Mr. Jordan Peterson comments on the hard right, fascism
is this true?
time is 1:00:03 if link doesnt jump to it.
Mr. Jordan Peterson comments on the hard right, fascism
is this true?
time is 1:00:03 if link doesnt jump to it.
Other urls found in this thread:
1:00:015 actually*
Answer me or I'll kill myself
I like when he states that life is the balance between order and chaos, now fascism is and order oriented idea, and I think that disgust is normal reaction, for chaos creeps in to society in small steps, much like infectious and cancerous diseases
He knows a lot about Nazism. It's a shame he bought the easily debunked death camp/ gas chamber shit. He might be a closet Nazi who knows
Why don't you try thinking for yourself faggot?
I already have, do you understand the concept of a discussion?
Why would you even come here you dumb fuck? Do you just come here to not hear anyone's opinions? God you're fucking stupid. Get the fuck out.
he strikes me as a centrist who knows deep in his hart that a radically fascist movement is going to be needed to save the west from the absolute state of chaos is has descended to
I disagree with him on this. You need left wing policies to get to fascism.
You can't get a fascism government without socialism first.
I've seen a video of him stating that "we" (as in him and leftists) need to have open dialogue and stop shouting people down or else a reactionary right wing movement will rear it's ugly head. He said that was the last thing anyone wants.
Spam Google with "Fire all executive white males to prove you are not sexist! If you don't do this and replace them with women of color who are not related to said executives, we will boycott your services until you go bankrupt."
Anons, you have to trick the anti white people into revealing their hatred of white males. Let them think they are just about to win the gender war. Then laugh at them.
Walk your lying talk you anti white pieces of shit. We awakened few all know you can't do it and why you can't do it. For all your talk of "everyone is better than the white man," your pets just can't organize very well. That means something which you hate.
>video loads at around 01:34:24
OP I fucking hate you. You're fucking useless, just fucking die.
All I did was right click the video and copy url at current time from 1:00:03.
Lolbertarian "intellectual" academic shill for jewish interests.
Libertarianism is the new intellectual jewish movement, like Bolshevism before it. Also this.
he's also said he knows what side he'll choose if it does happen.
>le NatSoc is marxist socialism
Endure it,summer is almost over.
reminds me of this
well he says that in a given situation you can either negotiate, dominate or submit, and when the first option is off the table, the far-right always dominates based on the countless historical examples he spent his life studying
Nobody answer, if op doesn't deliver ban him.
XXX had a better line; "there are no more patriots, just tyrants and rebels".
Yes. The current state of things is not scary, its disgusting.
Hurr you're 35 mins late idiot. Learn to read the thread before fagging up everything.
Based Judeo M. Peterson sets everything straight with his reasonable centrist arguments.
>right wing is associated with disgust
Another Liberal attitude toward things they REFUSE to try and understand. It's just "ebil and dumb"!
You can hear this shit in any Liberal classroom and the only reason he is on Sup Forums is because they are selling his tapes/books here just like the Alt-Kike e-celebs.
Sup Forums has become a fucking advertising board for Liberals jumping on the bandwagon of Sup Forums's influence over the media.
NatSoc is about unity of the volk through healthy/beautiful esthetics, preserving natural resources, techno-Futurism, and an anti-usury economy (what really caused the war).
This guy is a fucking needs a fucking beating. He's the kind of guy who fucks up young people in college and then bitches when they turn into Marxist radicals.
He's the youngest of the Baby Boomer culture and he doesn't know shit but to tell his fucked up students to clean their room while misinterpreting Nietzsche or Jung.
>He knows a lot about Nazism.
No he doesn't haha. He's a liberal faggot who doesn't like blue haired trannies getting him fired.
I would love to see that on Cal Train or BART
I can only imagine the liberal asspain
Right wing fascists and Left wing fascists will die.
Posting obvious Leftist propaganda to support your Kike god.
>Right wing fascists and Left wing fascists will die.
This is what happens. This faggot is created from these Alt-right projects. He's close to retarded now because of Hannity and Peterson and the jewish "alt right!"
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler
How is that not socialism? Hitler was anti capitalist, anti free market, anti citizen gun ownership, etc.
I've been a libertarian for the last ten years, long before peterson or any alt right e-celeb.
fresh for the thread
>Zyklon B was used in the death camps
And into the trash he goes.
Good post m8. He claims to have studied it for decades though.
He is right about the disgust over fear idea. I'm disgusted by race mixing, not afraid of it.
Haha I think we have an UNSORTED POSTMODERNIST here, fellow buckos. I don't know what that word actually means because I don't read, but bases Judeo M. Peterson explained it's like another word for le degeneracy or things I or people I don't like xD SHADILAY fellow cuckistanis!
>G-guys is this true? Can you guys please tell me what's true and what isn't?
Fucking retard
Thanks for the bump newfagoo
I like Peterson but man, the cult of personality that follows him around is getting really fucking annoying. I've been watching his biblical videos, and they're interesting, but then I look at the comments and there'll be maybe one or two that are actually engaging with anything he's saying in the video, and the rest are fucking meme shit.