Chad Meme General -Sup Forumsitical only

Anyone got more of them Chad memes? Post them here, they're funny as shit

-OC only, no reposts
-Must be somewhat related to politics
-Must be spicy
-These are memes, not arguments, no walls of text please
-Bonus points for those who make them in MS Paint

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Found this one on /r9k/, think it's more of a leftypol meme







these are all really shit.
everyone of them.


Okay, these are good.

you can find all the memes here

dont need to make a whole thread about it on Sup Forums dumbass

Fuck off

I'd really like to see one based on Legend of the Galactic Heroes, where Yang is the virgin and Reinhard is Chad

Max par


does anyone have the virgin corpse vs the chad deceased from a few days ago?

Yang was so fucking cucked. He did things out of pure obligation, had 0 conviction on his own beliefs. He was so absorbed in his history books he couldn't face reality and ultimately let his country die.

>not actually dead
Chad is a good meme.

>political only

Heh nice try


not OC but fairly new

Keep 'em coming lads




and my personal favorite


does anyone have the chad dog one?

Wish I wasn't a virgin so I could make a meme about the virgin wizard and the Chad archmage.

You completely removed the joke and reduced this meme to things i don't like vs things i like.
It's supposed to be inane complaints about shy people vs batshit insane reversal

normalfags ruin everything

Not even the right meme you retard.



You say that. However there is some niggling part of you that wants to act exactly like 'The Chad'. He is a diamond, polished and cut of any imperfections. The embodiment of not giving af while all the while having stacies slobber you off. If the meme didn't speak to people on a primal level, it wouldn't be as liked as it already is.



fuck you

apex kek

No one would care about these images if they could only be about one thing

I don't get this one.

this desu senpai

This is the most meta shit I've ever seen


Elon Musk vs Wernher von Braun

aaah... yeah, that's funny.


>rapes and murders but normies still like him
Oh boy this is so true


you snooze, you lose

What do think about the theory of people growing into their names?
Would I still be a Chad if I wasn't named Chad?
Do you personally know any beta Chads?

Strasserism is the most virgin ideology there is, combines the most autistic aspects of natsoc and communism.

sauce for the second one?

Xavier: Renegade Angel

top kek


thanks sven
check that

Lmao hi virgin



I know a Chad who is fat and a total beta and basically the spitting image of a virgin. Not all Chads are destined to be great.

Can relate. My childhood friend, master of chads, openly some kind of radical centre nazi just pisses everyone off but is still god amongst men, was born to a finnish-swedish model turned hard suomi christian lutheran mother and norse Swede elder god father who has abs at age 50. Got breastfed judging from our baby pics. Now plays hockey, is an engineer student, afghanistan vet, currently travelling the world and can only be reached like once a month on skype from some remote location when he goes on rants about how shit the culture he's in is. Also supreme aryan specimen, gets all the ladies. First name is "Olof".

Then me swarthy central european parents, jew name, barely breast fed, raised leftist to an oidepal mother eating microwaved plastic (even microwave plastic baby food) getting fed soy meat and all that shit, king of betas, dwelling in my basement.

I keep imagining this was played at his birth.

that must sting more than being an average sized dick black.

he does sound like a great guy. Maybe he will lead Sweden to glory one day?

hahahaaah the virgin roacjh

I'm the chad
I've beaten up Amerimutts here before

You fags completely missed the point of this meme

They're a new generation of cancer.

They don't understand irony.


Has anyone posted these on r/incels? I'm sure those fags would love them. They're obsessed with Chad/Virgin shit.

Are there communities that still create works of art like in your pic? I yearn for that style of artwork- one that exemplifies beauty instead of attempts to shock and awe. I want to support more of this kind of thing, rather than give even my attention to post modernist garbage.

The originals were funny. The rest are gay and copies and don't even go along with the theme of the original meme. It's lost its context

Yeah, it's embarrassing. Further proof that nu-Sup Forums is 99% Redditors.


