Operation Alphabet

Ok bois, Google has officially fucked up and must be taught a lesson. What they did to /ourguy/, not just fire him, but also publicly shame him was messed up. The purpose of this thread is to brainstorm and put into action what we can do to hurt google. Understand that this situation will become precedent, so we have to make sure we come out on top. praise kek.

Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 Ellis Island renames monument to 'The Statue of Bigotry' after Google redefines the term in their bias against Non-Jewish, Heterosexual, Men of European descent

Correct assessment.

advertise and spread alternative sites. Their main source of revenue is from the """advertisers"""

Bing is a good porn search engine,

startpage is better all-round

>'The Statue of Bigotry'
Lady Liberty was always a tranny.
>French tranny whore

They control the platforms
We control the culture
>They have the Clocks, but we have the Time.

Ok this is what we do

This will have reprocussions

Google had no choice
Calm down
The best way to protest is to move into a red state and start a tech business for the new age of buttcoin

support non google approved works of art


I used to work at a Google project in Michigan called the Michigan Digitization Project. Basically they digitize library books for universities.

They had huge issues with discrimination: the entire facility was practically segregated, with the whites/asians/etc. in the more intellectual roles, and the blacks doing the hard low-paying labor. The higher ups weren't exactly silent about the reasons why either, constantly insinuating that blacks "weren't suited to work with computers" etc. (in slightly more veiled language, of course). They also heavily engaged in age discrimination, to the point where I overheard two managers complaining "why do we hire these 50 year olds when 20-somethings can learn the job much faster?!" in bitchy voices. The hilarious part is the management is almost entirely left-wing/SJW.

But here's the rub: this project actually receives state funding, or at least works with the state of Michigan. So you have a project overseen by Google, at least partially funded by the state, and engaging is massively suspicious hiring practices.

at least the coloreds are in the back

Stop solving Google captchas.


>off by one

Small hit. If we all do this a lot, maybe, but really how much does that extra data cost them?

We should get some insiders to explain googles weak points and how to exploit mass creating data or causing an ever increasing load on their resources.

GDrive is fine if we automate account creation and garage data creation and upload.

Random video file generation and uploading to YouTube is one idea. We could try to find similar exploits where we feed them shit data to cost them processing for deduce and storage.

It's simple. We kill the Google.

we should definitely NOT go to the google campus and kill people brevik style



DON"T go buy a bunch of styrofoam cups and gasoline and make napalm and drive to 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043 with a loaded AR-15 and mae yuppies pay, it's NOT NICE

lmao, Sup Forums can't put a glove on Google, they are too powerful

I missed it, what happened, lads?

FBI pls go

Your guy was stupid for trying to hoist the blame on "Marixst intellectuals" rather than sticking to his fucking argumentative points.

CEO Sundar Pichai is a poointheloo. He's very memeable.


On each search page they have a section for annoymous feedback (click the search box and click "report inappropriate suggestions"). Google some clever keyword (like feminism) and harass them.



Cool, spred this


No more Google

write more memos, pretend to be SV companies, post them, and redpill everyone.

Do you see how much coverage the first one got?

samefagging all over

Push other search engines everywhere.

The interesting thing is that the only good thing about Google was created in 1999. Ever since the algorithm hasn't improved and rather got worse. They are leeching off that fact.

This one is pretty good lol

or write overly SJW memories anonymously in the name of google employees until everybody are fed up by the SJW take over and they start a civil war at google HQ.

>styro + gas = napalm
that's how it's done? this definitely won't make mustard gas will it?

It's funny because it's figuratively true.


>what we can do to hurt google
stop using it
that's pretty much it, unless you live in the bay area and want to fuck with their employees directly

Poogle in the loogle

I just found this on the web and definitely didn't make it

1. Tweet the conservatives. Call your congressmen. They need to break up Google.

2. Dig up all lawsuits Google has tried to cover up and expose them.

3. Sow doubt in the libcucks currently employed and infiltrate from the inside.
>The U.S. government is charging that Google is systematically paying women less than their male counterparts.
>The DOL alleges that Google refused to provide the required information

fucking Pooloos

Yeah, do that, too. Except don't attach real names to it. Keep it anonymous.

