Girls always have sex way earlier than that.
Also, does OP girl have a nice ass?
Girls always have sex way earlier than that.
Also, does OP girl have a nice ass?
You must be at least 18 to post on this board.
What does that has to do with this topic?
In Sweden it's 15, but with all the muslims pouring in it will be changed to 9.
you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
14 here in brazil. lost my virginity when i was 17 with a 15 year girl. she wasn't a virgin.
Because of Jews
Any girl who bleeds and is married is ready to have children.
its 16 in a lot of states
To punish men
>Also, does OP girl have a nice ass?
What ass?
The one in OP pic
It's 14 here. 18 is an American meme.
In most states, it's 16.
It's not funny anymore. You've run it into the ground.
Americans will never know the feeling of fucking fresh 14 year old pussy even if youre in your 30s
You're pathetic.
ITT: Faggots who don't understand the concept of "age of consent".
While the age of consent varies depending upon the state, much of the U.S. is less than 18. In Pennsylvania, for example, the age of consent is 14 if the other person is less than 4 years older, or 16 regardless.
So if one party is 14 and the other 17, it's fine. 15 and 18 is OK too.
Once the the younger person is 16, then it doesn't matter what the other person's age is for sex offenses. Other crimes, such as corruption of minors, may still apply dependent upon the specific circumstances.
With that said, if you can't recognize the emotional and mental maturity differences between a 15 year old girl and a 40 year old man, and why we as a society have to protect the younger partner from exploitation, you're a fucking idiot and should just kill yourself.
You can't make everyone get an individual sex license. An arbitrary age limit is a very practical solution. Anything 16-18 seems reasonable to me but I'm way older than that now so I don't give a fuck.
There's gotta be a peaceful medium somewhere. I'll admit the best pussy I ever had was 14 but I was only 18 as well. If you're under 21 I say go for the teens, but after that you're obligated to have a man's standards. It sucks I know but nowadays the sexual prime is high school, rather than college.
yeah, where?
Age of Consent in most places is 16, which logically makes sense.
California is one of the rare places where it's 18. Since Hollywood is in California it creates this meme.
Now I am going to take a shower.
>Any girl who bleeds and is married is ready to have children.
Muslim spotted. Sexual consent based on natural limits do not apply in law. We are not animals, we are completely different creatures so women are not ready even if they are able to make children.
You can troll all you want, but we both know that social stigma would prevent you from doing that, even though it's legal.
Will you remove Spain from 13 already? it's been 16 since 2015
>Girls always have sex way earlier than that.
I was trying to breed as early as 8. Keep an eye on young girls and fem bois. Leaving them alone with the opposite and or same sex once they hit puberty is just asking for problems.
>Also, does OP girl have a nice ass?
Her ass is not impressive.
>her ass is not impressive
Even if it's 16 in most places, it's still statutory rape if you're 18 or older and fuck a 16 or 17 year old. But 16 year old and 17 year old is legal. Makes no sense.
>Why is the age of consent 18?
becaue teeth
She barely even has an ass even while doing everything in her power to accentuate it.
some places have weird laws like Virginia, 16/17 are legal if the other person is within 4 years of age, 16 + 20 is fine, 17 + 21 is fine
It is 14 here. It is between 14 and 16 in pretty much all over Europe.
If you set the bar at 18 girls will be having sex at 15-16, if you set the bar at 16 girls will be having sex at 14-15.
Its all about having a boundary they know will be encroached but enough so shit doesnt get too weird.
I know a girl from high school who is still saving herself and is pretty in to me. What do Sup Forums?
Fantastic ass!
on a more serious note: aoc should be 12.
Feminists raised the aoc to protect female children
>Why is the age of consent 18?
Probably so I don't roll over to the yard of an elementary school with my Benz and offer unlimited candy to anyone who wants to get in.
The age of consent is not meant to say
>You can't have sex before you're 18
It's meant to say
>You can't have sex with children under 18
>and why we as a society have to protect the younger partner from exploitation
Meanwhile, 12yo male has to pay child support for his teacher's baby.
Found the white knight.
This is entirely correct Spain
However, you guys can fuck yourselves, your AoC is 14
Unless it's a regional thing, then let me know
I have a 40 caliber for you. I also have a 308 wait for long distances. There are many of us who are sick and tired of you fucking pedos. If you think I'm crazy you should see what the men are going to do you. The purge is coming
>>Why is the age of consent 18?
>Probably so I don't roll over to the yard of an elementary school with my Benz and offer unlimited candy to anyone who wants to get in.
>Why is age of consent 18?
>Duh, so I don't fuck 5 year olds.
You know there are other numbers in between though, right?
It's because you live in the US, in germany it's 16. And 14-15 when they are at the same age.
>Muslim spotted. Sexual consent based on natural limits do not apply in law. We are not animals, we are completely different creatures so women are not ready even if they are able to make children
Liberal spotted.
Fat ugly old women are just scared they will become obsolete, like the 30+ single women in China; they are called "throwaway women" and considered unmarriageable for being so old.
Young girls are the greatest threat to old ugly Jew whores.
