Not just the right to own guns, I know you all have that already. I mean open carry, Castle doctrine, Stand Your Ground, buying firearms in Walmart or Aldi or whatever you guys have instead of Walmart - the whole nine yards.
What would Europe look like with a 2nd Amendment?
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they're too retarded for guns
We'd have slightly more guns, probably.
These are per 100 inhabitants in Sweden, per county.
they dont all have that... must of europe is NOT allowed to own guns, wtf is this?
At least in certain parts, it may be like some EU globalist bootlicking politicans wouldn't be in power and some people would not be afraid to voice their opinion freely. Some politicans would even - dare I say - fear the people as they should.
For the cucked parts like the UK: They would willingly dump their means of defense in some bins labelled "Only cowards carry".
But surely everywhere would be at least one puppet organization working towards disarming people for some power hungry wannabe tyrants who will always seek to turn free people into submissive sheeple.
Imagine if it was 60, and if white Swedes could walk around with an AR-15 on them. No more rapes, no more cuckery
How come you guys don't collect signatures for a referendum on concealed carry?
Football matches would be bloodbaths.
And by football I mean soccer.
We are brainwashed into associating guns with irresponsibility. I know you Americans use gun ownership (quite rightly) with responsibility and teaching your kid how to shoot is a growing up coming of age maturity thing.
Europeans are forever children and just rely on the state to look after them. Thats why Europe is fucked.
>What would Europe look like with a 2nd amendment?
Well, the body count for Islamic terror attacks would go up drastically...
Many dead liberals
the thing with castle doctrine is that it also make criminals more likely to kill you, and if they're not retarded nigs, they should be able to kill you before you even notice them
No - it would go down if anyone may be armed.
Terrorists wouldn't get far, would they? Thats the point of gun ownership.
Terrorists couldn't do "trucks of peace" attacks because they would get taken out straight away. As it is now, we have to cower and wait for the police AND THEIR GUNS to turn up.
Thats hoe police stop terrorist attacks - WITH FUCKING GUNS
you twat
You're reaching far. The vast majority of home invaders target opportunistic or easy targets. Criminals would much rather punch out an elderly widow and take her shit than risk getting shot by someone by knowingly committing to an armed confrontation.
Depends. Better self defense laws and concealed carry would probably make us safer and make life harder for criminals. Open carry and buying guns in supermarkets would probably turn a lot of places into a warzone
Europe != UK
Many European countries have 30 guns per 100 people or more.
In Germany, the "Schützenverein" (shooting club) is a social institution present in every tiny town, organising regular large social events. As is hunting.
(Even if I think it could be a bit bad, I'd still want that)
It's ridiculous when some clerc shot a criminal and it's like : huhu he was fleeing, you go to jail
>open carry and walmart guns will make a warzone
Literally how?
Europe would have a lot less invaders if the indigenous Europeans defended themselves.
I now want to see the open warfare.
All this talk is giving me a case of blueballs.
I think they'd be a lot more reluctant to go on a mass shooting if they knew everybody was armed
>Not just the right to own guns, I know you all have that already.
We have? In Germanistan, you have to have a "good reason" to own a weapon and then you have to go through a very lenghty process to actually get your license. And we're talking about pistols, sports rifles or hunting rifles here. Not at all what the guy on the picture there is carrying. Meanwhile, Allahu Akbars just bring their Assault Rifles from home and shoot up night clubs. kek
>Don't shoot fleeing people.
>always shoot to kill
>if you're not prepared to kill, dont brandish your weapon at all
>"yes officer I shot him intentionally"
>"he was going to kill me"
These are how you save your ass from legal hell. I can't tell you how many people go to jail for shooting dindus because they say something stupid like "sorry sorry I didn't mean to kill him" when the cops show up.
Supermarkets here are very often robbed and have stuff stolen. Even if you still had requirements to buy a gun, the wrong kind of people could get their hands on one too easily if they were stored in super markets. Gun shops here are kind of small fortresses, very hard to rob and very easy to monitor.
Open carry would be an even worse idea. You complain about your niggers and shitskins, but they are just your run of the mill violent criminals. Our niggers and shitskins are actual islamists who want to kill hundreds of people. How can police know if the arab down the street who is OCing and AK is a legal gun owning model citizen or just a sandnigger terrorist?
