What is the Illuminati's Endgame?

What is the Illuminati's Endgame?

World Uniting Antichrist/Religion?
World Dominating AI?
Rich classes only existing while everyone else is a slave that serves them, including robots and humans?

What do you think it all adds up to?

>Rich classes only existing while everyone else is a slave that serves them, including robots and humans?

There you go

all of the above. All in the name of their interdimensional alien/demon masters they worship. The whole enchilada

I want to be in the Illuminati

no you don't. We are giving them a run for their money right here on /pol. We chose the president, for once. We divided shia's fragile psyche. We memed cnn into irrelevance. This is the ony secret society you need partake in. Requires no commitment, only shitposting

There is no illuminati. .. you kids will eventually grow up. . But the way your shit theory works, like any other delusional Moran, if anyone denies your shit theory you can quickly claim "hurr durr that's what XYZ would say"

To maintain a global population of no more than 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. In order to do that, they need to perfect clean energy and automation technologies. Once those are good to go, the surplus population can be liquidated as they will be utterly superfluous.

Immigration is a scheme to poach the best and brightest from third world nations, securing ethnic, genetic and ideological diversity for when time comes to pull the plug. Operations like the African and Middle Eastern exodus is simply to secure strong males that have a proven ability to endure a measure of hardship... I don't know why they would need them exactly. Labor is out, these scum don't work. But as politically elite stormtroopers of a globalist cabal aiming to make a power play to remove the state as the head of the pyramid of governance? Could be, senpai. Could be.

Think of everything taking place now as a test of survival to determine who will be deemed worthy to enter their utopian society... These are a man-made tribulations and only those that survive and render value to the elite in a post scarcity world would be allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven, so to speak.

Turn humans into halfbreed mixed race, who for some unknown reason will be passives.

How this quite works Idk?

spotted the shill. How many shekels did you get paid for that shitpost, cunt?

>Thinking the illuminati exists

They want to create as many sinners as they can, they want hell on earth... they want to be worshiped like Gods, because they hate God, and are jealous of him and his creation, so, they want to destroy it,...


Have you read "Brave New World"?

Sick systems of social control.
That's all the elite "endgame" is.
None of them feel empowered.
They live in fear they cannot express,
expressed in a conservatism they cannot name.
The real Illuminati is all about going "Hail Eris!"
and breakdancing on the ruins of arrogance.

This is un-ironically true.

I'm just not a tinfoil retard like you fools. There is no one group running things. The truth is no one is running the show and everyone is running the show. The same way your body depends on all organs not just one. Not one organ is more important than others they all run together. Don't take my anology too serious now. . .you get the point. Maybe not.

illuminati=jew, bilderberg group and shit, therefore illuminati Is-rael

Jesus Christ you fools are delusional. Go back to glp.com

Read a book sometime.

C-Can I be Trans-dimensional?

Go ahead suggest a book. I read a book a week btw. Just because a book tells you to buy it because it exposes muh illuminati doesn't mean it's true


who is more foolish, us who believe this stuff or you for expecting to convince us otherwise by calling us retarded and delusional?

>World Uniting Antichrist/Religion?

see. the illuminati is a secret organization run by a few choice people. these people change obviously because the illuminati is an organization but the supposition goes these people are chosen because they are a bloodline, as in it is a family organization, but as we have seen from family business: these things can be changed. apparently, leading back to the "13 bloodlines" of Europe, the illuminati was a secret organization of people from these bloodlines who would crowd together, and their original goal was to overthrow the roman catholic church of rome. so how they did this was they used their business and legal tactics by making legislature organized in such a way for their bidding. these "13 families" are the supposed "children of Abraham" or the original 13 tribes of Israel in the bible: but that is a far fetched term.these people probably just use that as an excuse to not initiate people. anyway, after the fall of rome, their main thing that they focus on, and still focus on is A: banking, B: media. these things used to control the rest of society. so after the fall, like I said, mainly in Europe before ww1. is they funded two sides of the war with loans from a national bank, then to get people to fight they used media to make propaganda up, and they did this a lot, but see, we all know taxes were the main reason for the start of our country, the cost to fund their ways was just, too much, and so another sect called the masons started the u.s. and probably admittedly used the same propaganda for the pilgrims to achieve independence. but they were a little less strict. we had a lot of land, and this departed sect more used propaganda and the sort as a nationalist thing to drive out the natives into containment areas, and it took a lot less propaganda to do certain things because in the end the civil war was a pretty neutral mission.Blacks needed freedom, but MEANWHILE in Europe: the original illuminati is going absolutely power crazy, and in 1917_

(continued)_ they used whatever connections they still had over here to start that up, so they beefed up "the great depression" and "the dust bowl" and such to make people afraid of local banking, and now we have: the federal reserve. now with a national bank you can do the same scam: we all know about Tonkin gulf? you know, the NAM start up siginal? and lest remember the lisutania: this was their first false flag. they made it up, now admittedly, and funded both sides, and then we got involved in ww1. Germany in www2 was fed up and wnted to succeed from all if it. but we all lnow how that went. people speculate pearl harbor and 9/11 were the same tactic. we know now the cia funded multiple terror organizations, and we know about the mosssad also in there. sane tactic: fund both sides, create propaganda, suck up the resources. It's literally just that. people often take it too far in saying they own everything isn't tru.

>technologists are chasing immortality (Zucker needs more gov money, theil want gov money, musk want gov money). They need a huge black budget to further the science of it.
>elites/Illuminati want power and hedonistic lifestyles, and immortality but lean more toward natural ways of regrowth like blood, rituals, etc
>once the technologists get immortality/soft immortality (cellular regrowth, etc) expect huge infighting from both of these groups because they will be the new ruling class.
This is just a perfect example that if you're not an elite now you will always be pleb in the near near future.

>We chose the president, for once
Note the 666 sign he flashes all the time,
Either candidate was pre-selected.

So basically only Artists, The Rich, and Slaves would survive?

Like the artist dude that serves Rothschild.

you are over thinking it. they want more customers and tenants. and of course to destroy nation states.