Fucking latter all placed wrong. Those shoes are not for climbing latters you will fall on yo ass.
t. sweaty pedo.
Kill yourself.
i fucking wish nigger
Woman spotted. Young marriages and less partners means lasting marriages. The younger a woman is when she starts having kids, the more healthy they will be. Young women studied show an increased interest in older men. Women who marry young and have kids young with an older established man are in fact, happier than roasties who wait for marriage but don't wait for sex.
t. roastie.
She looks gorgeous by objective standard.
>You know there are other numbers in between though, right?
Yes, and if you make the age of consent 16, the question is
>Why is the age of consent 16?
Your point has no relevancy
The age of consent is 18 so the pedophile elite can rape virgins.
If they the same race it doesn't matter.
sex is not the end of the world
age of consent is nonsensical, really a woman should be considered an adult when she lives independently of her parents/legal guardian and owns property, because such a situation proves that she is a rational autonomous individual. in any other situation she is still a child.
>Your point has no relevancy
Why didn't you say "so I can't fuck 17 year olds," then?
This. Based fin
Biggest regret of my life is not getting that fresh young pussy
16 in Bongland, but if you're over 23 and bang a girl less than 16, you can't use "I didn't know she was under 16" as a defence. It's called the young man's defence.
I second that
Because 17 year olds are no longer in elementary school? 16 year olds are. Why are you latching on to a fucking detail like that?
You have to draw the line somewhere. Some people are mature enough to handle themselves at 14, some aren't mature enough for it at 30.
It's not feasible to track it at a personal level, so 18 is an age where MOST people are mature enough to make their own decision on whether to get into my Benz or not.
There isn't much to it. It is downright flat.
>Because 17 year olds are no longer in elementary school?
So is it okay to fuck them or not?
>Why are you latching on to a fucking detail like that?
Because the question asked why the age of consent was 18, and your bullshit response "hurr, durr, because then I can't fuck elementary school kids," didn't cut it. Nobody is saying the age of consent should be 5.
If you wanna just say "because 18 is about the right age where most people are mature enough to handle it," then fine. But you were trying to sound clever with that elementary school thing (which is ages 5 to 11, btw), and you just sounded like a fuckwit.
Good goy, "protect" those "children" until they're old enough to be thoroughly indoctrinated.
should be 25
mentally you're just not there and this leads to illegitimacy and other society-destroying problems
you shouldn't be able to fuck someone who has not reached complete brain development. wherever that occurs should be the age of consent. i think it's around 25.
to dehumanize adults?
Age of Consent is frankly retarded and should only be used in a metric to define statutory rape.
Fornication should be punished by a shutout from all forms of public welfare. If no welfare exists, then by branding.
yeah maybe in a racially pure society without sub humans that mature by the age of 14 running around trying to fuck anything that moves
waiting until 25 in this society is setting yourself up to be a cuckold
>>If you wanna just say "because 18 is about the right age where most people are mature enough to handle it,"
That is literally what I said.
>But you were trying to sound clever with that elementary school thing (which is ages 5 to 11, btw)
Well I was replying specifically to you and in Finland elementary school encompasses alakoulu+yläkoulu, so 7->16 year olds. Sorry, I guess I expected too much of you.
>a rational autonomous individual
I can never take you guys seriously.
I would go with 13 most are capable of reproduction by then.
Changing the age of consent means preparing children to be adults by that age. Parents are too fucking lazy and irresponsible to have them ready by 18 so I doubt the age of consent will do anything but increase till we aren't allowed to breed at all.
>That is literally what I said.
Not in the post we were arguing about.
>Well I was replying specifically to you
You weren't though.
Why do you lie? The post is right there to read. You replied to the OP.
>Probably so I don't roll over to the yard of an elementary school with my Benz and offer unlimited candy to anyone who wants to get in.
Again, you just sound like a fuckwit.
not to mention
>live independently of parents
>proves it
yes goy enslaving yourself to pay rent instead of living with your parents saving for a down payment or waiting for inheritance is SOOOOO immature
25 is too high. As long as you set a marriage requirement for sex to be legally recognized, you could go as low as 15 in certain circumstances.
(i.e. Romeo and Juliet laws)
>We are not animals
No, we're "civilized" men who respect woman and do as they say. Unlike those evil muslim savages who keep their women under control and have an incredibly low adultery/divorce rate
Dad here, don't fuck my daughter unless you two are able to provide for your spawn. The age I was able to provide food, room and board for myself was 18. I expect my daughter to be ready to start a family at 26. (4 years college, 4 years career building)
If my daughter shits out a littling at 15 years old it could potentially ruin her life and it's life and any other potential it's that might come.
>commie flag
Girls shouldn't been having sex before marriage in first place, you fucking degenerate.
>The age I was able to provide food, room and board for myself was 18
that must have been nice, do you regret how far the country has fallen since then or are you content because you got yours?
All premarital sex should be illegal, but it should be legal to marry any girl above 10 with her parent's permission
>Why do you lie? The post is right there to read. You replied to the OP.
Oh, I guess I did. Talking on many threads, hard to keep track of all.
So aside from unimportant bullshit, did you have anything else to nitpick on?