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Holy shit pol, we are the news now!
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her cankles have their own alias
wow fox news covering it? I hope this goes somewhere. Hopefully trump tweets about it
Its a matter of time before Hannity gets on it. After that there's no way Trump isn't going to see it.
We did it!
get the fuck in this tweet thread and fight guys sargoy gave me a platform and I am going to war with these kikes!
Fuck off storm fag
t. Alt lite kike
Reminds me of elephant on the Serengeti.
You have to go back.
>can't be sucessfull
>must be the joooooos!
kys. If you can explain to me what their end goal is and how it is connected Ill be happy to change my mind. But I can bet anything that you're either unemployed or are underage.
I'll rape your dog
underaged it is.
>hannity does something noble and right
Five seconds to an ominous sorceror ((((reporting)))) of dick pics sent to andrea ((((mitchell)))).
this is the only site where information is presented freely
>what their end goal is
The world as their slaves, per covenant with yehovah and the various insane bigotry and genocidal contempt contained within the Zohar.
Atheistit Jews are complicit a they still practice nepotism and in-group selection yet trend toward hedonist and nihilist behaviors. Much of this came about because of Sabbati Levy and his claim as the risen Jewish Messiah several hundred years ago.
The core of this belief is that a world with goyim and others can never be wholly pure. God will not return to a fallen state, in their eyes, but they believe he will return to a corrupted and impure world. Thus, the pushing of pornography and self hatred upon others (hip hop, for example) is an act of religious extremism on their part, they take pride in this behavior and believe it to be just. Alinsky codified this worldview. Those who cannot see or do not know? They do not deserve to know and do not deserve to live. This is why politicians are the way they are since TV became a thing. It's all pantomime, bread and circus.
But no, the jews are not all "in on it". The Jews also do not operate as a cohesive unit, except for when they do, ala Mossad, AIPAC, Hollywood and Academia, and the US Congress (lots of dual citizens, really gets le noggin joggin)
Please look into Kalergi-Coudenhove and his grand plan for Europe, which is still strived toward this very day and awards are given in honor of his brave and brilliant stratagem of slow genocide and eternal slavery.
>The world as their slaves, per covenant with yehovah
I thought we wuz christians here
> and the various insane bigotry and genocidal contempt contained within the Zohar.
Atheistit Jews are complicit a they still practice nepotism and in-group selection yet trend toward hedonist and nihilist behaviors.
proof they dispoportionately do so?
> Much of this came about because of Sabbati Levy and his claim as the risen Jewish Messiah several hundred years ago.
proof all jews believe he is the messiah?
>The core of this belief is that a world with goyim and others can never be wholly pure. God will not return to a fallen state, in their eyes, but they believe he will return to a corrupted and impure world. Thus, the pushing of pornography and self hatred upon others (hip hop, for example) is an act of religious extremism on their part, they take pride in this behavior and believe it to be just. Alinsky codified this worldview. Those who cannot see or do not know? They do not deserve to know and do not deserve to live. This is why politicians are the way they are since TV became a thing. It's all pantomime, bread and circus.
You need to lay off of the pot man.
it's an extremely complex issue.
However, Sup Forums mostly just points out the ongoing Jewish hobby of anti-white histrionics, opinion pieces, legislation and education. You will find, 99 to 1, that "whites" who advocate against their own countries and their own race are actually Jewish by birth. Whether this is because of unwarranted self importance (literally told since you were a child that you were chosen by God) or just petty narcissism and imagined persecution because of the Holocaust industry (see also Norman Finkelstein), well, who could say? How many in this world are truly cognisant of their impulses and motivations? Their influences?
Regardless, if children in your community are unsafe because of violence or depravity, it is up to you to make things better. That said, Jews create sparkling communities for themselves and even safe nations. I'd like my nation (Canada) to act more like Israel, instead of playing the role of storage closet and syringe depot.
You shouldn't get bent out of shape about what people say and do here. You aren't tied to this community, you never will be, nobody will ever know or care you were here. You shouldn't care either.
