Why is the depression culture so prevalent, Sup Forums ?

Why is the depression culture so prevalent, Sup Forums ?

It's making our youth depressed and the meme kids are pushing for it

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Now kids are proud of saying they're depressed, it's an accomplishment for them, how do we fix this!

if everyone talks about their problems they don't wig out

I think it's a good thing. People see these memes and realize they aren't the only ones who feel like shit. I think it prevents suicide in the long run

>have everything served on a platter
>no challenges
>no striving
>women are sluts and you cant build a family

seriously man, if this world was and MMORPG, it would be loosing customers

Yeah because if you dont talk about problems and ignore them they will go away on their own.

They are larping.

I have anxiety issues, and EVERY psychiatrist I've visited has pushed SSRI's despite my insistance that I'm not depressed or even sad. Depression has become a big money industry made in the depression diagnosis, and

I'm depressed as fuck, anyone living in this modern world would be.

Because they all realize just how shitty the world is and know they can't do anything to change that, but they don't know they know it
Most will eventually come to Sup Forums in their search for answers and will go one of two ways
>Spiral deeper into depression as they see just how futile life is, confirming their feelings, and how they are gentile cattle for their Jewish overlords
>Break through to the other side of enlightenment and become an agent of chaos for Kek and continue living ironically just to spite (((them)))

>parents having financial issues
>peer pressure
>parents divorcing/fighting
>bullying resulting in bad grades

7/10 - too unrealistic

Gen z here

It's because we learned too much too fast. We're the first generation to grow up in a world we're everything is front and center, mass shootings, wars, politics. We all realized too soon how truly ducked up the world is. Now to add onto that the millenials are in debt big time from college and no white kid or asain kid has a chance at scholarships because of bias. There's no more practical jobs you either have to be an engineer or somehow involved in programming. Something is going to break it's called the knock out game and white kids are tired of playing. So we have a big disparity of us either being far right or far left, literally there are no centrist in this generation

>so prevalent
Because in the end nobody in this world gives enough fuck to solve your problems. They may look like it they may sound like it but in the end only you can solve it.

Depression is a hell of a drug to get hooked on goy. People say talking about it like its some glamorous thing that should be on the cover of Vanity Fair will help are fucking idiots. If you can't solve it, nobody else can. The only thing others do is throw advice at you on how THEY would solve it. It's up to you or some serious divine intervention to drag you feet kicking back to a functioning condition.

Idk, but us Millenials are having a great time~ !
Sucks to be depressed!

The proper term is it lacks (((immersion))).

>being a good goy and pre-ordering the super good goy founders edition of this shitty mmo.

Depression has it's purpose


I get a lot of advertisements for anti-depressants probably because of my demographics.

I treated my depression by discontinuing SSRIs, becoming sober, riding my bike daily, eating well, drinking plenty of water and going to bed on time.

I also flagged which people in my life were being niggers and have em the boot

Depression is the result of philosophical immaturity.

If you want to end your depression.
Start nofap and noporn lifestyle.
If you want a faster results, eat a fruit-based diet.
At least 50-60% fruits (meat are ok) as long as 60% of your diet is fruit.
Also cold showers dont do much. If you want good results from freezing, than take ice baths

but user, what if I think having prostate cancer is depressing?

also stop pushing your joe rogan crap

Because society has gone down the shitter and everyone knows it. The difference is in who you blame for it.

I am pretty sure everybody somewhat hates their lives everywhere.

I have lived in 21 towns in 4 states, both urban and rural.

Most people are just trying to make ends meet and have a little fun in between. Very few people were striving to do something big, and even those people kinda hated their lives. Most rich kids who go on vacation to Italy every holiday are already nihilistic shells of a human who take anti-depressants and drink heavily.

Nobody is proud of anything happening in their culture and nothing exciting is happening either. It's just a bunch of bullshit.

Its always been like this
Imagine being thrown midway into a joke and removed from said joke before the punch line
That's what human life is like

interesting read, thanks

In the past couple of years mental health has become a popular topic. Mental health issues are popular to discuss, debate and also have. To have one is to fit in with the trend.

