Why are all the countries of sub-saharian Africa - third world shitholes?
Why negros can not even maintain the infrastructure?
Why did the South Asians, gained independence, become civilized, and the Negroes are still in the Stone Age?
Why are all the countries of sub-saharian Africa - third world shitholes?
Why negros can not even maintain the infrastructure?
Why did the South Asians, gained independence, become civilized, and the Negroes are still in the Stone Age?
t.wh*Te subhuman
I can name you 10 sub-Saharan African countries that aren't shitholes, 10 that were actually great civilizations before white men stepped foot on them.
>white man
did you mean wh*Te ((("""""man""""")))
Jews say "G*d" because they reverse the concept.
Do you say wh*Tes because you love us too mate?
If they were so great why did they lose?
Nothing is left of these """"""".civilizations""""""".
Probably fake and gay
no because wh*Te is a big insult here in Turkey so I censored the i.
Get a job or maybe two
So then what does the capital 'T' mean?
I think it's because you lose us huh Mazhar?
Months I see you post about whites, why you post so much about whites? Because you got white on the brain lad, you love us, you wish to emulate us, so sad you will always be stinky shitskin!
good one, roach
help me find a job mr.merchant
From them at all is nothing left. From the Aztecs and Mayas - there are pyramids, Persians are more alive than all living, Indian "Mahabharata", etc.
Even the Pacific Aborigines put statues on Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean
But there are no remnants of a black civilization.
>What's fucking wrong with negroes?
They aren't people.
Top kek
Their governments were subverted by the C I A.
That's why they don't function properly.
Africans were perfectly adapted for their environment.
Now, there are a lot of confused white people wondering why they are not like them.
Even if that were true to the extent you are implying, we did the same shit to the slants and the wetbacks, and they are all better off than Africa. Still.
They never got out of the stone age.
Lack of impulse control and long term planning ability
Also the inability to foresee consequences of immediate actions. Its not their fault however. Their environment merely predetermined their biological evolution to thrive in small hunter-gatherer societies, with little to no climatic challenges (harsh winters) to spur the natural selection of long-term planning abilities (store food), unlike those peoples who developed in areas north of the tropic of cancer (East Asia, Europe, Middle East). The ability to grow surplus crops also gave these northern people the leisure to sit and think, allowing a knowledge-based head-start which ultimately lead to the industrial revolution. The rest is history.