Entryist Cliques Are Conspiracies Against Employers

Entryist cliques conspire to extract money, power, credentials, and publicity from organizations without providing market-competitive value in return. Membership in or alliance with an entryist clique is legitimate grounds for en-mass dismissal and lawsuits for monetary damages resulting from their willful bad-faith actions.

In public corporations, failure to remove entryist cliques is a legitimate grounds for shareholders to sue the board of directors for gross negligence or malicious abuse of position.

The typical tactic of entryist cliques is false claims of discrimination, and abuse of anti-discrimination law to promote discrimination in favor of highly privileged, unmeritorious individuals.

I'm calling for you to help raise awareness of this reality. It is key to stopping the rot in large organizations.

Da fuq is a entryist clique

>oh you dont like antifa?
>hmm we just decided you arent qualified to work here, you didn't pass the interview

You know what a clique is, right? It's an exclusive, informal group of friends or comrades.

Entryism is the practice or tactics of pushing your way into an organization or field and securing positions within it, with an implication that the means are illegitimate.

Put them together, and an entryist clique is a group assembled for the purpose of securing each other desirable, abusable employment, which they can then use to promote each other into even better positions, regardless of their job performance or the damage done to the organization which employs them.

It's a form of corruption which has become exceptionally prevalent in recent years because it's not popularly recognized as corruption, and not yet commonly used as grounds for firing, lawsuits, or criminal charges.

It's similar to nepotism, except there are cliques rather than families.

This is why Rupert Murdoch doesn't like employing the gays in management positions, he said that they're like a mafia, once they get a grip on an organisation they just start promoting other gays. It makes sense, they are more likely to socialise with each other.

So networking, you're literally railing against networking.

notice how this became a word only after corruption started to become normal

The really terrible thing is that because they aren't families, or even really friends, they have to constantly signal their membership and assess each others' membership with displays of ciphered loyalty to the group and willingness to use the core tactics of accusing any obstacles or opponents of discrimination and and general evilness.

Hence "virtue signalling". Not just with what they say, but how they use their positions once they have them.

It's especially easy to see what they're doing in the entertainment field. They can't just make entertainment that will sell and make money. That wouldn't signal membership or loyalty. They have to go against the purpose of the positions they occupy, to make expensive signals. They have to make unsellable entertainment. They have to go out of their way to offend and drive away their audience.

Look at the Marvel Milkshake Crew. That's an entryist clique that has dramatically driven down sales with not only incompetent writing and art, but stuff written specifically so comic fans would hate it. They've replaced most of Marvel's most famous and popular characters, especially the white males, with tedious stereotypes, and said they were doing it for "diversity". Where they didn't replace them, they made them villains, like with Captain America becoming a Hydra agent.

The sales have crashed, and they're not trying to fix it. They're doubling down. They're blaming the fans and calling them racists and sexists for not buying it. It's all for signalling to each other that they belong in the group.

But entertainment is trivial. This is happening in key industrial foundation companies like Intel, which a few years ago basically announced a hiring freeze on straight white men, and now are starting to release buggy, unreliable, insecure chips.

It has to stop.

It's not "networking". Networking is getting to know people, and getting known. It's not forming alliances to get each other jobs regardless of qualifications or competence.

A professional network is practically the opposite of an entryist clique. You want to add as many competent people to your network as possible, whereas you want to exclude people from a clique who won't be loyal to it to the point of corruption.

>it has to stop
It'll stop when our society collapses (which will of course be blamed on us, even as we're informed that it's our responsibility to fix)

What you describe as an "entryist clique" wouldn't work. In order to be listened to in the hiring process a person tends to have to be really good at their job so if the people in your "entryist clique" aren't good at their jobs they wouldn't hold any power. Again you're literally railing against networking, it's how the game is played and if you want to succeed in life you have to play that game.

Sure, and Trump will never get elected. Nobody will do anything about illegal immigration or ballot stuffing in Democrat-controlled states. The Left has captured the judiciary forever, and there will always be a majority on SCOTUS of judges who pretend the constitution says whatever fits their politics.

Certainly, "entryist clique" will never be commonly understood as not only legitimate, but effectively mandatory grounds for en-masse dismissal once recognized, like other forms of corruption.

