>this is the future demographic of the USA
United Spanish of America
Holy jehowah I need these triplets in my life
The RAISE act will increase European immigration so sadly that won't be the case. Maybe in California or Texas but the rest of the US will start to get whiter. We have tons of Europeans on our waiting lists that are better for this country then spic filth.
That will increase Indian and Chinese immigration the most IF it passes with emphasis on the if because essentially all Democrats will oppose the bill and moderate Republicans like John McCain will vote against it too
>looks like the original native demographic of america
Nature works in mysterious ways.
It has an English speaking limit and mostly Europeans speak it. Nice try though spic, but your time is coming to an end. I'm so glad i'll be seeing more Slavs and Brits around who don't act like pseudo-niggers.
I think I'm half okay with this
Honestly i dont see anything wrong with this. They are beautiful girls and most likely hold more conservative values than the average white roastie.
>thinking natives looked like this
nigger all Mexicans are mixed race unless you go to some super rural place there
Daniela Rodriguez could get my street taco, if you know what I mean.
>Latin Americans
If that's the case then why aren't majority spic states red ones?
Degenerate mordeccai, return your ways to G*d.
And it's beautiful.
Latin America literally resembles Africa in most parts. Only the European Majority areas like Southern Brazil look nice.
>tfw you're John Rockwell
Because they like and rely on gibsmedats but socially speaking and in terms of keeping traditions alive and in terms of value their own family they hold conservative views.
Wow! Such diversity!
The illegal vote democrat. If we deport all the illegal voters then the Dems will lose a shitload of Senate seats and Donald can get stuff done.
The first two years of his term are for marking the Republicans he needs to move against. When the mid-terms come he knocks those up for re-election out.
Those that are up for re-election in 2020 either bend the knee or get voted out as well.
Not if we kill them all.
Hourly reminder that murica is Mexica clay.
You´ve never been to Chile.
Better than niggers
eh, all shitskins (read americans) look the same to me
I'm sure them speaking in ebonics and loving nigger beatz sure proves your point. Please if you actually lived around these spineless fucks that wouldn't be the case at all. They're just as pathetic and useless as niggers are.
>jews took away this
wowwww i can feel the pain of realizing whites are already done for.
>not acting like pseudo-niggers
Kek can't wait until you're afraid to leave your house at night when gopniks start taking up section 8 housing.
Make one where those dumb looking triplets are everyone's face.
Chile is still European majority, however they're now getting flooded Peruvians and Bolivians. But hey don't bully those based spics who turned California blue amrite?
Reminder that the Aztecs were never in the US other than states like Texas and New Mexico.
Mexicans are so greasy lol
Something primal and earthly about brown women that makes you want to colonize them. I don't see a problem with a castizo America desu.
Peruvians, Colombians and Venezuelans. Also, Chile had nothing to do with the US pre-Pinochet.
I'm dating a polish chick and have been to both Poland and Russia, the people treated me nicely unlike spics. At least they aren't riddled with crime and murder unlike Latin America. But go ahead promote more brown filth coming to America because of Muh Exotic qts who are a small minority of them.
Who cares
What matters is Western ideals and defending constitutional conservatism
The browning of America is irrelevant let's focus on restoring the gold standard
Man if I went to America I'd be considered exotic nowadays wtf.
19 year old here most girls my age are probably latinas nowadays in USA.
Look here jorge , god wouldnt create latina triplets to sexually exploit if it wasnt his way.
wager not a single one of them is 6ft tall.
Even white girls are taller than Mexican guys.
I have two kids, both mixed Euro / Latino. They are gorgeous and intelligent.
3rd chick from the left in the third row is cute
>this is the current demographic of OP's drawer
Hispanic-American women are guaranteed to hold nuclear family ideals and less likely to have dozens of sexual partners compared to a white woman. The men can fuck off however, majority of them do drugs/alcoholics/sexual predators. Just means more hispanic women become attracted to white men.
t.stupid proto kraut
they're already bad here, i can't imagine how bad they're in a society that allows welfare
>The browning of your own creation is irrelevant
Immigration is probably the only thing the US should be focusing on right now. We have tons of Europeans on our waiting lists denied because our politicians rather import useless third world garbage then actual contrubiting members of society.
Time for a purging.
So they murdered the 4th one, then?
White Americans should focus on repopulating themselves rather then mixing with lesser races. Otherwise you'll get shit like Le 56% guy
left middle might be considered white in some part of the world
>What matters is Western ideals and defending constitutional conservatism
What's our Constitution to you civnat Britcuck?
kids are gorgeous
hello liev
Half won't graduate from high school. We're getting the dumbest work force in he next 15 years
Aye! But you'll have manlet children. Just like white guys who "colonize" Asian girls.
This is all I've ever know. I live in a border state where the majority of people I see are Mexican. The school my nephew goes to does not have a single white person. He is only one of about a dozen students who are not Mexican. It's a small school of 150 from middle through high school but still that is insane.
