Obama was actually pretty decent


7 months into the Trump presidency has made me realize that Obama wasn't that bad at all.
The man still got a lot of good shit ton during his term, despite the controversies. Far more than other presidents.

Can Sup Forums name something genuinely evil the guy did?

Other urls found in this thread:


Obamacare caused my family healthcare costs to go from 10,000 a year to over 30,000

Bomb your muslim brothers and sisters in the middle east you slave owning emiriati retard

He isn't a very decent father

so your family consists of a bunch of inbreds who can't get their shit together?

>trumpcucks tell people who cant get insurance to get a "better job" that insures them
>trumpcucks cant follow their own advice and suddenly think insurance should be GIBDSMEDATS


I agree. The way he ruthlessly bombed the Middle East with drone strikes was very nice. Everything else was gay as fuck.
"Here you go little Goyim, it's an EBT Card. Now you can get a discount on your Red Bull so that you can afford cigarettes with your real money. And the best part is the Taxpayer is footing the bill! Make sure to vote Democrat for the rest of your life lil degenerate!"

spotted the rich white liberal faggot

Umm, no sweetie. Costs were burdened upon people with good jobs to subsidize people with no or shit jobs. Those "trumpcucks" had good insurance that they paid for at a fair rate before Obamacare ruined it with his anti-competitive and misnamed "affordable" care act, honeybun.

I voted for him in '08 after voting for Bush twice. W fucked up the Iraq War so badly I thought why the hell not, maybe I've been wrong about some things.

To O's credit, he said back in '08 if we find out Bin Laden is being sheltered in Pakistan or anywhere else "we will go get him" but McCain gave a more cucked answer. I also just had never trusted McCain.

O seemed like a decent guy and I thought maybe he means well & can unite us. That "yes we can" meme and his whole schtick was a lie. He seems like a very angry guy with a lot of racial animosity. He played footsie with Al "Diamond Merchants" Sharpton in the White House for eight years and hosted the rioting BLM members in the Oval Office. He and his rogue administration abused government power (IRS) especially the intel apparatus knowing our "free press" masturbated every time they saw him and would not see reality about how he really thinks and would not report his wrongdoings.

>tripled the price of healthcare, while claiming making it affordable.
>added trillions to the national debt
>received the novel peace prize, while drone striking more civilians than any president before
>created new terror groups like ISIS
>restarted the Cold War

He was a good president.. most who jate him are uninformed sheeple.. the other hmhalf are just devote rrpublicans.. which is actually more pathetic.m i find this whole left and right thing awfully stupid. Praise the kingdom not the king. Americans care more about their parties than their own country

i like the moment towards the end of campaiging last year he realises that doing nothing, being the mouse sitting up on the elephant, claiming you made it go left instead of right, when he realises they don't understand he hates them for their stupidity and has no real plan or passion beyond confidence everything will work out just right.



when he realises that his supporters are the dumbest niggers on the block and it's all going to wash away.

before this is over, that nigger will be hanging from a tree

>Costs were burdened upon people with good jobs to subsidize people with no or shit jobs.

What the fuck are you talking about? If you are/were insured through work, the ACA almost certainly didn't affect you at all. speaking from personal experience, the rate of cost increase from work-sponsored health insurance DECREASED from the bush years (when year to year % increase was frequently double digits).

i'm just gainfully employed. maybe you'll get a big boy job too, someday!

30k is not acceptable for health insurance

It costs me like 5k tops for a family, and I don't even need it cause nhs

His presidency was catastrophic.

Trump is trying to fix the shit he's made but the swamp dwellers like swimming in water that smells like sewage.

see, at least he got shit done

My point isn't that 30k is acceptable, my point is that it's almost impossible to have to pay that much unless you are inbred incapable of finding a better situation, and this ironically is the argument usually put forth against "libtards" for suggesting a universal health care system (like the one your country has)

Personal insults, no arguments.
Checks out, a libcuck.

My health care went down to $56/month

why are you a dumb nigger?

You're defending Obamacare like it was Universal Healthcare or some shit.

The Medicaid expansion was pork.

You must be on food stamps or something.

Shill thread.

Shills know Obonga is going down for treason and they want you to think he is a good guy.

smith-mundt modernization act of 2012 (hr 5736) ---- This would have allowed $hillary to Use propaganda to force WW3 and her "donors" in power beyond wealth...