To this add the violence of our political confrontations of both far left and far right (antifa an fascist movements in Europe are not the same as the antifa US or kekistani fags) and you'll see why It's a very bad idea to implement those two point.
CC and self defense laws however are badly needed. It's ridiculous that you can't shot a robber without going to jail in 90% of cases
but americans can get away with shooting fleeing people if they're in their proprety right ?
acctualy Czech had very good gun laws, and they acctualu made 2nd ammendant to constitution to protect thier guns from brusell
The body count would skyrocket as nogs and muzzies learn to behave. Then things will settle down in the newly white countries.
I know the media likes to scare you with open carry pictures, but it's rare as fuck. I have lived very gun friendly states for 10 years and I have never seen anyone open carry a long gun in real life. I can count handgun open carries on two hands, most of which are fudds on cowboy hats with a gaudy 1911 on their hip.
Open carry is stupid for practical reasons, but it's ridiculous to think it will increase crime.
1. Still too many gun owners here think that's too exreme and would be ammo for the gungrabbers.
2. "B-b-but there would be mass shootings every 0.02 seconds like in America!" Yes, far too many still lap up every anti-US, anti 2nd amendment propaganda piece that is blindly regurgitated by our media.
3. We have (pretty sure) a much more serious referendum prepared to counter the latest attempt by the EU dictatorship to restrict guns even further (just ask czech anons). Since Switzerland (sadly) is in Schengen, that also affects us.
Exactly, and if the perp lives, he got lucky.
I hate shoot to stop/wound/scare fags so much.
No, that's murder.
No, I can't think of any state where that would go down without consequences or at least a tough legal battle. In blue states they would throw the book at you.
Europeans are just Californians+.
If they had a second ammendment it'd be like a giant San Fransisco
I don't know. I just can't imagine sandniggers having the right to OC rifles and police having to stop them constantly. Plus as you said OC doesn't make much sense since it screams "I'm armed! Shoot me first criminals!"
>Open carry is stupid for practical reasons, but it's ridiculous to think it will increase crime.
People who open carry aren't the ones you need to worry about. Criminals never just walk around with a gun on their hip out in the open.
It would look like hell, seriously
Though i would like to be able to carry a gun, the thought of the shitskins outside being allowed to carry as well is scary as fuck. Keep in mind they are freely moving in cities center, not like your nigs who mostly don't step outside their projects
H-here's your order, sir. Um. It's free!
Being member in a shooting club and going to the range a few times a year is good enough reason though.
Btw you can legally carry gas pistols in Germany that look just like the real ones and are almost as loud. They can also kill a man if you shoot while holding it against his body. You can also fill them with pepper spray bullets.
So just a friendly reminder those things are legal to carry in public, you can get the license to do so by filling out an application and paying €50 tax and the sale of those guns are up several hundred percent since Cologne.
Depends on the circumstances and the state you are in.
Some states have "stand your ground" laws where you can shoot a guy in the street if you are in danger.
I'm sure if some one is in your house its not murder, its self defence.
yes they are resonable (I plan to acquire license soon), but you can shoot real guns just at gun range, open carry is not possible, assault automatic weapons are forbiden, you can't buy them at it's still quite far from certain US states
what would Ca?
>Though i would like to be able to carry a gun, the thought of the shitskins outside being allowed to carry as well is scary as fuck
Yea that's kind of my idea as well. Maybe concealed carry would be ok but only with extreme vetting. OC just sounds like a terrible idea to me, at least in Europe
*steals your TV*
*run away*
Nogs travel to white suburbs all the time, and get arrested constantly for loitering. St. Trayvon of Dindulandia got martyred precisely for this reason
Stay strong. You're the only country around Europe that I still respect.
Open carry is less safe than concealed carry anyway (for the carrying person obviously).
It depends on where you live and the circumstances of the case. Shoot a fleeing criminal on your front yard in California and you might get jail time. Do the same thing in Texas and you'll become the neighborhood hero.
>castle doctrine is that it also make criminals more likely to kill you
Is that the shit your (((government))) told you?
huh, i know exactly where this photo was taken, pretty good BBQ for GA.
