Beware the Trans

Daily reminder that there is a great evil in this world and they want to convince our weak-minded men to take hormones and become psychotic in a futile pursuit of becoming women.

These people have either satanic or political intentions. They will yell "You're beautiful" at a depressed man who is killing himself and setting him on a path that inevitably leads to suicide.

>but i can pass as a trap, you bigot

You will age. You will get creepy like pic related. You will get scary. You are NOT a woman. It doesn't matter what Reddit and Tumblr tell you. They are liars who want you becoming unhirable, crazy and unstable and want you to kill yourself.

>"i like masturbating to traps"

STOP NOW. Not only you're conditioning yourself to work along with this psychotic social experiment, you're also MASTURBATING AT THE MENTALLY ILL. That's fucked up and as degenerate as it gets. Masturbate to gays if you're into this, NEVER to Traps. They are mentally ill. You'd not masturbate at a person suffering from dementia, would you?

>how do we fight the satanic ritual of the trans-formation?

Trans-people are extremely fragile. They are easy to address. Who is actually behind it all are the multitudes of devils in social media and academia enabling and promoting the satanic murder of the creation of God (Adam and Eve) in favor of a Baphomet-like being. They will even create safe spaces (which are basically farms for transgenders) just so they can safely farm their aberrations.

Either we do something about these demons or they will destroy us all.

Other urls found in this thread:

Traps are like half-sisters. They might look like the real deal, but they're not.

>The Surgery

This is the most disgusting step of the TRANS-formation. After being fed hormones and conditioned to believe that they are being brave and setting themselves free, the victim is convinced to MUTILATE their own penis.

What happens to the mutilated penis, you ask? NOBODY KNOWS. I have absolutely no doubt they end up in the hands of satanists, occultists or in a landfill.

>The Aftermath

The (((surgeons))) get their bucks from the government, chop the penis off the victim and then leave them with an open wound where a penis is supposed to enter.

The issue is that this open wound keeps trying to heal itself and "close" their "vagina".

So how to stop this?

>The Dilation

In a very painful ritual, the victim has to insert a dilating object once a week inside the open wound and torture himself as Satan watches in delight. Thus keeping the injury always hurting and open.

The devils from Reddit will call this (((analogue to menstruation))). Which is not true at all. Not only dilation is much more painful, it's also definitely not the purpose that God / Nature intended for your body.


Having an open wound in your body is EXTREMELY prone to infections and disease. You're specially vulnerable to STDs. Your life will skyrocket in costs because of all the healthcare you will have to consume.

Since the hormones have destroyed your mental stability and the victim has been convinced to undermine their presentable appearance for the sake of "seeking womanhood", you will see yourself in a pit with rising costs of life with diminishing job opportunity.

Suicide will become attractive.


>The Suicide
Reddit will say it's because of prejudice from a society of bigots. But the victim can't fight society. And the victim hasn't had much exposition to "society" since they had to close their lives to anyone who was not willing to play with their self-destructive fantasy.

The victim WILL NEVER BLAME Reddit and the legion of demons who caused all of this. The victim WILL NEVER BLAME the family and friends who let this happen to them.

The only thing that the victim CAN BLAME is HIMSELF. Thus suicide becomes the only justice.

The victim has become unhirable, psychotic, broke and broken and seeking justice against those who let this happen is impossible.

Their life has become so miserable that death might even seem like a gift.

And thus they kill themselves and our arch ends with the Three Sins of Ramiel (betrayal of oneself, pride of not confessing sin and suicide), thus dooming the transgender to the deepest corners of Hell / to a miserable and abrupt end to their lives.

>The Dilation
My fucking face when I learned about that for the first time

i think i'll just continue being trans and not cut my dick off

sounds good tho senpai good luck on your space quest

>The Most Cruel Aspect of it All

It's a death spiral. One step works to the next leading to suicide in the end.

>The Death Spiral
1) Depression: The victim becomes vulnerable and isolated after a horrible sequence of events in their lives. They become mentally unstable and seek help in the internet / (((therapists))) since they have no one that they trust enough.

2) Subversion: The victim meets (((new friends))) who will convince the victim that he was meant to be a woman. Perhaps the victim suffers from schizophrenia or had affected level of testosterones. The (((new friends))) will convince them of the existance of some absurd metaphysics of gender where the soul of the victim is of a female trapped inside the new body. The (((new friends))) will never confront the real reasons for the depression of the victim, such as isolation, horrible family life and betrayal.