>oh I feel sad
>I was happy now I feel sad
>I don't like sports despite being a guy

These mental issues are easily relateable, so are highly exploitable in memes and such. For example you could say 'When you have to get up in the morning, but you don't know why you should because life is meaningless at the end of the day' with a picture of spongebob pressing 'snooze' would be very popular.

It is a trend, like 'man-buns' or being a faggot

It seems to me like you're the expert Mark!

Unironically good post. Whoever told people that there is fulfillment in peace and contentedness is a fool. Seneca et hoc genus omne.

>depression culture

No, seriously. Even looking at mainstream music, artists are talking more and more about suicide and how their life sucks with their millions and millions of cash.

I've been in tune to this wave.

smartphones and social media have made children emotionally stunted and retarded
they don't have the tools to deal with emotions so they start thinking they're depressed

>seriously man, if this world was and MMORPG, it would be loosing customers
Except this world is currently going through the most interesting political thriller of all time.

for normies its moreso they see the picture perfect lives of their "friends" on facebook and think they are inadequate by comparison

yup this ^

Fix the underlying problems that cause people to view their situation as hopeless. Oh wait that would require rolling back globalism and multiculturalism. Nevermind

>Destroy family unit
>Destroy culture
>Constant guilt over things your ancestors did
>Watch in real time as your race is replaced
>Men and women compete against each other instead of being in harmony
>Absolute insanity that is identity politics

Even if you don't know each and every cause or the meaning behind it, you can still feel it.
Everyone can feel it.

How do I escape this feeling of worthlessness? I've had it since I was about 5.

Wow that's a depressing view

I've always pushed this, social media is bad and makes peoplejudge, kids need to GET OUT SIDE AND EXPLOOOORE

First, destroy individualism so people feel like they need to be part of a group. Then destroy all the positive groups like nationalism and Christianity. That way, the only politically-oriented groups people can be part of is gays and feminists and BLM.

that's what happens when you shit on all your traditions.

jesus christ

you're kidding right? this shit was brick way before the fall of modernity expansion

Almost. Destroy individualism whilst also shouting that you need to be individual AND part of a group.

because most of them use it as a source of humor, either strictly for laughs or to try downplaying all their problems
>haha so random and funny he looks so radical but he says he's suicidal man that's just ironic haha!
the destruction of sincerity is what helps enables concepts like newspeak, doublethink, and so on. in an ironic world, you're trapped in your own body and world. people would rather joke about their problems than do anything about them, it's just like the extremely awkward guy who does nothing but tell self-deprecating "jokes" that just makes people hate associating with him

find a hobby and turn it into passion

Read some biology.
It is biological.
Most likely has to do with gut and early life programming.

I've lived several different places both urban and rural as well and this has been my experience too

Pretty much this.

Sorry to be cliche, but it really is like that Tyler Durden quote, "No great war, no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives."

Being in constantly melancholic is not only cool as fuck, it's not an unreasonable response to the world they live in.

Angry about the state of the world, sad that they'll never be able to effect any change in that world.

Welcome to hell, who gives a shit.

>Being in constantly melancholic is not only cool as fuck

t. someone who's never experienced clinical depression

He's right though. It's fashionable to seem detached and melancholy right now. It's like the revival of the early 90s Grunge/Industrial scene.

I can't focus on them. I've taken up several but I can't output enough energy in them to actually accomplish anything.

But this is the wrong place for this, I'll probably take it to adv later

Because the west is dying and everyone can feel it. It fucking sucks to live in a civilization that is declining and drenched in degeneracy. Hedonism helps for a while but eventually it losses its effect and becomes just as shitty as everything else. People want and need a higher purpose to fight for and all we get is the shitty McConsumerism. Why bother trying it your nation if in flames?

>the most interesting political thriller of all time
This is a Kojima-grade cutscene, and you're happy about being able to zoom the camera around a bit and make titties jiggle?

And genetics of course.
Forgot that.

i feel like i'd be more popular if that were the case.

It's because everyone has realized that life is futile. We struggle just to survive and put up with fucking monsters who we can't simply kill because the law doesn't allow it. Good people get fucked over while cunts get rewarded. There's is no hope for the future. I'm 39 and I wish I had been born 30 years earlier so that I could have grown up during North America's best era with only a few more years to live and not have to watch of society be trashed further by feminazi's, SJW cucks, faggots and niggers.