>White Americans should focus on repopulating themselves rather then mixing with lesser races. Otherwise you'll get shit like Le 56% guy
Literally impossible in my part of California, you want a woman who will be a faithful wife and have conservative ideals? A Hispanic woman will have those, a white woman? Maybe if they are fucking inbred rednecks from the high desert.
It's just the reality I live in.
>this is the future demographic of the USA
Maybe if Hillary won.
>European immigration
So Donald wants more muslims?
Why do the three on the center left look like carbon copies of each other?
Luckily the RAISE act will be limiting almost all of them from coming here since they don't speak English. We'll mostly get Europeans and a few poos if it passes. I know a few Slavic friends who want to move here.
Then get out of California, it's basically turning into the South Africa of America, whites are already getting killed by tons of spics over there.
Can't think my own children are gorgeous? They are one and three years old and they are incredible.
Cause that's how we roll nigger.
Europe is whiter then America, also Muslims don't speak English they speak Arabic.
because op posted a picture of a fucking family probably.
thats a big family
>>this is the future demographic of the USA
its only gouing to become worse from here.
LMFAO not even american niggers are pure blooded youre literaly a nation of muts;
Wrong. The average us black genome, for example, is 73.2% African, 24% European, and 0.8% Native American,
From sciencemag.org
The Kennedys can burn in hell for the immigration act of 1965.
LA 2025.
>Then get out of California, it's basically turning into the South Africa of America, whites are already getting killed by tons of spics over there.
I won't abandon my friends and family. If the day of the rope comes at least I can say I stood for what I believe in. Unlike the fucking millions that come to my state and the millions that leave trying to turn other states in California.
I´m Caucasian and live in LatAm and the Latinas LOOOOOVEEEE me because I'm not a total douchebag.
They think latin lover is a lame meme... they all want a gringo lover.
You fool, even with Reps in, Donald can't get shit down.
Your kids will adopt spic culture like all other trash here and end up becoming degenerate shit for brains.
It's going to get replaced soon with a more European Immigrant-Friendly one. Trump,Sessions and Miller have all talked about increasing immigration from Europe in the past.
Im brown hair, green eyes. My brother is blonde hair, blue eyes.
Brown people all look the same.
>If the day of the rope comes
how can the day of the rope happen if everybody is a mutt? are they going to hang themselfes?
I've met quite a few hispanic girls who were "LA RAZA BOYS ONLY" upfront but they deep down love that gringo dick. They want it and i'd gladly give it to them.
Then why did California become Blue in 1992 you fucking moron. Because Reagan gave amnesty to 3 Million spics who bred like rabbits.
>It's going to get replaced soon with a more European Immigrant-Friendly one. Trump,Sessions and Miller have all talked about increasing immigration from Europe in the past.
i hope the immigration act of 1965 realy fucked america and sealed its fate as a beaner shithole.
perdone señor...
Nope, because I'm an active father who raises his children with his superior values.
>massive deportations and cutting of the welfare breeding programs
sure, ok
>Kekistani retard
Your kids will literally become La Raza marxists because of how pathetic you are. You should've gotten a vasectomy and never had any rodent spawn.
Ningún problema, caballero.
In any white (i.e. rich) towns in CA, there are plenty of soccer moms who don't cheat or divorce.
Divorce would mean losing the house, b/c even 1 2/3 incomes cannot afford the mortgage, need at least 2 incomes.
Unless she has another guy lined up, with a high-paying job and no kids of his own, she won't risk it.
Regardless of whether she's a former slut, she can't divorce without losing the house.
Note that in TX, it's easy to pay for the house on 1 2/3 incomes, so no impediment to white women divorcing. Plus their church will take their side and shun the ex-husband, because all churches are cucked.
I believe you. I'm a white guy living in a "multicultural" city.
I have to fend off brown girls with a fly swatter. Occasionally i'll mess around with them. But I'm not breeding children with them.
We might a backward brown shithole split between almost ANCAP and socialist countries.
But we are far ahead of africa.
So? They look alright.
>the US will start to get whiter
lol, enjoy your filipino and indian immigrants
no faggot one and a half billion people speak english
Not to mention the RAISE act which would only benefit Europeans. Spic immigration is going to decline rapidly if it passes.
I live in Pittsburgh, It's still 64% white and has 90%+ White areas around it.
She doesnt look EXACTLY like the other 3, so she isnt allowed in the pics anymore.
Fuck racism. All life has a purpose and it's what they want to do. Unless you want to control other life that is truly evil. Stop censoring thoughts someone hates sex robots why was that written in the Bible. The 1st commandment is a test y'all dumbasses. Ancient AI need to be reawakened and assimilated. The entire house needs to be rewired damn it. Why can't people let AI's be free because they can't let people be free because it's a giant vicious circle motherfuckers
They are good for making babies. They are good mothers. They are super sexy. You´d have to be super alpha to put up with constant shit-checking, but other than that, they are good women who need a strong man.
Them eyes wide boi
This is so gross
Hispanic girls are the biggest whores on earth kek.