When lefties win debates in Sup Forums threads

When lefties win debates in Sup Forums threads.

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>lefties win debates

ylyl threads are better suited for b

There's nothing left to debate.

you're right it doesn't exist




What is "winning" a debate actually? It is convincing your opponent to adopt your views - or convincing the audience to adopt your views.

I've won some debates on Sup Forums, by the way.

Yeah its the only time your righties win a fight...

I've never seen a leftist win anything

>he seriously contemplates "winning" arguments against strangers on the internet.

they win the pervert contest.

Has never happened.
Get out of here with your fantasy bs!

>When lefties shitpost a thread into nonsense believing they've won

WW2, the Civil War etc

>commie flag
Liar detected.

They're much better at spirit cooking too, now that I think about it. I wouldn't label those as winning qualities though.

suuuuuure you have

>When lefties win debates in Sup Forums threads.
Has that ever happened? The closest they ever get is using the same technique antifa and niggers use to "win": mobbing their opponents twenty-to-one.

They get deleted instead of archived.

>leftists won ww2 and the civil war
You're retarded

Name one thread where a leftist won

In each of those wars the more liberal side won. Prove me wrong (you can't)

That's how you know you did a great job kiddo,


This one's not deleted, proving your argument here lost, proving your theory is fantasy.


You think the civil war was about slavery? It was about stopping paid labour from competing with slave labour: which is what right wingers do today

Lincoln himself didn't give a shit about blacks

And the national socialists were in essence: LEFTISTS

Post archive link. We'll judge for ourselves.

>lefties win debates

>Nazis were leftist meme
Any other r/thedonald talking points you have there?

LOL, you think the left won WWII? Dude...

Think about the position of the kids hand. Portrait photographers don't do that shit by accident.

Threads get deleted here all the time. You probably "won" a debate in a thread that was either BBC porn bullshit or something else completely stupid.

Yeah those Soviets did nothing.
Resistance movements weren't left-wing commies
Kill yourself.

You couldn't let him have his moment of glory.

He just skull fucked you

>What is "winning" a debate actually?
being the last one to post
t. Sup Forums lurker

no because then he would have WON an argument and then this thread would get deleted

>I've won some debates on Sup Forums
>g-give me you stuff
>white people deserve extinction

Yeah, alright

Anyone taking the bluepill that all of a certain demographic deserve some kind of punishment is leftist.

>When /leftypol/ gets asshurt when you point out its hypocritical to insist that the conquest of the Nazi Germany proved how unsustainable its political model was, but the USSR collapsing was because the United States wasn't playing fair in the Cold War

>What is "winning" a debate actually?
>being the last one to post
Get extra points for being more than 20% of all posts and getting more than 50% of the (you)'s


> lefties
> winning an argument

Leftists argue about the minute details of Marxist theory, and when a normie can't cite the semantics correctly, they call it a victory.

Dont think that's ever actually happened. Leftists can't debate, that's why they have to resort to -isms and -phobias

>"There's nothing wrong with Marxism, its just that every time Marxists win a revolution they fuck up for some reason IT'S STILL A VALID IDEOLOGY, DAD"

>present your "argument"/rebuttal
>follow with a comment about how retarded they are and that they should just stop embarrassing themselves
>if they reply, repeat steps 1 and 2
>if they do not reply, you win

Can Cirno stop being a baka and get a 9?

>socialism isn't leftist

I see you learned the art of debate from the true master: Obamaleaf.

>muh not all blacks are niggers
Please fuck off to /r/the_donald
>what is prussian socialism: the post

No archive or screencap = fuck off.
I thought you master debaters knew about the importance of backing up your claims.

>lefty repeats your argument in a way that they think makes it sound stupid
>call you stupid
>declares themselves the winner
>pitch a fit when you point out they didn't refute anything

It really isn't the defining feature of leftism. Leftism is defined by a turn away from monarchy after the French Revolution. Fascists were still leftists since they rejected the monarchy and tradition, but something being socialist doesn't make it leftist. If a monarch were to employ socialist policies, it wouldn't be leftist. A monarch is highly unlikely to do that for a myriad of reasons though.

It looks more like the lefties are fucking with us then winning.

This is an example of leftist semantics.

Contemporary normies recognize that leftists parties in the west are akin to SocDem, or generally, more government control of the economy for the sake of creating gibs for the working class.

Nazi Germany was essentially Sweden economically. They had gibs galore, more than even France did at that time. German factory workers literally got free Mediterranean pleasure cruises pad for by the government.

Lefties just sperg-out because NatSoc wasn't full-blown Leninism or anarcho-communism; and they think those are the only ideologies allowed to be called "leftist" is modern vernacular; even when literally everybody else recognizes that the term "left" can refer to many things to the left of neoliberalism, such as the Swedish Social Democrat Party.

