>be 16 year old German girl
>join ISIS and destroy own culture
What the fuck is wrong with Germans?
>be 16 year old German girl
>join ISIS and destroy own culture
What the fuck is wrong with Germans?
Women are stupid and the western world is (was) safe and thus boring, so they romanticize Islam, the jihad etc. Tons of kids from Europe go there to get raped and killed, nothing of value lost honestly.
could be worse. she could have stayed in her country and produced race mixed children
Progressives especially from wealthy countries grow up in a bubble. the only evil they know is white heterosexual men.
When they face reality it's beautiful.
Theres youthful naiveté and then theres this. I savor every potential diddling she got
>What the fuck is wrong with women?
they seek domination by stern, strict, strong men. there are none here in the west.
Hope to see he beheading on liveleak next month
We had cucks here saying she should be brought back and forgiven.
Never underestimate the cuckery of Europeans.
Kek BTFO she's not loving those brown cocks is she
Who cares, Germans have long tossed off the shackles of their identity, they have no nation, they're simply impressionable international cucks extraordinaire. Their boys are passive wimps, their women are corrupt whores and their leaders haven't been their own for decades. There is no Germany, there are no Germans, there are merely people inahbiting those places and names, the modern German has nothing to do with the concept of Germany, they almost entirely reject it or are a shameful example thereof. Stop calling them Germans, they were a proud people, these are embarrassments to Europe.
Good. Nothing of value was lost.
This is true, but what is interesting is that Leftists would normally go join a Kurdish army. Now they joining ISIS to fight against Kurds.
>Parents did not think anything of her interest in Islam and bought her a Qur'an.
I'm so glad my parents talked shit about niggers and muslims when I was a child. Always said the only good Muslim is a dead muslim. True wisdom.
I hope they kill her fast before the german government demands them to send her back to Germany.
What a dumb bitch, she got BTFO
So what are the chances she returns home hans?
Will mama merkel forgive since she dindu nuffin?
yeah ok mister 52%.. you're probably not even white
Post the raping video
She'll probably get a medal for her bravery
Let the poor baby girl come home. Give her a book deal and let her get on with her life.
not quite what you were asking for, but still:
I bet you can fit a grapefruit in her ass with ease now
>This is true, but what is interesting is that Leftists would normally go join a Kurdish army. Now they joining ISIS to fight against Kurds.
Not good. Hopefully the Iraqis execute her. These whores need to know that we won't take them back in after riding the ISIS cock carousel and that they are now the enemy
I've never seen anything like this.
>Linda Wenzel, 16
>Couldn't even do the wrong thing right.
>Thought she was fighting that good fight.
>Now on parade as a laughing stock.
The LARPing with these kids has gone too far.
until she is executed it has not gone far enough
She'll go back to krautland and blow up in a suicide bomb.
The sickness in her is incurable
Execute her publicly.
I've sunburned more in one day than you will in your entire life nignog, at least here in America we have the gonads to place people into office who will fight terrorists and curtail immigration. Merkel has doubled down and nothing other than. America's challenges are unique, we constantly have to argue against the so-called holes in our principles history. Germans have never had an excuse, there isn't any justifiable reason to dilute the German population or state and yet here we are.
I hope they kill her. But you'll see that the German state suddenly finds its misplaced national pride, and puts a lot of effort in to see this dumb bitch returned.
I fear that the only way these kids will take the situation is WHEN that happens. Very sad state of affairs.
war never changes
What a loser, could not even blow herself up.
Well, she is about to hate gang raped.
But she only wanted sand dick!
I'm 90 percent sure she will come back to Germany with her kid achmed and drain the state, it's what women do.
You and me both brother.
Islam is propped up as the victim, "peaceful Syrian rebels" etc.
How do we know she went to fight for Isis? Could she not be among many who went to fight Isis? Or may be a random tourist that Isis got hold of and she pretended to be one of them?
I just think chances of a non muslim normie girl to go fight for Isis is very slim desu. Not whiteknighting, just curious.
she looks so liberated from the oppression of western society.
She is going back and germans will pay her welfare for her and her future mud children.
Wtf im not in uruguay
>she looks so liberated from the oppression of western society.
After the "interrogation" she will get from the authority, her vag lips will never be sealed again.
>I just think chances of a non muslim normie girl to go fight for Isis is very slim desu.
>What is Feminism
die bitch
You don't understand. The entire German nation has been programmed into hating itself.
It's now working to destroy the white race.
>those eyebrows
She looks like some kind of Romanian or something. Do we have a last name?
