Face it, this is why you guys hate Feminism.
Face it, this is why you guys hate Feminism
Other urls found in this thread:
>illiterate neocons
Is this directed at us?
sh-shut up
>That profile pic
Oh, he can fuck off.
Sup Forums is such shit nowadays.
What kind of mental midget posts this retarded bullshit and thinks, "hurr durr I got dem nao!!!!111 I'm so smert!!!"?
Also, saged, nigger.
>they can work
Why were women so easy to convince that wageslaving is more fulfilling than raising children? Especially 90% of htem can only get the soul crushing retail, fast food, or secretary work.
>women do not need the security you provide anymore
Wrong. They need it more than ever, but now they get it through the welfare state instead of directly. Anyone have that infograph about how only men are net taxpayers?
all lefties with a boring job won't be insulted by this criticism of anyone that takes a boring job?
he is probably pro sanctuary cities, yet won't criticize illegals who have boring jobs.
there have been no successful matriarchies in history.
feminism lul
This would be a legitimate argument other than the fact that kids who grow up without strong male role models in their lives are exponentially more likely to experience mental illness and drug abuse problems.
And no, having a new Chad over every Friday night does not constitute a strong male role model.
getting money through the welfare state and fucking chads is better than relying on crusty beta bucks
Male feminists are incredibly creepy
we are hitting levels of self hatred that boggle the mind
its just summer on Sup Forums. board quality goes back up during the winter
This is such a fucking shitty post. I hopw you die in a fire OP.
Also women do depend of men whether they like it or not. The mere fact that a single mom needa to provide for a child that the husband left her is an indicator or that.
>i dont need no man
>but i need those gimmidats
>but I still want to care for chads child
>but i still want a house
>but i still want to be spoiled
Sounds like someone has a few Daddy issues.
Men were always disposable. Women are just on the cusp of finding out what being disposable feels like. Its going to be a trip
Also sage you dumb kike
Yes that's exactly why I hate feminism. If betas can't access pussy your luxury lifestyle and this society crumbles you fucking dipshit. If you hate western society so much go live in fucking Africa where women are free to fuck only alphas while the rest literally tear each other apart. It's the sole reason why Africa is so fucking shit, they live more according to nature (like animals do) than us.
get that through your thick skull
No shit. Feminism isn't in my self interests. If you support feminism as a male you are a quintessential cuck.
I can confirm that most single mothers I have worked with are incredibly shitty mothers and don't give a fuck about their children.
My most recent experience with one was this cunt who would go out and party and get fucked by different guys every weekend while her parents were looking after her kid.
Eventually she quit because the place we work for requires you to be here 60 hours a week. That would make sense other than the fact that it pays extremely well and that we have incredible job security because our industry is booming right now. She ended up going to a place that pays significantly less and is on the verge of bankruptcy. Now not only will her kid grow up without a father, but he will grow up poor as shit as well.
Single mothers are fucking stupid.
>and then he made that embarassing post and asked if I saw it like 2 minutes later
Or we can stay at home taking care of our children properly instead of letting strangers do it. Have a loving husband, have time to do hobbies etc. And well you know be happy.
What's with this meme of childcare being good anyway, child abuse and negligence is rampant in day cares. Fuck letting a stranger raise my child.
This dude can't get a loyal woman and is salty obviously.
ah but these women draw upon the tax system through welfare why those men of whom you speak put into the tax system and yet do not need mmh K
>feminism is in the self interests of women and is therefore okay and you should be a good a goy and support something that runs contrary to your self interests only women and browns are allowed to take on a worldview that is specifically made with their self interests white males simply have to be compliant
really send a vortex through my cortex
>Makes this post
>Looks around
>"Where are all the feminist that want to sleep with me now?"
>There are none
>"Fucking men... ruining everything..."
If you weren't illiterate you wouldn't have to ask.
Look at this boring conservative girl. How can she even compete?
She needs blue hair, piercings tattoos, a mixed-race child, and multiple abortions in order to be a stronk nonconformist.
>trump gets elected
>the world is turning into a good place for women
Lefties double think
>Implying any woman would fuck him if he didn't virtue signal and beta orbit so hard
If a woman had to choose between his sorry weak lily ass or my bbc you bet your last dollar she;ll crawl over broken glass just to lick the tip of my bbc.
The only thing scythians were decent at was slaughtering people on the open steppes. Their name was a by-word for barbaric.