That's what theyre saying. Even if the person isn't good at the job, they get hired and given a voice, because they're friends with a couple other people there.

because theyre butt buddies outside of work, the only hire fellow butt buddies even though its an investment banking firm. and they needed a general accountant.

>In order to be listened to in the hiring process a person tends to have to be really good at their job
...unless an argument like "diversity" comes into play, eh? I pointed out from the beginning that false accusations of discrimation is their core tactic.

>you're literally railing against networking
I've explained how networking is something else entirely.

>it's how the game is played
This is the attitude corrupt people always have about corruption. Yet some societies manage to repeatedly recognize and clean away corruption.

It's time to grow beyond this, to recognize and deal with this.

or for example, you show up at the interview and your extra large dragon dildo falls out of your bag. the interviewer notices it, admires its size, and carries on with the interview.

fast forward 4 months and you're hosting a furry orgy with your coworkers and now you realize why you were hired. it was the dragon dildo, not your knowledge of IT.

They're saying its a form of discrimination because you should have hired one of the guys with 33 years IT experience.

Can you provide a distinction between Entryist Cliques and networking?
Because if you cannot, then honestly this is true, though not illegal, and without a distinction between the two, you can't just ree about how knowing a person gets you vetted for joining a company.

>This is the attitude corrupt people always have about corruption.
What a fucking mind reader you are! Or... anycunt that's read Machiavelli or the 48 laws of power...

On the bright side, companies that hire these people will suffer because of it, and likely die a a result.

>Hire my friend, they have the relevant skills and would be a good fit for the company

>Hire my black female friend, we need the diversity and also if you turn her down we're suing for discrimination :^)

>Can you provide a distinction between Entryist Cliques and networking?
I already have: Networking is getting to know people relevant to your career, for honest purposes, not forming alliances to advance each others' careers dishonestly.

>On the bright side, companies that hire these people will suffer because of it, and likely die a a result.
That's not a bright side. They feel defenseless against them, because of the false discrimination claim tactic. They're afraid to do anything that might look bad.

Good products, good jobs, good investments get destroyed by these jackals.

They need a defense against it, which is a common public understanding of the corruption they're fighting, so they can just say, "It's an entryist clique." and fire them all, and everyone understands what they're doing and why it's right, regardless of the clique screaming about discrimination.

Sometimes on Sup Forums someone will bring in ideas not normally discussed, and you can see the shills come out of the woodwork.
Diversity hiring was predicted to weaken high tech skills, and they have.
All of the creative work has been done at Marvel, they are an irrelevancy. Same thing with Google, which stopped being dynamic about the time they really ramped up their ''''''''''''''''diversity'''''''''''''''''' initiatives.
Boeing had to move corporate HQs and build new factories elsewhere to stop themselves from being swamped in Diversity-Hire Seattle.
>almost wrecked a major US corporation and defense contractor, perhaps the most important business in the United States.
And Sup Forums will say it's Jews forcing it. They often are, and they're being paid by the Chinese.

This happening at Apple big league

They target big organizations for it, where there's lots of capital to plunder and they can carry on doing it for a good long while before it goes under.

Apple has a good reputation, heaps of cash reserves, and lots of intellectual property. All of those things will take years, maybe a decade to destroy by hiring the wrong people.

Furthermore, thanks to the App Store and Apple Pay, they're gatekeepers to the work of others. They can promote allies to improve their sales, or screw with opponents by dealing in bad faith. Look at how gab.ai has struggled to get an iOS app released. You can bet that's entryists abusing their position.

The only thing that can save it at this point is shareholders getting pissed and being able to sue the board for failure to fire entryists.


So ideological nepotism? Man I really fail to take advantage of all the bullshit in life. I wish God were real so I would at least get rewarded for being 'good'

its under the guise of "cultural fit" but ultimately, SJWs will exclusively hire other SJWs
look at the reactions to the recent google employee statement on HBD. do you think the people throwing a fit over it would ever intentionally hire someone who agreed with any view stated in that doc?

see also

Large for-profit organizations secured by things like intellectual property or too-big-to-fail bailout confidence are essentially tax-funded bureaucracies themselves.

Holy fuck how can Sup Forums be this retarded about some basic political concepts?
Truly this is the low-IQ board.