Continuing >136450704 since no one else has. I'm the bi tranny if anyone else wants to ask questions. I'll answer the ones from last thread if this one stays alive.
Continuing >136450704 since no one else has. I'm the bi tranny if anyone else wants to ask questions...
Other urls found in this thread:
>if this one stays alive.
45% chance it wont
yeah, probably not, but I'll be here anyway
oops I meant
kek even I don't get this triggered and by definition I should be
Now I'm motivated to keep this random thread alive.
I read in the last one we should turn the "if you hate gays you're secretly gay" argument into "if you hate Nazis your secretly a Nazi"
basically just turn it on them and it becomes obvious what a shitty argument it is
Heh. That works with antifa.
I guess since this thread stayed alive(kinda?) while I ate, I'll answer shit from last thread
nothing works with them, I hear
It's like xey don't even need the right wing to point out how retarded and dysfunctional xey are, they do the job themselves
I don't necessarily see it as over-ruling because sex doesn't determine gender, they're two sides of a coin. My mind is faggy, my body isn't.
Betty or Veronica?
goddamn and the thread already over
whichever one's hotter, obviously (checked btw)
where's the sage lol
A potato would never be at a party drinking.
which one is the potato?
not a question, just want to let everyone know how digusting you people are
this image is from a tranny's webcomic, not what she says about chest hair being used to soak up urine. trans people have to take a drug called "spiro" while transisitioning that makes your urethral muscles weak and you frequently urinate on yourself, or wet the bed, there are even ases of people soiling themselves in their sleep
despite all this, they feel entitled to their "dream men"
the face of mental illness everyone
I genuinely think you should all be put in camps
kek at the seven foot tall one. idk if she actually made this one but it reminds me of a weeb trannie I knew once like this, that shit is cringy and disgusting
is that comic real? that's fucking brilliant
we gonna roast marshmallows?
I laughed either way
also, checked
it's all cringy because it's always some weird front. someone gets molested by their dad and usddenly it manifests itself in "wanting to be a girl" but the "I got molested by my dad" parts always show up and you have to respect it and be quiet because they are fragile and disgusting
this is probably the best tranny comic
I just fucking saw that while looking for the Dream Man one and nearly spat out my soda kek
What about the ones among us who didn't get molested, what do?
Is that your real opinion? Why? I never harmed anybody in my entire life.
My kidney. Someone stabbed my kidney!
pull your head out of your ass and find something better to aspire to
transgendered individuals operate under that false assumption that there is something to be gained from being the other gender.
find something objectively fullfilling to strive for, it doesn't have to be some glorious, original achievment, and its not going to make you "happy" for ever and ever, because thats not what life is about
tl;dr: first step is find a normal hobby
It's not a hobby, and believe me any non-oblivious tranny would tell you they wouldn't want to be one ever. I don't aspire for anything in it, and being trans definitely doesn't make me happy, but being myself and free of what others think and shit does, and if part of that is being different on that outside, cool.
I do have hobbies and dreams, though, and I work as hard as I can those, if it matters
nice get user. gl w being trans, i know it gets tough ):
For a faggot he has a decent sense of humor I'll give him that
then you have to explain what makes you transgendered
being post-op and having to dilat your neo-vagina is 100% different than being a confused kid who doesn't feel any kindred bond to people of their own gender
ymy point is that giving in to what you feel will not solve the problems with your feelings. you need triumph of mid and characters because then you ca triumph over emotional problems as a whole.
maybe you need chmical assistance, like a mood stabilizer, they really do help, theres no shame in it. not to menton most MILD mood stabilizers help,which might imply that "transgender feelings" are kind of just the zeitgeist way of adressing awkward youthful angst
I was being affably harsh earlier, I don't want all you people to die or anything, but the idea that if the world accepts you everything will be okay is pretty much being proven wrong. there are loads of people who get by just fine without being accepted at large, but it's definitely a harder life to live
Clearly you
I agree on lot of what you're saying, actually, but I know in my case in particular, I don't care for what the world thinks of me or feel confused or anything. I accept who I am and what comes with it. It certainly isn't a thing that makes me happy, but accepting myself and moving past it and doing the best I can for myself is liberating and it's the best I can do to be a functioning person and contributing human being.