>assume this was posted by some roastie
>look at profile pic
>realize a numale posted this, not a woman
>women pleasure illiterate
Jesus christ, what kind of horrible syntax is this?
>t.numale omega sterile cuck
it creeps me out people like this walk and exist on the planet.
>surely this misandrist virtue signalling will get stacey or jessica to sleep with me soon
>any day now...
Personally I have no need for a cunt & her crotch fruit.
Retired 2 years ago at 55YO with a pension and a home in silicon valley that is paid for.
Did the vasectomy at age 35, never looked back.
The only power in life women have is the ability to manipulate a male to do her bidding.
Do these cunts understand most males have no need for a woman who seeks to be his 'equal'?
"Lifes been good to me so far...".
>profile pic
Biggest numale faggot I have ever seen. Look at depressed he looks as well.
this faggot looks like he is about to cry in his profile pic
>men look for nice conservative girls
>live nice family-focused lives
>liberal women are such whores they are spreading STDs like the plague now
>states are having to require STD testing with nearly all medical visits
90% of women do not identify as feminists.
We're not neocons though. If you weren't so new you would know this.
Still women and men more than ever are suffering from mental problems and stress, while kids are being forcefed a cancerous liberal agenda, making them all easy targets for (((them))) to be controlled and brainwashed
But who the fuck cares, at least women are working and complaining and everything nice needs to be removed for the sake of feminism
>>liberal women are such whores they are spreading STDs like the plague now
>>states are having to require STD testing with nearly all medical visits
You've noticed too? I was in VA. Lost count how many times tinder girls disclosed to me they had the herp. Deleted the application - juice isn't worth the squeeze. Granted kudos for being honest but I don't want that shit.
Yeah, women are in such a good place.
my fucking state announced that anything, any reason they get medical treatment or a bandaid from any medical facility, there will be an STD test as Herpes, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis B/C are so fucking rampant. Same with HIV now. If ANY of you look for any women, do NOT sleep with anyone from Delaware.
>Women spurred by her poorly chosen father of her child
>Is mad
I don't really hate feminism, more find it hilarious.
Letting women vote, and letting the state become peoples' father figure were mistakes.
You libcucks can laugh now, but the system will soon collapse once 3rd-world immigration causes welfare systems to implode, and the rise in crime and familial-separation causes a general decline in economic stability.
>memed Trump into the White House
>not neocons
The Dutch will burn.
What does foreign policy have to do with any of this? Americans explain.
>Free to be a wage-slave
>Ignore child
>Sex is the only thing to care about
>Have no interests outside of sex
>No, put on lingerie and a clown wig and let me peg you; or GTFO
>Do not try to engage me on any other level, because that is so boring.
>Father complexes the post
every single post like this coming from a man on social media is 100% motivated by getting laid. they think this will get them laid. like some chick is going to respond with "hey, wow. thanks. couldn't have said it better myself. you're really open-minded"
meanwhile every woman biologically despises this type of behavior and men see right through it. it's really the lowest form of virtue signalling because it's so obviously dishonest
Thanks for tip senpai.
I thought conservatives had more and better sex?
He should stop dating thots
*women-pleasure illiterate
>doesn't know where "neocon" is used. (hint: it's the anti Trump crowd.)
>argues on anyway revealing his ignorance.
You will burn.
He attack Syria and signed off on the Iran/Russia sanction bill.
>attack Syria
Tomahawks at an empty airbase to keep up appearances. He ended the CIA program of funding "rebels" and is working with Russia to destroy ISIS.
>signed Iran/Russia sanction bill
He had no choice. If he didn't sign it there would have been a new shitstorm over muh russia collusion. He openly stated he thought it was a terrible idea and didn't want to sign it. The President doesn't have as much power as some people think.
Trump's only true flaw is his pro-Jewry. I didn't vote and I don't really care about US politics as it's all a joke, but Trump isn't a neocon. There's a reason all the real neocons hate him.
THis is a pussy who let his mommy take his beatings for him. The mother should have let the daddy beat him and maybe he wouldn't have been such a faggot. Who exactly does he think the interesting people fucking the single mothers are, it's the single fathers that have been left.
And yet almost all women act as feminists. It doesn't matter if you don't identify as a feminist if you still believe in sexual freedom, no-fault divorce, women pursuing careers etc.