Seriously, I wish I had been born in 1948 and got to see our civilization at its peak.

>the most interesting political thriller of all time.

I think you mean political satire because the USA is a fucking joke now as the right elects a conman as President while the left bends over backwards to placate niggers who do nothing but ruin our civilization. .

I know what you mean and how you feel. I had a three day weekend off. Nothing to do, nowhere to go, just watched movies, played games and wasted time here. Back to my grind tomorrow and I'll be even more stressed out than I was on Friday.

You are 100% correct, Sir.

They need more experiences to toughen them up, so they don't have to have the artificial appearance of being well-traveled. "Look at me, I've done and seen so much because I cut myself, am bisexual, have autism, and got PTSD after Drumpf won XD!"

This words it better actually. They haven't been challenged.

I chuckled.

someone has to.

Wow, it's almost as if 100 years of demoralisation and rejecting an absolute moral authority (god) has made life meaningless and depressing.

No, we reject pedophiles which is why you and the church can eat shit as it's always the most self righteous pious fucksticks who are the most evil shits on the planet.

Fuck off Hitchens, nobody actually believed that shit.

>if only MUH pedophile cult was still in charge everyone would be happy
Fuck off faggot


Maybe if you found strength and faith in Christ, you wouldn't be so bitter.

Jews run media,
Kikes are miserable losers

>stop being angry about my religion raping tens of thousands of children and then covering it up
How are you different than Muslims again?

Muslims do it overtly.

It's no accident Fight Club, book and film, got so popular. It doesn't offer any solutions (the goal being "we're not satisfied, let's crash it all") but it points out some real issues

Maybe if I was a vegetable I wouldn't be so angry.
Maybe if I was high as fuck I wouldn't be so fucking mad.
Maybe if I grew up in Africa I'd think the sky people would sort everything out and be happy huffing cow farts.

Maybe not but i do believe being sad can be a powerful motivator for personal progress.

It keeps getting worse with each expansion.

>Why is the depression culture so prevalent, Sup Forums ?
because the world is going to hell Pierre

At least by the end it points to the fact that "crashing it all" ends up making you a monster and no better than that which has caused all the problems in the first place.

People are soft, it's that simple.

Give them something to do, and not sitting in a chair punching in numbers all day.

I work on a cattle operation and we get a lot of highschool kids every summer. Over the last 5 years or so I have noticed the number who are out right BRAGGING about having one mental problem or the other has been increasing, but no matter how bad off they are when they get here they always leave more or less normal (or they quit in two weeks).

I never really got that. There was no moral to the story as far as I could tell.

I followed sole of those meme pages on fb when i got better but now that it's kinda back those memes are unbearable. 60% of likes are basic bitches who are larping as deep depressed individuals. Meanwhile boys are probably who share or like them are probably crying for help in a modern tolerable way.

I followed sole of those meme pages on fb when i got better but now that it's kinda back those memes are unbearable. Anyway 60% of likes are basic bitches who are larping as deep depressed individuals. Meanwhile boys who share or like them are probably crying for help in a modern tolerable way.

Damn I type like a retard and that post wasn't aborted at all.

i hate ironic "lmao i want to die haha xD'' posters.

Falling for the jerking off makes you immune to prostate cancer meme in twenty seventeen.


I don't think he's talking about that, but about the fact that depression and mental illness has become trendy, faking misery and distress that vain idiots try to pass as depth to do like the people they've seen on tv
Didn't see that, I imagine you're talking about the book ending, with the devilish scars on the narrator's face?


Because there is hopelesness and alienation everywhere. Everything has been accomplished. There are no more worthy goals to pursue. Each corner of the world has been discovered and settled. There is nothing left but vapid commercialism that seeks to make everybody better off than traditional white men. And we are excluded of that new world that progressives and non-whites are building for themselves, in their own little bubble. Understand that there is no point anymore in toiling at college if a degree is worthless and everyone goes for one too. Understand that there is no point toiling learning a trade either when quotas and immigrants and the crisis will rob you of what you earn, and when your status will be degraded by the elite caste.