>What the fuck are you talking about? If you are/were insured through work, the ACA almost certainly didn't affect you at all.
False. The insurance companies losses are being spread throughout every policy they have to cover their losses. Even my parent's Medicare supplement policies are going up much faster than ever. This was by design as the ACA was always a means of redistributing health care costs and availability to "the poor" from you privileged working & middle class folks whom the Democrats view as too darned privileged. Even its architect Jonathan Gruber admitted it was written in "a tortured way" to dupe the CBO.

Obama was "the negro leader before a country goes to shit" curse.

His holdovers are trying to coup Trump and start a civil war just like in a nigger tier third world African country.

Obama is a fucking cancer.

>literally says the left and right division is stupid
>gets called a lib cuck

Fucking uneducated idiot. Checks out.

The medicare expansion worked just fine in most states where the governors didn't reject it.

i understand that you are still on mommy's plan, but those of us that actually handle our own shit know this is false. keep on sucking down those Sup Forums memes though. i guess the silver lining is that trumpcucks like you cant get it up to procreate so we can safely assume your inferior genes will die with you, you flaccid little faggot.

Its like they are not even trying.

Mine went to 0/month because I got a job overseas and had all my taxes waived thanks to Foreign Earned Income Tax exemptions. Over there, my insurance was free and just part of the benefits package I got for the contract. A lot less jewy about paying for treatments and whatnot as well.

This is 100% nonsense. Rates at my workplace have more than tripled, and deductibles have taken a much sharper increase.
They introduced a plan for people who specifically just want to dodge the penalty. Costs me $5 a month, covers absolutely nothing (like an $8000 deductible) but I appreciate dodging the $1100 fine they fucking try to slap on me yearly

Private paid company health insurance.
Only put in that much per month

Shill folders are running dry...

Also, I mentioned Rick and Morty becoming a thing for shills and I shit you not..... 24 hrs later there was some WHITE MAN THIS WHITE MAN THAT ----- With a pick of Rick and Morty....

Keep dropping red pills....

" I found out about hillary's email server from the media " -- Obonga caught in a blatant lie.

Wanna discuss the predatory loan situation? Why did Obama bail out those "too big to fail" banks, and not publically hang those responsible?

Instead, they got:
1. bailed out
2. possession of American homes
3. a minor slap on the wrist "dont do that again"

Also , here is a link on why we need to end dual citizenship :

This allows Jews to fuck our economy / nation and then go to Israel HEROS

How please explain

Abet the invasion of the third world into our beautiful white country.

What kind of sick fuck are you that you think that's okay?

Math you cunt. Stay out of USA politics.

I'm a Civil Engineer with Safety/Comolience/Oversight experience. How do I get a 150k job abroad?

This is autistic as fuck, collaboration comes from 3rd party and she may or may not know the sauce.

Since aca the medical insurance industry has performed handsomely (comparing to the broader market). Working citizens have experienced nasty premium increases and poorer quality coverage. Mostly it was just disappointing that obama was a deep state pawn, he duped a lot of us stupider ones I'll admit.

I asked how, because I had no fucking idea. I didnt pass comment on your polotics you autistic tendie eating neck bearded fedora wearing shit stain.

Nobody who is gainfully employed spends anytime on Sup Forums just face it you're 18 or 17 years old like 90% of the people on here.




and an article if you hate JEWtube


Awe how cute.... its trying to insult me and formulate a grammatically sentence at the same time.....

No, he was a leftist nigger.
The country has lost too much standing from him bowing his head to every foreign leader.
All he managed to accomplish was the dividing of America.
His shitty cash for clunkers program made it so that there aren't as many old cars around for people who can't afford a new one to buy.
There's not one positive thing that he's done. The best he has done is implement stupid bullshit I don't care about.

Desk job ..... IT guys , System engineers when things aren't on fire.... Programmers on lunch or hitting brick wall

Fucking RETARD alert. All costs went up. You can't subsidize losers without contributing citizens getting the shaft.

The plan has been and always was to make everybody poorer in order to control them.

Seriously though, explain without using a picture that doesn't explain anything, unless of course, you were lying

Go back to fucking reddit cunt.
I could not give a flying rats who the US president is, when the bloke stated that under Obama care his health care prices went up it peaked my fucking interest, health care should be fucking cheaper if the govt. Is going to foot some of the bill. I asked how it went up. Before your spaz out. I had posted 2 things. One was asking how king nigger succeeded in tripling the cunts cost in healthcare and the other was a comment on the autistic flow chart of collaboration you posted. You attacked my legit question and not me calling you a faggot on your retarded collaboration graphic. Your never supposed to go full retard but it would appear you have done just that.

