Do cows make good pets do they have personalities? I think I really underrepresented these animals

Do cows make good pets do they have personalities? I think I really underrepresented these animals.

I'd rather not make friends with my food.

They're really quite dumb desu

Yeah, both cows and pigs make very good pets.

Any domesticated animal can become a pet.

The constantly throw up all day, to re-chew their food.

Ruminate on that.

looks delicious

sounds like a dog i once had

That implies that a cow is a person which is false.
The answer is no.
Are some cows smarter than other and can exhibit dog-like intelligence?
yes, probably, maybe.
It likely depends on the bread. I know some breads of cows that are used for meat are bread to just grass (or grains) and be retarded because they've been domesticated for so long.
As an example. I remember seeing a cow getting stuck in the corner of a field and couldn't find a way out of the corner and died (It was really dry so no grass or water). Despite there being a possibility to turn around and walk away.

so are dogs though.

they make tasty burgers.

They're cuck animals. Animals that don't hunt deserve to be eaten, and the ones that do hunt are our bros (cats+dogs).

>making a pet out of a demon

They are pretty good pets but you need an open field to justify getting one.


wtf I'm a vegan now

don't put your family pics on the internet, Croat

all sentient beings have intrinsic value and unethical to kill them - even if you "really like steak"

Wrong. If you cant toilet train an animal, to use a litter box or catdoor to go outside to shit, then it isn't truly domesticated.


fucking faggot cows
eat them all

they smell like shit and fart kilograms of methane a day

>intrinsic value
to whom?

It takes a shit ton of grain to feed the demand for beef, it's a retarded squandering of resources

Bulls are pretty chill creatures. I had a bull that I always drove past on my way to work. I'd always stop to say hi, and He'd always get off his mound to say hello to me.

Bulls build mounds, by the way. They love pushing dirt, rocks, wood or anything so they can build something up to survey their herd. I'm guessing it was also pretty comfy too. It was always amusing to see Boofer push his rocks up his mound.

>cows will be your friend if you treat them nicely

These fuckers tackled me because I wanted to give them food.

but i train mine to use the toilet desu

Did you also watch the bull fuck your wife on his mound?

>hey love pushing dirt, rocks, wood or anything so they can build something up to survey their herd.

wow. It took 50,000 years for our aboriginals to invent a stick.

cows are so sweet

too bad they are so delicious and a hazard to the environment

Cows are affectionate animals and they make good pets, minus one huge draw back, sure they are fun to play with when their little and they'll jump around in excitement, rub it's head on you and other cute shit, but when they get big and you've got this relationship with it, it'll still jump around a nuzzle you and when that cunt weighs 800kg it could accidentally kill you at anytime.


I hate farm animals.

Methane is 30x more effective greenhouse gas than Co2.

As a Hindu, I approve. They do taste good though.



Can't wait for lab grown meat.

So you don't even have to buy a litter box?

An entire herd of cows stinking a shitting up the place still smells better than a single dog or cat turd, except you can get rid of the cat or dog turd, bit harder with 100 cows.

>Australian man attempts to teach his son why he should never have a daughter

It's really amaizing how hard we cucked the bulls. An animal that can kill a man with a slight push can be kept in captivity and escorted to slaughter by a 10 year old boy.

They'd make terrible pets. They're fucking huge, they're dumb as shit, they are fucking disgusting and impossible to take care of in the house.

If you have a lot of land for a ranch, then sure, but then you may as well have them as livestock, which is what they're bred for.

they're very smart and organised and always move as a herd. If you feed one molasses it will love you forever and follow you around. additionally the baby calfs have no teeth and do this crazy headbutt thing when feeding so if you stick your dick in their mouth they'll viciously suck you off and repeatedly go deep throat in quick bursts trying to nut you



listen. Just put it out of your mind.

Someone, somewhere is developing true-to-the-steak synthetic cow meat. Just as delicious and you won't be able to tell the difference.

On a level of cold hard reasoning, cows are unnecessarily expensive. When you feed them and grow them for steaks, you also have to pay nutritional and time development costs for all these expensive parts that are fairly useless to the end product- the skeleton, the nervous system, the digestive system to support those systems... and so on.

If you could just pay for the nutritional and time development costs for just the steak itself, you can reach a much higher theoretical efficiency.

So once this synthetic cow meat development is done, it will be adopted.

Your little ethical worries will just disappear as a bonus.

Yeah but what about milk? I'm not drinking Soymilk, that stuff is gross.


>Every pet has to be an indoor pet.

