Tell me why you're not using /bestOS/, AKA Windows 98 SE?
>DOS based - No nasty NSA or MS SJW spying
>Can still run software that's up to date enough to still be functional in 2017.
>Great GUI
>Fast on old hardware
>Normies hate it
Tell me why you're not using /bestOS/, AKA Windows 98 SE?
>DOS based - No nasty NSA or MS SJW spying
>Can still run software that's up to date enough to still be functional in 2017.
>Great GUI
>Fast on old hardware
>Normies hate it
Other urls found in this thread:
Windows 7 master race reporting in. Get on muh level fagut!
Noob. I'm using Linux.
Macs are for upper class whites. Windows and Linux is for shitskins and niggers. You can't refute this.
>>No nasty NSA
Nigga, please
They can enter win 98 since the times of PRISM.
I never understood why people pay 1000+ dollars for a computer.
>Macs are for upper class whites.
Apple isn't doing that well. It is only a matter of time before they fold.
/bestOS/ is Temple OS you fucking new fag
>CIA nigger detected
Shoo shoo Stallman
Nice try CIA Nigger.
that's not Gentoo
>not TempleOS
wtf I love software that spies on me now
Why mac when you can buy the best?
Hi there NSA
Get on my level
You do realize how horribly outdated 98 is that you are actually more vulnerable online than hundreds of modern OS's put together?
just build an OS from the ground up using gentoo or arch. If you REALLY don't want big brother on you then go install Tails. It's 2017.
CIA Nigger admires shiny Apple electronics.
THE CHOOSEN ONE becomes one with God's third temple
people who use that are tracked first
so many fucking CIA niggers ITT
Windows 95 and 98 were great, and ME was pretty sweet as well. Controversially, I quite liked XP as well. Everything after that has been shit, though.
because I can't tell chinese people to go back to china in dota on windows 98
goddamnit I came here to escape Sup Forums not have it follow me
y'all gay
well, atleast you got rid of the systemd bullshit I´d give you that,
i fell for the videogame jew.
I'm sorry.
GNU+Linux is the best for general use
TempleOS is the best for personal use
pic related is my GNU+Linux
found the faggot
W98SE is god tier though if you don't need more than 12mb of ram
you fell for the meme, why?
>cat /dev/urandom instead of code for a real job
its a good meme
i can post code but that would link to me personally as i contribute to various open source projects and work as a codenigger
>he doesn't use Fedora Security Labs with an IRIX desktop theme
>he uses an outdated "OS" that's really just a shitty graphical shell over DOS
Pathetic. If you want real security, install OpenBSD.
Macs are for niggers and gays, and sometimes gay niggers. Just look at how hard the website panders to them.
Should've gotten Slackware if you don't like systemd. You have a botnet CPU anyways, hope you ran ME Cleaner on your ROM.
If you like to spend endless hours fixing shit that breaks then yea, people with a life settles with funnyhatmeme-os, or deb
There is not best OS because all of them are easily corruptible nowadays. Just don't be a dumbass and do basic performance maintenance periodically. Not fucking rocket science, Christ.
>spend endless hours fixing shit that breaks
when does it break though?
i've run this current installation for 8 months now with not even one collision with -Syu
before that i've only had Arch break on me once or twice in over two years of constant use
Oh shit nigga, solid tastes. I felt comfiest with XP-Pro since I wound up using it the longest, but certainly can't deny the good of '98.
I miss the days when computers were fun and there were few (if any) niggers online.
Way too vulnerable.
>not TempleOS
Fook jew, CIA nigger monkey
you don't even have a space alien to talk to
Use a real American OS and not any communist shit piles.
a classic
literally this
Ecomstation Pro is the best OS that I have ever used.
I refuse to spend that much money for an inferior product. For as much as a Mac costs, I can buy a PC 5x as powerful. It's not that I don't have the money, but rather that I don't have a fetish for wasting my money on status symbols.
Someone make chad walk meme using this please.
This but unironically
talking about this?
I'm very intrigued, just found out about it.
How does it compare to Ecomstation in your opinion? Superior?
>>DOS based - No nasty NSA or MS SJW spying
Yes. I used it and it works on Core2 machines. I'm currently using Coreboot with the SeaBIOS payload too.
Much better. It's extremely stable, even though I just use it to fuck around on BBSes and browse Sup Forums. I used OS/2 Warp 3 and 4 in the 90s and early 2000s.
You should also check out Haiku OS. It is to BeOS what React OS is to Windows.
Pre-NT Windows is fucking ridden with security vulnerabilities
>SJW spying
You men a BOTNET?
FFS OP, Linux variants are totally free of adware infestations and shit, along with any MS taint, while being ongoing and updated current OSes instead of using a frozen in time fossil.
>>Great GUI
Seriously though, I sincerely miss the good old days ~20 years ago when all Windows software looked very similar. Now it's a mess out there.
All Windows versions are riddled with security holes. The only truly secure operating systems are the stuff from Green Hills Software (not available to the public) or OpenBSD (free to use, prides itself on security). Everything else is massively vulnerable.
Mac runs on fucking UNIX. Even Apple realized their earlier proprietary OSes were garbage and adopted the superior OS. Mac makes a good expensive UNIX platform - so what?
>tfw after a fresh install of Win98 I used to uninstall it and install Win98 instead