

It is a hard redpill to swallow, but they should just give it back to the argies to solve the conflict.

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There is no conflict.

fuck off
they have never belonged to argentina

stop making this thread faggot, there is no case to answer

it never belonged to them as they never existed when we took it

so fucking DEAL WITH IT!

The bigger they are the bigger they fall.

Bye Bye UK

Because BRITS ARE FAGS, and can't allow anyone from Latin America to rise above.

They want OIL, and the resources from Antartica. We should all have developed nukes on latin america.

Look at the map in OP. Argentina is clearly bigger than the UK and obviously bigger than the Falklands.

I've noticed that Brazilians get REALLY salty about the Falklands for some reason. Why is that? Is it some sort of "our irrelevant backwaters have to stick together" thing?

they only side with us until we actually show up
then they hate us, its a neighbor/football rivalry

Why the hell you brought nukes to fight a third world country for a little island? Brazil wants integrity on the region, peace among all neighbors.

No way, Brazil supported you fully if there was ever a continental invasion. After the Maldivas, Brazil and Argentina grew much closer diplomatically.

Brits are fags.

Funny thing is, if Argentina had waited they would have owned them we were in talks to ceed them the territory and I think the CIA even wanted them to go to Argentina. But The Argies sperged out so we kept them, the only reason we`re keeping them is to piss Argentina off.
I would be perfectly fine with us giving them to Brazil.

Brazil lets us use their airports to get to the Falklands. Its just you. Honestly Brazil should just annex all of Argentina.

They were never Argentinian, though. Ever. And the 3000 peole there are all British. Why should they be Argentinian? Because they're closer?

I do not understand argentinas claim to this island AT ALL


There literally is none. Literally literally and not reddit literally.

>give it back

No. Nobody there wants to be under Argentine military occupation, even the Argies on the island.

you sound like a nigger

Closest point to Antarctica.

well yeah in reality it isnt, but what is their supposed claim? how do they justify it?

Why are we there? Some crappy island in the middle of pedroland..
What do we brits get from it?

You are the nigger bullying slum nations with nukes and 26.000 men, when it's obvious that the oil, the resources and the claims to Antarctica belongs to the Argentine fags.


Sadly, Argentine was also a fag during those years, and were in bad relations with Chile, risking war on the region, like total fags. If they had kept the peace, and not acted Hitlery while being weak as fuck, latin america may have united with their cause.

Fuck load of oil in the surrounding seas.
The population is British.
Having a country annex part of your land is the ultimate humiliation.

All of those are reasons to protect it. It's why we have a massive military base there now so that nothing like the 1982 invasion can happen again.

You straight up sound like a nigger whining about his whitey oppression.

traitor, the islands and the coastal waters around the falklands are blood red. there was a war, we won and winners keepers.


Theres a lot of oil in the area that no one is legally allowed to drill until 2040 or something

Thats because Brazil is a mixed up nation. Doesn't mean it shouldn't defend itself against fags aggression.

We had the means, but democratization and neoliberal presidents fucked it up. Thank for the Bill Clinton faggot.

2040 is next war then.

no, it rightfully belongs to the united kingdom

wonder which side america will take by then?

Here's the gist of it:

Once Argentina became its own, they send a small military garrison to the Islands.

The military rebelled against the then Argentinian government and the island became a total fucking dysfunctional clusterfuck of a mess.

The Brits then shortly after returned to the Islands and disposed of the pirates. The few civilians that were there were invited to stay by the Brits and they started settling the Islands proper.

Argentina even signed a treaty 150 years ago that denied any possible claim to the Islands.

So the masses can have something to feel pride in. Literally no other reason. We got rid of the empire, but let's keep a few irrelevant islands and a rock so we can continue to LARP as a world superpower.

My sides.
>provoke a country with one of the most well equiped militaries by launching a full scale invasion against a small island of british people just because its close and you want to show the world how big your balls are.
>get royally fucked
>dont even get counter assaulted
>cry about it decades later on a mongolian tapestry forum

They even put it on their money, like a cuckold jerking off to a photo of his ex.
And the Brits are the autistic ones?

Fight harder next time Argies

>Implying literally anyone who want to colonize the biggest shithole on the planet

There will be no war, Argentina is fucked, it has no means. Also, Thatcher created the most developed naval base of all latin america after the war. Argie fags will never have another shot at this again.

>1 post by this ID

post 'em lads

haha oh my god ok thats fucking sad

Not us, insignificant faggot, the Argies and their fag island. Of course the brits wanted to own it, it give them giant claims on the Antarctic, as I already showed.

>/r9k the country


very true user, the islands are british not Argentinean

UK should just let Chile get it. Just to keep Argentines and Huemonkeys salty.

>b-but it's ours


Still lots of oil. The argie fags deserve this for acting this retarded.

>back to the argies
they never had it in the first place

oh look, Bush was in Irak and Afghanistan. Clinton fucked up Jugoslavia. etc.
that's what you do, when you are failing in domestic politics. just wait, Trump will do the same earlier or later. oh, wait - Syria?


>Why so Brits become autistic over the Falklands?
Just call them racist and they will hand it back with apologies.


Not really. I mean why would we let them have a referendum then? why were we planning to ceed them to Argentina before the war? No one thinks we are a super power anymore, most of all Brits. We know the British Empire is dead, most of the millenials here think it was evil anyway. We keep it because thats what they voted for, they voted to be british so we`re going to protect them.

