How the fuck is Soros still alive?

How can so many countries have a 7 figure price on his head and yet this cocksucker still walks the earth?

Other urls found in this thread:"no breakthrough"/country/th/

Expensive bodyguards would be my guess.

He feeds off of the pineal gland of children

All of the world's greatest assassins and terrorists are already on his payroll.

when you can afford a small army of private guards, you may find yourself untouchable too

because the price on his head would be paid by countries that are basically useless like russia or hungary. But one can hope that Russians might get to him eventually, hard tho.

pizzaretard spotted

Because his boss is a Rothschild

If you honestly believe that these scumbags aren't pedophiles, and don't use pedophilia as a way to control people, then it is you, who is the retard.


fu fu fu fucking kill yourself shill.

Consuming the scrotum of goy children

>pizzaretard spotted
shill detected

>I haven't spent 5 minutes looking into the evidence
>I'm paid $0.05 per post to discredit things I know nothing about

betcha didn't know Shareblue pays international posters at least TRIPLE what they pay Americans. Soros fucking HATES Americans.

just look at the flag. you're surprised he is defending pedophiles?

whats a 'pizza related handkerchief map'? also, when is pedosta going to sue roger stone for defamation after calling him a pedo in public on twitter today?

go kys

Leave their penile glands alone George

feels good to be back

>needs everything spelled out
keep on keeping on user, don't let those crazy conspiracy wackos from keeping you down!!

Shareblue uses proxies.

proven by the massive amounts of shilling in opposition of further investigation
hopefully you learn your lesson and never call anyone a pizzaretard again. That's very shillful of you.

the day Podesta is executed for his crimes, I'm going to masturbate furiously and think of you.

I would LOVE to see Hungary get hold of him. I don't think it would make the news if he did

one marksman behind the glass of a M107 and his private army counts for shit

Keep doing your job well or SEIU will be after you next
>$75 a week

k then tough guy, you wanna prove me wrong or shut up and stop sounding like you're 12"no breakthrough"/country/th/


RIP Chester Podester

mega faggot regardless :)

>whats a 'pizza related handkerchief map'?

A map to an illegal money exchange or meeting about collusion and election rigging. Slices of pizza and other food words were code words for districts and states and politicians they were bribing and the amounts of money.

Don't be that guy.

Because there is no contracts on him, tinfoil hat man.

rofl that's amazing :)


I feel disturbed saving this

He can't be killed until his phylactery is destroyed.

He's a lich. He's alive now cause no one can find his phylactery, and until it's found he'll remain among us.

What countries?and is that for real?if so we could meme someone to do it,some snack bar pawn maybe



You know what you must do.

Guys we gotta find it. HWNDU this shit.

Creepy, innit

Theoretically, if one actually managed to capture this fuck, what country would be most likely to cough up the moolah?