All the major news stations in Norway are covering it xD
Keep going, lads.
All the major news stations in Norway are covering it xD
Keep going, lads.
Other urls found in this thread:
>can't watch the video
>can't read any of the articles written in troll language
Stop reposting this already
We did it Reddit !
Then use google translator.
XD!!!!!! BASED MAGAPEDES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Help add more hate to the fire Sup Forums
Cucks need to know how unacceptable this degeneracy is.
Memeflag. Piss off, kike.
well write out the backstory of this whole thing what's so degenerate and why the media is covering it
have a bump
Stop polluting this board with this utter garbage
Yes you really did. You gave Sophie more publisity than she could ever hope for. Nicely done.
id fuck
t. kraut
what happened
explain pls
Isn't it time to stop now?
Yea last time when Sup Forums trolled some woman, feminism and SJW became all time popular, oh wait.
>hurr durr, keep preaching to the flock
>never try to reach a wider audience with your views
>never try to normalize your views with the masses
t. shekelberg
Two more articles, both in norwegian though.
>can't watch the video
Lyrics: "imma bad gurl imma fuck all your friends"
Video: The niggest nigger who ever nigged. I'm sure she had to import him, I've never seen anything like it here in Norway.
>can't read any of the articles written in troll language
"Baawww, evil racists are mean to me on the internet and my black friend was scared and started crying"
She's a famous blogger and profiessional degenerate.
Well, yeah, but the damage is already done and it's all over the news. No need to hold back anymore.
When you kill your (((enemy))) (((they))) win
>No need to hold back anymore
Yes there is. Just let it go.
That's why Trumpanzees should stay within their own shitty country.
>Just let it go.
Time for you to go to slOVENia.
did she had dozens of plastic surgeries or something ?
>tfw you're so threatened by sex dolls that you turn yourself into plastic
What does that matter? None of that matter now.
ÅHHHHHHHHHHHHH HERREGUD :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Wait wait - is this the 14 year old boy who wears all the makeup??
You animals made the negress cry :(
>Never studied Norwegian in my life
>Can understand the gist of the article
Am i a genius?
>så mye mer enn en låt
>im gonna fuck all your friends
many good quotes there
At least you can leave this girl alone.
Monkey sad. Give it a banana.
Are you german?
If you want moar interest in whatever this is you need to do a tldr in anglaise OP
>Not available in your country.
Thank fucking God.
norgebot have feeling?
>leave this girl alone
Wat? I just see an orc
Kek, do you know where you are?
She's just a girl, it's not like she is the problem. She's already crying, I think it's gone too far when you attack individuals. But that's just me.
fucking norcuck
should've exterminated you back then
>"race mixers will be the first to go on the Day of the Rope"
It is a nigger on European soil. It will produce more niggers on European soil. It is part of the problem.
And you too as it seems.
Nobody attacked her individually in a public manner, she is crying bc shes brown and knows she doesnt belong. And look at that god awful degenerate outfit, piercing, and fake hair. Fuck her, and fuck you for trying to police Sup Forums
She's attention-whoring and trying to suck a bit of her friend's fame. They are all a bunch of whiny cunts.
Relax, I'm not supporting immigration.
Yeah, of course. I just mean now that her youtube were linked in here I think it would be nice if people did not attack her. I know I sound like a sjw now, but I'm not. Just saying it doesn't have to come to attacking invididuals.
Then we should not give her that attention.
>Yeah, of course. I just mean now that her youtube were linked in here I think it would be nice if people did not attack her
Just fuck off to reddit again.
>all those bestiality comments
Lmfao, ok I've spoken my mind. Not gonna say any more.
Anybody have a version an American can watch?
>it doesn't have to come to attacking invididuals.
That is exactly what has to happen. All the negros and shitskins on European soil need to be fucked with until they leave. We have to make them as uncomfortable here as possible. They are not to feel welcome. You don't eat suger when being infested with harmful bacteria FFS
When you said we did it, I thought you meant we had them talking about the degeneracy of it all, not complaining about "raaycist" comments.
Going back to Sup Forums now desu. Sorry.
Actually it does need to come to that because how else will people change their behavior? Perhaps being attacked for being degenerate will lead her to put a real shirt on next time. Social pressure is what makes people change, ESPECIALLY women
Try to imagine that roles were reversed, do you think you would be treated any better by them? They don't even have the same type of white integrity as you do, and everybody subtly knows this whether they like or not.
We can not "be better than them", we don't have time. It has gone too far already.
Don't feel bad m8
King of Poz (4 mins 23) checking in.
Would you rather we make fun of people on the internet until they leave, or just wait for the DOTR and physically remove them at that time?
They would throw us under the bus as soon as they could without even blinking an eye.
Read under her video:
This nigger could pick her nose with a boxing glove on.
>Just saying it doesn't have to come to attacking invididuals.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
You cannot have a clean fight with mud wrestlers.
>"these savages"
Fuck off Fetisha
nice try (((Sophie)))
Pathetic desu
What? The bitch is getting hosed down by "racist comments" as the media chooses to describe them. But the media always characterizes comments on the internetz as hateful. And racist. What is so profound here?
We burn her alive when we take power just for fun even
Too much plastic surgery yikes she's ugly
fuck off faggot
she is the source of degeneration and this prostitue must be dealt with accordingly
it really isn't that different from english, dutch and german so you should be able to figure it out yes
spoken it's even close than it's written
i like your style norwaybro
Fort ring politiet! Noen sa et stygt ord
>The worst part is that this is what they actually think
Yeah you autistic losers are really making a difference
Sup Forums BTFO
Næh, egentilg ikke. Prov snarer lykken med det danske sprog. Ikke med den blanding af svensk og dansk der kaldes norsk ;)
Min jodiske ven!
Basically, and the rightwing provided freedom of speech for them back in the day. Are we granted the same favour today? They even go as low as to define what is hate-speech within a democratic framework.
And that's just the surface of the outright double-standards.
>No more blond hair, no more blue eyes, no more white skin
>Be bimbo blogger
>Notorious for degenerate behavior
>Been hacked 6 milllion times
>Blog raped, phone raped, nudes leaked
>Be punished for being a bad influence band role model for young girls
>Go to media and cry and bitch about it
Fastforward to this time
>Never learn
>Once more prostituting her self with niggers in degenerate music video
>Gets called out and told this is not noice by pol and others
>Go to media and bitch even more for being attacked for being a degenerate and a really bad role model
this is where we are currently at, for the 6th millionth time
We're actually making a change, because she is a stupid prostitute
Top kek lost my shit
my favourite comment lmao
So sad.
That beautiful landscape, those ebautiful women - those are the inheritance of the white race. Our ancestors fought hard to stop savages from Africa and Asia taking our land and now we are just giving it to them.
eg e bare ein mann
I bloody knew it! The moment i saw this news article i went straight here. and by satan almighty didnt Sup Forums stand behind this divine thing.
Im so proud. :´D
She would be left alone.....
....If she was in Africa
Oy vey
Send a few words of appreciation to the ((Director)) of the Video as well. I want they filthy Kike so paranoid it will be forced to use its dual citizenship and fuck off to immigrant-free Israel.
post (link)
what the fuck am i looking at?
obese shitskin makeup slathered nose ringed big foreheaded fucking ape.
That fucking Anders behring breivik comment fucking got me so hard, her facial expression was too good
>What Norway looks like in 2017 and it's beautiful
thanks but i'm lookign for the video
Cultural appropriation much!?
DON'T wear my mane as a fashion piece while laying your eggs on my rotting corpse pls