HOW old in dog years ?
>proof all jews believe he is the messiah?
I did not say that. He caused a schism in "Judea" of Europe. A lot more Jews walked away from the Orthodox, a greater focus upon the Qabalah came about. It can be well argued that this atmosphere lead to a great deal of the philosophy and psychology that built the 20th century. Edward Bernays, for example. Oh and perhaps you have heard of Bolshevism? The Frankfurt School?
>lay off the pot
You're one of the useless eaters.
I am familar that pol likes to connnect the dots with things like point 1. But I think this point has the lack of understanding that the reason why jews are so successful is because they have such a strong family ties. That's all their tradition is.
I think the are seeing the correlation but can't seem to find any reason to why jewish people are so leftist. The reason why is becase of their tendency to self exclude themselves + being hyper sucessful because of their family structure. Anytime you mix those things together (power, intellect, and exclusion) no shit you are going to pretty much have very unconventional opinions (aka communism). If you were to flip the script where we are in a communist society, I bet anything the Jewish people of decent would be arguing capitalist policies. Their whole culture is bent upon being different. They aren't evil by nature
Well.. that's a new one. Either a zombie movie with real good effects or that's legit a group of peple digging into a man's exploded skull.
Jesus those poor shoes of hers.
>Their whole culture is bent upon being different. They aren't evil by nature
my great grandparent were jewish , from mothers side , so my mother qualifies as a jew so does my nose and the noses of my brothers.
yet i hate (((them))) because they put themselves on a pedestal and use the antisemite meme nonstop whenever they´re found guilty or leaked.
pls exterminate the satanic elite but leave me alone im a neet at 28 playing facebook games watching streams and playing free2play games while lifting weights.
im just like you but with moles all over my body and turning into gollum once i hit post 40 as other jews do.
also hitler did nothing wrong and if he were alive i´d be proud to serve him however i could.
inb4 into the oven etc.
i didn´t know that ive had jewish roots until last year.
so if you think im part of the problem , go ahead "debate me".
no to racemixing , roasties are bad for your health.
do not get into marriage its a bsns plan and a scam in one.
do not work in shitty jobs , be a criminal instead or slang drugs hustle pimp hoes - make your own company be your own boss dont be a schmuck.
another jewish trick - stop caring and start living. the more time you spend on this board the more miserable you will become.
not saying its bad to be here but it will strain you mentally knowing you cannot fight back while seeing whats going on and how corrupt the world is being absolutely defenseless against it , im on the same boat - i absolutely hate this mess but only christ can save us by now and by god i pray he will come soon.
also im baptized and a firm follower of jesus christ also known as remnants of israel.
im the real deal - all those bozos on the TV and politics claiming to be jewish are satanists down to the core.
>also im baptized and a firm follower of jesus christ
I find it werid that pol can simultanously hold two opposing views
> jews are running the capitlaist game(they own all the big buisnesses)
> jews are trying to tear it down(jews are conspiring to install communism)
But the reality is that they are just massively successful (as any culture that maintains family structure) and can be on the complete opposite of the political spectrum as the rest of us.
>They aren't evil by nature
They don't have to be. They only need to have disconnected elites and disproportionate power. You say that it's all just nepotism and good financials, but it's more than that. Jew groups undermine white and Christian groups very deliberately, and "uplift" (create and lead) minority groups they use to bludgeon their competitors with. They are a consistent fifth column, denouncing borders and flags in one sentence and praising Israel in the next.
They have so much power because they were able to seize high visibility positions and contort the media into the pompous circus that it is today. With repetitive chanting alone, they've destroying the American black community probably forever, since now being black means also worshipping the culture of pirates, highwayman and mauraders.
