Who collapses first?

Who collapses first?

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Placing bets on China.

It seems like America and Russia have some cards up their sleeve regarding "disclosure", and it seems like China might get left out of it.


Russia has tons of resources left in the more northern parts
China has Africa and Canada to leech off of

America has only America unless they start invading some more nigga's or manage to space mine in the short period of time before the collapse

China has a massive real-estate bubble that will burst any year now, trashing their economy.

America and China are just giant bubbles ready to pop.

So does America and Canada
and half of the world

China's economy is flux
The means the government can rise and lower the price of their currency at will in order to better suit the needs of the time

After China and India nuke eachother my guess is china

China will collapse. America will just rot. Russia will wither away.

While Macron and Trudeau conquer the world together.


The entire backbone of their country is built behind the idea that no one will ever panic again like they did in 1929. If it happens again, the government runs out of money and loses control of the population, most carrier groups (and therefor global projection) will be mothballed meaning no more influence anywhere and the american dream will be absolutely shattered - you'd not only see a massive decline in immigrants but also americans themselves will run away from there. Their entire stock market turns unprofitable and suddenly the belief in capitalism vanishes - you'd see #OWS on steroids. I'd be amazed if the country doesn't turn communist by then.

The bubbles of China and Russia are nothing comparable. Russia collapsed and nothing significant really happened.

>America has America
You hush your goddamned mouth you disgusting sea rat.
America is the greatest and richest land that God put on earth.

define "collapse".

If economic collapse, prob Russia then China then US.

If you mean full on collapse (like state destruction collapse), then the US. Russia and China are too ethnically and culturally homogenous to collapse upon themselves. The US on the other hand is one hard war away from splintering.

Found the chink.

I didn't realize there we so few Russians. I always figured there were more of them than us.

China. And that will drag everybody to shitland

Too many niggers and illegals
The whole rest of the world is coming down with us

This is the best possible scenario.

This. Economically the US is stronger than Russia and China. But it is also strongly under (((their))) influence, they are pushing a race war every day now. Socially the country may balkanize. Russia is very diverse too but Putin has a tight grip on that shit.

US because of demographics. The US won't exist in 100 years. Even if China were to collapse, it would still be China and eventually bring itself back together. So China can't actually collapse.

Most of Russia is a frozen uninhabitable wasteland, so not really surprising.

China. They are long overdue for a collapse.

>post yfw Fallout was right all along

Russia has already collapsed several times, they can only improve their situation. The US will just take everyone else's shit at gunpoint. China is the weak link.


China collapses if America collapses.

If Russia collapses America takes over the ME completely and then probably collapses because it no longer has eternal war to funnel its resources into and keep its population occupied.

If China collapses I'm not sure. I think America and Russia will live with paying higher prices for domestic goods.

If America collapses, you can bet your ass Russia and China will collapse right after.

Russia might annex parts of Manchuria as well

>but Putin has a tight grip on that shit.
he really doesn't

You're absolutely insane if you think the US would allow itself to collapse before we went full 4th Reich on the world
Especially with the current administration, we'd "deal" the fuck out of you all


This guy gets it. America is the future actually. May have to heat it up and bang it with a hammer but she will be stronger than ever.

China has no real hope for survival. They probably wont die off altogether, but without being the filter on the drainage dump to the western world, they wont make it on their own.

If they are totally opposed to the west, in a war for example, they lose their strength, being the bottom feeder of the west. they would be turning on the hand that feeds them.

Russia will carry on as it always has.

American ideology will secure the existence of white people world wide.



1488 1776

#America #Freedom #Liberty

Our World. Our Time. Our Future.

A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.

America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.

Full Freedom and Liberty.

The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.

This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.

Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.

Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.

One last War. Our World Forever After

S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S

Either China or Russia.
I'm betting on China though

>You're absolutely insane if you think the US would allow itself to collapse before we went full 4th Reich on the world
>Especially with the current administration, we'd "deal" the fuck out of you all

I think you are way more optimistic about the state of your army and their confidence in america than I am.

Well the issue is not just US army but the entire western world armies (NATO countries mostly).

I think if things get tough, to the point of military draft being implemented, in the case of a symmetrical war, western soldiers simply won't make the cut. What do they have to fight for? Nationalistic pride has been reduced to nationalistic shame. When the situation gets dire, people will simply run away.

Holy shit, Russia and China are so pitiful when compared to the US. How do so many retarded people put them on our level?