Linda Wenzel
What were her parents doing this whole time? I remember being 16.. They were always asking me 20 questions. How do they do it over there?
She's facing execution, boys
I do wonder what was going through her mind. Maybe she was after Facebook likes.
How many times you think she's been raped since leaving Europe?
I want isis gang rape Vidya or beheading Vidya meow
fuck off suarez
sauce please i must see
Is Facebook radicalizing European youth?
i want to believe. is there any proofs?
locals be like:
>young people in our country are not capable of defending themselves against extremist ideology because of a lack of identity and education leading to a situation where a 15 year-old is ready to fight in a so-called holy war
>sauce please i must see
I'm a lazy phone poster.
Just googled her name
Jesus Christ, subhuman scum ITT.
she should be put against the wall and shot.
it's what she deserves for what she's done. she knows exactly what she's done and she knows exactly why she did it. she only surrendered after her beloved IS got BTFO'ed by the Iraqi army. she's not a victim, she's a traitor.
Isn't this the one who was in the news the other week because she was being raped by ISIS?
I'd kill you then her.
Europe is full of faggots
Shes a terrorist and nothing more, if she isn't hanged who knows what she might do back in europe
>germany has no education
>germany has no culture
>germany has no identity
Oh weh, we definately need more immigrants to solve this problem.
She didn't get caught shoplifting. She joined fucking ISIS.
If you're mature enough to join ISIS, you're mature enough to be executed.
its very very easy for a german (white) parent to lose their child to the state. INCREDIBLY easy.
its the fault of:
>the parents (who would lose their child to the state if they offended the childs right to express its faggotry
>the school (who would be fired if they didn't teach kike marxism
>the (christian) church
we cant kill germans fast enough
>women betraying their tribe for the invaders taking over
>this is somehow shocking
It's like you're ignorant of both history and human psychology.
I hope they burn her alive, no mercy for ISIS scum.
>it is okay to be a literal terrorist as long as you are not too old
The state of the Left.
She looks sad.
You guys are in a pickle. They need to be told to leave. I'm wondering how long until the next European war at this rate.
The last argument of an user in a corner. The thread would have been slightly better without your post, that's right you actively remove quality with your presence. Congratulations, you're a turd on the floor. Hopefully nobody else steps in (you) today.
Linda Autistic Screeching HD Version
they probably paid for the airfare fucking germans are true cucks
>chinks always ready to sell a good
God damn oriental jews lol I love them though I'd rather have a chink than a jew
they bought her first copy of the Koran for her and were fully aware of her interest in islam
yes, Germs really are that cuckolded.
Looks like we are going to have to do a manual reboot folks. This is some serious shit.
Where are the rape videos?
Noice. Arabs dont fuck arround with islamists. Unlike Europe...
If Iraqis don't execute her as a traitor, I will flip my shit.
wow, a german who actually knows that the germans have no identity. I lived there for 10 yrs, they are literally nothing with out a piece of paper with a stamp on it. fucking germans sign their fucking emails with Bastian Mustercuck BSc, who the fuck cares about your fucking BSc?
They already confirmed she'll be arrested for terrorism.
>Executing an european citizen
Pick uno
Germany won't allow it and they're right.
She's going to be judged in Germany.
>reeeeeee you caught me
That is right user, that is the face of FEAR, she is now really feeling it, for the first time she is living in DANGER.
fuck germany, she's a terrorist, either execute let the iraqis execute the bitch or the CIA interrogate her and stick her in gitmo as a sex slave
lol and just what is germany going to do if Iraqis refuse to release this whore?
declare war on ISIS?
i hope these iraqui soldiers rape her into oblivion
>declare war on ISIS?
she doesnt seem very happy to be getting the cultural enrichment she asked for
>Now they joining ISIS to fight against Kurds.
That's because the left do not believe in a universal right/wrong. They don't have an ethos, or an ideology. They just bandwagon as their masters in University preach.
Jesus... I don't consider myself a blood thirsty person by any means but when shits this fucked, I can really see the pragmatism in having a strong anti-example of how things really are to lil German kids on how things can go sideways-- if she were to be executed. What a horrible ending... that may be necessary for the world to see. I doubt iut will hapen though. I bet the Embassy people are already there negotiating.
>the church made her go to ISIS
Please refrain from posting in the future unless you've lurked more, you jew rat!
You fucking negroes. If a kid gets groomed by pedos, do you blame the kid?
Blame the cucked system that didn't give her a love for her own people, and allowed a foreign ideology to indoctrinate her.
I hope she gets killed by a "unrelated criminal"
Its a good filter.