3) "The New Me": The (((new friends))) will assist the victim on doing the transition towards their metaphysical idea of gender. It's VITAL that anyone who opposes this should be excluded from the victim's life. The (((new friends))) will label us as bigots, freaks, republicans and religious fanatics. They will attack us and not the basic argument that "There is no diagnostic called "your soul is in the wrong body".

So after anyone who cares about the welfare of the victim is properly excluded, all that remains are enablers who will promote the victim's self-destruction. The victim is now vulnerable to physical changes.

4) Hormones: Their goal is to financially and socially impair the victim. This is the point of no return. Even if the victim wakes up and gives up now, they will be impaired FOR LIFE no matter what they do. Hormones, as explained in the posts above, are just self-destructive madness.

5) The Double Down: The victim can't confess that he commited a mistake. As leftists often do, the (((new friends) will convince him to double down. Which leads to surgery and inevitable suicide.

You will age and stop being a convincing female.

You will either have to accept all you did was to destroy yourself (while your friends and family ALLOWED) and turn yourself against those who enabled it, OR double down on the transformation; thus taking hormones (which cloud your judgement) / chopping your dick off.

Don't except to just stay stationary in the death spiral. You're either going up or down. And going up is just much harder. Just imagine the people around you (if there is still someone around you) in shock as you suddenly become a man again. You will feel ashamed. Meanwhile your (new friends) will just applaud you if you double down. Making this decision under effect of hormones and social indoctrination will make it even harder.

please bump


no problem muh dude

I just don't understand this trap meme at all, or even gay meme. If it has a penis that means it needs to go in the shitter, I could handle the stench from a beautiful woman but not man, also unless they put lots of make up on they just look like men.


It's a VERY expensive lifestyle that is often lived alongside with lowering income, which makes it unstable.

But it's all on purpose, of course. Undermining the victim financially, physically and psychologically altogether.

One point that I forgot to add was that the transgenders themselves become the (((new friends))) who set them on the path of suicide. Because they can't confess their mistake, they can't show the dangers of the transition to people who are entering the journey. They can only incentive them to repeat their steps and thus reproducing the trans-formation.

Leftists are retard for promoting trans-culture.

They claim society is full of bigots and prejudice. And what they do? They paint a big fucking target on mentally unstable people.

It's too much stupidity to be done by accident. I am 100% sure it's on purpose.

>why do i care

I'm a psychologist and I've sadly helped and watched this cruel cult happening in university. I was a libtard and did not see the demonic cruelty that ruled it all.

Only after I looked further on how the people "transitioning" were doing after the transition that I got the ultimate redpill: it was going homeless, suicidal and broke for 9 in 10 cases. The exception were the people who stayed alive and got well paid jobs in government and business to keep reproducing the disease.

>I'm a psychologist and I've sadly helped and watched this cruel cult happening in university
lots of faggots in Brazil?

It's no wonder we keep seeing more of this tranny shit when we normalize stuff like this:

>I wouldn't masturbate to someone with dementia

Oh yes I would

Oh yes I would (one more time in case any of them forgot)

Holy shit

stop making a religion out of this shit.
Yes, I agree, trans people are an evolutionary failure. Why cant you just let them be that? it's not like they could reproduce. whats the point?

Let's just western civilization and culture crumble because " whats the point".

*slithers away into cave to dilate gaping wound*

>You will age. You will get creepy like pic related.

This. Even Alcibiades the first trap, the biggest degenarate faggot & hedonist Athens has ever known realized this and turned into a grizzly bearded military general later in life.

>Klaus doesn't know about Brazil

This is one of the bets threads I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Trannies along with many other aspects of western society are satanically influenced. Lots of evil going on. You get pushed away from anywhere online saying this, if you're going to be a Christian people want you to be the le loving accepting type. But even non-Christians can see the evil for what it is.

I personally have seen two young men become trannies and it's so sad. They were treated like garbage when they were young men so they thought they could just "become a woman" and live life on easy mode, and an evil society allowed them to "transition". This is disgusting.

Beware? No.
Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.

