Have a nice day.
Have a nice day
>Facebook post
1. But his asset values have not increased? Debt is beneficial for most businesses because it lowers tax burdens. Investing 101.
2. Proof?
3. Putin hates Hillary, are you surprised by this and also who cares.
4. After the fall of communism, Russia was a pretty sweet place to invest. High risk yields high reward. Russia != Soviet Union
5. See #3
6. Real politik you retard. Also there was zero alternative republican leadership that could have beat Hillary other than Trump.
7. Because other NATO states aren't paying their fair share, and because Russia won't invade yurop anytime soon.
I'm having a pretty good day.
No need to get personal.
Is all of Sup Forums infested with anti-Semites btw?
Please leave, thank you.
That'd be a yes?
fake news
Anyone who denies Trump is the greatest President of all time is a shill
I'm waiting until he leaves office before I'll decide that.
You people just aren't logical. Humans have been around for like 200K years and you've got no way of knowing who your ancestors are.
>Robert Kike
hes mentally ill
Before reddit and all the other trash moved in we had a rule about lurking before you post.
Are you able to tell me that you know for certain there isn't any jewish blood in you right now? Convince me.
I don't know what to tell you other than cry hot snotty tears bitch.
Shut up dude. Fucking annoying.
>Robert Reich
Why do Bern-bros believe this dwarf? Oh its because he's drivel meshes with their warped sense of the world.
He wasn't even an economist. He was a labor secretary for Clinton. That's not the same fucking thing.
He has consistently gotten simple fucking economics wrong, and sucked the dick of every Keynesian-economist when their policies have generally fucking failed.
People like Milton Friedman would buttfuck that troll with facts.
Fake and gay
why even bother
Good question. I'm new to Sup Forums and my intent was to rub Trump's failure in MAGAs faces. But the people in this thread seem to be nothing but dumb af and not worth it.
>ever not lying ever
None of (((that))) is even true. These communist kike niggers are buttfucked that trump exposed (((nato))) freeloading off us for defense while they prop up the socialist health(((care))) charade.
Dumb af and/or mentally ill.
Did poor widdle sweetie get dems feewings wuffled again hmmm?