Here in America, we don't bring horses to the dinner table, ausifag.

Cows are dumb but super lovable and silly critters. Calves can be cute as all hell and love to play and be scratched. Cows can be pretty fun.

Still love to eat them anyways.

>Here in America, we don't bring horses to the dinner table, ausifag.

Here in Australia, if you leave your pets outside over night theyre eaten by the wild animals.

must feel good to live in a softcock country where the scariest animal is a Beaver.

They do have personalities but I can't say they make great pets. They cost too much to maintain and most aren't all that affectionate. Some get downright ornery.

Absolutely. Every individual animal has its own personality. Cows, sheep, horses, goats, alpaca, pigs, rabbits, all can be raised as pets. They are also all delicious. One does not negate the other.

Cows, unless referring to mini-cows, are gentle animals that do weigh 1 ton. Please remember, cows are fucking heavy. They can knock you over, break your bones, and, if horned, can impale you. It is necessary to be aware of what your pet can do. Just as it is necessary to be aware that a dog can cause serious injury or death to a person.

I live on a farm. We treat all our animals with love and give them the best lives we can... before we eat them. Of course, if you wish you can raise your cow solely as a pet. But they do make excellent burgers.


? Get a gun and some dogs. We have wolves, coyotes, bear, and puma up here. Bit scarier than emu.

I would eat a sentient alien though desu. If it's not a human, it's food.

>They do taste good though.

i had a hindu friend in primary school and once my parents took us through mcdonalds drive through and i got a burger. in the car was my little brothers plastic toy cow. i put it in the burger then opened it like a mouth at my friend while making mooing noises. he started crying and i felt bad but still thought it was funny. guess i was literally eating his god in front of him

Somebody is going to kill them anyway so I don't consider it unethical to buy their meat from a market. And because other people like me exist they're not going to stop doing it even if I never buy those products.

Does friendship make them taste better? I mean, in one on THOSE chink threads it was brought up that coocking food alive makes it taste better. But what aboit friendship?
Also, cows can be cute but they shit everywhere. Wouldn't want to keep one around the house.

You failed to domesticate niggers.

Time to kys

I agree with the poos that cows shouldn't be killed. Yeah, beef tastes great, but cows are great to be kept around for their dairy and are great work animals in general, I think they are worth more alive than dead. The agricultural industry wastes countless millions of tons of grain and water fattening cows just so they can render a fairly small amount of meat for general consumption, the way we treat cows is very wasteful in the west. Beef should be a delicacy, not a staple, in my opinion. Too much red meat causes cancer as well.

Grass produces oxygen. Fun fact, grass is most effective at producing oxygen when it is young. Old grass is extremely in-effective. Cattle, deer, sheep, and all the other herbivores are necessary to continually clip that grass to encourage fresh growth to maintain our atmosphere at breathable levels.

Their shit is needed to provide nutrients for that same grass to grow in.

Without cows you have no air.

Lmao it is funny though

They are dumb as fuck

That's not true at all!! They're perfect little Jew pets still.

dont act like you haven't thought about the succulent suck of a cows firm tongue and busty lips

>If it's not a human, it's food.

who says s human cant be food. just dont eat the brain.

whahaha fags

I like cows, very dumb but very friendly.

Still okay with eating them, that is just the way of nature.

I want to be a cow with you if you know what I mean. And also cows generally die, which is shitty for my new, future cow state.
Why is this thread growing in pol.

my hindu friend had a cabinet in his house full of various idol statues which i was always curious to look in to but he would always close it when i came over like it was secret or something.

I agree, cows are precious in hindu culture because they are a good source of food because htyw produce milk. Thy are sacred because they provide milk. Poultry and Goats taste much better than cows desu

I love milk so I'd probably be best friends with cows

Fuck cow tippers

The eternal ausfag.

stop lying poo because you worship them

They don't go down stairs.

I'd rather eat a happy cow than a sad cow. Then again, I'm not a godless chink.

>succulent suck of a cows firm tongue and busty lips

Can't say I have

Cows are nice animals. They dendu nuffinz.

Pet pigs are the best though, 150% chance of having a mudslime-free surrounding. Which muslim would want to live near some kuffar with a pet pig?

>Here in America, we don't bring horses to the dinner table
Because all the fat pigs are already sitting around it

Its not like pigs/bacon are some muslim repelant u toothpast , they just dont eat it .

prove to me that killing animals for food is unethical

Oh shit. Hans just flammenwerfer'd your ass

Does that counteract the massive amounts of methane that they produce ?