Were comes this meme thats sex must last hours to be considered good?
I can last a good 30 minutes but my wifes says she prefers a quick, passionate and intense sex that a long lasting one. She loses interest after 10 minutes. And honestly, I think so too.
This guy has never been laid
>Trump's only true flaw is his pro-Jewry.
Even his Goebbels is a Jew.
Single motherhood is the end of a culture. Look at black Americans. 70+% of them are raised by single moms.
Liberals love to pretend how much they care about the poor, the disadvantaged, the underdogs... until it's whites or men. Then it's all "haha fuck those losers". Of course, most of us here aren't surprised because we already know that the left's only real goal is to destroy western civilization.
For a jew, he isn't that bad.
Also in the evening when they are in bed and share blue goes off the clock.
Based on what data are you saying this?
He honestly isn't. All that I've heard of him is brilliant. He probably has something Jewy up his sleeve though.
These libtards are literally ovenworthy (no offense Schlomo). Promoting rampant promiscuity as something "liberating" while not realizing that having sex with one person thousand times (when you know each other - that's REAL intimacy) is infinitely better than having sex with thousand persons one time. It's barely better than just masturbation and it's NOT worth the STD risk these days.
I know that one-night stands have always been a thing, but it has never been promoted as something inherently superior to faithful long-term relationships. As I said, ovenworthy, because it directly attacks the foundations of our civilization.
Must be why so many 30+ yo roasties are begging to be married right now. Because they hit the wall but don't need no man.
That because today's feminism isn't true feminism, you live in a timeline where Germaine Greer is classed as misogynistic.
The single biggest indicator of going to jail because you never learned to accept responsibility for yourself is being raised by a single mother.
If you account for fatherlessness there is hardly any racial disparity in prisons.
Feminism is terrible for children.
And thats that.
>implying women want to fuck for hours on end
Real Ladies Man spotted. Congratulations on outing yourself, virgin.
lmao this guy is just trying to get some feminist pussy
>random self-good prick found his gf getting blacked
>i-im gonna make a facebook post about how good feminism is
>women do not need the security you provide anymore
Single moms don't need welfare?
Whatever. And around age 35 women are like, "Where have all the good men gone?" Fuck off faggot. I got my woman and if she starts a bunch of shit - I'll just get another. Delusional piece of shit.
That's why gofundme looks like this.
>He probably has something Jewy up his sleeve though
True, but i'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.
>get fucked by interesting people
who the fuck says that in a non trolling way?
This post is the best post in this thread.
What if you are raised by a single father user ?
He's saying the government makes a better husband than a below average man does. Welp, he's right. But it's hardly the point
Single mother children are sub humans, more mental illness,more STD, gets low level jobs, low education levels,... etc.
Next generation, instead of race,gender discrimination, single mother children will be low class.
You'll probably end up hating women.
>That's why gofundme looks like this.
it's this now
Is 15 mins too long or too short?
Sure it's great for the single mom... Not so great for her children who are approx. 30 times more likely to be the victim of molestation than children from a nuclear family.
thanks bro. cornelie zelia codreanu - "The Jews are our enemies and as such they hate, poison, and exterminate us. Romanians who cross into their camp are worse than enemies: they are traitors. If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it."
Don't say that user I'm a single father of three. I would hope my kids will be well adjusted
Also wtf is this can I just gofundme to actually fund me bringing up my kids.
>Men are becoming disposable
False, men have always been considered disposable. The reason we hate (or at least I hate) feminism is because it creates white knight cucks like you and the guy in the pic.
I'm just thinking about what associations a kid without a mom would make in regards to women. If your wife left you for another dude or for some other reason (I mean that she's still alive) I think it's completely natural for them to grow up somewhat resenting women.
To add, I don't care if it possible for single moms to raise their children, because they will never be able to raise them properly. Girls will always have daddy issues and boys will have grown up never learning how to be a man and will either be a man child, a beta cuck, or mentally unstable
>Can confirm this hypothesis but must also add more times than not you also become a pussy slayer which leads you to have more disgust for women.
Wrong. During winter the leafs come in to hibernate and ruin this board.
That's why it's important that the father be present and active in the upbringing of his own children. Only a degenerate fuck would abandon his own children.
He's rationalizing the cock carousel
This is the age of open cuckoldry where women get impregnated by chads and then have beta males fund it via taxes