/Alt-Right General/

For the newfags here: If you're new to the alt-right this is what you need to know. The alt-right is a REAL movement with REAL leadership and it's not a LARPing cringefest that will go out of style like some short-lived fad. The alt-right has a leader - Richard Spencer. Everyone shilling against Spencer is one of the following:

-Leftypol communist (easy to spot - conehead photoshops, spergy-long arguments, use code words like "eceleb" "controlled opposition" "FBI/CIA" "something is wrong with his head")
-Shitskins (duh)
-Race mixers who mixed with subhumans and now can't reverse their actions

The alt-right is WHITE-only. The (((alt-lite)))) is a knockoff version for Jews and shitskins that failed and now clings to worshipping Trumpstein as a pastime. They have no vision or purpose. Their leaders are failed Jews like Milo, Cernobitch, and other ungodly genetic experiments (Laura Loomer) that somehow still retain a fan base. The goal of the legitimate alt-right is to take over Western governments and develop white tribalism for people of European origin similar to the level of Jewish tribalism. The alt-right is simply put "white tribalism". Things like ethno states and our relation to shitskins are largely irrelevant at the present moment. Right now our priorities are winning the culture war and establishing parties.

>Mike Enoch "Pan-European" speech in Norway


>Spencer's youtube channel


Other urls found in this thread:


Cont. These are common "arguments" you'll hear from shitskin shills:

>"Alt-right leaders showed up after Trump".
No shit, the right wing was largely irrelevant until the '16 election cycle. Everyone gained prominence then, especially the far-right. But their ideas were around from way before.
>"They don't have children".
We don't need them to have children, we need them to represent us and let us do the breeding. Their work is more important to us than them breeding.
>"They don't hate Jews enough, they should be Sieg Heiling in front of Synagogues or I'll call them shills".
Get fucked. This is a new movement that is being developed in 2017, not 30's Central Europe. Fail-Soc is not going to fly and we learned that from watching boomer conservatives on Stormfront try to re-create it and land nowhere. We need a new 100% white movement with Millennial energy propelling policy through NPI.
>"They have no course of action".
Sure, our party is literally called the "National Policy Institute" and we have no course of action. I can promise you if you're a non-white you wouldn't like that course of action anyway.
>"They want to destroy America".
Richard stated multiple times on black conservative channels (when he's invited) that he considers his race more important than the States. If we're destroying anything it's our enemies.

>(((richard spencer)))
>brown hair
spotted the kike, sage

Time for the real alt right general.

You're our first honorary shitskin for the day. Make yourself comfortable


don't insult my leader

i'm not all that familiar with richard spencer and his politics, but i'm more curios as to why his head is shaped like an egg. is this a genetic disorder or is it because of the hairstyle/haircut?

Hello Sup Forums
I've been involved with the AltRight since before it even called itself that.

I can confirm that the cripplechan posters say that the AltRight is indeed run by a gay mafia. Grindr Greg and his pals at Counter Currents have threatened people to keep quiet about their gay grooming agenda. I know people that have personally been burned by this.

The AltRight was supposed to be a good thing and I still hope it can be but it's current leadership is a homo mafia and it's biggest detractors are skeleton mask larpers and renetards.

There is no alt right.

It's not an egg. It's the early stages of a moon. It's a serious condition.

>The alt-right is WHITE-only.

and Sup Forums isn't. Have you seen pictures of Sup Forums meetings yet? You alt-reichters are just stormcucks with hipster haircuts. fuck off, you fucking white nationalist sperg.

Maybe not thread related by thought of this yesterday

>>biggest enemy of the white race
>>rats as the germans called them
>>we must eliminate them all for the white race to survive
>>build concentration camp for them
>>but they weren't killed
>>they had swimming pools
>>no gas chambers
>>they had saunas
>>good life in the concentration camps, germans took good care of them
>>biggest enemy of the white race
>>swimming pool

This is what Sup Forums believes.

The alt-right are just a bunch of larpy faggots who tell people to have more white kids yet never have any of their own because women are too degenerate. You faggots like to REEEE at Civic nationalists but at least they have some achievable goals. Get a job and stay off Sup Forums, there will never be a mass gathering of non whites by the government in your lifetime, or any lifetime, for any reason.

I used to be an alt right larper until I actually took a legitimate interest in politics, I'm not saying the ideas are all wrong or that they are bad people. Just way too larpy and unrealistic. Your goals have to be achievable in the modern Era or they are useless.

Racial tribalism is the ultimate form of herd morality.

You should embrace master morality and realize that the individual is of supreme importance, nations and races are inconsequential things only the weak would cling to.

Individuals make up the collective, you dumb faggot. It works in tandem with each other.

>defending civic cucks
>attacking larping when in reality they are just goals we are already completing

Try harder, you shill fuck.