>mfw you can get gun after 4 years of residence
your gun laws are great compared to ours
My wet dream.
What kind of gun would you open carry, Luigi? Beretta?
There would be more killing between shitskins and white, which is good as it would red pill people way faster.
>No more rapes, no more cuckery
Your country is rape free right?
Your minorities are good boys.
LMAO Yanks are dumb cunts.
Automatic weapons here require a special process with large fees. So basically the FBI has to thoroughly investigate you before you can own them. A lot of guns just look like they might be automatic but they're 99.9% semi auto.
Muds here are already attacking the cops with fucking fireworks, imagine what they would do if they could legally carry weapons.
It's not like the nog who goes at your house and rob you, muds have a conquest mentality and would shoot your kuffar ass if they have the occasion. It would be war, and a one sided one at that since whites wouldn't retaliate.
We are living too closely to each others too, unlike the vastness of the US in France Mohamed and Momoahmed live only dozens of minutes away from you
It would look just like the USA.
A 54% White continent
Full auto weapons are also illegal here if they were registered after 1986. The older, legal ones are prohibitively expensive. Think $35k plus for a select fire assault rifle and $5k minimum for the shittiest of tin can submachine guns. Also you have to jump through some extra hoops to own them.
>can keep a gun in a safe and it's illegal to carry them outside a shooting range
yeah i don't think you've got the hang of this
Thanks, but don't forget the Czech Republic. AFAIK they have pretty based gun rights for an european nation.
>Full auto weapons are also illegal here if they were registered after 1986
Some dealers are an exception to this.
>be american
>get shot
>muh second amendment
And it's like I'm saying, it would red pill people WAY faster and they would slowly acquire guns to defend themselves. It would be way better to accelerate a "civil war".
It be like every other Muslim territory with guns? A violent, tribalistic wasteland.
be french gets stabbed and then peace trucked
for fucks sake you have TWO years of martial law in your contry
fucking frogs
you just need temp residence as EU citizien + written approval from EU state where you have your permanent residency.
tricky part is to pass tests in czech language;-)
Most of Europe doesnt have niggers and muslims.
>martial law
t. idiot
not saying this country is not cucked, but stop spewing non sense
Honorary american
He's a moron, I know plenty of French, hell Europeans, that would prefer something close to American laws concerning guns. At least to defend yourself in your own home and not go to jail because you killed shitskin trying to rob you or worse.
They really wouldn't, do you see californians getting redpilled with mexicunts shooting each others in LA? City people are lost, especially the parisians. As usual it will be the poor fuckers that would enjoy diversity will the rich cunts would live far from everything in their ivory towers (of power)
Yeah, better gun laws before better self-defense laws is putting the cart before the horse. Once Europeans have the right to defend themselves and their property, better gun laws should follow.
I would rather have no guns and no shitskins than shitload of guns and shitskins.
Parisians are a special kind of cosmopolitan idiots and maybe if there was some better guns laws it wouldn't be the same. At least there would be some places like Texas where they would shot shitskins on sight
>saying ANYTHING like that to an officer after a self defense shooting
fucking idiot advice right here
this is what you do after making the 911 call
1. point out perpetrator to police
2. tell police you will "sign the complaint"
3. point out the evidence to police
4. point out witnesses to police
5. will give full cooperation in 24 hours after speaking with attorney
Pretty much. The more you talk in that situation, the more ways a prosecutor can incriminate you. And basically no one knows what their brain is even going to do in that situation.
Serious question. Can restaurants and retail stores refuse you entry if you're carrying a gun? That picture is so fucking bizarre to me. Even if you're pro-gun (I have no strong opinions either way), what compels a man to bring an assault rifle into a diner?
>Can restaurants and retail stores refuse you entry if you're carrying a gun?
If you make shitloads of exceptions to open or concealed carry it becomes useless.