Filty commie chinks will get btfo Once famine hits and the radioactivity from the fish start destoying them from the inside out. Cancer rates will sky rocket and population will slowly begin to mutate into full blown locust like in halo. As soon as you hurt them they will explode and spew their radioactivity onto non infected people causeing an epidemic of yellow fever to sweet across asia and most of europe. The only true safe space will ultimately be south America mainly towarda Argentina which will be the last stand for white humanity to keep themselves from deteriorating to commie filth

I'm guessing America simply because people are too delusional about the state of the world. They won't be able to accept that the good times are over when things finally crash but China and Russia have survived on bad times since forever.

Serious geopolitical thinkers and strategists, people we don't see on the news, have been expecting for a while that China and Russia to go through some very hard times in the decades to come. Chinese investors seem to love putting their money everywhere except in China while the politics within the CPC seem to stagnate. That's on top of their demographic troubles. Russia's trouble is that it's economy is among the least dynamic of the "major" players internationally in that it's overwhelmingly dependent on natural resource exports. Couple that with dwindling demographics and an unknowable political future and it's an awful bet as well.

As much as Europeans and edgy teenagers like to theorize about the demise of the US, it's in fact that nation that is best positioned to gain in the 21st century.

what country are you in, and are you even white?

that's not how it works m8.
>You're absolutely insane if you think the US would allow itself to collapse before we went full 4th Reich on the world
muh sides bruh, too much. honestly, can we speed this up somehow

How the fuck is China considered a better country than Russia? I'd kill to be able to live in russia if I lived in China. Chinese are literally asian niggers.

China of course. Why do you think so many wealthy chinese are BTFOing out of there and buying land in San Francisco

Russia already collapsed in 1991. #2 in power? With an economy smaller than A FUCKING LEAF? Lmao! China is already #2.

I doubt China and USA will fall anytime soon and when they fall it probably won't be for any of the reasons commonly stated today.

i prefer living in russia to america or china

Even the silhouette shows a lardass

the only correct answer is none of them. china, together with russia will increase their influence edging out the US in geopolitics until they're irrelevant

good point

>t. shithole where people still starve to death

China will have stability at any cost. They've tied the government's legitimacy to economic performance, but they understand the need to shift as the wind changes. China will always plan the long game.

Russia has managed to hold on despite some pretty brutal economic conditions. Russia can withstand setbacks, but will always be Russia.

America is becoming browner and more divided every day with every gibsmedat born or imported. America's greatest strength is the petrodollar and it's ability to enforce regime change against anyone that would dare plan to stop using it. But the fatal flaw in that plan is that it's resulting in the browning of the West. Even going back to toppling South American dictators and getting latino swamped.

Civilizations and governments can survive a lot, but they cannot survive brown people.

Just because they are fiscally conservative and would not bail your indebted ass doesn't mean they will collapse.

>allow itself to collapse

the US is already collapsing retard.

Well, neither can they survive fascists, as history has clearly shown.

Russia will never die, China will crash but recover, the US will go up in flames.

He doesn't really need to. Even Russian libs are for the russian world, and aren't insane enough to give strategic parts of Russia off to anyone. American cocksuckers are laughed at by everyone there.

>eternal kraut
you are not in the position to badmouth anyone with what is happening to your shitty country

t.cocksucking slav subhuman

Putin and putinism is retarded, planned economy will never work once that retard gets replaced and the head of government loses so much power that putin has because of propaganda russia will start to decline real soon

Nope not at all, no one has seen the full force of the US military
>Inb4 you're getting beat by goat fucking farmers
We absolutely decimated their population, do our boys die? Yeah, do we kill dozens of theirs for the one of ours they get? Yeah
Also, you can't win a war against a guerilla force without violating some faggot rules
If we wanted to we could glass the middle east every day at noon mountain time for the next 10 years
You're hilariously underestimating what the hell the US military can rain down on someone if we remove our gloves which we'd certainly do if we were close to collapse and wanted to conquer as much as possible
I did infantry and when you're in you learn how our war machine is really supposed to operate and let me fucking tell you, it's god damn terrifying
Don't know how to speed it up but you can rest assure you'd be amongst the first to receive a dosage of freedom and be liberated from your socialist overlords

Is America really any better?

Since the most important resource a country can have is its people, I say America.

>America wouldn't annex Canada
>America wouldn't just take whichever parts of Africa you're vague on
>They would just sit back and let the slanty Jew do as they please

For being intelligent you really are thick as shit.


they're trying to improve while krauts elect Führer Merkel for the 4th time like the dumb leftard sheeps they all are

mexicans are better than sandniggers and actual niggers.

>America has no resources left
Congrats on having the most retarded post of the day.

China, their middle class has grown too big, they'll want more rights etc. They also fucked their economy and with the 1 child policy they will need niggers hands to dig the grave of their parents

>trying to improve

>underestimating what the hell the US military can rain down on someone if we remove our gloves which we'd certainly do if we were close to collapse

and that will be the end of your empire

>a fucking faggot

The one that loses it's super majority ethnic group first.