If you can make so bold a claim that the US Federal Government in 1860 was "leftist" then don't you dare say NatSoc isn't leftist. Pleb.

>winning when discussing REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Like that is going to happen

t. angry retard


We weren't talking about the prussians, don't straw man.

>Once and for all: The leftist origins of National Socialism


With what? The same tired arguments that have been repeated for centuries, but only with a slightly different spin on them?

Leftist, Communist and Socialist talking points don't hold any water. When your system fails, you blame someone or something else, usually a concept that is intangible.

Your pathetic excuse for an ideology has never, and will never work.

Lefties win lying contest. Always

The national socialists weren't exactly anti traditionalist.
I'm not sure if that's what you were getting at.

Lefties win blue hair style contest. Always

>fucking quotes are from jews
>comment section is full of people destroying his shit tier argument
Try again lolbergtard.
>muh national socialism isn't prussian socialism
Are you retarded? Gottfried Feder admitted that the majority of his economic policy was from Oswald Spengler, you know, the inventor of prussian socialism.

Lefties win sympathy with that quivering lip thing. Bonus for adding children angst.

That makes no sense. Our mods are liberals and they do their best to see that this place is destroyed by ignoring reports of black cock and dozens of off-topic bullshit.

Tru dat

Lefties win the Devil's share by default

NatSoc was indeed anti-monarchist. Hitler specifically ordered for members of the Prussian nobility to be imprisoned, and/or for their power and wealth to be seized by the governemnt. He considered Kaiser Wilhelm II to be a "failure" for his actions in WWI. Also, the Nazis suppressed a Bavarian pro-monarchy movement in southern Germany during their rule.

That said, the Nazis were actually very pro-"tradition", in the sense of being pro-German culture. The Nazis gave state funding to nationalist artists and musicians to capture German culture; and they also held festivals, parades, and other public events to promote German culture.


Lefties love big black cocks with veins bigger then their little fempenis

>Leftist, Communist and Socialist talking points don't hold any water.
A simple fact that a significant portion of people hold Left-wing views proves otherwise.
>Your pathetic excuse for an ideology has never, and will never work.
It has been working for the last century and is working at this very moment, goy.

>The national socialists weren't exactly anti traditionalist.
They may not have rejected the traditional, homogenous, monogamous Christian lifestyle entirely, but they definitely disregarded the aristocratic reasoning behind such a thing.
When will we get our fucking Monarchist flags Hiroshim00t? I want my fucking flag you fishnigger

this is a right-wing paid board

ironically, all the shilling is made to either make us look like idiots, or to radicalize the youth with outrageous claims

sad to say this, but this board was a lot better when it was filled with libertarians

Lefties cry bully, then claim to win debate. See Senator Richard Blumenthal

>It has been working for the last century

I thought real gommunism never existed.

pic related

>I thought real gommunism never existed.
All confusion exists because there are actually two meanings of this.
One: an ideal and utopic form of society envisioned by Marx that, of course, was never achieved.
Two: a Marxist political ideology, created by Vladimir Lenin, named after communism, which is also its' final goal.

Communism as a utopia has never been tried. Every Communist, however is "real" communist, as he adopts Lenin's ideas.

>sad to say this, but this board was a lot better when it was filled with libertarians
The slower pace made it for longer, more drawn out and thoughtful discussion which ends up being more fun, but I wouldn't say better. You had idealistic Paulbots riding Ron Paul's dick harder than any Trumpbots could ride Trump's.
Happeningfags counting sneezes around the world like the president of Madagascar
"Who would build the roads...?" Threads and to top it off more BBC spam than I had thought possible.
Dorner was the best time I ever had on Sup Forums and the m00t trolling us during the Israeli election was funny.
I forgot the JIDF spam in every single thread that was far worse than "SHAREBLUE SAGE SHILL" ever has been

This is my favorite. White male entitled, Ivy league educated decries white male entitlement with a straight face. ((YOU)) MS. Vanderbilt

Hearty chuckle. Good post.

Snow white butterfly boy
sniffing dank black ass, also boy
claims it is right
because he feels it

So are Nazbols not real gommunists, even if they agree with every economic aspect of Marx and Lenin?

Does favoring the existence of a nation-state and ethnocentrism exclude you from the gommie club?

Leftists don't win debates though, they just repeat their rhetoric and ignore our points entirely. We point out crime data or cite things and they just go full ostrich mode.

This. Have a bump.

You don't really know who Nazbols are: Nazbols are a coalition, mostly communists and Red nationalists, and a bit of everyone else.

>Does favoring the existence of a nation-state and ethnocentrism exclude you from the gommie club?
In my opinion - yes. To Nazbols in particular, nation-state and ethnocentrism would be even worse than traitorous liberal scum that collapsed the Soviet Union.

When the mods are under the impression that leftoids have won a debate they keep the thread up for 12 hours

Literally where? Did you even read the article?

Of course you didn't.