Poor people are fat because of oppression!

Really makes you think!

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i bet it was more like $10

Fat people don't understand the concept that you can eat less.
I can eat a whole large pizza, but that's it for the day. They would want a drink, some snacks, and who knows what else.
Every time, and products like diet soda trick them into thinking it's ok.

A gallon of store brand spring water, which yields somewhere above 3 liters, costs around 50 cents. Yet stupid fucks will buy smaller water bottles for nearly double or triple the cost.

maybe dont buy literally the most expensive fruits and nuts..what do you expect?
buy rice beans and inexpensive fruit and veg. for less then $10

Should have bought rice or Ramen.

Did he buy the table too? That's well less than 10$


This guy showed off to live off $21 a week for food 3 meals a day and all healthy meals.

Where the fuck is she shopping that it cost 32$? You can go to a Mexican market or even a Walmart in the poorer areas and get fruit dirt cheap.

Typical fat logic.

One of the most nutritious foods in the world is rice. America makes so much rice it exports it to India and Pakistan. If the dumb shits in their mudhuts can afford American grown rice, why can't Americans?

The cheapest diets are probably the rice+beans based diets you'll find in South America and Asia. They also happen to be extremely nutritious. Enough of your excuses fatties.

That collection of food is not a diet, let alone a healthy one.
All she did was buy fresh snacks.

that's why they call it whole paycheck.

go to fucking kroger and shop with the plebs

at best this is what this costs
pineapple $5
raspberries $4
grapes: $10
peanuts: $2

This is with whole foods prices and than some. This is fake news.

Sage this bullshit

>grapes: $10

grapes -$1.69 a lb
raspberries - $2.99
pineapple - $2.99
nuts - $2.00

soft drink -$19.00


nigger spent $30.00 on crack, $2.00 on a fresh lighter and stole the rest

I went shoping this morning, bought 4 large chicken thighs some past and veggies to make a large pot of chicken noodle soup for $10, enough to feed 4 people for 3 suppers. I just need to make some biscuits to round out the meal.

niggers are lazy

Rice, potatoes (mashed/boiled, not fried) and a fucking BREAD, you fucking fat FUCK!

>any canned veg

you could even throw in chicken if youre feeling adventurous

eating healthy is way cheaper than eating at mcdonalds unless youre absolutely retarded

>Fatty buys soft drinks, packaged salted nuts, and two huge bags of grapes for some reason
Surely this is a parody, can any rational person look at that and think "yeah this is a sensible balanced diet".

This shows why they are fat though, because they are fucking stupid.

And a tip: you buy the fucking fruit that's in season, at least that's what we do here.

You could probably have all that delivered from Safeway inclduing tip for less than that price

>buy grapes for $10/bag, get 2 of them
>buy organic raspberries for $5
>spend remaining $7 on convenience store snack items that are double the price of buying at the grocery

Fat genocide now, let's just extract the precious oils from their fat rolls and at least make them serve one decent purpose in this world. Boogie alone could heat a cabin in Anchorage for an entire year.

People refuse to realize that when you buy something more expensive it lasts longer

Sure it's say, $4 to buy a pound of potatoes, 2 onions, and a carton of eggs, however that's enough for like 6-7 meals ($0.60 a meal rounded up)

Instead they scream AHH I CANT WASTE $4 ON THAT and buy $1 Breakfast Bowls

This is why poor people buy $10 Walmart Shoes with Styrofoam soles

I want to know what grocery store this land-whale went to. Because I live in Commie-fornia and I can go to a farmers market in my town and get a good amount of fresh produce and some delicious walnuts for about $25-$30. I bet she went to Albertsons or some shit.

Yeah. What kind of meal are you going to make with raspberries, grapes, and a pineapple? Fruit salad?

>$1 Breakfast Bowls
not many places you can get a $1 breakfast in the US i would think.

I make over 100k and I am fat because I eat unhealthy.

Check the skin color

Americans are the most ignorant spoiled race on this planet.
Whenever one of you burgers complains about food prices or call an appartment small the rest of the world has a seizure...

>waahh wahhhh mcdonals is oppressin' me nigga.
holy fuck do niggers not know what potatoes, oats, bananas, onions, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, celery, lettuce, mushrooms are? nawww nigga i only like expensive exotic fruits nigga.

One of those fancy jap rice cookers was the best investment i've ever made.

Trips of truth. Professionally cooked rice is one of the great pleasures in life.

isn't 32 dollars like pocket change over there?
what's his point??

I am thinking specifically of these. They are always $1 each. Like sure I have a few incase I wake up late/dont feel like cooking but they are a convenience food.

it's 2 bags of grapes. so lets be generous and say $5 a bag.

this is what a normal grocery store would charge.