China has over 1 billion people yo retard, they won't need to import anyone for anything. Especially not niggers.

well, china also has the world's largest reserve. 3 trillion i think. and they were the only nation not impacted by the 2008 financial crisis. hard to tell

Russia is as homogenous as France or even less so. Even China isn't that homogenous but han chinks outnumber everyone

>everyone is chinese
>not homogenous

your entire post reeks of arrogance. Learn from history, how many empires fell? How many were foreseen to fall?

An empire is not just about it's military might. Every man and woman have a beating heart. Why should an american man endure a long and arduous war if it's not for a just outcome? Why would he risk his life for a state that does not reflect his values?

Us, hopefully.

None of these. I think the EU and the Euro are going to be the first to fall.

Russia has already collapsed so many times, they're going to continue being poor alcoholics, but they'll remain number 2 and eventually 3 for a long time. No one is going to invade them and they have enough resources to sustain themselves.

China and the US are both ticking time bombs. I think China's economy is going to burst first but they'll mostly recover. The US (((financial elite))) can't to prop up their ponzi-scheme forever. I think we have 5-10 years before the US economy collapses. When that happens the elites will try to replace the dollar with something new and the US will continue to exist in name, but it's spirit will be dead and it's demographics will ensure it withers away.

The fall of the US will be because of native traitors, not foreign enemies.

so you are confused about whether to laugh? krauts are always so fucking retarded

>what is Trump
>what is MAGA

Lmao ok little nigger
I don't know where you're from but if it comes on day I pray you're one of the last of your country men to die
I want you to take it all, see the charred women and children, the broken glass, collapsed buildings (assuming you have any), smoking heaps of molten steel and cry as you see that Abrams rolling towards you. I want you to realize what happened before you die.

China, because of the local governments debt and private debt. China has a worse bubble than the US real estate market had in 2007/2008.

Yes but this wont go on forever.

>Alexios Denbtulos

I hope to God that the US collapses first.
Whites don't have a chance in hell as long as Best Goy keeps bombing anyone who dares to think of self-preservation.

>not papadopoulos tsipras

None since is modern Times it's almost impossible for a country to collpase even if a majority of population lives in poverty. Even Syria didn't fully collapse. Hell even Yemen didn't fully collapse.

Every empire before us didn't have the ability to project its force on the world the way we can, keep that comfort dick in your ass
We'll come for you wherever you are

Unpopular opinion but I'm going to say America. We're being infiltrated from the inside out and we're actually fighting each other on allowing it to continue. China and Russia just need to keep doing what they're doing now and continue the shift off the (((global banks))).

Really noodles my noggin.

>snek flag
>being a globalist JewSA bootlicker
For what purpose?

1 of these countries has a SJW epidemic


Not my country for sure.

Fuck I forgot I was in vacation in Russia. I actually live in Switzerland

This is life not EU 4 faggit

God fuck yourself faggot, I'm pro small government
That doesn't make me an anarchist, if this country's existence is ever threatened we're taking everyone down
Stick your little "muh goy army" shit up your pathetic weak ass


This bitch is like roman empire 2.0 The Titanic Edition

The European Union. Than the EU will take America and China with it. Russia will go full on imperialist. Putin will become a czar.

who suffers less?

Not in foreseeable future. We still have enough food to feed the slaves, and when we run out of it, we have plenty of resources to trade for food. Hell will freeze sooner than this country becomes adequate

Felt like a sinking boat, when their gov limited cash outflow (btc rose so hard). China is mostly a big factory stealing blueprint here and there

i'm just being realistic. every world war has resulted in the previous empire being btfo

United States of America will collaps, simply because the globalist see a problem in that countries energy demands, they consume 20 tonnes per head. Way to much. USA needs to die to save mandkind, and also to "forgett" that huge dept they created. Their will be a new union between "usa", mexico and canada. Mostly mutt races where whites dont exists.

Russia can not collapse, it is undead. Maby change name or way of goverment like they do every 100 years, But it will remain the same old empire.

China have population problem, which leads to high water demands, they only way to fix that is upcoming war with india, which got the same problems. China will go down south and conquer all meaningless countries, except vietnam. Russia/Kazakhstan will take places from china. China will grow stronger and bigger but keep the population lower and quality of live higher. India will cease to exists in UK.

If the USA jew is smart, his next target will be Venezuela - lots of oil and oppresive dictator.

but they have 3 trillion to pump into the economy. i don't think the US and russia have any reserves in case of financial collapse. well, the US has like, 100 billion or something. not sure about russia