How do you make them happy?

how do you make them happy?

You can't.

A good dicking...

> common harmful tropes.

it's impossible not to identify common attributes and categorize people accordingly. the brain doesn't work that way.

we're not designed to consider every being in an individual sense.

Give them lots of money.
It's a business.

to do so is mentally exhausting

that game has a thread on /vg/

>implying women play videogames

You don't. It's much funnier to keep triggering them. Also easier.

You can't, which is why we should ignore them and their bitching.

You don't, you ignore them.

>how do you make them happy?
Neither possible nor wanted on their end.

The rope

Progress never stops you bigot!

You give the women an executive producer credit while the men do all the tedious work

desu ive been fantasizing of giving Anita a hard fuck

ignoring them is also sexist.
what now, bigot?

>how do you make them happy?
by putting them out of their misery

Suppose you asked leftists to make a list of ALL the things that were wrong with society, and then suppose you instituted EVERY social change that they demanded. It is safe to say that within a couple of years the majority of leftists would find something new to complain about, some new social “evil” to correct because, once again, the leftist is motivated less by distress at society’s ills than by the need to satisfy his drive for power by imposing his solutions on society.

Damn, I guess I'm sexist lol.

You don't. You slaughter them to put them out of their misery.

I don't even remember any gay characters in that game except the two main ones lezzing out.

Keep oppressing women and trannies so they stay relevant. Their happiness is fueled solely by pitybux.

Makes me think of that Marvel comic where a black kid gets mad that her teacher isn't shutting down her dreams of becoming an engineer because the kid wanted to rebel against the teacher.

Why does this game have such positive ratings on steam? Played through chapter 1 and the timetravel mechanic doesn't work well.

Most SJW's and leftists generally grow out of it by the time they hit their late 20's. Life experience is the key. The handful that keep up the fight are usually doing to it for profit. It's a business. I don't hate Anita anymore now that I see what she was doing all along. She's got a job. She does this job very very well.

She's like the Catholic League and religious right groups in the 90's. They went after Disney a lot because Disney is a major target allowing them notoriety and public recognition. Anita is doing the same thing. Long story short, it's not about making them happy. It's about them making money.

careful mate that (((nose))) will poke yer eye out

Soros doesn't pay them to be happy.

I did for a long time too but as soon as she got some money in her pocket she must have spent it all at the local steak house because she's ballooned up at least 50 lbs.

They way to make us happy is to develop artificial wombs and sexbots, and abandon the niggers of gender.

That is not what they want. It's not like social justice, or whatever FOTM cause, is the goal and whining is the method. Rather, whining is the goal and the cause is just an excuse. The point is to have a constantly aggrieved base that you can use to stomp on any other political faction by dropping a few lines of rhetoric. No different from african witch hunts.

with bullet!

Their entire existence is being a victim, if you give them everything they will complain because you are treating them like a child.

The trick is to know what they are and give them nothing, they are happier that way because they just have to find more stuff to be mad about if you pander to them.

It's not real outrage.

>be woman
>get everything you want since you learned to talk by whining and crying
>no reason to ever grow out of it

Their identity is based on victim status. You can't. Satisfying their interests would literally evoke an existential crisis. As a self defense mechanism, they will ever find something to complain about.

You don't. Their entire psychology revolves around being permanently dissatisfied.


>First the bitched about white males
>When they got white females they bitched that it wasn't enough
>When they got black males they bitched that it wasn't enough
>When they got black females they bitched that it wasn't enough
>Now they are bitching about LGBTBBQ88KEKGOYQWERTYWASDMAYONESSE characters
You literally can't please this people because their whole job is being offended.

>implying we all aren't permanently dissatisfied with life


>how do you make them happy?
A hail of bullets.

The root of all this can all be traced back to giving women the right to vote, and the cycle will end when the Muslims gain control of every western nation bringing back male authority/patriarchy.

Feminist Frequency is and always has been about doing and saying stupid shit for attention. Anita is happy right now because people keep acknowledging her opinions as valid and giving her views/money.

Ignore her.

They don't do it because they aren't happy.They simply stumbled upon an untapped market and try to capitalize on it as much as they can.

They're paid to be offended, not appeased. They'll never be happy.

you kill them all.

kill them all. then at least they wont be sad either

With two bullets in the back of the head

Came here to post this

that is literally what they want and its the only time you will ever see them happy. I guarantee Anita wants to be choked and slapped during sex

You can't.
Offense is an industry now. There are hundreds of these "activist" networks which use genius tactics to advance their cause- basically, if you say things which are as ridiculous as in OP's image, you shift the window so far that increasingly radical notions seem normal.
The only way this can ever end is to destroy the offence INDUSTRY. That can only be done when all those who are sick of it show the political will to do so. But of course, destroying such a lucrative political lobby is not in many politicians' interests...

If all men were to keel over dead at the same time, that'd be a good place to start.

She must be one of the most unhappy people alive right now.

Would be a fitting end, wouldn't it? The greatest technological society the universe has probably ever seen will be destroyed by retarded screeching women and crosseyed angry inbred mudpeople who wipe their ass with their bare hands and have shit parasites controlling their brain. The sun will turn red giant and burn this earth to cinder while we all bicker about what to do about the racism and global warming our never ending waste and who's fault everything is. Aliens will come by our burnt garbage heap of a planet millions of years later after finally receiving a radio transmission of some of our funny tv shows only to find a dead stinky ball of shit and while recycling our planet for their molecular restructurer dig up the preppers and rich fuck's bunkers who hid during the final holocaust. They'll read our printed out memes and cry for our loss.

Does that mean I'm asking Satan for help if I call the cops? a BBC

You can't. Why would anyone even try?

You can't. Because for a character to be identifiable as gay or something you need to use stereotypes otherwise you won't be able to know unless the guy goes BTW I LOVE COCKS, which would of course suck.

Basically : A Gay character being written correctly wouldn't be possible to differentiate from a straight one, so they'd whine about no gays in the game.

So no point trying.

You cannot.

They won't let you win, because then they cease to exist.

Their identity is bound up with being victimized, so they cling to the victimization lest they lose themselves.

Is it one of Marvel's woke comics?


no, no, it's a game of degrees, friend.

dissatisfaction is universal, yes.
but an individual's expression of dissatisfaction manifest far differently, blames different forces, institutions, parties.

it comes up with a 'how to' list for dealing with said forces.

the distinction on how to live, how to react to dissatisfcation, must be made

their ideas are borne out of resentment and anger, so the answer is

but most people living in the west recognize how good they have it, both historically and compared to other parts of the world. To act out your resentment like Anita and her ilk do is lacking all perspective and gratitude. Naive, really.



Nope. She hides behind a ton of makeup.

Literally a good dicking, full ejaculated, and getting them pregnant so they can be a mother.

Women weren't ever supposed to have their "periods" as frequently as they do. They are supposed to be pregnant for the majority of their youth, because there was a good chance the kids wouldn't survive way back when.

I-I'm scared

>what the holy menstruation
this is the future you chose

>main character is a dog
>mom is a transgender squirrel
>father is a cross dressing buffalo that looks like an alligator

They'd still complain that an alligator wouldn't drink beer since it's a trope. They're in the business of getting shekels, and you get attrention by complaining when you don't have any real skills.