The music, the culture, the movies, it's all meaningless and vapid entertainement pushed by a cabal of big, conglomerates. Everything has been politicized too. There is no mainstream, traditional good at which we can cling. For me, there is no strong family unit or clean orderly house to come back to.

And the sex. It's absolutely everywhere, yet it lacks love. And when we attempt to get one or the other, we fail. I failed to build a meaningful connection with the woman I loved. My first true love - not your college crush - is gone, preffering to look out for herself and attend a better university. She's ran me into the ground, denying me her love, denying herself the love I could give her. Nothing to do with politics this time, but the intrinsic bitterness of this world.

Melancholy is as another poster said, the best escape. I long for a time - the 80s and what came before - when the remnants of the traditional world were still alive. And for most of us, we've been raised with the mainframe of this world. A world in which we'd be happy, destined to make a better living than our parents in an orderly and happy world, with the benefits of globalisation and capitalism. Instead we had 2008 and the negroid-islamiccrisis.

I think you're both right.

Tyler Durden is an unhealthy reaction that results from an unhealthy environment. It's like the last words of the American Psycho novel - "This is not an exit."

people follow the flow and since the world is on an unstoppable downhill spiral its no wonder that "depression" is a growing thing. Both as a culture and as a real medical phenomenon.
You can get off this ride Seán



2/2 Conclusion

We are living in a world that wasn't made for us and for which we weren't prepared. 9/11 and 2008 came and robbed us our future. Not that western living has become a luxury, far from it. But it's become and empty luxury. I find solace in escapism - TV, anime, message boards, roleplaying - but I know that I'm only going down, not up. There is nothing worth looking up to. It's rigged. I know that I'm not doing a favor for the aryan race and whatnot, but I've given up. The worst is that I haven't even made it out of college yet. What will my degree do for me? Probably no good, the field is over-saturated.

Anyway, that was a bit of self-pity and whining, in bulk. That's the answer to your question. I'm apathetic when a man my age is supposed to feel full of energy and hope. If everything burns, I probably wouldn't care. It would only hasten my inevitable demise from this phony status.

Race war soon, frogm8.

It happens when french try to english
Wouldnt look right if it wasnt an abortion grammatically yet made perfect sense when read

Because we're living with niggers and spics. I'm not even kidding. Seeing black people and brown people everywhere makes a man depressed as fuck.

It's prevalent because people see/hear the word 'depression' and take it literally because they're dipshits and think that it's synonymous with 'unhappy' rather than a clinical term. Then they go and think that they have a mental illness whenever things aren't going well for them and start diagnosing themselves and whinging on social media where it gets picked up and further propagated by other literary dipshits

>Why is the depression culture so prevalent, Sup Forums ?

People don't get outside and socialize anymore. It leads to loneliness. What makes it worse is we've replaced real interaction with fake social media, which is worse than just being completely isolated.

So instead of this:

>two buddies head to the pub and talk about interests, what they're working on and want to do, what problems they're having in life, with family, etc.

We get this:

>Two buddies spend all their time at home. They chat occasionally, only surface level. They learn of life events through faceberg, where only the good stuff is posted. They begin to believe everyone but them is living a grand life, shame creeps in, paranoia increases, loneliness amplifies, depression ensues.

I just got back from a camping trip with a good friend I hadn't seen in years (lives out of state). Through social media (which I rarely use), everything appears great in his life. We actually got to talking and he and his wife both hate their jobs due to shitty management which cycles through college grads, struggling financially, wants to do XYZ instead but is having trouble getting jobs. I have some of the same complaints, gave him recommendations, he gave me his. We actually fucking interacted, got some exercise and fresh air. Just disconnected from shit for awhile. It's so god damn rare these days.

I'm not depressed but my mood spiked for a good week after that. This is how our parents used to live. I bet depression would all but disappear if we could return to this. So much depression is due to a poor lifestyle, not actual chemical imbalances. And modern society is fucked up thanks to fuckerberg and the (((press))).

Agreed. Ask Sup Forums what keeps us living day to day and half will say "too pussy to suicide when there's still hope to see it all crash & burn"

The ideas you spread on here are worth more than gold.