How can anyone think this garbage is acceptable? This is soviet-era grade propaganda.
How can anyone think this garbage is acceptable? This is soviet-era grade propaganda
It's not mainstream. You have to seek this kind of content out.
Meanwhile in Romania...
>How can anyone think this garbage is acceptable? This is soviet-era grade propaganda.
Have you turned on the news from CNN or seen the internet like Youtube or facebok? Your clearly out of your element not being able to spot propaganda. kill yourself.
Zuckerberg running for president will make Soviets and Goebbels look like droopy eyed armless children.
Haha great argument Sup Forumsro
Yes, let's completely ignore the media extension of the DNC, otherwise known as the heavily-biased MSM.
If anything, this is Trump's desperate attempt to let people hear his side of things when literally every news outlet exists to lie and slander. That's what the MSM exists for. To lie, slander, misrepresent facts, and bring people down, to promote a specific narrative, all to manipulate what people believe. Shaming your pic related while turning a blind eye to the daily assault on the public's mind from the MSM is absolutely pathetic.
So don't watch it then faggot.
I want to lick Kayleigh's clit
the kikes win again it seems.
>complaining about propaganda you have to actively seek out when propaganda is shoveled down your throat on every television station, social media site, film and television show, etc.
You would have a point if THIS "Real News" was the only news available, but since the US has thousands of news kinda kills your comparison.
>ran by jews
>pushes cultural marxism and the destruction of civilization
That checks out as soviet-era propaganda.
Good thing Obama made this legal.
BBC and Al Jazeera are state run news networks. If they're allowed to exist, so is this.
>This is soviet-era grade propaganda.
who cares. where is it?
Starship Troopers tier
rofl. Love the "JOBS" headline.
Is she any good, or was she just a piñata on CNN? I thought Trump was just going to bitch about fake news and not do anything. This seems more ambitious.
A paid ad is soviet style propaganda?
That's not 100% true...
they exist to build up people on their side to god-hood, a la King Nigger.
>the opposition is rotten
>we have to be even more rotten than them
Just listen to it.
>THE news of the week
>literally every sentence has emotionally charged wording
>literally no negative points, no hint whatsoever at negative points or at least doubt
>empty words: X *will* decrease poverty, *will* increase wages. Is this news presenter or a gypsy clairvoyant witch?
>Americans deserve a raise. Means literally nothing
>Constant smiles, optimistic music
>Appeal to patriotism
>No substance: some VA act will do something that's good because we say it's that way
>That is the REAL news
Literally what the fuck. How can you defend this. It just blows my fucking mind man. You pretend to be capable of critical thinking and throw shit at libtards for being sheep that eat MSM's garbage. But you are literally the same shit.
Wake the fuck up
If the media would do their fucking jobs and stop being biased twats whose media organizations are subject to lobbying and are owned by the same corrupt globlist conglomerates that funded Shillary, this wouldn't be necessary.
Trump has my full support on this.
source ? or else its fake news
its roasted
OP is fake news. It's a screencap from during the election.
Top post on Trump's fb page.
the soviet-era propaganda is what has been on television for the past 30+ years
>otherwise known as the heavily-biased MSM.
The wikileaks proved it is FAR beyond bias and the MSM actively colludes with the DNC
Sup Forums defends it because we're fascist monarchists who need someone to make the sacrifice of the leader in order to guide our people out of the intellectual shithole that has become modern America due to the false hope of democracy
She may be propaganda leaning toward supporting Trump, but I take care of an old dude who watches cbs news and every day they HEAVILY IMPLY that Trump is breaking all kinds of national and international law. The news is so skewed that America has ZERO source of nonpartisan news.
Obviously but you can't expect normal people to read or acknowledge Wikileaks. They're afraid to think critically, how much of their precious worldview would disintegrate if they realized the news exists to lie and brainwash?
Only purpose is to entertain while telling viewers what to think.
This has been reported since FEBRUARY by Luke Rosiak. Instead Hannity's allowed to mention ONLY Wasserman.
Sampling of some of the “over 80” dems whose computer networks the Awans handled:
-Joaquín Castro, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence;
-Lois Frankel and Ted Lieu: members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Lieu also subcommittees on National Security and Information Technology of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform;
-Andre Carson, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, ranking member on Emerging Threats Subcommittee which is responsible for counterterrorism oversight, member of the Department of Defense Intelligence and Overhead Architecture Subcommittee;
-Jackie Speier - intelligence committee.
-Tammy Duckworth, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces of the Armed Services Committee before becoming senator;
-Gwen Graham, who had also been on the Armed Services Committee and Tactical Air and Land Forces subcommittee;
-Cedric Richmond - Committee on Homeland Security, ranking member on Terrorism and Cybersecurity subcommittee;
-Mark Takano, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology;
-Many in the office of John Sarbanes who sits on the House Energy and Commerce Committee that oversees, among other things, the nuclear industry;
Rep. Lois Frankel, member of the foreign affairs committee...
An Awan “borrowed” $100,000 from wanted fugitive Hezbollah-linked Ali A. Al-Attar for shady car dealership “Cars International A” & reportedly had problems paying it back. Shouldn't this get a little attention?
This & the second special prosecutor for the Comey/Lynch shit should be dominating right now. Instead, all we get is opinion & speculation regarding Mueller & muh Russia all day.
t_d post
i want her to ride my face like a mechanical bull for hours
Nice butthurt you have there.
you just know
>Horse girl
They don't fact check anything. They just immediately believe in assumptions before actually doing any objectively lucid investigation. Just ignore the retarded fuckboy OP and anyone like him.
>hurr durr it has Trump in the name so it's automatically bad, and I have to react to it
It's worse than merely shaping people's perception
The liberal is nothing but perception, their life is nothing but a fake. In essence they are attempting to overwrite reality with their own perception. And given enough liberals, they could.
It's quite literally the most malicious act in human history
Because it's a blonde right wing qt telling us and not some dyke butch lesbian leftist.
The amount of irony in this post is mindblowing.