
What's the deal with China Sup Forums? Going by the number of rekt vids you see, you could be forgiven for thinking that Chinese people are low on 1. Empathy, 2. Situational awareness, and 3. Conscientiousness.
Is this true, or am I showing bias arising from cherry picking?
If it is true, why is it so? Enduring (centuries old) culture, communist rule, or genetics?

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The west is being flooded by migrants because of empathy. I'd argue that lack of empathy is biologically superior in evolutionary terms.

After being around a fuckton of chinks at my university I can definitely attest to their lack of conscientiousness and situational awareness. They have no concept of the world around them and they don't care about the people around them. these fucking chinks can't even walk down the side walk correctly. They don't pay attention to where they are going and just kind of expect people to get out of their way. Entire chink hordes will just take up the whole sidewalk and have no concept that they have to share it with other people. I intentionally bump shoulders with them and hold my ground. They have to learn how to be civilized humans somehow

Any idea why?

I think there's a right amount. Some empathy is needed to bond the tribe. Some callousness is needed to protect the tribe, and ultimately, one's self.

I honestly think that since China has such a high population density you don't have to give a fuck about being polite to the people around you because there's a good chance that you will never see them again. This breeds a culture of extreme self centered behavior. Also negative eugenics from communism probably helped make it worse. They really are kind of a race of bug like sociopaths. They only care about themselves and their immediate family and will fuck over anyone they need to in order to get what they want

The damage done by the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution is unimaginable. The mainlanders never truly recovered. Meanwhile, Taiwan doesn't have these problems.

All the steel that they manufactured was useless garbage.
He created the great famine (farmers were told to melt down their farming tools and kill sparrow which were feeding on insects in the fields. The insects, then unhindered by the birds, destroyed the crops)
Villagers and workers were given more power... Those are stupid uneducated people. Now retards help run the country.
Industry boom. Yet look at the quality of their land now. Poisoned.
Life expectancy increase. Skewed statistics that don't take into account the massive death toll.
Mao was a fucking idiot, and so was the person that made this video.

Do not think of the Chinese as a "people". Think of them as a "hive" of insects... or brainless lemmings, incapable of independent thought.

Not only are the Chinese incapable of independent thought, they are also devoid of emotions, empathy, and morals.

The truth about the People's Republic of China.

The truth about the Chinese "race".

Jews involved in spreading Communism. NOoooooo. Couldn't be (sarcasm)

Yes, that's the test. Taiwan. Same people, different recent history, culture, government.

I work at a Chinese restaurant and today me and the boss were shooting the shit about those chinks who got arrested in Germany for throwing up the roman salute


I had a hearty kek out of that last one.

He's a good egg for a chink. Honest and humble man, literally the hardest worker I've ever met in my life. I hope he gets spared the rope on DotR and just gets exiled back to chinkland.

The """continuous""", """unbroken""" history of China.

Note the massive difference in artistic quality between the Western-inspired Qin statues and the Chinese-made Han statues. Keep in mind that the Han dynasty came after the Qin dynasty, revealing that there was a huge regression in artistic ability once the Qin dynasty fell and the Han peoples came into power.

The secret history of ancient China.

Cannibalism is an integral part of Chinese culture.

The flesh of a human child is considered the most delicious meat of all.

Chinese people, when not fucky, are chill most of the time
They get a ticket back

Well he isn't one of those cut throat businessmen chinks fresh off the airplane buying up every property in sight and inviting his whole village to move into his neighborhood like you faggots have

he's been here for 27 years and has worked in shitty kitchens his whole life. has a middle middle class life and squeezed out a few kids. works at least 12 hours a day, literally every single day in the restaurant.

he even told me that small chinese restaurants are going to be dying out soon, because all of the chinks who come here are into big business and don't want to start tiny restaurants and work their chink asses off every day.

5000 years of pain and suffering.

I always liked little Chinese restaurants, never had involvement with the Asian invasion till recently, but the stereotypes are true.
Shame that this country will end up a serf of China if things go the same direction.

>"Why do the Chinese love dying so much?"

"""""The Art of War"""""

Good insight into the nature and fragility of Chinese governments throughout history.

Do NOT do business with the Chinese.

Do not trust the Chinese.

They're the biggest cheaters and liars in the world.

Interesting stuff

Chinese pollution

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BAM, China BTFO. Fuck China, all they deserve is a nuclear holocaust. They are DDOSing the video game that I would be playing right now as I type this.
Filthy fucking Chinks, every single time.

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