is he /our guy/?
Pharma Bro
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fuck off wigger degenerate
>Shkreli said he was delighted with the outcome, stating "this was a witch hunt of epic proportions."
Absolutely /yourgoy/
(((they))) are out to get him.
hes a genius and his livestreams are absolutely god tier. He wouldnt consider himself /ourguy/ but he is
Martyr Shkreli will always be /ourguy/
If you were one of us you wouldn't be asking such a stupid question. GTFO, nigger, your kind isn't welcome here.
don't forget to sage shill threads, faggots.
Nope, he actually wanted to save aids 'victims' and he wanted to do it in a greedy way too.
>in massive debt to shady people
>spergs out
>tries hamfisted money laundering scheme
>gets criticized
>spergs out
>convicted of multiple counts of fraud and one charge of conspiracy
>spergs out
>"I'm delighted"
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this guy
of course. i wish he raised the price of that one medication even higher than he did. capitalism and the entrepreneurial spirit at its best --- if you got something they want, they've gotta pay to get it. Shkreli 2024 will get the poor back to where they belong --- they deserve as much of America as they contribute, and since they contribute nothing, they deserve nothing. I want a world where the poor get no police protection, no welfare handouts, no help from the fire department; why should they, when they don't pay taxes? Shkreli will help us get rid of the poor and he'll finish the job Trump is starting
I appreciate the feedback. Your country is a prime example of the poor gone wild. If you people had anything like a backbone you would dismantle the NHS immediately, which is a symbol of government gone wrong in pretty much every way possible and serves as an ongoing testament to your collective failure to stop degeneracy, get rid of the Muslims, and eliminate the poor from getting handouts
Define "the poor".
I can't argue with the rest of it, you're right.
He is a symbol of our working sociopathic capitalism.
I like him I guess.
- Every poor person got those drugs for free.
- The regular guy was never paying large sums.
- Finding treatments for other rare diseases.
- Shkreli wanted to treat more rare diseases.
- That takes a lot of money.
- Big pharma doesn't care, won't fund it.
- The only to fund it is to charge a lot.
- Taking advantage of the system is the only way to do so.
- Everyone and the families of all the people he hoped to treat was grateful and you'd be too if it was life and death for you loved ones....
- suddenly witch hunted, targeted by communists and leftist-Jews...
He looks a lot like my uncle when he was younger
>Martin Shkreli
fuck the haters
his nostrils make me angry
always has been
Does anyone here have some sources showing that Martin Shkreli was fleecing the insurance companies and not the individual patients? I got into it with a leftist cuck on Cuckbook and he doesn't believe me so I want to show him some sources but when you search for that stuff it's all buried under negative articles.
That's pretty much me and my fiancée every night.
>his nostrils make me angry
lol. Probably your brain associate it with what jackson his to his nose
I say that anyone who requires assistance from any kind of external source over an extended period of time in order to live a decent, upstanding life is poor.
I take that it is an advantage of this view that it will mean that even people with a lot of money who require outside assistance to get by (for instance, a rich person who needs someone to drive him around because he can't do so himself for some reason) are viewed as poor; some people are poor economically, but others are poor in body, others in mind, others in spirit --- however it is that they are poor, we don't want them.
Watch how (((journalist retards))) mistreat him. Clueless, emotional, low-IQ tards, condescending mannerisms, hostile tone, the whole package. She could've found out why he charged money by watching one of the many speeches he gave so he has to school her like she's a child.
Communists like her would prefer everyone to die and only elites get treated because they don't understand even rudimentary forces of what compels people to spend their time.
Watch. These are the fucking people write (((news))) for normies.
>"durrrrrr your drugs price shouldn't be high"
Can you get me some sources on that so I can rub it in the face of a leftist commie cuck on cuckbook?