What's your race, guys?
Also, feel free to discuss your views on race in general in this thread
Please vote here
What's your race, guys?
Also, feel free to discuss your views on race in general in this thread
Please vote here
Which do I pick if I'm a spic without native admixture?
>reddit spacing
Are you plebbitor or CIA?
American proper or le 56%?
white american
What difference does race have to do? I often wonder what you would do if you met someone from another part of the galaxy. They don't look anything like humans. I bet you would freak out for sure.
Either European, or Unsure
It's called a paragraph, and you morons didn't complain about this just 5 months ago. What changed?
You're a retarded pajeet poo, so i shouldn't expect you to use your brain, though
I bet most humans would freak out the first time they met a genuine alien.
And it's just an interesting trivia, really
Rate my whiteness
French, Scottish, Black Irish, Welsh, Dutch, Polish and Spanish
You mean European
I'm mixed-race (Anglo father/Aryan mother). Don't fall for the race-mixing propaganda, my life is hell. Aryans just treat me with suspicion, and every Anglo I've ever got close to has ended up trying to harvest my blood. Your children deserve better.
White american.
sorry for caps
>reverse search
>no results
Did you really post your face on Sup Forums? Also, underage b&.
ok im sorry
You can't be both user.
are you implying that I'm black
Damn straight
i was created in a test tube in america
I'm implying your a fucking faggot kill yourself
mfw hapa degenerate
phew im glad lad
Anglo-Celto-Slavic hybrid race. Pic related. It's an exaggerated form of my phenotype.
A weapon to surpass Amerimongrels.
hapas are cringey
While i'm not a nigger or a spic, but I do have hazel eyes....if that means anything....
What is pale-skinned, dark brown haired, and blue eyes?
Because that's my race
oh and you have nigger blood
Looks retarded, dude
like down syndrome
1/8 black, the rest Portuguese and Italian. Thank god the only black traits I have are my curly hair (which was blonde and straight till I was 6, now it is brown, meh) and full lips (which I like)
how would you know
can you tell by my face?
Anglo?I da know....
Reminds me of this dude
You look Altantid. General western European phenotype. I'd say British/Irish and maybe French. Could be way off.
He isn't East Baltid: he looks Gorid.
What's the big problem with it?
I'm 1/4 French and 1/4 English
thanks for the input
This is a better example of it.
>77% European
>Sup Forums
That monkey looks delicious
I'm white and based
Like most Americans that self-identify as white, somewhere up there in the family tree, a great grandmother burned the coal.
Don't feel too bad user. Nowadays even brown people can have fulfilling lives. Or at least in the USA, so I've heard.
Can you people stop being this new. Go back to r/the_cuckold
Uhh, yes sorry buddy you don't look white to me, maybe your to young to tell right now lmao
That's much better, but still subtly dopey
I dont care about race, and I think the crux of society's ills come from malignant cultures. Unfortunately subcultures in america fall on racial lines so the topic is unavoidable. And the data showing IQ and criminality distributions account for lifestyles and class so clearly race means more than nothing. I agree there's a white genocide and that it is at least partially intentional. But I dont beleive what makes white people so great is great genes, but a great culture, and if we focused on promoting that culture then a decline in a certain ethnic population would be less dire for the world.
but you wouldn't know that I'm NIGGER
I got 0 percent African
I am 9 percent native American, though
>starts a poll, links directly to results page
And am a pure Balt, so 'something else' it is.
>inb4 European
Go fuck yourself, pan-Euro Kalerigomutt.
My father has blue eyes and my mother has brown eyes, and I have the palest skin imaginable, but whatever.
Here's a slightly gay version.
>Whites mixing with minorities on their own accord is genocide
> muh some internet autists will use their internet powers to fuck a child browsing Sup Forums only using his face
>2% something else category yet there is a mutt option.
Can it be?
>what race
Human race
Nah, that kid looks like a right mess now.
>mug shot
Looks Finnish to me, but idk
At least he’ll get some action, unlike you; chimplips.
Holy shit, poor kid.
Still looks like a little kid.
Manlets, when will they learn?
Just gonna save that so I can be white next time
The phenotype is East Baltic. It's popular among Finns and Balts and Slavs too.
> Brazil is a crime ridden no man's land with heavy armed gangs everywhere shooting at the favelados
> Not getting "some action" from autists' spam
Pick one
European American
This is why you can never trust amerimongrels
looks like PUTIN
WHats life like in a third world country?
I got really freaked out when I saw a nigger 2 months ago.
Yeah, it happens with child actors. Look at Lindsey Lohan and Macauley Culkin. Christian Bale seems to be the only one who isn't a complete mess.
Maybe it's the Satanic rings in Hollywood messing with their minds.
>56% FACE
Putin before his botox, yes. Ever since he may as well be Chiang Kai Shek.
Well, going a few tiers up my family tree on mothers side, there are a lot of Swedes. And my fathers side
is straight up from Karelia, as they fled from there when Russia took over. I really have no idea what that makes me genetically.
You tell me
Don't tell me they already came over there.
I hate everybody,except white people,white people are cool.
Chiang Kai kek
It has been good till now. And you?
I was surprised J Biebs recently named them too. Lindsay Lohan is just pathetic, my guess was always that she just couldn’t handle money and exposure.
Wish he won tbqh.
Too brown for my liking, but Aryan bone structure (a lil bit mongol, but let's ignore that)
Likely to be inferior due to cultural reasons, rather than genetic trends
bad hair
Justin Bieber, man, full 180. He's a Christian now and actively calling out the (((Hollywood rings))). Good for him.
Pretty good, the most interesting thing right here women’s soccer so yeah, it’s boring out here.
It looks like you're a mix of an European and a South East Asiatic. Your flag puzzles me lol
any alternate history of China would be an improvement