Communities? No. Communities need funding and anyone creating anything like this today would be violently attacked by the media.

The reason is critical theory that specifically states that idealist art, romanticist art, art that glorifies and encourages tradition and a 'passing of the torch' must be shunned to eradicate nationalism. Most modern media obeys critical theory (the 'new left'), and almost all art institutions have been almost entirely hijacked by people that are new leftists explicitly for the purpose of destroying this kind of art. Try to create anything like this and they will slander you, call you mediocre, dig up shit from your past etc. A vibrant renewal and rebirth of European culture and tradition is what they fear more than anything.

To be clear, they don't really fear old romanticism that much. Just spamming old art with shitty vaporwave isn't a threat. They fear people who renew it for inspiration. Stuff like wardruna is bashed all the time in Swedish new left media. Also euro-centrism and romanticism were in the arts specifically used as a weapon, with new left art being a suppressed enemy, just as the new left uses the opposite as a weapon and suppresses the opposite.

I swear to God this fucking "Chad stride" meme has helped me to improve my walking posture and be more confident when walking down the street

same desu, I've only now realized just how bad my posture is

Trust me friend, I know all about cultural marxism and their ideological stranglehold they have over the west. I'm reading Reactionary Liberty now and moving on to Hoppe himself, each of which directly address the marxist cultural poison that has seeped into every aspect of our way of life. That's why I'm so interested in finding art that directly opposes their system and values.
Are there any artists alive today that still create with that same spirit that is under attack by the cultural marxists and their critical theory? There might not be any communities that are built around it, but I'd still like to support those that do carry the torch, so to speak. Likewise, I'd like to make my own home and community richer by bringing that aesthetic to it.

Working out also helps, makes you really feel like a chad

same for me weirdly enough.

Best one so far


If you're retarded enough to use the term "cultural marxist" instead of "critical theory" you can't win this war. You must present your arguments ten times better, appear ten times more civilized, appear ten times more right than them for they have ten times more power. First win over the intellectuals, then the people. If they have a locked wikipedia page calling your term a crazy conspiracy theory, but another wikipedia page with the indisputable facts of their plans, then which term do you think is appropriate?

As a whIte guy I like Malcom x, Muhammed Ali and the Identitarian blacks who want to actually improve black lives and their interests

>treats women the same as men

Allowing them to control our language is how they came to power to begin with. We need to stop letting them dictate what we are allowed to say. I refuse to dress my language in so many layers of abstraction just to satisfy their social needs. I will say what it is, how it is, as I see it. I will not use their language, because their language has been designed specifically to throw off the debate. I will argue the logic of my positions, their value, and their importance. I refuse to argue the language of my positions. Critical theory evolves from the project of Cultural Marxism, generated by the Frankfurt school in order to apply Marx's economic ideas to the world of culture. The Cultural Marxists knew that it was the West's unique culture that prevented their expected proletariat revolution, and that they must introduce means to eradicate that culture. Thus they made pathological the very behavior and qualities of western society that allowed us to stay strong. Societal protections against disease were labeled as 'homophobic'. Preference for unity, trust, and homogeneity was turned into 'racism'. Recognition of the natural roles that the sexes occupy became 'sexism'. They created a language that is loaded with assaults on our very way of being, and I refuse to bend my tongue to their whims.

In short,
Fuck off

Best one

>tumblr noses
No thanks





based terry ran over a cianigger
he will rebuild the temple

we need an virgin female vs stacy one

what do you guys suggest to note?

virgin walk:
>doesnt like to be looked upon
>thinks every men she crosses on street gonna rape her
>doesnt walk at night after 8pm

>walks with minimum clothes possible
>winks at every guy, even hobos
>going to chad's house at 1am to fuck him silly

what else?



You didn't listen to a word he said, most of which came from understanding the flow of history and how humanity cucks itself. The nation was doomed to destroy itself and the cracks began way before Yang showed up.

Fuck off Titoist

Is Euron going to kill Gayworm this season?