Can you give me the run down on this guy? Sounds interesting

i dont even mind

what you dumb nigs dont even consider most of the time is this: do you even want anyone """mentally ill""" enough to become a tranny to instead remain in the genepool? lots of you nignogs go abloo bloo western civilization will be ruined if a couple trannies are allowed to do what makes them happy :(((

if anything im doing the world a favour by removing myself from breeding so that i dont pass on my mentally-deficient gene to children. the biggest issue that is ACTUALLY facing western civilization is two-fold; the propaganda of homosexuality and transgenderism (as no, it shouldnt be romanticized but just left up as a possibility), and secondly the fact that for some reason its taxpayer subsidized. SRS and shit shouldnt be covered by insurance since its purely cosmetic and trannies who go nuts over not having a vagina are ridiculous (hormones are pretty cheap but surgery is way out there), plus out of the several dozen transgender people i know, myself and maybe two others are pretty peachy with having a dick instead of a fucking horrific flesh-chasm. those are the two things that affect everyone else. my opinion, anyway.


I'm a fortune 500 zerohedge poster and even I think this is wrong.

can't you just skip a few steps and just off yourself already?
I mean, you're heading down that path anyway..

Yep hes either a dead man or will work to identify as a man again. Probably just a dead man (wearing panties and makeup)

>These people have either satanic or political intentions.

The tranny satanists ARE the politicians.

havent heard that one before :^)

bumping great threads
lets see that 200+ posts

He thinks we are against him when we are the most on his side out of all.

Q47ROfQD Come home white man.

You yourself state that you are on a path to ruin, yet persist on it anyway. Can't you see that you are insane? Are you that blind and delusional?

And no, active transgenderism is always wrong. It is a mental illness, by your existence and by acceptance, others' delusions are created and reinforced as well.


so your argument is literally "Who cares if trannies are miserable? They shouldn't be alive to begin with."


They think mutilating themselves is a way of empowerment, while the ones that actually care want them to get help and medication.
It's sad to see a weak generation taking the toll of comformity.

Holy shit who names their kids Lactatia? I could understand a cow, but a kid?

Thats weird eh.

>it is the sign if a learned mind to entertain a thought without accepting it

I'm not afraid of outside influence changing my beliefs and values I know where I stand. Your only concern should be teaching your children how to live a noble and fulfilling life, not warning frog posters on the Internet.

>You yourself state that you are on a path to ruin, yet persist on it anyway. Can't you see that you are insane? Are you that blind and delusional?

He is possessed by demons or hostile memes. they blind him.

We need to destroy the meme that's running his brains. but he won't accept the jesus meme.

A pedofaggot Schizophrenic.

From its quote. "If your parents dont let you, you need new parents"
I would bet on the new parents. I think the mom is the original mom. Wheres an anyifa jacket btw. The dad might be what the kid was refering to new parents.

I can't even recognise what is what in that picture. You have to be really fucked up to accept going through something like that. The body is the reflex of the mind

>live as a dude and be unhappy because i am insane
>dont have kids because im insane and trying to be responsible

>pretend to be a girl and be happy
>dont have kids because im insane and trying to be responsible

same end, one lets me enjoy what i have of life.

not all are miserable like you dumb cunts. is there something wrong with admitting that i/we am/are a biological dead end? i dont want the future generations to be poisoned by mentally deficient humans. do you?

otherwise i enjoy reading the constant dribble about "hurr durr get help and medication" when i could hazard a guess at a lot of you also shit talking psychology and big pharma most of the time anyway. pimozide meme has no statistical basis, though it should be tested out more thoroughly, that'd be neat, but there are quite a few trannies who did not take with medication or counseling. i was on a variety of antidepressants and one antipsychotic since i was 14 (i even grew up in the middle east because my family moved there for work, so i was never brought up with SJW shit), and it made me utterly miserable. now i'm getting on with my fucking life and you dumbos dont know a lot about the tripe that you vehemently spew.

also jesus was a fag

A lot. Too many, sometimes.

But I have no problem with gays.

It's the people who convince them that "they are women" who are the real threat.

Gays are people who get a lot of shit in life. These leftists will only make them more vulnerable and easier to attack with their metaphysical bullshit.

Brazil is currently the world champion in number of transgenders. But we do not have a cult built around it like americans have developed. The justification for transgender is a recent thing here and is being imported from the USA with the same bullshit rhetoric.

The funny part is that transgenderism was more common among poor people here. Now thanks to the media, it's becoming a problem of the white middle-class and upper classes too.

>a parent allowed this to be done with their child

Mom and dad might as well let them run into traffic.

