That's the claim. Is it possible, /pol?
>Girls can be geeks too, user!
Other urls found in this thread:
Then bite the head off a chicken
There is an animeme forum that proves this right
visit this link and see for yourself, autism is genderless
Women are whatever can get them attention.
yes. but exceptions are not the rule
That's like saying I can resist an all guys sleepover with sleeping bags and all the guys are pale uncut twinks. Absolutely stupid. I'm gagging for cock
Yes. It's just extremely rare to find a genuine geek girl that knows anything about fiction beyond entry level media.
Sure, they just can't use the "as a geek girl" card ever in a conversation.
If they do, it's TITS OR GTFO.
Women can never fully appreciate video games. To them, it's just another fad they slip into like a pair of shoes. Girls only pretend to like video games in order to get beta males to donate money to them on Twitch. This is why they almost exclusively play flavor-of-the-month games.
Could you honestly imagine a female getting excited over an outdated, unpopular game that requires hundreds of hours to complete like Mount&Blade?
unironically no
This is a slide thread, sage
>tfw no M&B loving waifu out there for me
It's not 2008 anymore, OP. We have more important things to talk about than hobby subcultures.
Who fucking cares, just stop giving them attention. Anyway it's disgraceful that no one shames them for being looser nerdy assfaggots.
Women's interest all always only surface deep. Ask a girl her favorite movie, they'll tell you. But all and girl why she likes the movie or what the characters mean to get and she'll flounder trying to come up with some horseshit.
Remember, this isn't even a "gotcha", it's supposedly her favorite movie. She hasn't even thought about it at all. She just likes the flashing lights and attention it gives her
Anybody that has to broadcast that they are a geek or nerd is just wearing it like a costume.
Fuck off nu/pol/, OP didn't make any blatantly stupid claims he's obviously questioning the popular sentiment that girls can be geeks.
who is the girl version of cleve blakemore
If you consider fat, bitter, endocrine fucked whales "women", than sure.
But otherwise women are sheep.
A lot of girls like Game if thrones but will never tell you why. They like having because he's hot, they like the dothraki because they're hot savages, that's literally it. They like Tyrion because he's a funny dwarf ~Le I drink and I know things lol~. They have no clue what actually happens, or even pontificate what could happen. The "don't remember" much of the story at all, and this is a show they claim at the top of their lungs that they ~~LOVE~~~
(Game if thrones is trash btw)
I know a few authentic geek girls and several attention whores. The ones who scream from the top of their lungs or wear geek stuff outside are without exception attention whores.
The few real geeks I know I found out accidentally. Geek stuff, comics and that kind stuff I noticed while helping them move and such. They keep low profile of it because they don't want the beta orbiters to surround them like flies on piece of bad meat.
I have wife but I do help our friends out from time to time. For some reason our friends move a lot and don't seem to like to stay in one apartment for long. I guess its some sort of a millenial thing though.
>I'm so fucking sick of celebrities who proudly claim they were dorks in high school, as though it's a badge of honor. What they're really telling us with a wink is, "But now I'm really cool." None of them say what a true dork would say: " Do you want to watch me pop the pimples on my back?" or "You want to read my Doogie Howser fan fiction trilogy?"