It's a hard pill to swallow, but they did.
Then the argies started fucking with the whaling business, and got one everybody's nerves.
Britain was still in control and had only leased one of the islands to the argies, but it was enough to warrant the reassertion of power and a substantial naval force to ensure it.
Stayed British ever since.

BTW if we're really gonna be anal about it and say first come first serve, it shouldn't go to the argies, it should go to the French.

I agree, Borkum is closer to us than it is to Germany, so we should get it.

That's how it works after all

>strategically possess the World's only deep sea port between the largest deposits of untapped minerals and oil and civilisation
>monkeys who can't run a country fuelled by stolen nazi gold finally notice that the Antarctic Treaty is set to expire soon, try the lamest, most ill-conceived invasion against a World Power in history
>blacks lose again, even almost get their cities nuked if the French hadn't handed over the missile defence system knockout codes
>why u want sheep island anyway????
Money. Lots of money for the next five hundred years. The cash is all in the transportation of black gold.

Yeah maneee get the best brains of the favelas on it, you'll have nukes in no time ...

The most we think of you is rivers of disease and coffee, just another Black Country.

This might be a good time to remind everyone that Argentinians are all descendants of Europeans and therefor white

Why the hell are they trying to take land from a country with nukes then? Doesn't matter if it's a inch or the entire Falklands, we will retaliate

By masses I mean the working class and old grannies; the burdens to the progressive agenda of the state. They'll read something like "[x politician] makes stark warning to Argies" in The Sun and feel a dash of patriotic pride, not for long, but enough to keep them content. In reality it's just theatrics. They just need a way of keeping these people off their backs.

Why would I care how Brazil is thought about by a low tier peasant, while they are getting bombed and raped near the London bridge?

Are you really so retarded, as to think that a mere retarded hooligan commoner opinion matter to me? lolwut

>give it back
what about the people that live there? they don't want to be Argentinian, last i checked


>it should go to the French.
Fuck that, Frenchies can't even defend their own damn land, let alone a fucking island hundreds of miles away.
If anything it should be considered Spanish clay.

Brazil didn't intervene directly.

Argies never controlled it. They can't give something back to cunts that didnt have it in the first place.

I meant argiebois

Brits stuck a flag in antarctica first.

What makes them British? They don't live in Britian

>the falklands is an ethno-state

Wasn't that the Norwegians?


It wasn't the white man, it was our neo-liberal governments, in such a pace to sucks Washington cock, in the process of democratization.

Letting the military government go was our biggest mistake. We should have created those nukes, we should never let democracy be.

Wasn't that the nazis?

But we are your neighbours my gore video supplying friend.

fuck sake when will you stop, its fuking brit and it will stay that way

Yea Norway claimed their bit France claimed their bit Britain claimed their bit. None of these bits overlapped, britain gave australia and newzealnd bits. Then Argentina became a country and claimed a bit that had already been claimed. Then Chile autistcally laid claim over the same bit again. Finally the nazis claimed a bit which also overlapped Norway's bit.

Literally not even a relevant retort.

we were there before the nazis.
we were there first.

Yes and you will help us aussies utlise our bit cos we know fuck all about snow, in return we will let you use australia as a staging zone cos you get raped in south Africa.
We actually share an international boundary with you guys and France.
Feels weird man I never new we had international neighbours until now.

Why are you blaming Bill Clinton on Britsfags lil monkey man?

This time we should invade them. Turn Buenos Ares into British Ares-on-Sea

>We actually share an international boundary with you guys and France.

what the fuck

By 2040, it will be a caliphate, and the muslim invasion will try to spread to Latin America. God will be with us.

>getting bombed and raped near the London bridge?

Come off it mate, your country keeps BestGore in business from all the fucked up shit your people do to each other.


There is no conflict. The British own the islands and that's just the way it's going to be.

Argentina can bitch about it all they want, but there is no "conflict" to speak of. It's British territory and that's the end of it.

Who would you nuke?

America would never allow you to have nukes.

And sweden was never swedish

>the AAT

British Empire lead by Australia when?

The question is: Why are you being autistic over the Falklands?
Falklands have been British for over a hundred years. Even the Argie soldiers admitted it felt British when they invaded, since every nail and doornob there is from England.

All these African, Middle Eastern and other tanned countries always Underestimate the white man and his capacity for strategic dominance and violence. You seem to have forgotten you are in a thread about a war where the Anglo was severely underestimated.

We are the Crusaders.

It's true. We are GoreLand.
Doesn't mean we should lower our heads automatically!

I don't think anyone wants to be part of Argentina.

Including OP. So he should be able to understand.

Come on, everyone KNEW that Argentina was forcing their way TOO much on that war.

They never even had a chance. They fault UK would back down, and leave it like that after the control on the island were theirs.

UK alone can destroy every single nation on Latin America, if they wanted too.

No nukes = Naked nation

We should send a tactical squad of Muslims to conquer the island for Allah
I bet the Brits wouldn't dare hurt Muslims
Nor is Sweden Sweden clay
Make the thinker flinlker


>stop making this thread faggot,
He'll stop making it when you stop replying.

I have to say though, this meme is years old and very stale now. Not even convinced this place has any real Argies.