I suppose. Lactatia seems like a black street name like Quindrarius, so no wonder pedofaggots came up with a name like that.
That's the transgender children movement's slogan I feel. "If your parents don't support you, get new parents."
It's the ultimate in hedonism. Nothing compares. Only in the new, Gen Z transgender movement is self-idolization and narcissism such an issue that the family is expendable on the path to personal pleasure. And of course, most of the kids saying this are all white, and of course, their parents are weak and brainwashed enough to go along with it, support it, vote for politicians who endorse and further it.
The issue isn't transgenders as a whole because, as much as I would like to see them saved and repent, in the end they're going to self-mutilate and die with no offspring. The issue is the support for homosexuality and transgenderism etc, which is being implemented into our society and will live long past the current tranny generation dies off.

Trans are not an evolutionary failure. I never said that.

Stopping the Trans- issue is on the same ground as making the cars safer for our children.

Death by transgenderism is a completely avoidable issue and we can act upon it. There's a lot to be done.

>also jesus was a fag

He'll be there when you're ready user. One day you'll realize we're your friends too. we're boardbuddies whether we like it or not.

Transitioning only makes things worse. Whoever tells you otherwise is a huge liar.

Transgenders will often blame the bigoted society even though trannies often try to surround themselves only with the most tolerant around.

Also, countries with more tolerance like the Netherlands have even more mentally ill trannies than less tolerant countries like the USA.

Predictably, the more you go along with people's fantasies, the more damaged they become.

And thank you for your comment.

i appreciate the sentiment, i've just never gotten my head around religion. whatever floats your boat though, my dude.

>You'd not masturbate at a person suffering from dementia, would you?
Ahh, uh oh "No" (retard+handicap+japanese)
>Who is actually behind it all are the multitudes of devils in social media and academia enabling and promoting the satanic murder of the creation of God (Adam and Eve) in favor of a Baphomet-like being.
You know? It does read far-fetched, but they do seem to be promoting this as if it were some sort of religion. The denial of empiricism, the flat out rejection of biological reality, the concealment of anything negative at all until the very last possible second where it cannot be denied any longer followed by a handwave "well the next kid will turn out just fine". It's crazy, but you might be right.
>Either we do something about these demons or they will destroy us all.
Well, no, there you are wrong, because I'm not going to start wearing women's stuff or cut my cock off no matter what they say, do or type into the internet. Certainly it will destroy the poor guys with whatever mental disorder/crippling social anxiety is driving this fad. But arguably if it wasn't this form of self-destruction they'd just find another. Nihilism is a harsh, persistent mistress.

It's only recently that I noticed there was even an LGBT board on this fucking site since I only browse pol and vg. Why the fuck? Couldn't this degeneracy not be contained in Sup Forums or r9k? Disgusting we have this shit on here

>i've just never gotten my head around religion.

As an intellectual, i will say this: It's memes.

Jesus was a memer who was killed for his meming in the forums of his day. He had a good solid meme, you want his meme in your head with all the rest of the garbage memes you got in there. There's nothing wrong with the meme of love and that's what jesus is, just that meme personified. It' a 'protective meme', it keeps other shittier memes out.

They don't deserve death.

They are mentally ill people who are being used by demonic sociopaths. It could happen to you too.

>couple trannies allowed to do what makes them happy

You're allowed to smoke like a chimney. Still it's not healthy. Specially if there is a cult built around telling you to smoke and saying that you are brave and courageous for killing yourself that way.

Imagine how ABSURD that would be.

It's exactly what the trans-cult is. But worse. Death comes sooner and the damage is far greater. Smoking gives you cancer when you're old; meanwhile transgenderism murders the young.

>le genetic imperfection meme

This is not true. You're a perfectly capable human being. There is a genetic component to certain psychological conditions such as schiophrenia, but none can't be averted with good parenting and a healthy way of life. There is also genetic components to smoking and alcoholism; but not everyone with those genes is sick.

You deserve a happy life like everyone else but this trans-disease will kill you, man. Don't ever have any doubts that the path you are going through ends on suicide.

You will have to double down or face the truth in the long run. And doubling down will be way more tempting. And you know where it ends.

You deserve a good life. Don't let this happen to you.

Munchausens By My Kid Is A Tranny.

And yes, I know (((munchausens))) has been co-opted to kidnap kids from their parents, but in many cases it's still a thumbnail sketch as to why parents act out this way.

This repulsion attitude also doesn't help.

We are supposed to be the good guys.