>be out in town with your mates, CCing for protection
>whoops, can't go to the restaurant, bar, cinema, [public space] or [public gathering] because I'm not allowed with my gun
What's the point then might just always leave it at home
In the 70s and 80s you could by full auto FAL's and Ak's without a licence in Belgium
Thousands were sold ,
Lots of people who owned them never turned them in in the 90s ,
Most of them are hidden in peoples basements
If there comes a race war you will be surprised how many guns there are in Belgium
In the countryside there is still a big gun culture
Too bad some fucker in Brussels seems to be selling off this stack to the Muslims
It depends on the state. Where I am the only places it's illegal to carry in are federal buildings and bars. Private businesses can "ban" carrying firearms but all they can do is ask you to leave and if you refuse you can be charged with trespassing. I CC everywhere and don't care what specific businesses policies are because they don't know i'm carrying.
>>be american
>>get shot
Are you sure it's not illegal in schools?
But yeah bars for example, stupid enough exception, now you can't really carry on a Friday night walking home from the bar late at night where you would most need it.
Retarded as well
As far as bars go it depends on state law. I live in Washington and we can't legally carry in bars but in some states it's fine.
And also nobody walks home from bars here. You either drunk drive or call a taxi/uber.
Well I hope you're at least at least allowed other means of protection there like pepper spray or electroshockers
We have it in Northern Ireland and I do carry. No restrictions on what you're carrying, as long as it is wholly concealable and in a pistol calibre. No restrictions on magazine capacity, length, rate or mode of fire, suppressors or anything like that.
I have a Glock 29 as my carry weapon. Until a few years ago, P5 compacts were popular as were the various CZ pistols. I know of individuals with MP5k as their concealed weapon.
Unfortunately, it's not for LARPing unlike 99 percent of American CC holders.
In Colorado, you can carry in bars as long as you're not consuming alcohol in the bar
jang gei schloofen
>allowed other means of protection there like pepper spray or electroshockers
There's absolutely zero restriction on those things. I can buy tazers and pepper spray at the gas station.
Pretty amazing considering not even small calibre sport shooting is allowed in the rest of UK
I meant for carrying in the bar
Some states actually ban pepper spray altogether even though you can still buy actual guns, bit weird
There was an instance years ago where a man with a CC was having a few beers after work. He spotted three guys at the other side of the pub, shaved heads, ripped jeans and very unpleasant looking. One at the front was printing and the other two seemed very interested in who was coming in and out of the place.
Our hero leans forward to pull his weapon out the arse of his jeans. At this moment, the man at the back rolls behind the bar and aims toward him through the doorway. The man in the middle tracks out to cover the front entrance. Front man fans out, with his own weapon drawn, screaming at the lone drinker to put down his gun.
He did the natural thing and fired as quickly as he could toward his assailants. They fired back. People were fleeing, tables overturned, real wild west stuff. The three had the exits covered and called in for some help. The lone ranger managed to get into the toilet, and by the time the Army arrived he had tried to load a pack of Marlboros into the magazine well of his P5 for his final stand.
No casualties, but four very embarrassed undercover police officers and a very annoyed publican. All four were way over the acceptable drinking limit.
I can't get to my weapon faster when I open carry.
how is it "Stupid"...for Practical reasons.
If anything its more practical for me to open carry.
Fuck your dumb.
Learn to words and learn to into word meanings
Different laws. There are some legal CC holders on the UK mainland but they are not the sort of people who you want to meet, or have anything to do with. England and Wales allow firearms to be used to defend the home and property, but nothing outside of it. Scotland is about as restrictive as it gets, aside from the Republic of Ireland.
Northern Ireland only restricts semi auto centre-fire rifles, but there's something called a MARS trigger which is also allowed in England that sort of gets around that law.
Carrying a rifle like these fucking morons should be grounds for revocation of gun ownership.
> loaded rifle
> out of view
> out of reach
> paying attention to mcburger shit instead of weapon
Our original 2nd amendment:
The Evangelical-Lutheran religion is the state's public religion. The inhabitants who practice it are obliged to raise their children in the same. Jesuits and monk orders may not be tolerated. Jews are excluded from access to the Kingdom.
I think it's stupid when people do it but they should still be allowed to do it.
Look at the fucking clip on that shotgun the guy in the brown shirt has. Disgusting. Gun owners should be gassed. He should have to reload his barrel after shooting and not rely on a military grade muzzle loader