Just as a footnote to power, Mossad is the most terrifying organization in the world, if you look into how it operates. You probably won't, or you may even tell yourself it is "just like" it's American "equivalents". But there is no equivalent.
see post "
They have so much power because they were able to seize high visibility positions and contort the media into the pompous circus that it is today. With repetitive chanting alone, they've destroying the American black community probably forever, since now being black means also worshipping the culture of pirates, highwayman and mauraders." you are only proving my point. They can both be as good as bad as anyone.
when wasn't pol the news exactly
Jews are only united in their contempt for others. There are nationalist Jews, communist Jews, etc. There are political parties in Israel you know. Netayahu was not elected under the "Jew Party".
It's clear you are not familiar with Jewish texts. You should alleviate that otherwise you will be unable to properly grasp the situation. Judaism is the only religion written in and predicated upon blood. It is the most supremacist movement in the world. You cannot divorce Jewish Supremacy from the belief system itself since it relies entirely upon God having chosen "his" people and having made promises to deliver them. For the observant Jew, others are merely NPCs in a computer game. This is a deeply flawed and dangerous belief system. it killed tens of millions in Russia. Most groups have to work themselves up to dehumanize their enemies. They have to be told about atrocities, real or imagined, and the boots about to march upon them and cave in their child's skull. Historically, the Jew lives in a silent world of meat to be chopped. Do you think you'd be a well rounded individual if you literally BELIEVED that nobody other than you was a human being?
Kek. It's like the guy next to her is looking at the cameraman and pointing at her cankles. "Check em out"
You aren't understanding this. I am talking about current, real world behavior. They are literally being bad people.
But you seem to be criminally unaware so I'll leave you to your uneasy feelings. You can go wash your hands now or whatever. The Jews will still be plotting.
and you are ignoring my point that they are driven contrarians. They don't care about ideology they care about standing out and being successful at it.
>pirates acted like niggers
yeh no.
for all intents and purposes we embody their spirit. the rebellion against the bullshit that tries to destroy all we hold dear.
>They don't care about ideology
Demonstrably false. They like to see themselves as wanderers, people with no roots or history. The only thing they know for sure is that they are better than you and everyone who has ever lived in your family. This can be overt or under the surface, but both lead to dehumanization of others and narcissism. "Being successful" won't make 2% of the population control more than 95% of the airwaves, sound, video, only the internet is left, and they try to seize it from dozens of angles for years now. You seem impressed that they have usurped "the press" and relegated it to puerile propaganda. So successful, you're right I'm just jealous that I didn't think of giving up my morals and standing on every non-whites neck I come across.
They are no longer "contrary" since they have succeeded in destroying the church, the colonies, the concept of a living wage, the concept of a free future.
International bankers are so brave and talented, I'm really excited about the labor pool now!
I meant in terms of idolizing wealth and ignoring rules, and any law but power. I can't just steal from you, now, I have to rape your daughter in front of you and then blow her brains out. It's important, it's part of hip hop.
>International bankers are so brave and talented, I'm really excited about the labor pool now!
we forced them to be bankers. quite being an arm chair historian.
>""Being successful" won't make 2% of the population control more than 95% of the airwaves, sound, video"
are you stupid? That's exactly what it means to be successful. Business only works when you have connections and their whole ideology is built on their belief in their own supremacy.
>They are no longer "contrary" since they have succeeded in destroying the church, the colonies, the concept of a living wage, the concept of a free future.
sounds like you don't know how to have personal responsiblity.
What's next? White people are actually the hyperboreans?
this vies are not contradictory at all
jews just seek power and money for themselves and only themselves
communism never helped any worker, it just helped the (((party members)) which were part of the political apparatus
in capitalism they also search power and money and shit on every other human being who's not a kike
Jews are not committed to any ideology. All they care about is enriching themselves and leading everyone else to the slaughterhouse.
Ah, you've already lost.
Can you spot your mistake?
Thanks for playing.
heh. thats what you think,kiddo. *tips fedora*
Now before you dive into the subject matter of the discussion ask yourself what type of people use aliases to discuss things? Give up? Well I'll tell you.
>Criminals trying to cover their tracks
>Donald Trump(see pic related.)