The Trans- is a mentally ill person being manipulated by a satanic cult to satisfy their evil fetish for the baphomet.

They are victims and I can't say this enough.

Itt: edgy teens sperg over something they know nothing about and misquote scientific studies to push their own agendas of religious based hatred

Seriously, what IS the point? Western Civilization isn't anything good no ways. Let it burn and rebuild something better in it's place.


you're not wrong, as a set of moralistic guidelines it's neat enough. the baggage of spirituality and the culture of religion is annoying as sin though.

haha, annoying as sin. get it? memes.

that's exactly why i mentioned in an earlier post that the propagation of transgenderism is a problem. as for me personally, i am a lot happier this way and i'd rather off myself than go back since this is working out quite well for me and i've never been happier. i have MS and i'm dying young from the medication use anyway, so yolo as the kids say, i'd much rather use the time that i have to do as i'd like as long as i'm not hurting anyone.

you're from the cult. you're here to discourage the victims from getting support from people who would deprogramme them. you want them all to yourselves to fuck up and leave in ruins, we want to rebuild them.

>"hurr durr get help and medication"
You don't need medication m8, you need to confront the uncomfortable thoughts that drive you to overload your subconscious with this negative self-destructive bullshit. You're not unlovable, you just deny yourself any sort of value, which is hilarious when you are presented with the simple fact that when you move your hand the entire universe moves to accomodate the motion.

Masturbation is fun. Really fun. For some it's the only fun they ever experience. Yet you'd be better off as a heroin addict than a tranny in terms of life expectancy or actually taking control of your own physicality. Or drinking a six pack every night and smoking tabs. Nowhere inside of you is the idea "I'd be better as a broad" that bullshit is side-effect of the comodification of sex to sell everything. I'd rather be a junkie - ie someone actually addicted to consuming something - that a victim of Consumerism.

Nihilism is a cruel mistress m8. She doesn't let up. The good news is, she's not the one holding you there: that's your grip. Good luck m8, it's always sad to see someone give up. It doesn't have to be this way, though.

In a long term study 98% of people that transitioned reported life improvement. Transition is the cure for gender dysphoria. Whether you like it or not it's proven to be the best way to deal with it.

I'm so glad I was never consumed with this tranny shit.

What killed any inkling of curiosity I had about "traps" was actually hearing trannyvoice in a porno. The rhaspy inhuman uncanny valley aspect of trannyvoice is straight out of a horror movie. OP's photo captures it well.

It's like the scene in a horror movie where the hot girl is revealed to actually be the hideous looking demon/ghost/witch, your initial impulses led you astray in a terrifying way.

If trannyvoice and OP's pleading doesn't convince you, look into tranny STD rates. It's sickening. If that's still not enough, look into what sexual reassignment surgery ACTUALLY entails. It's really really disturbing and fucked up. You'll never be able to look at a tranny without wincing in sympathetic pain.

Would that be 98% of the 25% who didn't commit suicide?


>you need to confront the uncomfortable thoughts that drive you to overload your subconscious with this negative self-destructive bullshit

honestly Sup Forums is so brainwashed by their own propaganda that it's shit like this that causes more psychological dismay than being a tranny in the first place. general-case explanations like "oh just get over the negative thoughts," as you so paraphrasingly said, just don't mean anything on an individual basis, which is what medically a professional would have to consider. all this shit just means nothing and i don't really see any rhyme or reason to change my behaviour when i'm never presented with anything that i feel would actually shift the pros-and-cons of trannyhood in favour of detransitioning.

"oh you'll be happier," some say, except i never was, and i barely had any friends because of my severe depression, where as now i'm a lot more outgoing and friendly? "you're destroying society," others say, as many sit in their chairs doing nothing with their lives. at least i have a job so i still contribute to society on some financial level. i'm even engaged and going to get a business degree at some point to try do better, where as i could barely stomach higher education as a male because i felt uncomfortable around any other human being.

if you want to convince trannies to change then think about your argumentative process. present evidence. be nice. stop telling them to kill themselves and maybe they'll listen to you, because who the fuck would listen to a lot of the apes here? ok i'm done ranting thanks for reading.

That's not what I wrote, but it's what your grip on nihilism interpreted.

When you move your hand, the universe moves to accomodate the motion. What you do with this impossibly powerful ability is up to you. It seems a bit of a waste to strike yourself down, no?