Thats actually how you make napalm. You just need to dissolve a fuckton of styrofoam in gas.

Hes not the first man with some common sense in this day and age to be fired by the mob of PC zealots.

The precedent was set a long time ago friend.

we continue to fuck up their captcha. Potatoes.

The only way to actually hurt them is by using other platforms, other search engines, social media, etc. so they have actual competence because right now we can shitpost and complain but since they are a growing monopoly they will not really care that much.

we need something similar to #CNNBlackmail. I thought that sent a message.


You guys are going about it the wrong way. Don't push against google. It's too big. Push it instead in the direction its already going. Force them into the absurd conclusions of their positions.


Get him into contact with Jordan Peterson, Vox Day, and Nassim Nicholas Taleb ASAP.

He can redpill a fuckton of normies if we play this right and try to push for more regulations on google

Random video uploads have a much better payoff vs Google Drive.

24/7 webcam of a tree swaying in the wind, autouploading every 15min.


Can do both at the same time.


> he solves the captcha correctly

Google's main revenue source is adwords
Advertisers need to bid for top spots
Advertisers pay for each click on the adword link
We need bots to spam click those links. This will make advertisers pull out until google fixes the service.
Maintain pressure for long enough and revenue drops noticeably.
This causes google to miss earnings predictions.
Investors lose faith and google stock drops.
Just leave computer on when you go to work / sleep and let it spam.

Pol is a board of peace


I think combining this with other tactics mentioned here would be our best course of action. Perhaps switching from method to method to see which is most effective in harming Google.

you guys, this google guy, you really believe your own bullshit don't you?



Viable, this


This is already #1 trending on kikebook

hey you retards

asking people to change their search engines is not how you get google.

it is by showing everyone that WORKING for google is hell, that you win.

the good engineers leave. they obsessively replace them with SJW dipshits who couldn't code themselves out of a glass of water.

then google begins to fuck up and loses leadership.

meanwhile the good engineers take a pass on google and go to work for the competition.

victory is then and there.


My concern is that they most likely can block your IP if they realise you're botting

Oh look, a faggot.

Switch to bing, and use firefox


Use v1 captchas and remember Operation Renigger.

What bot would you use

I doubt they would really care much until its already begun.

Also, public shaming is another way to get at them, especially if it blows up.

we should post some frog memes on twitter, that'll teach them

can we just make a push for Google to be treated as a public utility?

ebic mey mey bro

I think we should let things play out. This could spiral big time and I know conservative media is going to pounce on this.

add rainbows and swastikas to google. it's our company now.

Catalog and disseminate alternatives for everything they do.

Yeah I'm sure that they'll get on it by tomorrow. I doubt it'll cause much damage to google though

How is #CNNBlackmail fairing now havent heard about it for a long time

Stage a shit-in infront of the Google headquarters to celebrate the bathroom diversity of the CEO

but they can't keep track of anything. They are shitty clocks without hands.

true. It will happen eventually. It already started, maybe /pol can accelerate it.

Pic of street shitter CEO

This is the end, boys. We had a good run, didn't we? No regrets. It was an honor.

Should I post this thread on Sup Forums and Sup Forums so we can get more ideas from them?

shut up raycis. indian master race !1!

Let this be a wake up call to any right wingers in tech. They will not tolerate you. If you aren't actively looking for another job or starting your own company you're messing up. If every one of us at big companies took a group of our coworkers and our business contacts and started our own company without the leftist toxicity that infects tech these companies would crumble. Remember that poll from a few days ago that 30% of Google employees agreed with the sentiments of the memo? If they left and refused to train their replacements Google would be a shadow of its former self

Whatever happened to the nigger = google thing? Sup Forums should revive that.

If someone made a parody of SJWs and included a character that is a "polyamorous queer autistic trans lesbian" leftists would say that he's exaggerating.

Maybe mention their tax avoidance scheme... Dutch sandwich

Sjw not paying their way

Def worth a try, could be scripted. Nice

What if I'm a stargender transabled neoliberal with slight autism

Can I star in it

Could start by getting Sup Forums to stop fucking using google captchas.
