Well, shit


Guess how old this bitch is Sup Forums?
Spoiler: She's 13/14.

So let me riddle your brain matter with something.
Should this, it's implications and everything it stands for be tolerated and left to run its course unchecked?
Or should it be stopped somehow before it gets even worse?

Also, how do you feel after seeing this vid (even if you don't get the lyrics)?

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like an average 19 year old slav.
They have a certain degree of neoteny, so their girls look super young until they hit 25.

How does this make you feel OP?


>Should this, it's implications and everything it stands for be tolerated and left to run its course unchecked?

No, but what can you do about it?

She's not 13/14 you lying Gypsy

How old?

23 this year

She is you fucking snowflake. Google her up.
(And since I feel your potential next reply will be something of the sort " Ugh,I did but nothing is in English you half-mud!", use auto-translate).


Nothing for good or bad. Honestly I just wanted to hear Sup Forums's thoughts on this and if the anons here had any potential non-meme solutions.
(i.e gassing, nuking, BLACKING/mudsliming people out of existence)

She does, but like stated - she's barely legal (and she's been doing this since she was 12. Only recently did she go mainstream with this shit).

huh this really made electrical signals propagate along a series of axons in my grey matter

1. Use archive links
2. Install an ad-blocker
3. Stop degeneracy


>implying you wouldn't
that may be the mind of a 14 year old but that body sure as hell isn't.

Video looks like Dalidomba but less gypsy and less funny.

>before it gets even worse?
I think you mean better.


what is this cygan shit?

still better than the norwegian one

ugly-tranny/10. Would not bang. Music sux too. You should feel bad for making me watch that video.

This shit is filth. Not just because she's 13/14, but because it's just complete fucking garbage.

>That name
>That video
Satanism is going to be Mainstream soon, so expect shows like Mr. Pickles and songs like this is going to be more frequent.
Tribulation is here fellow Christians, it's time.

some modern russian rap tier shit. irredeamable.
too bad we can't a thing about kids degeneration.


Why are slavs the fucking worse?

w-what did she mean by this?
is this some slav thing?

She's larping as a nig female obviously. At least trying to.

i want to lie down and have her sit on me, rubbing her feet all across my face while she insults me in her barbarian language desu.


"14-year-old Suzanita, who's shooting naked: I'm happy with myself"

Ayyy lmaoo ayyy, hol up shieeeeet let's bang up gurl

is it bulgarian?

the video was deleated from youtube

I'm glad I can listen to gypsy music without having to ever meet a gypsy.

t. nicky minaynay


oh my sides

pol never disappoints

Thank you! I've been searching for months trying to find this!

>the fucking worse?

That's it, user. Keep teaching the world how good US education is!

>Why are slavs the fucking worse?

Funny story about this ... thing.He is actually a pretty "normal"guy, the whole shockingly gay tranny shit is just a mask.Don't get me wrong he is still a subhuman.

Me too.

And without anybody knowing I listen to gypsy music.

Bulgaria is a fucking shithole of a country, this dumb whore is just a reflection of it. Her video is very popular and people like it a lot, there is not a happy merchant secretly promoting it, it's just the Bulgarian people been the fucking white* niggers we have always been.
Millions of Bulgarians, Russians, and other balkanars died for nothing in the liberation of this worthless fucking country.

how many dicks has she had in her tiny mouth already