>The medicare expansion worked just fine in most states where the governors didn't reject it.
You reveal your own colossal ignorance when you don't know the difference between MediCARE and MediCAID, ShareBlue shill. Study harder to at least have the pride of knowing you actually earned Soros' $75 a week.

>i understand that you are still on mommy's plan, but those of us that actually handle our own shit know this is false.
Ugh. Much the same answer as above. If one's parents are on Medicare, one can't be on their "plan" as that only applies to private policies. Your parents can't carry you on their Medicare plan.

Let me help you avoid further embarrassment & incompetence, ShareBlue. To enroll in MediCARE one must collect Social Security at retirement age or have been on SSDI or SSI for 29 months. If one has very limited assets they can enroll in MediCAID. If you have a stroke and end up a vegetable in a nursing home, they'll require you to spend down your assets & then cover you with MediCAID & will even come after your estate upon your death. The ACA expanded the availability of MediCAID by loosening these financial requirements. Obama was only interested in the Medicaid expansion & the insurance exchange side of the ACA was an afterthought to make all his less poor supporters feel like he was thinking of them too. 'Member how the exchange web site was such a disaster? The administration didn't give a shit about it and knew private insurance companies would just have to figure it out & absorb the costs. The company designing the site implored the administration for more time & guidance but were blown off. To repeat my earlier post: This was by design as the ACA was always a means of redistributing health care costs and availability to "the poor" from you privileged working & middle class folks whom the Democrats view as too darned privileged. Even its architect Jonathan Gruber admitted it was written in "a tortured way" to dupe the CBO.

First president to extrajudicially murder a US citizen.

Who he murder. And was he really the first?

At least publically, yes; covertly, probably not. Anwar al-Awlaki was the first, but not the last, google it.

Obama was better than McCain and I'm a hardcore Trump supporter.

McCain was a worse cuck than Bush. Wtf...

Obama was based, but still a sjw nigger, but based.

My family makes over 125,000 a year and is only 3 people but my father is over 60 they jack our PPOs rates up even though he has perfect health, never drank or smoke and zero medications.

I know people whos obamacare subsidizes their blood pressure meds and they eat a layer of salt with every meal :/

I find it funny you're yelling at us about being "trumpcucks" and how we think insurance should be gibsmedats but we literally had PPO insurance, paid for through my fathers business that he worked very hard for, what we paid was reasonable and the coverage we got was quality...

Then came Obamacare and every year prices got higher, as well as forcing us to have things like "maternity coverage"...my parents are 60 ffs why do they need MATERNITY coverage??

I'll tell you why, so that some women on Obamacare can get it subsidized to be affordable for her when she needs it

I do not support this, if the cost of giving everyone else healthcare is going to be this much to me (as is under obamacare), then I personally don't think its worth it and don't really care what happens to everyone else.

Yes, we can afford it. No, we didnt "fail to plan for it" like "le trumpcucks" you describe, but I'm not sure why we should keep paying for it, so enjoy watching your obamacare exchanges collapse when they stop getting bailed out.

>Obamacare disaster
>Consigned the Palestinians to becoming essentially penniless orphans, did nothing to try force peace with the Israelis
>Bombed middle east to smittereens with no political solution in sight
>Got out manouvered by Maliki in Irak. Didn't have the balls to make the right decision.
>Didn't get any real legislation through congress since 2012.
> No infrastructure project thats badly needed
> Public debt got even worse
> Doesn't matter now but dollar is fucked as it loses ground to the Euro and Chinese currency

He was an utter failure in every single way.

>genuinely evil

Drone strikes killing innocents. It was an unfortunate cost of war. Not everything goes smoothly in the Middle East. But the drone strikes were the right thing to do. Sending boots on the ground would have made the instability even worse.

Obama didn't do anything other than Obamacare, which is a disaster. Congress did everything else.