I can get a viddya for $32 that will last hundreds of hours or more

what you got senpai. been looking for one.

i like Tiger brand personally.

Actually growing a garden is quite cheap and gives you a ton of food.

My berry bushes are really starting to produce now and I picked about $50 worth of saskatoon berries, raspberries and blackberries this morning.

I only buy meat from the local butcher and key ingredients like milk, eggs, flour, salt, etc in bulk which is dirt cheap. My meals are very healthy and generally cost $1-2 each. Every couple of days I'll treat myself with a steak that costs about $10-12 for a 8 ounce cut. About the same cost as a big mac meal if you count in the gas to go get it.

Don't fall for the grocery store jew.

>instead of buying rice, potatoes, meat, any kind of vegetable you buy fucking fruit, fruit and fruit
>instead of tea, coffee, lemonade you buy soft drink
Poor people are poor because they don't know how to fucking shop

I just bought a big bag of grapes at $1.69 a pound
not sure where Shenishquina is shopping, but she is stupid
sometimes they sell for $.99 a pound

>All fruit


3 meals of McDonald's, you say? Maybe learn to regulate your appetite? Two dollar loaf of bread, condiments that last forever? Eggs, that's 7 meals. What else?

Fuck this nigger thought process.

Buy an organic roasted chicken ($10)
Buy a ten pound bag of rice ($10)
Buy three onions ($2)
Buy four cans of black beans ($3-4)
Buy several bags of frozen vegetables like spinach, kale, and green beans ($5-7)
Buy a pound of pasta ($1)
Buy a half pound of carrots ($1-2)

That will be around $35, probably cheaper.

Eat the chicken with pasta or rice, then cook the carcass in water and onions to make stock. Use the stock and use it to make chicken soup with the carrots and a handful of pasta. Eat the beans and vegetables on the side as needed to balance out your meals.

Guess what? You ate delicious food for very little effort for a week or more.

Or you could buy four to six pounds of grapes, a pineapple shipped in from thousands of miles away, and fresh raspberries (the most expensive fruit) when they're all out of season I guess? Fucking fat people.

Water can also curb "hunger". At least what these fat fucks think is hunger, i.e. muh stomach isn't completely full.

What a retard. Spend half that on eggs oats tuna and avacado. Actually lose weight instead of eating literally nothing but sugar and fiber.

I grow big macs in my garden and, like you, buy my eggs in bulk
4,000 eggs
200 gallons of milk
bed of an F150 filled with flour
since I am in America, I get free AR15 ammo with it

this saves me a lot of money

Obviously that's Veen 5 water, about 30 dollars for 1 bottle.

There is no other explanation.

Fucking LOL, all of that shit is unhealthy as fuck except for maybe the nuts. How the fuck is a sugary acidic pineapple the FIRST thing you think of when you hear "healthy"?

Fruit isn't fucking healthy. A banana once a week is good enough for potassium and shit, the rest of fruit is just sugar and sugar and sugar and sugar and sugar.

Where the fuck did she shop? Pineapples are pretty expensive, but damn my store I get 2lbs of strawberries for $2. Get two lbs of nuts 5$. month's supply of beans and rice $20.

>cook the carcass

Now you are making me hungry
I will just snack on my 3 onions

vegetables are cheap.

I just tried that, and I can say:
Sounds good, doesn't work.

I work produce, and/or you can not be stupid, and all that (before tax) is about $18 and thats high balling it. All those fruits would have to be "organic" to even get near $30

Sounds like a retard she could have just bought some yuge bags of rice for $30 or bought from farmers markets instead

>you could be making delicious chicken stock RIGHT NOW

you're fuckin up Dixiebro

Learn how to shop, retard


hyperbole. bananas are the only cheap, available fruit with complete proteins. lots of fruits contain powerful antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals. obviously if you are a faggot like steve jobs eating pure fruit then its bad for you but lets not pretend crystalline fructose is the same thing as corn-syrup nigger.

I buying a lot of organic food and it really isn't that expensive, unless you buy fresh fruit that's out of season and shipped in from halfway across the world or buy something that will always be expensive and hard to harvest like berries.

That picture just shows how much they had to work to make their point. If they had bought apples, tomatoes, rice, or any other fruits and veggies they would have had way more food. But they went and picked fucking outrageous and specifically expensive food because it fit their story.

White rice has no nutrients you stupid fuck

>Buy apple tree for 50 dollars
>Requires minimal care
>Have free fruit for life


Do you have farmers markets?Why these idiots don't buy from them instead?

>Can usually get eggs at 78 cents a dozen
>A loaf of bread that doesn't make me want to die is 99 cents
>If not for the cost of butter, cooking up a breakfast would be less than a quarter
>Somehow, this is living large

why not take bus to wal mart and get good price than going to whole food yuppy fagotmart?

