Well, Sup Forums?
Well, Sup Forums?
God's doing a pretty good job tho...
God hates niggers.
But god let those children starve, do you think god makes mistakes?
you christniggers DESERVE to get bombed by muddies.
niggers are one of the devils tricks.
God I hate niggers, such useless creatures.
you do more good spending millions on a church that helps civilized humans deal with their problems for life, than spending a million to feed a million africans for one week so they can breed 5 more africans each in their place who need to be fed later as well
the ONLY help anyone should be offering africans is sterilization
Yeah, you'd have to have lost your mind if you believe in magic sky fairies.
God hates shitskins and fags. It's in the bible.
Horrible and weak bait. God doesn't approve anything. It is the fault of humanity. Read the Bible because you sound retarded.
God put them in that position so clearly yes he does approve
>Spending money on either Mega Ultra Churches or food for nigglets.
Either one is a waste at this point, but at least the former provides some level of aesthetic.
Go fuck yourself. Find a new hobby or get a job.
Four letter word in the options field.
>slave morality
Search: the curse of Ham
It's really sad that atheism is more popular and the based christians are gone, our money goes to niggers aswell now.
The cancer is leftism, it's stripped Christianity of the based cultural remains of Paganism and turned it into the dogshit, but admittedly more Christian, kissing-the-feet-of-muslimniggers club it is today.
Well what? Africa by rights should be the wealthiest continent on the globe! But it isn't, why? Because it is administered by shitskins! Nothing to do with God!
Why did God create things he knew he would hate?
>throwing money to niggers will solve their hunger
teach a man to wish... etc
god helps those who...etc
if the niggers continue to have 29 children per woman, even though they have food for only 1, then they deserve to die
even god has patience
if i were god i'd let those vermin die too
god hates niggers
questioning the mind of god is pointless. you're an ant before god. can an ant question your mind? of course not.
god hates niggers
>Find a new hobby or get a job.
Uhm, no sweetie.
I already have both.
Why is your stress tolerance so low?
Are you a woman?
but we already spend BILLIONS on Africa
That's a result of African countries being so shit because African people don't give a shit about their children. It's their faults from their actions, God isn't there as a pre-k teacher.
Ants weren't made in God's image though.
If he hates niggers he must have created them for us to hate too, but why?
a portrait can be made in mans image but it can hardly understand the mind of the painter.
It can reflect the mind of the painter though. And that painter is saying "God hates niggers"
What if said portrait eats from the tree of knowledge and is banished from Paradise before it also eats from the tree life and achieves immortality, essentially becoming God?
>god creates africa and niggers
>somehow it's up to the white man to take care of it
Don't mess with God's plan.
Quote the verse where the tree of knowledge is intimate knowledge of Gods thought process
Money is a representation of labor. Men are allowed to build the House of God.
Africans are men. They are meant to build their own societies, farms, and possessions. Stop treating browns like they're children.
>Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”— therefore the LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from which he was taken. So He drove the man out; and at the east of the garden of Eden He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.
The only difference between God and Man is that God lives forever because he has eaten both fruits.
If we find Eden, destroy the cherubim and the flaming sword, and eat from the tree of life we can finally know why we hate niggers.
That is because some people are not fully "human". Whites have naturally grown their own success while Africans and other races tend to depend on others or wallow in their own filth.
>If we find Eden, destroy the cherubim and the flaming sword, and eat from the tree of life we can finally know why we hate niggers
But until then, we just have to accept the truth. God hates niggers
You can't destroy the flaming sword without besting Arch Angel Michael, and I don't see that as a possibility since he single handedly crushed the rebellion of a hundred billion fallen angels each with powers that surpassed all of humanity combined times infinity
It's 2017. Maybe it's time to learn how to PLANT SOME FUCKING BEANS. You can't help these people. You can only dump money on them and watch it evaporate.
Why waste money on feeding vermin?
Niggers are beasts of the field not sons of Adam.
The reason we have so many starving in Africa is because they expect handouts and pop out a ton of kids.
hey dumbass, all the bad things in the world are caused by humans and all the good things are caused by god
everybody knows that
>German poster has nigger dick saved in his computer
You can't make that shit up.
Yet God made us his greatest creation not the angels. Why is that?
It may take trillions of years because we're mortals but we'll get there. It's all part of the plan.
Gods doing gods work by cleansing the African tribes
God doesn't consider niggs humans and neither should you
>liberal neo-marxist that despises the West, Christianity and every Christian that has and will ever exist is going to lecture me while claiming the moral high ground, despite the fact that Christians have donated and done more to help the poor than their socialistic preaching ass ever will.
yeah no, and I'm not going to feel guilty for having a high standard of life while these people live in shit due to the self inflicted atrocities they commit against each other because they are a subhuman. The truly humane thing to do is to force sterilize every last one of them so that they do not have to curse future generations with the evil they create.
>>German poster has nigger dick saved in his computer
>You can't make that shit up.
Don`t worry, it`s ironic.
I'm pretty sure God prefers men and women capable to employ the gifts they have been given by building those wonders to adore him, rather than mongrels that fuck all day birthing kids they know they can't afford to raise.
(If a God actually exists, that is.)