If you want, check out my responses to for some perspective
Also can you better phrase or explain that second thing about not getting along with others or something?
Hey, c'mon, I work out, user ):
I never understood this stuff cuz I'm cute and I wear womens clothes but I'm not retarded enough to take pills that make me sterile and literally do nothing to actually turn me into a woman if I wanted to turn into a woman I would get a butt lift and a boob job
You don't become sterile from hormone therapy, though it can affect your libido, for better or worse. Also, if you're gonna get surgeries to change your body, you'd essentially be as you are but with boobs and a nicer ass, so you kinda "need" to do both, anyway. Whatever you choose, though, hope it works out for you, user
Youre a crossdresser
president of American college of pediatricians says "transgender ideology has infiltrated my field and is causing large scale abuse"
I feel like u think all cute twinks have dysphoria and that is why u said I am still having to choose but I have already chose. I do not feel like a woman on the inside or any of that kind of stuff. do not worry user I'm not joining ur cult anytime soon.
well look, the reason I oppose the trans movement isn't really because of what people do with their lives, its what they think the things they do to themselves ought to allow them to do legally in a society: I don't think "identifying" as anything ought to allow you more "rights." you seem to be a rational dude who would agree, so I couldn't give less of a crap what you wear, do whatever you want
as for what I was saying, I just mean that its not abnormal to be a guy who desn't feel any sort of bond to other guys. I felt like that when I was growing up, and I acted like a little faggot, if being transgender was a thing back then I may very well have worn womens clothes.
>being such a fucking loser that common words trigger you
I hate how we worship the weak.
Hey OP you should kill yourself, since if you're post-op you've already made your life meaningless.
The cops are going to have to scrap each and every one of these losers off the pavement one day. I guarantee it.
I think your "problem" here is thinking of being transgender as a social movement of some kind. I completely agree shit like thinking you deserve more rights or something is fucking dumb.
Also, I do feel bond with guys and all just the same, I'm not socially impaired at all. What I think here is that you've probably just garnered a bad opinion of transgender people because of all the shitty people out here representing the rest of us who just want to live our lives as best we can in peace and would rather not even bring the issue up for better or worse. Hopefully I've done just a little to change that and maybe you won't see so much extremist bullshit in the future so we can all not have to deal w this shit
I'm not post-op and don't plan to do it for the better part of my life. It mostly has to do with being a perfectionist and wanting to know and experience everything I can, so I wouldn't want to get rid of my guy, at least just yet, and especially not if a potential future partner prefers it anyway.
I didn't know police offers also employed as tard wranglers. TIL
the transgneder thing HAS become a social movement whetehr you like it or not, that small percentage of the ppulation does not get coverage on CNN/NBC/etc. without having become a movement of sorts, and frankly that seems like something that should be of concern to you, your ilk being used as the front in some cultural assault
and as for your second thing, i might point out that YOU broguht this up, by making a SECOND thread about this. you claim to be really really cool and chill about all this, and I'm sure in a sense you are, but the contradictions imply the problems beneath the surface.
I am not advocating for your extinction, but the brick wall of confusion and distate you see whenever you bring up your situation to someone will not go away, sorry
>pull the fucking plug
You could do a Sup Forums edit of this pretty easily, just change it to SJW's talking about cracking down on wrongthink, talking about how diverse a 90% black cast is and how it's sexist not to consider women first for high-paying jobs. All while some normalfag nervously laughs along, saying nothing.
Perhaps I should rephrase. I get that it is being used that way now, but that's not the whole picture, you get me? We aren't all like that, that sort of thing. Also, I'm still kind of confused on what your second point was, that's all. If you mean to say that I'm cool with being transgender, I'm not, it sucks, but I accept it's who I am do the best I can despite that like anyone else might do with their own faults and whatnot. Sorry if I'm making myself hard to understand here, and I mean no sarcasm with that
no worries, user, I will when I've got my ducks in a row
get on mspa and grab a low-quality pepe to slap on everyone's heads, user, you can do it
What are you waiting for to put a bullet in your head?