For what its worth too, I really had hopes Obama would do things too. I realized the other day his public support was so high, he could've gone rogue and done everything Trump is doing but also some of what the left wants, and the neocucks would've been powerless to stop him due to public support. If he had stood for US economic interests as Trump is trying to, and succeeded, he would've easily been rushed to status as a greatest of presidents with a vast majority of the people behind him

Instead he basically let Nancy Pelosi tell him what do and now here we are

Just did, shits pretty surreal. On one hand he was "accused" of being a terrorist and an enemy combatant but roosevelt established the precedent when he personally tried and executed an american citizen which fought for the Germans in 1942. So go figure.

>more adventures in the desert
>leave the Middle East in worse shape than he found it

I have no idea how he managed to fuck that one up.

>mandate everyone purchase a product under penalty of law
>purged law enforcement training on radical Islam
>allowed several attacks to happen
>made race relations WORSE
>break the law and violate the 4th Amendment by engaging in political espionage

And on and on. He is not a real president because he has no discipline to attain it. The media covered for him every step of the way.

His name was Seth Rich

Thanks user, its fucking confusing how this shit is funded. With a whole world out there of successful public funded health care I wonder why it has become such a basket case in the US.

of course

Yeah, the major problem I have with it isn't exactly the killing, but the fact that he was in every single way a US citisen, and was denied his right to trial. If he had had a trial and was found guilty, then fine, kill his ass, but no trials for US citizens is a slippery fucking slope.

>formulate a grammatically sentence

Obongo was a worthless nigger

Holy fuck this board is just spammed with lefty garbage nonstop.

Obama presidency did literally nothing. Bailed out kikes and fucked the country over.

He didn't follow through on his promises that got him office either... remember the "pull troops out of the middle east" shit?

Yea, he didn't do that at all.

That fucking nigger needs to hang. OP is a massive lefty faggot.

(((Lobbyists))) user. Remember we had successful healthcare for many years too. Even now, much of that "15% of underinsured" are still much the same because they are either young or reckless and don't see the point in paying for Healthcare even when the costs have been subsidized as to be eminently affordable to them

This is all about big pharma getting a single payer without cost restriction regulations so they can make sure everyone pays 5000 for cheap antibiotics and the state will just eat it and fill their coffers.

Its basically the medical "industry" (materials more than personnel) trying to leech the government for infinite sums of money


NO responses to the most important comment in thread.

This site is full of kikery now.

Firing McChrystal
Iran Deal
UN Israel abstain
Narrative at Ferguson by marching AT THE BACK of the parade, not leading the country like he should have, putting race relations back 60 years

If you are "middle class" you don't get any discounts.

For my wife and I its about 1200 a month. If we had kids we would be looking at about 1800 or more a month.

ACA/Obamacare is a joke

>Hillary decides those right wing extremists in Alabama have gone too far
>drone strike

>Obama was actually pretty decent
>Voted as Worst President since WW2



>Ran an international spy network on allied countries

Exactly, and al-Awlaki was never even accused of any kind of physical violence. Only recruiting and "planning".

>Stacey and Eddie Albert lead pretty healthy lives. She's a nutritionist. He's a personal trainer. They rarely go to the doctor, other than their annual physicals.

>For years, they were covered by Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey. In 2013, they paid about $360 a month for a plan that met their needs.

>That all changed the following year, when Obamacare took effect. Their premium shot up to around $650 a month for a policy that came with pediatric dental coverage and maternity services -- benefits they didn't use or want since they don't have kids. They ended up dropping the plan after several months and even went a year without coverage for the first time in the decade they've been together, exactly the opposite of what Obamacare was supposed to do.


>liberal retards will still say "obama was, like, such a coooool guy" because they don't actually work or pay for shit themselves

Obama had 72 days of house and Senate majority during his first term in his whole two terms. That is when he passed Obamacare. He had no power To pass his legislation during the rest of his reign. The republicans made a point of blocking him at every turn. Whereas we now have Trump with a double majority, shit should be changing at a rate of fucking knots. Yet the republicans cant seem to figure out the health care issue. And the legislature passed that sanctions bill cucking the president so he can't normalised relations with russia with a double supermajority so the Pres couldn't veto. Now I'm not shilling for Obama, but when he had the opportunity to get shit done he got it done. The republicans and trump have had more than enough time to get some landmark legislation through making the country great again, what is going wrong?

Yup and if you turn 60+, even if you are the image of health, your rates go way up.