Why not buy a rice cooker for $15 and huge bag rice for $5?
eat for month!
u lazy nigeh

I don't know why the black ho is bitching about...
she used her food stamp card and didn't pay a penny for that shit

WE paid for it.....

>Tfw work at a natural foods grocery
Pineapple is at fucking worst $3, grapes go on sale for 99 cents average & 1.50-2.50, Raspberries also go on sale for 99 cents, average $1.50

Feel free to check the ads for your local groceries online, and remember that buying regular groceries is always more expensive at a big chain like publix or Walmart than buying at a dedicated natural foods store. Bitches cum buckets when they see our 99 cent kale and dollar-per-pound apples.

What language is this, or did I have a stroke?

yes every western country has them but these retarded poor people will only shop at the supermarket it's like a tax for the retarded

I think women should be sterilized at 9, and onyl reversed when pay 500k

I stockpile food, for *any* emergency. Canned veggies are 50ยข ... Dry beans & rice are cheap. Boneless chicken thighs are cheap. So is ground beef. Buy in bulk, freeze meal size portions. Chuck Steaks are inexpensive. I shop Wal-Mart & Food Depot. They're both cheaper than Kroger or Publix.

I found these a long time ago and I laugh my ass off whenever I read them
I am looking for more

>>Requires minimal care
not if you want it to actually bear fruit

Fucking individual size nut bags.. $2-3 each. Soft drink.. $1.5-2.50. That's about $8-9 worth of the bill. Otherwise it probably would have been smarter to buy a bag of apples and oranges instead of expensive raspberries. Idiots.

>eat three mcdonalds hamburgers 3 meals a day for 10 years
>eat 2 mcdonalds burgers 3 meals a day for 1 month
>less fat

Really made me think I discovered the cheapest most effective diet ever.

Just got me some McDonald's feels good man

>AHH I CANT WASTE $4 ON THAT and buy $1 Breakfast Bowls

And then complain that they're still hungry.

I literally just watered them nothing else and I have pretty big harvests. Watering I guess is too hard for fatsos though.

>no receipt pictured

Poor nigger is lying

Being fat or not has nothing to do with WHAT you eat but HOW MUCH you eat

Apple himmlers. My favorite.

one cup of white rice has 4g of protein

less calories = thin?

I just almost went, looked at my tummy, went by a new place that has $5 meatball sub prety nice, its closed!!! FUCK
drove home
thinking fuk it no mcdonalds
ate some turkey liek a roast chieck mom left me from supermarket
feel great
u sure meat isnt the real answer
all calories?

this is my dream
I would save my poo n pee for it too

This fag doesn't know how to shop. Then again I live in California where produce is cheap as fuck.

I live on $25 in food a week.

Buys only exotic fruit
Fat people deserve their early grave.
Watch those dumb evangelist christkikes on youtube for money saving on large quantities of food. They do a good job of that when they aren't blowing gods dick every 10 seconds.
Living on cheap healthy food is easy if you aren't a fucking retard.

That retard has no idea how to ration money or food.
Why the fuck are you buying fruit, the easiest and most expensive food to spoil when you could buy a bag of rice and some cheap steaks and veggies for >$20 and last a week with even some rice left over.
Stupid pricks

>Not having trees on your backyard
>Not growing your own vegetables
>Orange/Apple/Lemon Tree
Masterrace here?

Yeah I'm genuinely considering buying some expensive nip rice cooker and eating sushi rice with every other meal, I figure it'll pay for itself

In my area bags of grapes that size are like 8-10 bucks easily. 4-5 for a pineapple and 3-4 for raspberries. I believe it.

hey trips nice
just wanna add that this should've been greentext
>Buys only exotic fruit

>canned vegetables.

Get frozen if you have to get them packaged.

That stupid nog bought off season fruit, who the fuck expects off season fruit to be cheap?

>two things of grapes, $3 each
>1/2 pint raspberries, $3
>water, $0.69
>pineapple, $4
>small bag peanuts, $0.99
if this nigger spent $32 on this she's retarded

Don't be stupid. Your body requires nutrients and if the (((food))) you get is overly processed it's going to have way less nutrients.

You can even tell the difference in taste. Compare local farm eggs to industrial eggs. The local ones look and taste better because the chickens get sunlight, exercise, and eat lots of bugs (you can get the science if you're a report nerd).

Or just buy some good quality cheese and compare it to your Kraft garbage. 1-2 slices of quality cheese is satisfying, and you generally won't eat more because it is so rich. Meanwhile the Kraft garbage you can eat 5-6 slices and it isn't satisfying.

They do this to hide inflation costs, it's why ice cream is pumped full of air now. You can reduce package size, but the real good (((economic advisors))) will just try to get the food stretched out as far as possible so only 1% or less will recognise the change.