You need GOOD therapy, you need to get rid of everyone who did not oppose what you did to yourself, you need to murder the people who supported it if you can do so in a fashion that won't get you in legal trouble (remember they'll be there for other victims);

>98% showed improvement

Imagine being a transgender declaring that you became unhappy after transitioning. First you'd get crushed by the cult. Second you'd be confessing that you've made a huge mistake. Third you'd be confessing that everyone around is garbage and let you commit such mistake. People in a cult also report "increased levels of happiness".

It's VERY HARD to make an U-TURN on being a transgender because of how many people conspired / did not give a damn about you ruining your life. To face this truth can be devastating.

Suicide is often easier. Suicidal victims often suffered great injustice in the hands of people whom they do not attribute blame to (such as holy figures like mom and dad). If it's not anyone's fault, whom remains to take the blame other than the victim himself?

Then you have suicide.

Listen up Huehuehue faggot

>the surgery
The penis isn't chopped off you retard. They use the skin of the penis and scrotum to create a 'vaginal canal', essentially a skin tunnel about 5-7 inches deep into the crotch. They then cosmetically alter the exterior using the skin to create the labia, clit, clitoral hood and other external vulva parts.

>the aftermath
It's not an open wound. It heals into a skin tunnel. It's not bleeding. If it bleeds, you are suppose to call a fucking ambulance. The hole doesn't heal shut, but it can lose width and depth over time, making the tunnel tighter and shorter.

>the dilation
It's not an open wound. You put a dildo-like tool up there once a week for the rest of your life. It takes approximately 15-20 minutes to do, or you have to have penetrative sex once a week for about 15-20 minutes instead. This prevents the skin tunnel (vaginal canal) from shrinking. As I said, if you are bleeding, you need to go to the ER. If there is puss, you have an infection and need to go to the ER. That is not normal after any surgery, including SRS. Dilation is only painful during the initial recovery from surgery, which takes about 3 months.

Not an open wound. You are no more prone to infections, including STDs than anyone else.

>the suicide
Most trannies have an improved mental state. I know I do. I WAS suicidal ten years ago before I transitioned. I have never been happier. Things are far better after all this transition and the further I go in this process, the happier and more confident I become.

Hormones do not cloud your judgement. They're fucking sex hormones. Testosterone increases aggression, lowers anxiety, more muscle strength, induces balding, body odor and body hair growth. Estrogen decreases aggression, increases emotional responses to stimuli, shuts down balding, body odor and acne, reduces body hair growth & reduces muscle strength. It also grows you a nice pair of tits.

m8 cockless trannies between the ages of 18 and 34 have a 75% suicide rate.

The background rate for normies in the same range is a shocking 6% normalised over ten years, with terrifying and depressing spikes of up to 9% in some bad years. Which makes trans over ten times more likely to off themselves.

Some cure. Only in the most literal "death is the great equalizer" sense can this bullshit be considered positive. Even the e-celeb trannies of the past five years are showing unmistakable signs of regret and despair, with the exception of those who didn't cut their cocks off and went into porn to cash in.

So, really, a constant income of about average wage based around a superficially creative endeavour without an asshole for a boss - and not cutting your cock off - is the correct heathcare pathway for nihilistic depressives.

I hope you're happy with a fake vagina that barely resembles a real one. You shouldn't make an effort to defend genital mutilation.

OP that pic is like an /x/ tier post

Traps are different than trans, traps don't take hormones they just use their natural youth and femininity to impersonate the opposite sex.
When traps grow up they usually just slip back into the fold, it doesn't take a lot of effort in your late twenties to build a decent amount of muscle mass. Plus when they stop shaving their facial/ chest hair they turn into hairy beasts be the more you shave the thicker it grows back.
Tldr; being a trap is fine as long as you're ready to go back to being a regular guy when the timer dings. Trannies are the type that would rather kill themselves than be men.

>cockless trannies between the ages of 18 and 34 have a 75% suicide rate
[citation needed]


>pic related
an example of a post-op tranny 'vagina'


The knowledge haunts me still. These are sick people pushing this. Probably the hardest thing I have seen on this site. Can't forget that pic. Please don't post it.

>Needs a citation
>Posts a picture without giving source

Is that an SCP?

literally a cult... mass psychosis

>Most trannies have an improved mental state. I know I do. I WAS suicidal ten years ago before I transitioned. I have never been happier.
There are cheaper and happier ways to delay suicide. Blowing coke, for example. Being a crackhead is probably less soulcrushing than
tranny past 30, too.