Oh but if you're a drug-addled health risk, who constantly endangers themselves but you're POOR??! Well we gotta make sure you and your 6 kids are taken care of now! Don't want those PRIVILGED workers to more easily afford more kids and cheaper healthcare just because they eat salads and exercise now would we?

paging obama leaf

Ran one of the most criminal, unconstitutional administrations in recent memory. Everyday we're slowly seeing the corruption and crimes, funneled tax payer dollars to radical left wing groups.
Literal puppet of the deep state.

Hillary could literally identify any post/board or discord that had comments about wanting her hanged and bring the full weight of the system at them.


He lied about Saddam having weapons of mass destruction and intentionally ignored multiple intelligence reports about an incoming terrrorist attack which ended up killing thousands all so he could plunge us into a war for oil. Oh wait.

He did pull troops out of the middle East and replaced them with drones.

I have no fucking idea? We had a bail out here as well our government bailed out the people, gave us all $900 the banks got fuck all. You cunts bailed out the banks and shit got worse for the country.
After the GFC it was decided whatvthe australian method of dealing with the GFC was superior to the American.

The republicans blocked him because he was cucking out and letting Nancy Pelosi do WHATEVER she wanted instead of governing like a centrist.

The stimulus bill he originally wrote was hijacked by feminists who made sure half the money went to women, which made it a failure at reviving male-dominated construction industries. If Obama had actually stepped up and told the Democrats to fuck off and get it right it would have earned a ton of respect from Rs and when it actually WORKED OUT people wouldve hailed him a hero.
>but it would have hurt his dem base
Yeah right, they werent gonna vote to re elect the first black president against a MORMON just because

Instead what he did was 100% sycophantic to upper dem interests from the beginning, Rs saw that and rightfully spent 8 years trying to block it

>He lied about Saddam having weapons of mass destruction..
Are you faggots still whining about this? Educate yourself, honestly. Kek
Chemical weapons are WMDs by the way. Bill Clinton also ignored intelligence reports that allowed Bin Laden to move freely around the US when the papers were on his desk. Where's your proof that Bush ever did the same? This shit is like common knowledge at this point and you sound like a senile boomer ranting and raving and waving your cane around.

Archive or screenshot please unvis.it/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/12/03/world/middleeast/chemical-weapons-iraq-pentagon-secrets.html

Holy shit, you know your stuff.

>Obama had 72 days of house and Senate majority during his first term in his whole two terms. That is when he passed Obamacare. He had no power To pass his legislation during the rest of his reign.
False. O had the House & Senate (57 seats) concurrently for two full years. Obama was sworn in January 2009 and Democrats held the House from January 2007 until January 2011. They also held the Senate from January 2007 until January 2015 and Harry Reid ran a much, much tighter, lock-stepping ship for O than McConnell ever has or will for Trump.

You need to understand something else about republicans vs democrats

The Republicans have a wide swath of ideology within the same party, and generally have to "band together" like a Dothraki horde of tribes (or Umman Manda, if you dont get the GoT reference)

Democrats on the other hand (save for a few bluedog dem exceptions) have more of an unwavering lockstep dedication to the advancement of the wider ideology, and as such will rubber stamp things without fighting them because they want guaranteed wins (like you're talking about)

Identity politics however has accelerated a change where now the democratic party is beginning to splinter into different identity groups and factions (making it more like the repubs), this is actually a good thing because we should be interested in having a very robust debate on these issues, not just having to JAM shit through along party lines and then do it again in reverse 8 years from then (where we are now)

Wrong pres son that was bush jr. I actually dislike him more than Obama, purely for the fact that he fucking smiled when he received the news the WTC had been hit.

>Feet up on desk
100% sign you're not a real businessman, and/or qualified for the job.

King nig started working at 10 AM.

There's no doubt Aussies are smarter than the American underclass that allowed bank bailouts to occur and the only outcry was "le occupy"

The reasons why he was blocked dont matter user. My post is more about how he got shit done in his 72 days. But the Republican dominated legislature cant get shit done, and have actively attacked the president in legislation. I want to know why the republicans are squandering this opportunity.

Gracias, user. I've had to assist my parents & plenty of needy friends & family over the years with the maze of government & healthcare bureaucracy. I even had a job working with the disability side of the Social Security Administration after college for a while. At 25, I found it bleak and wanted to get out of an office so I left. My coworkers were as libtarded as the stereotypes about federal employees tend to indicate. Hindsight being 20/20, it was a gravy federal job and I passed up the opportunity to be one of the few conservatives on the inside, basically, /ourguy/ in the federal workforce.