Does it feel good to have a literal open wound where your scrotum would be?
How does it feel to have to stretch your wound everyday so it won't heal?
How does it feel to take hormone pills everyday so you resemble slightly a girl?
Pls OP I bet you're already realised you're not a real girl.
I think there's a surgery that can make you a bit more normal. They'll try to rebuild your dick or something.
Otherwise commit suicide.
it's fine if you're not all like that, I'm not saying you are. maybe you don't see it as your responsibility, but when MSM is perpetuating the idea that straight white men are evil I feel that as one of those I need to stand against that, but to each their own really
I am not saying whteher you or anyone you know is "cool with it" or not, because I dont care I am simply pointing out that you are full of contradictions, in your own words, you and other tans people don't want to bring up the issue() but YOU ARE BRINGING UP THE ISSUE
you're probably a good guy, and who knows how socially adjusted you are, but it doesn't disprove what I am saying. you are saying one thing, doing another, so how can I trust that you even know what "entally ill" even is, maybe youre batshit insane but you live in an accepting environment
tl;dr I'd like to take your word for all of this, but I can't, what you're saying is more in line with the evidence I've already garnered that says you've got mental issues
I'm not reading the old thread, so feel to direct me to any post where you already answered this question.
Have you done HRT? How has it affected you psychologically, as far as you or any professionals you've had to see can tell. Would you say it's been worth it?
>a trans person that can actually laugh at himself
>What are you waiting for to put a bullet in your head?
Getting things in order first, I don't like half-assing shit.
>Does it feel good to have a literal open wound where your scrotum would be?
My scrotum's doing just fine but I appreciate your concern
>How does it feel to take hormone pills everyday so you resemble slightly a girl?
The hormones regulate how my body works more than making me look female. Being baby faced and having female assets handles that side of things a little more.
>Pls OP I bet you're already realised you're not a real girl.
I haven't because I never deluded myself into thinking I was in the first place.
>I think there's a surgery that can make you a bit more normal. They'll try to rebuild your dick or something.
I have it on good authority recreating penises artificially that you can surgically attach is already becoming a thing. If I ever need it, I'll see how science is doing around that time
Oh, I get where you're coming from now. I'll try and clarify. Most trans people don't like talking about it and I would never wish the condition on anyone because it sucks. I don't *want* to be this, but I am and I do what I can to get by. I also do believe it is my responsibility as a part of society to make sure stupid ideas like that that can very harmful get put down as fast as they can bring them up. You don't teach people they don't have to hate you for being you by telling that the person you are is a hating cunt that thinks they're better than you, it's just stupid and I don't stand by any of that kind of shit.
As for why I brought up not being socially retarded, I thought you were claiming I wasn't growing up or something, otherwise I wouldn't mention it since it has no relevance. Lemme know if I'm still being confusing or if you've got other shit to say, I'm in no hurry, user.
I would say whether it's worth it depends on the person. Some people are perfectly okay living out their lives as they are, and some would much prefer to adjust their physical self to something more in-line with how they are on the inside. Some people are just confused and think that they are trans or that being a transgendered person will give them happiness (I've seen some really shitty cases from drag queens, for example, and it's a really sad thing to think you'll feel right by becoming something you're not and suffering more).
For most, however, I find that it would be the best choice, usually, but either way, if you're a trans person or think you are, your best first step is to see a gender therapist and talk shit out and see where you go from there, and if you have a friend in such a situation, you ought to let em know it won't hurt to at least see a professional and get an idea of where to go from there. Hope that helps.
We're not all batshit insane, some of are just tryna get by just as much as the next person, y'know?
Another good example here would be traps, too. At this point traps, trans, shemales, it's all just gotten mixed up and shit and it's hard to tell one from the other. Being a trap is a form of cross-dressing, and you wouldn't want to get mixed up and think you want something else because you think it'll be more and it'll satisfy your desire in that regard. Likewise, some trans people think being a trap is enough or being gender fluid or something because they feel that if they can "be a girl" some of the time, they don't have to mind "being a guy" the rest of it, and that just leads to even more suffering.