Spencer is a faggot. Last time you queers tried shilling an imageboard, you all got doxed. Keep it up.

Calling yourself "alt-right" is the same thing as calling yourself a Nazi or KKK member in current year. Any normalfag will ignore every single thing you say if you identify with this media manufactured "racist right wing catch all" label.

>le alto raitoo
Where do I sign up

The goals that are being completed have nothing to do with you faggots lmao. The goals being accomplished now are the goals of the Civic cucks, nothing on your agenda is being done. You will never expel non whites, never expel Jews, you have to think strategically instead of furiously jacking off to the thought of a mythical race war.

And you're a fucking brit lmao, nothing is being done in your country other than you bending over and taking big Muslim cock every day.

The irony of that entire thing is that they were being led by a literal Jew.


Last time you doxed us you created a self sufficient media platform bringing in tens of thousands of dollars a month and events bringing hundreds of WNs together. How's that feel?

I support everything but Richard Spencer is not the leader. It has to be decentralized but loose network of
>people who agree with 14 words
>straight white, Traditionalist. not jewish and is wise too or wants to gas kikes

They probably figured you retards would stop following around people who lie about being married to kikes, but nope. Your undying loyalty and love to these faggots for making mediocre podcasts just won't die. Pathetic really.


Putting the collective before the individual is herd morality, you dumb faggot.

There is you, and there is everyone else. Making some cuck dichotomy where people who are slightly closer to you genetically are more important is just retarded.

Don't be a slave to your race, become master of your own destiny.

Never forget that Richard Spencer is a DNC agent.

Can we get more retard Spencer morphs in here? I can't get enough of this.


For the newfags here: If you're new to the alt-right this is what you need to know.

The Alt-right is a CIA movement like the NeoConservatives of the later 1970s attracting young people in an attempt to steer them away from evil right wing beliefs and encourgage support of Israel.

It has been exposed endless times on Sup Forums through different chans and is only allowed to shitpost on this one.

Richard Spencer is a homosexual with a Russian wife. Both of them openly support Soviet Communism in their own words, defending Stalin, denying the Ukraine genocides, whil ALWAYS attacking NatSoc and Hitler.

This program has been run many times. You see the same efeminate snooty weirdo coming out as a leader of white people.

The Alt-Right has time and time again rallied people to attack Trump and his cabnet.

The Alt-Right is paid for by same mining billionair that ANTIFA recieves funds from.

The Alt-Right is the enemy of Sup Forums. Sup Forums is the real Right.

fix your hair you fucking goober

I can't believe that' s Richard Spencer. I kept hearing about this guy and how good he is. but there's something wrong with his there, seriously.

Why is it that shape? I just showed this to a friend, who is a doctor, and he said that's a sign of some form of mental deformation that when the head is that shape.

Were you guys just ironically memeing about this guy because he's physically deformed?

I don't think I'd call spencer THE LEADER. I don't think he would call himself that either

Pretty good chart desu

I can't believe that' s Richard Spencer. I kept hearing about this guy and how good he is. but there's something wrong with his there, seriously.

Why is it that shape? I just showed this to a friend, who is a doctor, and he said that's a sign of some form of mental deformation that when the head is that shape.

Were you guys just ironically memeing about this guy because he's physically deformed?


The "alt right" was more commonly referred to as the "new right".

>major US politician mentions term
>interest in term spikes
good job professor

this threads always have been and always will be CIA the cancer agency

Yeah that's what I'm wondering. They seem like they could be shills threads

> The alt-right has a leader - Richard Spencer.



>alt-right at all

>these threads
You mean this board?

I know it's you, greekfag. Still following your script, I see.

yes. the cancer agent shills will start hurling insults in this thread yet again

>The alt-right is a REAL movement with REAL leadership and it's not a LARPing cringefest that will go out of style like some short-lived fad.

>Alt-right leaders showed up after Trump
The Alt-Right are just NeoCons 2.0 and we see it with this bastard Jared Taylor leading a pro-Jew "white renaissance".

Just like him you will fail.

Just like him you take credit for the memes you had nothing to do with.

>You hate the Jewish elite that control your Nation and cause all the wars and are fucking you to death with debt and SJW propaganda?
>Get fucked. This is a new movement that is being developed in 2017

GTFO good goy faggot. Go suck Bush's cock.

>Sure, our party is literally called the "National Policy Institute" and we have no course of action
Well known long time CIA front.

>Richard stated multiple times on black conservative channels (when he's invited) that he considers his race more important than the States. If we're destroying anything it's our enemies.
Just don't talk about the Jews... Keep fighting with feminists and attacking America goy!

Anyone stupid enough to fall for this Hillary inspired meme deserves a fucking bullet. Just call yourself RIGHT, because you are. You're right!

Richard's a big guy

why do /ptg/ and non-whites insist on spamming here? do they feel threatened?