Bump based brazilian man

>beware of the trans
This is common sense

poor kid is just repeating shit his mom says

What you dont realize is that the LGBT groups successfully used Sup Forums in their indoctrination campaign to have traps accepted as normal.

Ever since this sites inception there was always postings of the "sexy trap" to entice the young impressionable forever alone dudes into accepting the transgender agenda and as you can see with the rise of trans acceptance, the decades long propaganda campaign was successful as fuck.

Except it's real and it's happening and it's something political.

You are in fact destroying society by existing

Stop destroying our language around biological sex

You aren't a woman and it's totalitarian to try to make me to call you one

Like criminals stinking up expensive prisons, it's be less of a tax burden to pay you average wage. We'd save £17k pa per head without jails, and about the same over ten years not funding frankenstein surgery and endocrine meddling on par with alchemy that has a superficial "success" rate of 1 in 4. Or, of course, it would be cheaper to kill both groups, but that's hardly human, is it?

Nihilism appears to be a disorder of the subconscious, which is a bitch because all of our medicine is based around the conscious or the physical. Perhaps a witch doctor might get better results than the death of 3 in 4? They could scarely get worse.

Would you like the British study, the Canadian study, the Belgian study or the American one that got the doctors defunded and their department shut down? They all come to the same statistical conclusion.

Based bump

While I agree with everything you're saying, its better to leave religion out of it since people who do this sort of shit to themselves typically aren't conservative Christians and would just shut down mentally and dismiss everything you say if you tell them that what they are doing is satanic.

The whole of Sup Forums is attracted to the trans- phenomenon without any intention of harm.

Those that keep posting men dressed as women get a short burst of dopamine when they reveal it's actually a man and that's about it. The ones who go all the way to masturbating (which is a very powerful mental conditioning mechanism) to mentally ill people and spread it around the board as unconsciously working with the problem by giving trans- a higher sexual market value.

They are on the same tier as people who have smoking or physical beating as fetishes, except the behavior they are making attractive is even more destructive. A bruise will heal in a day and a cigarette in a week, but what about hormones, neural impairment and mutilation?

I couldn't leave religious verbs out of the post. The sheer cruelty of the people who promote a self-destructive behavior left me without any words other than "evil", "satanic" and "demonic". Just the thought of communities on Reddit built around promoting such a huge self-destruction disgusts me.

I also couldn't ignore the fact that there are not a lot of christians promoting transgenderism. Most of the people who do it (if not all) are atheists with oddly selective standards of skepticism. They will give religion hell for believing in an abstract God and will completely ignore the transgender who claims he was meant to be a woman based on no scientific proof of the metaphysics required for such absurd conclusion.

If these atheists are refusing to impose standards of truth to a certain belief that causes as many consequences to the devotee's lifestyle as they believe religion causes, they are either:

a) ignoring it on purpose. Some because they are fools and some because they want people to suffer. The latter being the satanic and the first being the university good-for-nothing hacks.

b) they don't see the importance of it. Which is foolish. Atheists complain about indoctrination of children and the negative consequences that faith can have to one's life. How come they can't see this for transgenders? It's a cult of evil.

I think we can conclude the matter by simply conducting a study of quality of life on people experiencing gender dysphoria who
A. Did transition and
B. Didn't

We can also stratify by level of desire, so people can't just argue B group didn't really want it.

And we can control for discrimination by comparing cross dressers to people on hormones or post-surgery; since I doubt that people (other than maybe the tran community) are better or worse to one than another, but this can be quantified too with another set of tests.

What if it's an anime trap that identifies as a man

>they don't see the importance of it. Which is foolish. Atheists complain about indoctrination of children and the negative consequences that faith can have to one's life. How come they can't see this for transgenders? It's a cult of evil.
I don't think people have enough awareness to realize that a cult-like organization can be completely secular and that any ideology is comparable to a religion.

They think that stripping away religion gives them more credibility, but they operate on far more mysticism and illogicalities than Christians ever did. The idea of a spontaneous and yet uncaused universe, the idea of subjective truth but objective universe, the idea of biologism that absolves one of guilt while also asserting that there are never any biological differences, the idea of objective rights but not objective morality, etc.

All of leftism and atheism is a mental illness. You can disable parts of the brain to make people less religious. Use of antidepressants burns out the frontal lobe. Our society is literally making people retarded and then the corrupt politicians and big pharma are cashing in on it.