>wah wah people disagree with me
>leave my safe space alone!

im going to ask again because shills distract everyone in this thread.

i dont want to sound like a dick, because i dont ever judge people based on their looks, but what is up with richard spenecer's head? it's a very odd shape - looks like an egg or even a football. is that because of his weird haircut or is his head just weirdly shaped naturally? if it's the latter, is this some sort of genetic disorder, to be so cone-shaped? thanks.

i don't know much about richard spencer desu, but the one thing i've noticed is that people constantly post pictures of him and laugh. why is it that he's head such a strange shape? it's like an egg shape. is this some kind of genetic disorder or is because of his fashy haircut he gets? im not laughing, im just genuinely curious.

Pic related

poor little non-white mad he has to go back!

Says the faggot who has niggers raping his women at 30,000+ a year, not including spics and kikes.

>you will never do x

Like anyone gives a fuck what you think or say? You're just a faggot (((white))) who will never amount to anything beyond discouraging others because he is a fucking failure.

>P-Please leave me alone Jamal, you're triggering me!

4 u

That's right, you ape!

I mean, Richard Spenser is simply eceleb controlled oppo...literally FBI/CIA with something wrong in his head (ie, mkultra microdosing). The deep state has spent 100 yrs using these same tactics to discredit and undermine true path to freedom--see, Marxist-Leninism--from achieving true internationist freedom (one-state solution was not theorized, only adopted due to circumstances of US post-war imperialism).


Daily reminder that you should join Identity Evropa.


(((alt-right))) faggotry belongs on reddit

I have the opinion similar to Stormfront's Don Black. The alt prefix in the name typically has degenerate connotations as in " alternative lifestyles", but it helps the cause, so we'll take whatever we can get.

thanks to the fags in the thread for the material

>wahh people insulted dear leader

>mad I put his anti-white post in the image

>making fun of richard spencer's head is anti-white

>making fun of pro-white activist is anti-white

The Alt-Right sucks, the only good online right wing movement were the Reactionaries, and the only good thing Spencer did was interview Bowden a million times and even then he didnt have the good sense to STFU and let the great man speak uninterrupted.

Richard Spencer: "We should adopt the Bernie Sanders program, because its popular".

>The goal of the legitimate alt-right is to take over Western governments


Jared Taylor is a brilliant man however, if you dumbasses made him the leader I might give a fuck, I swear to god if he or anyone else says anything even REMOTELY resembling "B-But if we were all whites we could implement socialism no problem!!!" you need to jump off a fucking bridge, I'll take my chances with the asians

i don't think any of us are actually making fun of his head. it's just a strange shape, like an egg, and we're only asking because we're curious if it's a genetic disorder or because of his extreme fashy hairstyle/haircut.


Richard Spencer looked disgusting--gut protruding--in his green jacket. Very very disrespectful

Fuck off.

Richard Spencer is a gay communist.

>and even then he didnt have the good sense to STFU and let the great man speak uninterrupted
Spencer's interviews are the one thing from Bowden I never listened to because I couldn't deal with the stupid faggot interrupting.

Thats what I'm saying. If we want white nationalism to succeed, we need a leader who is level-headed, literally. Like, I feel like a dick for saying it, but we just can't afford to have someone who is physically retarded leading our movement.

Is this copy or did you spend your time writing it? Either way it's pretty sad. Here's a (you) for your time.

>Calling yourself "alt-right" is the same thing as calling yourself a Nazi or KKK member in current year

Hell no. The first one is feared, the latter are laughed at. Alt right is upgraded Nazism.

Top kek

Your nigger ass belongs there too

Great work

We need power to carry out policy. You're not going to like our policies.

Dumbass cunt. MUH white nationalism . At least have a blonde person as the leader LMAO

Reminder that the last stand of leftism is photoshopping some literally who's forehead.

Bumped and supported. Great thread brother

>implying non-blondes don't make better leaders.

Blondes can be, but given since '45 every blonde to take that mantel is attacked by the (((media))), it has harmed us. Once it's okay again, you will see us come back out and do what is needed.

blondes are all sissies
go home nordcucks


>t. low iq mudblood

the mirrors are good but the main shop is obvious

t. black haired vampire

It's almost like a bot.


Check my thread We need to get rid of the Loomer presence in the alt-right

These threads really reveal who's white and not.

I remember I posted Richard's video about the RAISE act. It got 80 dislikes and 150 likes.

There are at least 80 shitskins lurking per thread. Keep that in mind if you're white.

Go back to r/Altright.... Oh wait, it got baleeted HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

But in all seriousness Spencerfags are absolute cancer and need to get the fuck off my board.

>This thread is full of x isn't white purity spiraling
GG, controlled opposition.

Let me post this one here, it will be useful for sone of you guys

Sup Forums is not you or the CIA's personal army, Dicky.